MO - Kara Kopetsky, 17 - 2007; Jessica Runions, 21 - 2016; found deceased - *ARREST*

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It seems like forever waiting for the ID of the other set of remains. I hope identification really comes before the end of june. i have been following both girls cases since mid january and keep refreshing google with their names hoping the world gets the answers we have been waiting for. i hope both familys get justice

ID wont come in till late July, according to a officer I spoke with (he estimated time). He worked the original Kopatskey case too, so when they found the remains he got dragged into it and it hit him pretty hard.

I wonder if the other body found nearby was conmected.
ID wont come in till late July, according to a officer I spoke with (he estimated time). He worked the original Kopatskey case too, so when they found the remains he got dragged into it and it hit him pretty hard.

I wonder if the other body found nearby was conmected.

Welcome BenKC. :)

ID wont come in till late July, according to a officer I spoke with (he estimated time). He worked the original Kopatskey case too, so when they found the remains he got dragged into it and it hit him pretty hard.

I wonder if the other body found nearby was conmected.

Hey Ben!

I am so glad you have joined us here.
Ot, watching a "Snapped" episode where it took five months to identify remains, and then, only by x-rays showing an old injury (ironically inflicted by the wife previously, who later murdered him.) They found almost his full skeleton but for some reason were unable to obtain DNA, apparently.
I do not think that is Alfred Yust being quoted there, but the maternal grandfather.
I believe it was JC grandfather. Just found the statement a little odd.
I believe it was JC grandfather. Just found the statement a little odd.

It is odd. However, I have family that live down in Camdenton which is not too far from Benton County. I think it's basically a very quiet, rural, farming-type community.

A bigger city would be more accustomed to the hubbub, but like the guy in the video said, those small communities really do not like strangers wandering around trying to get information, unless maybe it's on their terms. Very nice people generally down there but I'd hesitate to go knock on someone's door if I didn't know them or they didn't know I was coming. The media would be seen as an unwelcome intrusion.

I'd bet if the reporter had tried to question a neighbor instead of the grandfather, they'd get the same type of response. Still seems like a sketchy comment, though, given the circumstances.

If you're really interested, you can sort of get a feel for the area's culture watching this video. Lots of history down there:

I live a few hours south and have been to KC area several times and I agree with your statement about it being rural and people don't like the intruders. There are a lot of people around me like that also. I just find the wording to be odd considering the circumstances. Most people I know either wouldn't answer the door to media or would just say no comment. I can't picture them saying that we don't like nosey people. But I know some guys that are very blunt and sound mean when they don't mean to. Just their personality and the way they talk.
I have to agree. Having been raised and lived in Missouri my entire life, people are not apt to talk about something like this. It's a scary thing to think about; I know a lot of people here still hold to the rigid belief that things like this don't happen in small towns, let alone their own.
Jessep is out of jail again in Henry County. He was released on his own recognizance, which just means he had to sign something agreeing to show up for all of his court dates. He likely also had to agree to some other stipulations, like staying away from his victim.

I'm not sure if I can post this here, but on FB Jessep goes by Doc Diggz. He posted a comment tonight on one of the news articles about Jessica on the 41 Action News-KSHB-TV FB page. If you go on FB and type Kylr Yust's brother charged, it should be one of the first articles that pops up. His should be one of the first ten comments or so.
Someone had asked awhile back and we couldn't link it because it is technically Crystal's profile. Since he is in the middle of a court case involving a DA against her I find it super weird that he is using Facebook on her profile or that she would post for or as him. LOTs of interesting comments there though, thanks for the head's up!

Here is the direct link

What a ding a ling to even reply . I bet his attorney isn't very happy .

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nothing new really but happy to see it's still getting attention. (Can't seem to link directly to the video, apologies.)

Nothing new really but happy to see it's still getting attention. (Can't seem to link directly to the video, apologies.)

:tyou: I imagine this case will get attention until it's completion, and after. It's one of those that just grabs at people and demands attention. With Kara missing for so long, people want answers and they want vindication and justice. It's gone a little quiet right now in the area as far as updates though.

I imagine once they reveal the identity of the second set of remains and get moving on potential murder charges and accomplice charges, etc., and the trial for the burning of the car, we'll have no lack of updates.

I'm assuming that the silence from the media is because LE have shut them out to some degree. I think they want to build a solid case before letting anyone in on what they're doing. Every few years there seems to be a big case that gets the media's attention. I think this will be one of them. They have to know once they let case information to the press, it's going to be a full three ring circus that won't shut down until justice is served.
Just wanted to bump again for the girls. Don't know about anyone else but I feel like I'm waiting on pins and needles for news. I check news for them every day and there's been nothing new for so long. I had been feeling that we might get answers about the second set of remains this month, but it's easy to start to lose hope when there's been nothing for so long. I can't imagine what the girls' families go through with this waiting. Hoping we get some answers for the girls soon and we get some movement in their cases, and praying for peace for their families.
Thanks to everyone who still follow for them, and keep this thread going for them. :grouphug:
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