MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #4

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It is physically impossible for a shot from the back to hit someone in the forearm. Why do you think it is called the FORE arm?

Fore as in fore arm doesn't mean front of the arm. In anatomy it is the part of the arm made up of the radius and ulna. The forearm has four planes, anterior, posterior, medial and lateral. During autopsy the victim lays with arms positioned palm up and the plane of the forearm that also faces the same direction as the palm is the anterior forearm.
Strange that the county ME report details wounds to the head and chest not head and right arm as reported by Dr Baden.

Do you have a link to the county ME report? Thanks
I believe that the forearm wound was caused when Brown was rushing at/advancing upon Wilson.

But I allow for the possibility that that specific wound could have been received from behind. Although it does not line up with the other injuries IMO which appear more clear cut as having come from the front. But I do not claim that forearm was not possible from behind.

Everyone who doubts it's possible stand up please. Now place your hand on your hip. Where is your forearm pointing/facing? To your rear.

Possible yes. Likely - I think no, based on the other wounds, the placement, the grazing wounds etc make it more likely that all the shots came from the front. That is my opinion. I do not confuse it with fact though. It is simply more cow talk.
There is a saying in medicine and healthcare that when you hear hoof beats, look for horses, not zebras. Media likes to ignore the stampeding horses, and go to extraordinary lengths to try to manufacture a hidden zebra. IMO. This article, with its headline, is a perfect example of that. And a perfect example of extraordinary media bias.

The glaringly obvious information from Dr Baden's exam is that the shots came came from the front, and entered the front of the victim. Any other interpretation is reaching, in the extreme. IMO, and in Dr Baden's opinion, apparently. There is just no way to make this into a "shot in the back" situation. Nope.

But I agree with others that the truth is irrelevant to those with an agenda. It's just an inconvenience to be suppressed and ignored. There is no truth bold enough, or big enough, or clear enough, for those that believe MB was innocent and the offer murdered him. The truth just doesn't matter to some people with a deeply entrenched agenda. IMO.

Thank you. This needs to be said over and over again.
It is difficult for me to think that Dr Baden would be incorrect. Dr Baden has stated all shots were to the front. Also,
"The autopsy by St. Louis County chief medical examiner Mary Case, released to state prosecutors late Friday, found that Brown, 18, had six gunshot wounds to the head and chest and was shot from the front, the people said."

AFAIK that autopsy has not been released yet.
If we think about the leaders authority figures have been schizophrenic ! In the beginning it looked like Iraq was a tea party. Then they do nothing while people looting 75 feet away. Then there is going to be a curfew but not really enforced, then there is a really in forced curfew. Then the Natonal garrod is coming - the guard is snot really coming to do much more than guard the command center , then the curfew is now off

Its Kinda like parenting consistency is number one!
Thank you. This needs to be said over and over again.

I guess so. Dr. Baden determined the shots entered his arms from the front. He actually examined the body. I'm not sure why some are trying to disagree with it.

Strange that the county ME report details wounds to the head and chest not head and right arm as reported by Dr Baden.

I think that could refer to the wound to the collarbone that was a result of the shot that hit the right eye. Just my opinion
If one were to stand with their arms in the same position as the autopsy diagrams, arms hanging down, palms facing forward, and with thumbs pointed outward, then take a sharpie, replicate the marks shown on the front diagram as closely as possible (specifically the spots on the arm and thumb/palm). Now, relax, move your arms around and see where those spots are when your arms are moved normally.

Without other information, in my opinion, it is not possible to absolutely determine much of anything other than, he was struck by six bullets.
msnbc ‏@msnbc · 3h ·

 Michael Brown family attorney on autopsy results: "This officer should have been arrested"

If he had not defied the officer, MB would have been arrested for strong-arm robbery of a store. And probably some other charges. I wish that had been the outcome & we had never heard his name.

If the facts of the investigation point to wrong-doing by the cop, he will be arrested. I hope & pray he is not arrested to appease a certain group! Justice & revenge are not the same.

I have to hand it to you LLL for hanging in here. Some posters who were so outspoken for your side of the argument have backed off. WS have differing opinions, but we come here & debate nicely... usually.
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Greg Jonsson ‏@Jonssonville 6m
Marchers demanding to get in Nixon's satellite office in downtown St. Louis #ferguson

The Organization of Black Struggle began marching to Nixon's satellite office in downtown St. Louis shortly after 3 p.m. About 50 people at Kiener Plaza, saying the activation of the National Guard will escalate the situation. They also want the removal of Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson, the arrest of Darren Wilson, the officer who shot and killed Michael Brown, as well as the appointment of a special investigator.
The wounds to face/head could have happened as MJ fell to his knees and bent forward in pain.

My thing with the autopsy is after 10 days of witness after witness protraying this as the officer is blasting away this kid as he is fleeing an officer of the law gives a different impression than learning that his back did not even have a scratch --I just have to disregard all the witnesses - it is not like this subltle (!) running away or toward in dayligh ought to result in consistancy. AUtopsy and endless eyewitness stuff do no t add up

The only thing that makes sense is the cops friend today and the autopsy they add up, make sense, and if they would just tell us if there was a bullet in the car that would confimr or invaladate the cops story.

If they would just release pics of officers injuries that would validate cops story.

There , at this point is no reason not to at least do that - worrying around influnecing witnesses when witness statements the last 10 days have been proven to be not only off but totally the opposite of science fact-- nothing on his back !
If one were to stand with their arms in the same position as the autopsy diagrams, arms hanging down, palms facing forward, and with thumbs pointed outward, then take a sharpie, replicate the marks shown on the front diagram as closely as possible (specifically the spots on the arm and thumb/palm). Now, relax, move your arms around and see where those spots are when your arms are moved normally.

Without other information, in my opinion, it is not possible to absolutely determine much of anything other than, he was struck by six bullets.

I think the two shots in the head can said to be in the front of the head or a forward leaning position. Not in the back of the head. Therefore, IMO, it is more likely the arm shots were also while he was in a forward position.
Sounds like this Obama presser is going to be more about Iraq and other things--not much about Ferguson.

(Somebody help me, I almost put a hashtag in front of Ferguson. On Twitter, much?:blushing: )

:giggle: I needed that, thanks :loveyou:
Here we go we need autopsy autopsy autopsy ---- get autopsy -- now its we have to wait until it all comes out . WHen officers statement comes out it will probably be called a lie. We need to rememver that in 4 years, in a predomidatly african american community we have not heard any "racial" issues
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