My 8-year-old niece (9 soon) is a Haley. My heart hurts so bad for Hailey Owens. Haley ( my niece) was 2-years-old when Caylee's story broke. Same age as Caylee. Certain cases hurt ( although ALL are important) when you have a personal attachment. Age? Name? Etc...
My 8 year old niece (Haley) just got diagnosed with Lupus. It HURTS to know that this poor child has a life long disease. However... I would take that diagnosis before I would ever take the pain and suffering that Hailey's family is dealing with. My niece's disease is semi manageable. There is treatment ( for most). I would probably DIE of extreme stress IF this had happened to my Haley.
My niece, Stephanie, was the same age ( 11) as Carlie Brucia ( sorry if I spelled it wrong) when she was abducted, raped, and murdered in Sarasota, Florida. I made my niece watch the video of Carlie's abduction over and over again. Poor Carlie was an example of what NOT to do. Although her innocent life was lost... it gave me a platform for my own niece. Of what NOT to do if you are ever confronted by a stranger. Unfortunately for Hailey... she was actually grabbed and forced intoa car which, statistically, reduces the chance of survival.
However, both my nieces, have been taught ( as HORRIFIC as it seems) that IF they are ever in that kind of situation too FIGHT so hard that there will be DNA evidence. Never to actually surrender to go anywhere. Tell them to kill you right there and then because they are going to kill you anyways. Does it suck to have this conversation with children??? Hell yes!!! But it is important.