MO MO - Kara Kopetsky, 17, Belton, 4 May 2007 - #3

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Also on that site a person who claims to be her cousin says a lot. If you have not read, maybe you should. There are only 62 comments. I noticed there are a few who feel as we do about the fam.
Sure could be. Seems like he is wanting to point everyone in another direction either the old bf or now she has run away. I find that very suspicious. It is good that this "Davis" person is working with LE! Maybe they are keeping this person in the investigation for a reason. Hmmmm.

SS, I can't say that anything has made me particularly suspicious of Davis, but as with all cases, I try to keep an open mind, so I also can't say I haven't let my mind wonder about him. But I will say, that if he knows where Kara is and is keeping it secret, it would be pretty stupid of him to leave those messages on topix. If he told the police he doesn't know where Kara is, and then they trace those messages back to his IP address, can't they charge him with Obstructing Justice or Hindering an Investigation, Falsifying information etc?
You would think, huh?! But remember...LE isn't pushing this investigation, imo. I doubt they even would respond to such a thing.
Well I am happy to see my post got people thinking about Kara again. No let me correct that, writing about Kara again, I am sure she was never forgotten by a single one of you.

Like stillhopping I have a couple of sources who were very close to Kara, but not family members.

My sources confirm stillhopping’s account about the young man talking to Kara the morning of the 4th and telling her to stay in school. (Kara was known to skip on occasion)

The phone call stillhopping mentioned was one of at least three Kara made after talking to her mother, but it was not the last one. All three calls were to young men she knew.

A number of you mentioned Kylr and his passing a LD test as well as having a alibi.

His alibi for the day in question is two-fold. In the morning he says he was at a hospital visiting a sick relative. This should be easy to verify as he would have been seen by doctors, nurses, receptionist etc. The second part is a bit more problematic as he says he was with fellow band members practicing. I have never seen a story that backs that up but it does not mean that the police have not done so.

Several of you have said LE has said Kylr passed a polygraph test. I have not seen a story that says that.( this does not mean there is not one, just that I have not seen one)

In the one I read kryle says that he took and passed one then goes on to say ask the police about it. I do not believe the police are ever quoted as saying he passed, at least not in the story I saw.

What struck me about this story was that Kylr said very little about Kara. He spent most of the time talking about himself and how hard things were for him. If you did not know better you would have felt that he had been the victim of foul play, not Kara.

I do not believe for a second that she ran away. Unfortunately I do believe she met with foul play and is no longer with us.

Who do I think did this?

One of the three people she talked to after her mom. Probably the last one. I do believe there is a chance more then one person knows what happened to Kara, but up till now they have been unwilling to tell LE what they know.
You would think, huh?! But remember...LE isn't pushing this investigation, imo. I doubt they even would respond to such a thing.

You have a point there.

One thing I don't understand is news reports have stated that LE could not make Kara come home if they found her, because at 17 she is of legal age to be on her own. How can she be classified as a runaway, if she is not legally required to be under parental supervision?
[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]From my conversations with a friend of Kara's: (I copied this from my post on another forum

Some questions:
Anyone know whether or not that they found any video of her at the school or anywhere else? 1. Yes, she was last seen with my friend, Timmy, at a water fountain. He said she was normal as ever, no odd signs.

Have the parents gone thru everything to narrow down what she had with her? I'm not sure how detailed they have narrowed down her supplies, but they know she left her brand new Ipod, and her phone charger.

Has anything been found that she had with her. (On the road, in the woods, etc.)? Not that I know of.

Did Law Enforcement attempt triangulating cell phone pings (if possible)? Her cell phone has had NO activity since she vanished.

Is the ex BF being investigated more than just being given a polygraph exam? Not as much as he should be, I know he knows something.

What was the reason for the Restraining Order? Was it the kidnapping incident, or were there other things that happened? The kidnapping. He took her for about 3-4 miles before she jumped out of his moving truck. I was there 5 min after, ready to beat the "expletive" piss out of him, but he left.

