MO MO - Melissa Peskey, 40, shot and killed, Boonville, 13 Dec 2018

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
I suppose if the phone remained at his residence, whether he was asleep as he states, or whether he was out somewhere, technology couldn't prove otherwise.

If data had been obtained from his phone, and I'm pretty sure it has been, then if the phone "remained" at the residence, the police wouldn't have found evidence to the contrary.

It remains to be seen what this investigation uncovers.

I hope that the authorities find answers soon, for everyone's sake, especially the children's.

My heart is with the loved ones of Melissa.
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Another thing that has been unclear to me has been whether they called him on the home landline or on his cell or did they do both? Also, I would have thought the Missouri police would have notified the Sioux Fall police and the SF police would have gone out in person to notify RP that has wife was dead, especially since she died under strange circumstances. When their was a death in my family, the police came out and notified in person. Even when a family member was in the hospital, they informed that the relative was in the hospital, but would not give out details until we arrived at the hospital. (It was a serious illness). This happened in Houston. Is this just the difference in states or may it have been that the police did go to his residence?
Just seeing this article, going back to catch up, sure it’s been posted already:

Melissa Peskey Friend: "This Is Exactly What Melissa Said Would Happen To Her.
Updated: Jan 22, 2019 01:26 PM CST

“Now a friend of Melissa Peskey has come forward with evidence that Melissa was afraid of her husband Ryan and appeared to be trying to divorce him.”


“Now one of Melissa's friends has come forward to say Melissa asked her to speak out if anything ever happened to her.

"I am not convinced that whoever shot her---I will put it that way---that I am safe from that person," Melissa Peskey's friend said.”


“So, she said, 'I do have a place to go.' And she mentioned it was with her friend in South Carolina and she could go there. And that's where she felt she could go because it was further away."

Melissa's friend said after those texts, she had a long conversation on the phone with her.

"And it was during that conversation that she said what is making me come forward today. And that is, 'If anything ever happens to me, you have to promise me that you will let the police know that Ryan did this?' And I said, 'What do you mean?' And she said, 'He has threatened to shoot me or kill me and if anything ever happens, you have to promise me.' So I said, 'Okay I will.'”"

We know how accurate and important Shanann Watts’ friends involvement turned out to be. LE will be taking her input very seriously, moo.
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Very sad to hear this. Poor woman. Unfortunately, abused women leave these kinds of messages with friends and family. All too often, it ends up being true. Sounds like LE is taking this very seriously.

Reminds me of Nicole Simpson.



“"She told me that she had asked for a divorce from Ryan right before he went for deployment. And there were all kinds of problems from the minute she asked for the divorce, including the kids being put into the middle."”

So, re: the kids “being put in the middle”, this sounds like possibly there may have been conflict re: custody.

So, IF this is the case, then why would he risk harming the kids? If he wanted them? The above statement could in fact be his best defense.

Again, unless he’s of the mindset that “if I can’t have them nobody can”, which would lend itself to a CW/FA type of mindset. I’m not ready to make that leap yet, however, as I mentioned above, we saw how valuable Shanann’s friends were in her case as far as their instincts and involvement with investigators.

Again, to accept that her husband initiated her death, then that is to assume he was willing for the kids to be dead/injured as well. The only thing I can think of is if he (or be ordered a hitman) to take a shot when the vehicle was stopped which does not appear to be the case and even if then this would mean having their mother murdered in front of his kids.

To pull off a shooting all these hours away...yes it could be done, gps tracker, following her, etc...I still think the possibility still strongly exists that this could be a coincidence with the husband and this shooting was random. I know about abuse victims trying to escape and the timing is uncanny should all this be true what the friend is saying. I don’t disbelieve her. But this does not mean both things could not exist, a tragic coincidence.

