MO MO - Kara Kopetsky, 17, Belton, 4 May 2007 - #2

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I think they should really start searching in St. Louis. I've been hearing from several people here that she went off to St. Louis to be with a guy. I really think Belton police should contact St. Louis and tell them to maybe start searching out there or even just put fliers of her out there so people will be on the look out for her if she did just run away.
I think they should really start searching in St. Louis. I've been hearing from several people here that she went off to St. Louis to be with a guy. I really think Belton police should contact St. Louis and tell them to maybe start searching out there or even just put fliers of her out there so people will be on the look out for her if she did just run away.

If she just ran away she must be a very stubborn young gal.
Someone who apparently knew/ knows her has to know she is
missing & would of gotten word to her to call her family. Nobody
in there right mind would let there family suffer that long!
I agree SS if her own family isn't willing to make a phone call LE will do nothing.
Her dad said something to the affect the if Kara wants to come home but sees her face out there and her name it might stop her from coming home or calling. Well if she is checking to see if anyone is looking for her and sees nothing what is she going to think? It can work both ways. I wouldn't worry about it stopping her from contacting her parents or coming home. If that was my daughter my goal would be to find her and I would do everything in my power to find her. If LE wouldn't ask Tim Miller and Co to come and search then I would do it and I would call everyother search place that I could find.
I just don't understand these parents. It reminds me of Beth Smith's minister husband and her parents. What in the world is wrong with these people?????
I think they should really start searching in St. Louis. I've been hearing from several people here that she went off to St. Louis to be with a guy. I really think Belton police should contact St. Louis and tell them to maybe start searching out there or even just put fliers of her out there so people will be on the look out for her if she did just run away.

Anything more specific than that? I'm in the St Louis metro are and would gladly put up posters if there is one but would probably need a more specific area because, believe it or not, St Louis is a big place with all the suburbs.
Busy, you are an angel!!! Hope you are feeling good.

Before I say what I am about to say I want FKK to know That I am sorry. I just love that girl and dont want her to be mad with what i am about to say. I have held this back as long as I can and as most of you know my level of frustration has grown quite a bit over these past couple of weeks. With that said...

Why are her parents not doing anything productive to find their daughter?? I know I and others here have spent many a nights searching for ways to help them along. I know FKK is passing this info onto them! Why no searches, why no news, why does everyone who does want to help get told it must come from the parents( i do know this one per law and all) Why is the only thing being done is fundraisers? Where does this money go?? It doesnt seem to me to be being used to find her. Hell I know for a fact 3 people who are willing to help them for free if they would just call.

I know you guys will hopefully set me straight on this one. And again I really dont want anyone to be mad for what I said, I just cant stop feeling this way.

Thank you Indy for finally saying what many of us were not courageous enough to say. I am really concerned for Kara. We do not know what goes on behind closed doors for the search for Kara, but what is being seen by the public eye is not flattering so far. I see tons of fundraisers, and no searches. I wonder if they are maybe going to use that money for a private investigater?

I did contact her biological father via myspace a few months ago. I do not have the original message anymore because I didn't realize at the time that myspace automatically deletes them after a certain amount of time. I will not say what his response was to my message, but it too was not the response I expected.

I really don't want to offend her family, only help them. Unfortunately, we can't force our help on them and it is very frustrating.
Anything more specific than that? I'm in the St Louis metro are and would gladly put up posters if there is one but would probably need a more specific area because, believe it or not, St Louis is a big place with all the suburbs.

No im sorry i dont have a specific area. I just keep hearing "oh thats the chick that ran off to st. louis to be with a guy shes not suppose to" . So maybe thats what her parents believe also?! I dont know, but i think runway or abducted she needs to be FOUND. It seems that there are more posters here worried about Kara, than her parents & LE.
No im sorry i dont have a specific area. I just keep hearing "oh thats the chick that ran off to st. louis to be with a guy shes not suppose to" . So maybe thats what her parents believe also?! I dont know, but i think runway or abducted she needs to be FOUND. It seems that there are more posters here worried about Kara, than her parents & LE.
From what I know her parents do not believe that she ran away, at least last I heard. WOW I cant believe there are so many people talking in your city about Kara, seeing how she lived in a seperate state and all. Had kara been to your state, is this how people there know her???
Hmm maybe its because she was all over the news after Kelsey Smith. I never said 'so many people are talking about her' Im just saying several people have said that.

Plus, i live in a college town here. Meaning alot of people from different parts of KS & MO.
Hmm maybe its because she was all over the news after Kelsey Smith. I never said 'so people are talking about her' Im just saying several people have said that.

Plus, i live in a college town here. Meaning alot of people from different parts of KS & MO.
Oh well I just took you saying Several People (meaning more than one) were saying she ran away with a guy, I take that as people are talking about her. I didnt understand that you lived in a college town and that may explain how people there would know of Kara. But the way I read your post just now am I right to assume these people you speak of dont know Kara except from the news??
Yes. I dont know anyone who knows her personally. So the St.Louis thing is just a rumor, but i still think they should check it out. It couldnt hurt.
Yes. I dont know anyone who knows her personally. So the St.Louis thing is just a rumor, but i still think they should check it out. It couldnt hurt.
While you are right it couldnt hurt, they way you said it made me think in your first post that these people knew her. Thats why I had to ask. So these people do NOT know her except from the news.
I didnt realize you lived in a college town, I thought you lived in Olathe. I am curious are there any flyers up or anything in the town you live in? I live in the Leawood area and I havent seen one flyer for Kara in Overland Park, Olathe, or Leawood which really frustrates me. I know with it being summer and all the college towns are pretty much desserted but it would be a great place to get her face out where there are other kids and such. You never know if someone would recognize her face or something from a party or kids coming back to school would recognize her from the area that they live in.

Hmm maybe its because she was all over the news after Kelsey Smith. I never said 'so many people are talking about her' Im just saying several people have said that.

Plus, i live in a college town here. Meaning alot of people from different parts of KS & MO.
I was raised in Olathe and just moved to Lawrence to attend KU. I've only seen ONE flyer down here at a bar called "The Hawk" but there was rude comments written all over it and it was eventually torn down. & I've not seen any others.
Hope you have a great experience at KU. All of my kids attended KU (the last will graduate next spring). So are you living in a dorm? My boys went the frat house route...and went straight to those...but my daughter lived in Lewis Hall the first year, and then moved to her sorority house. Are you going through rush?
Thanks! :) No im not doing rush. I debated on it forever and finally decided no for now. Me & my best friend got an apartment together.
Thanks! :) No im not doing rush. I debated on it forever and finally decided no for now. Me & my best friend got an apartment together.

My boys have lived at a couple of different apartments (after the frat house), both out past Kasold. Have a good time...KU is really a great college. I just love shopping in the old downtown. So many really neat little shops.
Lawrence! Do you know a band called, "Anything But Joey"? If not, check 'em out. They are great! Lawrence is their hometown and they play around there a least, since they got back together again. LOL

You need to download some posters and get them up around campus plus the bars there. You never know who may have seen Kara or where!
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