Has there been any other sightings besides the one?
Not that I know of.
I find it interesting this person was able to track her down in five minutes and was ready to beat the ex-bf up. How did he get there so quickly? Was he following them? How would he know that she was being held against her will? A lot of questions in that.
Peter J.,

I totally agree with your view of Kylr from his interview. I found it eerie that he kept trying to talk about himself, rather than Kara. I also could not make sense of his comment about slashing his wrist the night he "held her against her will"

I think most of us would agree that if someone we loved was hurting themselves, we would probably NOT want to leave them alone. So I have a hard time believing that whole incident was about Kylr trying to kill himself and Kara was trying to leave throughout the ordeal. If Kylr did try to kill himself, I think it was more likely a manipulation ploy to keep Kara there. It just doesn't add up for me.
I find it interesting this person was able to track her down in five minutes and was ready to beat the ex-bf up. How did he get there so quickly? Was he following them? How would he know that she was being held against her will? A lot of questions in that.

Very good questions that never entered my mind.
So Peter, why can't you tell us who the other two calls were made to? I am sure LE is aware of them since they would be on her phone. Maybe making them public would serve the purpose of applying pressure on the people to do the right thing by talking to LE.
Hi Hopping,
I don't know who the second person is and while I have been told who the last one was it was phrased as, "I think it was****", it was far from a declarative statement. Because it was phrased that way I do not feel it is proper to single this person out.

Before I give everyone something more to ponder I should state that I am not a PI, ex-cop, lawyer or reporter although I have a number of friends who are. You can get a better understanding as to who I am and my interests by going to my MySpace page at:

A quick answer for those of you who take a look at my picture page. The section Murder Victims are all people I have posted about. A number of those pictures are there at the request of family members. They don’t want their loved-ones to be forgotten.

In looking into Kara’s case I used MySpace in a effort to get a better understanding as to who Kara was as well as her friends. I spent a few days looking at a few hundred people both on Kara’s friends list as well as others who were friends of her friends.

The men on these pages are interesting. I have never seen such a large group of anti-social, narcissistic, and in some cases misogynistic, people in one central place on MySpace. This search did not narrow the list of people of interest, it just expanded it.

I don’t want to imply that every man I looked at fits this description, many did not, but the number that did was weird, and troubling.

In looking into Kara’s boyfriends background I took a look at his page. The following is a letter I sent to a friend. That person’s name as well as the young woman who is the focus of this letter has been redacted. I should also tell you that my conclusions were based just on what his page and his interaction with this young woman indicated to me. I have heard from some of Kara’s friends who tell me Kylr is a great guy. So take this information in context with those contrary observations.

I should also point out that I am 59, so my observations may reflect generational differences.

Hi (Redacted,)

I did a bit of snooping on Kylr's MySpace page here is something I found.

In Kylr’s comment section earlier this year A girl with the MySpace Nic (“Redacted”) flirted with him. It would appear they hooked up, what is interesting is what followed. From Kylr’s only blog entry dated July 15 2007

“please point me in the right direction.
I can feel it, that emotion that longs to be held, to be wanted. I miss love, it seems to be fleeing this town.
I’m open at this point to try anything I don't want perfect, I want someone for them. and I want someone to want me for me.
I’m tired of flings, I want love. honesty. cute. dorky. fun. smart. if you fit this description let me know K”

Reply From 17 year-old girl called (“Redacted”) August 4 2007

“too bad you never gave me a second chance. I really like you but you said all you wanted was a **** buddy and I was lonely. plus we had fun yesterday you cant deny that.”
(note that while Kylr professes the desire for true love, when offered it, he tell this person something different. Also note the timeframe)

From a Oct 2007 blog entry by this same woman

Comment on her blog page Oct 7 2007

This blog entry deals for the most part about her disillusionment over being able to find the right guy. That is not that unusual, there are a million such posts from 17 year-olds on MySpace but in the middle is this statement.