But what a coincidence huh? If she was indeed literally running away to a friend’s house at that moment...we’ve seen some crazy coincidences on WS. Yes there’s Occam, and “if it walks like a duck...”, I’m just saying considering the shooting violence in this day and age as well as other shootings on either sides of this location, I don’t think a random shooting can be ruled out yet, especially because the kids were in the car, not to mention this has so many similarities to many random shootings I’ve studied in other cases.

Everything is jmo.
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I did not take "with the kids in the middle" as necessarily meaning that he wanted them, but as they were being used as pawns. If he had been away for awhile and she had already asked for the divorce, could she have been seeing someone else and he was going to use that against her? Or maybe there was another reason that he was going to try to use to make her think he would take the kids away from him. It could be a coincidence, and if so that would be the truest definition of a coindence. It obviously must be a difficult case since nobody is in custody yet.
I did not take "with the kids in the middle" as necessarily meaning that he wanted them, but as they were being used as pawns. If he had been away for awhile and she had already asked for the divorce, could she have been seeing someone else and he was going to use that against her? Or maybe there was another reason that he was going to try to use to make her think he would take the kids away from him. It could be a coincidence, and if so that would be the truest definition of a coindence. It obviously must be a difficult case since nobody is in custody yet.

Good point on your interpretation of the quote being “pawns” vs “wanting custody”.
Fundraiser to be held for children of Sioux Falls realtor

“Keller Williams Realty, where Melissa Peskey worked, will host Soup for Scholarship on Tuesday, Feb. 5 from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. at 6300 S. Connie Ave.”

Agents and staff will provide soup, bread, crackers and desserts for the public to enjoy while raising money for Peskey's 11-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son.

I did not take "with the kids in the middle" as necessarily meaning that he wanted them, but as they were being used as pawns. If he had been away for awhile and she had already asked for the divorce, could she have been seeing someone else and he was going to use that against her? Or maybe there was another reason that he was going to try to use to make her think he would take the kids away from him. It could be a coincidence, and if so that would be the truest definition of a coindence. It obviously must be a difficult case since nobody is in custody yet.
BBM. If that were the case it would work against her tremendously. Likely zero in alimony. Also, if the other person were outside of the state he would move to make sure the kids stay in South Dakota and that would effectively end the idea of not only going somewhere else but also having the kids as well. It would have to be one or the other.

This is why I find the whole South Carolina trip perplexing. I can't figure out what the thought process was. There were plenty of opportunities to go to family or to even set up an apartment or even file for divorce while he was gone - she wouldn't need any agreement from him to get a divorce. But I perfectly understand why he wouldn't want his kids going out of the area from where they go to school and grew up. If she wanted to move on that was entirely up to her but whether or not she could take the kids as well would be up to a judge and that would be unlikely to happen. So even without filing for divorce, running off to South Carolina would lead to him filing for the kids to be returned to South Dakota and a court would order that and the kids would come back with or without her.

I would want to know if this friend has other information about what was going on and has volunteered her phone. Law enforcement will have Melissa's phone(s). This is a relatively new friend according to her own account and based on the content of some of the messages shown in the screenshots shown in the media report (right hand side) she doesn't seem to live in the area. Honestly, I am rather suspicious of her motive for being disguised in the interview and fear for her safety is not it. I can't believe that Melissa's husband doesn't know who she is - unless this is a secret friend - and if he knows who she is then disguising yourself won't help and only serves to create some sort of ominous perception of what was taking place.

If this friend is different than the friend that spoke with GH then we have two different friends telling a tale that doesn't make sense and at least in one case has information wrong. My vibe is that they are hiding something. Regardless, whatever was going on will all come out in a trial no matter who was responsible for killing Melissa - unless it was a random stranger who shot her. So, this is yet another part that perplexes me.
BBM. If that were the case it would work against her tremendously. Likely zero in alimony. Also, if the other person were outside of the state he would move to make sure the kids stay in South Dakota and that would effectively end the idea of not only going somewhere else but also having the kids as well. It would have to be one or the other.

