MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #4

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Just struck me the media is all focusing on the wounds --- the real curious item here ought to only be :

why is his back totally clean

IMO that is far more important question!

This is why his friends statements and the other 2 have been put into serious question IMO.
I have a question about firearms/shooting etc. in an animal or human situation.

When you fire a gun at a moving "target" (for lack of a better word), would the velocity of the bullet hitting said target cause the target to pitch forward or blow backwards?

Does it depend on where the bullet strikes as to the forward/backward motion?

Does it depend from how far away the shot was fired?

Thank you for answering my questions. I am just trying to figure out the "body" response and how it would be in this case.
But, if he was rushing towards the cop (as has been asserted), it makes sense that he fell forward instead of backwards. If he had his hands in the air (in surrender), IMHO, he would more likely have fallen backwards. I think that the autopsy actually follows LE's version of events. He was rushing forward, LE shot at him (hit his arms), he kept rushing, the final shot hits his head and drops him.

I have been trying to figure out how to word this without insulting anyone so I hope it comes across how I am intending it. (Regarding the right arm issue)

Josie says that MB was taunting Wilson before "bum-rushing" him. Usually I'm good with picturing situations such as these and in my mind's eye, I can see the way MB's arms would be during said taunting.

I am NOT saying this happened, but just picture MB taunting Wilson, perhaps saying, "What you gonna to do? What? What?", with both arms half up, kind of shrugging and his arms are spread out a bit.

ARGH! I don't know if I can explain this correctly without saying exactly what I want to say.

I'm trying to find a pic or video of what I mean.

That is how I was picturing his stance. I didn't know how to explain it either. You did much better than I.
I guess so. Dr. Baden determined the shots entered his arms from the front. He actually examined the body. I'm not sure why some are trying to disagree with it.

That is not actually what he said. He said that the injuries are in the front. But that the arms are mobile. Same thing that Cyril Wecht said today. It is possible that he was shot in the arm from behind. If he was running his arm would have most likely been facing front side back at some point. So it is possible. The wounds are on the front of the arms yes but they could have been facing back when he was shot.
If the deceased was running **away** from police, there's no way his body would be where it's depicted--in the middle of the road like it is.

The wounds to face/head could have happened as MJ fell to his knees and bent forward in pain.

My thing with the autopsy is after 10 days of witness after witness protraying this as the officer is blasting away this kid as he is fleeing an officer of the law gives a different impression than learning that his back did not even have a scratch --I just have to disregard all the witnesses - it is not like this subltle (!) running away or toward in dayligh ought to result in consistancy. AUtopsy and endless eyewitness stuff do no t add up

The only thing that makes sense is the cops friend today and the autopsy they add up, make sense, and if they would just tell us if there was a bullet in the car that would confimr or invaladate the cops story.

If they would just release pics of officers injuries that would validate cops story.

There , at this point is no reason not to at least do that - worrying around influnecing witnesses when witness statements the last 10 days have been proven to be not only off but totally the opposite of science fact-- nothing on his back !

BBM- It wouldn't make any difference if they did. Many aren't interested in the truth. They want officer Wilson arrested and charged because he killed Michael Brown. They don't care what really happened.IMO
He was not shot when he was on the ground. There are no witnesses that say that. He was up when he received the shots. The head shot is the one that killed him and took him down.

The attorney said otherwise. One of the shots entered the top of his head and out his eye according to the autopsy. Because Michael was taller than the officer I don't believe it would have been possible for him not to have been kneeling or slumped in someway for the bullet to follow the path it did. IMO
If he were standing still with arms up, would he have fallen backward or forward?

Great question.

I think we would need to know more about the bullets and firearm used. But I would think that if MB was shot while advancing forward, he would fall forward. But if he was standing still, I would think he would fall backwards.

I'm interested to hear what other members who have more knowledge than me about firearms have to say.
That is not actually what he said. He said that the injuries are in the front. But that the arms are mobile. Same thing that Cyril Wecht said today. It is possible that he was shot in the arm from behind. If he was running his arm would have most likely been facing front side back at some point. So it is possible. The wounds are on the front of the arms yes but they could have been facing back when he was shot.

Pose post link re: Wecht commenting on this case. I don't recall hearing anything about that, or that he had access to autopsy findings. TIA
I believe that the forearm wound was caused when Brown was rushing at/advancing upon Wilson.

But I allow for the possibility that that specific wound could have been received from behind. Although it does not line up with the other injuries IMO which appear more clear cut as having come from the front. But I do not claim that forearm was not possible from behind.

Everyone who doubts it's possible stand up please. Now place your hand on your hip. Where is your forearm pointing/facing? To your rear.

Possible yes. Likely - I think no, based on the other wounds, the placement, the grazing wounds etc make it more likely that all the shots came from the front. That is my opinion. I do not confuse it with fact though. It is simply more cow talk.

I don't even think it's possible if MB is FLEEING, as some are saying he was. Where would his arm have to be in order to sustain a gunshot wound, from behind, while fleeing? Wouldn't he be running? Don't most people run with the arms close to their body and their fists clinched? Even if he didn't assume the typical runner stance and had his arms flailing in front of him, fleeing, it's still impossible to have a bullet hit him from behind in the forearm.

Look at the autopsy bullet trail- it travels up the body. In order for MB to have been FLEEING and shot from behind in that ONE place, he would have turned around after being shot and his "affected arm" would now be on the opposite side of where he was originally shot. The officer would then have had to physically switch where he was shooting at- the path would not have been directly up the arm on the same side, not possible in that adrenaline rush. It's too straight of a path for all of that to have happened.

Impossible. All shots were from the front. MB was charging, just as the officer said. Just as the person was overheard saying in that video.
Is that because white people are racist or because it's a reputation that's been earned?

Not at all. He said it in the context of the people in their own communities can fear young men of color because they are their prey. Kinda like that shop keeper who looked like he feared Michael Brown. Obama acknowledged there is a problem in communities and there needs to be a coming together of schools, churches, parents, community leaders to find solutions.

I do wonder if Brown and Wilson had previous encounters because on the video it sure appeared Brown had previously encountered the clerk. Wilson was called from another call in the same part of town so if that is his regular patrol sector, perhaps these two had a history of confrontation. I can't figure out a better explanation for Brown's alleged taunting of him and then bum-rushed him. He basically did the same thing with the clerk. He left and then doubled-back to get in his face.

When I finally fell asleep early this morning all I did was dream I was watching live feed from Ferguson, MO. :lol:
The attorney said otherwise. One of the shots entered the top of his head and out his eye according to the autopsy. Because Michael was taller than the officer I don't believe it would have been possible for him not to have been kneeling or slumped in someway for the bullet to follow the path it did. IMO

It is not possible. He is a lawyer not an ME or a dr.

It is not possible even using the supporting witnesses.

He was shot with his head down and forward and way down because it went through his head exited out his eye and then back through his chest.
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