“so turns out the body found by the highway wasn’t Kara. What’s scary is the vicinity of the body to her exes *new* house. and the fact that 2 days before she went missing a restraining order was put against him to stay away from her, I actually just found that out. Kylr…”

(Note that she is saying this in Oct. She has know him since early summer and it would appear had sex with him but he never told her about what happened, or at least was not 100% truthful)

Now these comments may just reflect teenage angst. Anger over unrequited love. But the tenor of her comments taken in the context of the timeframe involved suggest to me that she has a good handle on Kylr’s personality and it is further proof that he is not only a narcissist, but a manipulator as well. ……”


I see that you are Maelstrom from the other forum (will leave it at that). Nice to see you here and still having interest in Kara's case.

Very interesting clips from myspace blogs. I didn't realize that anyone had found a myspace for Kylr. They do seem to show that he is not too worried about Kara, at the very least. I guess I need to get into myspace this weekend and look around a bit more myself.

I still think we need to find a way to verify if Kylr has "friends in power" in Belton. It seems like a logical path to follow, if nothing else, just to finally eliminate him. I would also like to hear an official statement from someone other than Kylr, that he has taken and passed an LDT.

Anyone have any idea's on how to accomplish those things? Bombard the media with requests for stories? Bombard the Belton PD with demands for answers?


It's time to find answers and bring Kara home.
Yes, like yourself this case is never far from my mind.

I did a post for Kara on Jan. 4 titled the following; Kara Kopetsky.. Belton, Missouri.. Missing 8 months.. Today

I got back a number of PM’s from her friends. Here are a couple of samples that reflect their feelings.

Jan 4, 2008 2:26 PM
“I worked with her. I hope someone finds her soon…..”

Jan 9, 2008 3:25 PM
“I went to high school with Kara Kopetsky.
she was dating my best friend Kylr.
We really want her to be found and I think its great what you're doing.”
I am pretty sure that the name of Kylr Yust's band is "The Seraphim".

I googled it, and came up with a few hits on myspace and some on, but I cannot access either site while I am at work as they are blocked. I was hoping someone would check into those sites. Maybe we can get a better insight into Kylr's character.

Google: "The Seraphim" Kylr
I also found this forum where some of Kara's friends have posted. Post # 3 by Taylor on the 2nd page is interesting and is the same info that PHD gave me. I have not had the chance to read through all of this yet, so there may be more posts of interest here.

For anyone who can't view the site: Taylor basically states that Kara had called wanting to skip school and hang out. Then apparently Kylr answered her phone when Taylor called back, and told Taylor not to say anything about Kylr being with Kara that day.
(The wording is a little contradicting though)
It sounds like Kylr knows where she would be. Her parents didnt like him? So couldnt she have ran away to be with him? This reminds me of another girl that was missing and found recently. She wanted to marry her boyfriend and her parents wouldnt let her. The boyfriend was very convincing saying she wasnt with him and had no idea where she was. I pray this is the case with Kara.
It sounds like Kylr knows where she would be. Her parents didnt like him? So couldnt she have ran away to be with him? This reminds me of another girl that was missing and found recently. She wanted to marry her boyfriend and her parents wouldnt let her. The boyfriend was very convincing saying she wasnt with him and had no idea where she was. I pray this is the case with Kara.

Are you speaking of Vanessa (can't recall the last name right now) from PA? If so, do you know if it's been verified that she WAS found and WAS with Nick? Not to go OT too much.
Someone on the same thread I linked above ( posts that the sketch of the guy from Louisberg looks like someone named Jason Hails who is in the Belton Yearbook from 2003.

Comments about Kylr hitting Kara, telling Kara he has dreams about slitting her throat etc, Kylr being institutionalized on more than one occasion, etc.
You guys are amazing, Thanks to all the newest posters posting here helping out!

Can you post a link to kylers myspace, I dont think I have seen it
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