Hi, first time poster here! I'm obsessed with this case and I'm wondering how his level of intoxication will come into play. Does anyone have any thoughts about it? Will it help in a conviction or hinder?
Fair enough. Maybe it would impact how he is charged?
Ok, thank you! It just seems like he skates on most of the things he's done and would hate to see that happen again.
Ok, thank you! It just seems like he skates on most of the things he's done and would hate to see that happen again.
Ok, thank you! It just seems like he skates on most of the things he's done and would hate to see that happen again.
First degree murder is so difficult to prove. I think we will see a send degree murder if we're lucky. I think they will plea or try if it's not a rock solid case.
Is this a death penalty state? Also if he's charged with both murders couldn't he serve 30 for Jessica and then 30 for Kara.
Yes, Missouri is a death penalty state. I'm assuming he'd serve for both girls, but even with a max of 30 for both he could still get parole. I was basically going worst case scenario in my last post as far as his sentencing. But even 60 years is not enough IMO.
I had a dream about Kara last night. I hope her family gets answers soon.
The state of this kind of forensic science is really sad and surprising. It makes me even more irate at the college professor that told me CSI was just for TV and no point doing it as a career. I personally think there are way too many psych degrees and too little scientists.
No update at all at the end of the old Disappeared show. But it reminded me of how much I admire the Beckfords. They were very supportive of Kelsey Smith's family just as they have been for Jessica's. It would be nice if the universe could pay that back by giving them some justice for their daughter.