This is why I find the whole South Carolina trip perplexing. I can't figure out what the thought process was. There were plenty of opportunities to go to family or to even set up an apartment or even file for divorce while he was gone - she wouldn't need any agreement from him to get a divorce. But I perfectly understand why he wouldn't want his kids going out of the area from where they go to school and grew up. If she wanted to move on that was entirely up to her but whether or not she could take the kids as well would be up to a judge and that would be unlikely to happen. So even without filing for divorce, running off to South Carolina would lead to him filing for the kids to be returned to South Dakota and a court would order that and the kids would come back with or without her.

I would want to know if this friend has other information about what was going on and has volunteered her phone. Law enforcement will have Melissa's phone(s). This is a relatively new friend according to her own account and based on the content of some of the messages shown in the screenshots shown in the media report (right hand side) she doesn't seem to live in the area. Honestly, I am rather suspicious of her motive for being disguised in the interview and fear for her safety is not it. I can't believe that Melissa's husband doesn't know who she is - unless this is a secret friend - and if he knows who she is then disguising yourself won't help and only serves to create some sort of ominous perception of what was taking place.

If this friend is different than the friend that spoke with GH then we have two different friends telling a tale that doesn't make sense and at least in one case has information wrong. My vibe is that they are hiding something. Regardless, whatever was going on will all come out in a trial no matter who was responsible for killing Melissa - unless it was a random stranger who shot her. So, this is yet another part that perplexes me.

Many interesting points. I have wondered why she didn't move while he was gone. It would have been safer; however, she may have worried that a judge would look unfavorably on her if she did that while her husband was in the military serving the country. So many questions. It will all come out even if it is a randon stranger because that person's attorney will try to cast the blame on the husband.
( @grayhuze

YoooHooooo, where aaaaare yooouuuh!? Hi GH! :) I hope you can take the time to pop in sometime? Just extending the invitation! I know you’re probably super busy but boy it would be my dream come true to have one of your visuals here, holy smokes...a freeway version like you did of the bridge? Omgggg I would be the happiest person in the world, but you know, no pressure or anything!! Heehee :heart:..)
Hello, yep I am here, but I find this site hard to navigate.
Hello, yep I am here, but I find this site hard to navigate.

Hi grayhuze,

Thanks for stopping by. :)

Yes the new software takes some getting used to but it’s actually got some cool features once you dig in.
I use my own profile page and click on “postings” and to find where I’m at a lot of the time.

I’m not sure if you’ve had a chance to read much in this thread?

There was a video you did which was originally linked early on upstream but then it seems to have gone offline.

Are there any videos you have done on this case that you can link?

Thanks again for joining us. Your work is incredible.
Hi grayhuze,

Thanks for stopping by. :)

Yes the new software takes some getting used to but it’s actually got some cool features once you dig in.
I use my own profile page and click on “postings” and to find where I’m at a lot of the time.

I’m not sure if you’ve had a chance to read much in this thread?

There was a video you did which was originally linked early on upstream but then it seems to have gone offline.

Are there any videos you have done on this case that you can link?

Thanks again for joining us. Your work is incredible.
right, I was asked to take it down, but I think it's back up now.

right, I was asked to take it down, but I think it's back up now.


Okay great, thanks :)

(Ps, here’s where we are at in Abby’s and Libby’s threads for your easy navigation in case you’re interested (thread 87 and coming up on 2 years later, can you believe it? :( ):

Found Deceased - IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, and Liberty (Libby) German, 14/The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #87

IN - Abigail Williams & Liberty German, Delphi, Media, Maps, Timelines NO DISCUSSION )
Nothing new?
A new news article saying that there is nothing new.

Still no answers about Sioux Falls woman's homicide off I-70

Highway patrol Sgt. Scott White said, as of Thursday, there were 139 leads in the case, which is unusual.

"This is not a case that you would see every day," he said.

White said he does not know whether or not Peskey was targeted or her death was random.

"What we can say is this was not an accident," White said. "This was not an errant hunter's bullet going across the highway."​

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