MO - Sherrill Levitt, 47, Suzie Streeter, 19, & Stacy McCall, 18, Springfield, 7 June 1992 #14

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And if she hadn’t come hone? Then what? She comes home to an empty house and no Sherrill. She calls the cops. The first thing they will ask her will be does she have any enemies who might hurt her?

Doesn't sound like a well thought out plan to me.

I still don’t see a motive.

Very simple. The plan for that nite would be aborted - and a new plan made for another time.
Does it matter if she hadnt come home? the fact is she did.....with all the luck surrounding this case that went to the perps' favor.....why is this detail any different?

Bookkeeper is right...keep it simple. they planned for that night....Suzanne did come home...stacy not a threat but did cause the plan to change

We all agree on Stacy.

I would move quickly to rule out the party goers.

The crime scene was devoid of evidence that a bunch of jailbirds or graveyard vandals were involved.

There is a very obvious suspect. And the motive is clear.

As to some master plan I’m not seeing it.
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That's a mighty assumption..
Well preface obviously devoid of evidence.

None of us was there. Any assumption is mere speculation.

Pretend the house wasn’t a part of the crime scene at all. Instead the bodies were found in the city landfill. The police would need to build a case using the known natural suspects. And if the bodies were never found as is the case it is still necessary to use the old noggin to figure out the motive. And it would be necessary to see if there was opportunity to commit the crime. And did they have the means? Even the contaminated crime scene is better than no crime scene.

Time to use the time tested methods of the “rubber hose” procedure. Someone knows something. They need to be squeezed and squeezed hard.
There's an argument for every type of person. You can only safely rule out kids under 10 years old...... so why are you ruling out 'jailbirds'.........very clearly these person(s) had criminal know-how and experience......."jailbirds" is the obvious culprit to me.... and more obvious is that multiple perps involved

Mule we agree on someone knowing something.. multiple know imo

theres primary and secondary motives at play

primary motive: drug operation exposed if suzie talked at trial--must silence her via scaring/abducting...Stacy pivots that plan to murder since they dont know if they can control

secondary motive(s): cover up! the people who know are scared to talk because primary person is a rich person, a cop, or major authority figure that can implicate others in the know if they choose to talk; some are trying to protect loved ones and family members and primary person may be threatening them [as Wright says]

S.P.D. may have a motive like Bartt said.... pensions stripped/department bankruptcy from lawsuits for not solving quicker....they may just want all the victims' family members to die so they can leave it alone for good or when they are in the clear
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There's an argument for every type of person. You can only safely rule out kids under 10 years old...... so why are you ruling out 'jailbirds'.........very clearly these person(s) had criminal know-how and experience......."jailbirds" is the obvious culprit to me.... and more obvious is that multiple perps involved

Mule we agree on someone knowing something.. multiple know imo

theres primary and secondary motives at play

primary motive: drug operation exposed if suzie talked at trial--must silence her via scaring/abducting...Stacy pivots that plan to murder since they dont know if they can control

secondary motive(s): cover up! the people who know are scared to talk because primary person is a rich person, a cop, or major authority figure that can implicate others in the know if they choose to talk; some are trying to protect loved ones and family members and primary person may be threatening them [as Wright says]

S.P.D. may have a motive like Bartt said.... pensions stripped/department bankruptcy from lawsuits for not solving quicker....they may just want all the victims' family members to die so they can leave it alone for good or when they are in the clear

A cop could have committed this crime. I can’t see any rationale to have allowed any of the GJ3 in.

I meant to mention this earlier. The perp could have been there previously before the girls arrived, That might explain why Suzie’s car was off the driveway and partly in the grass. The perp may have been in the driveway prior to the girl’s arrival. But the cracked blinds contraindicate this possibility. That indicated the perp arrived after the girls were in bed.

It was told to me that one known cop was working that night. They were allowed to take off duty jobs to supplement their incomes. Figuring working from 6 PM to 3AM would have a perfect timeline to get from the off-duty job to the house at about 3:30 AM. I am speculating he was not at church the next morning. Was the department even aware he was working that night?
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A cop could have committed this crime. I can’t see any rationale to have allowed any of the GJ3 in.

I meant to mention this earlier. The perp could have been there previously before the girls arrived, That might explain why Suzie’s car was off the driveway and partly in the grass. The perp may have been in the driveway prior to the girl’s arrival. But the cracked blinds contraindicate this possibility. That indicated the perp arrived after the girls were in bed.

It was told to me that one known cop was working that night. They were allowed to take off duty jobs to supplement their incomes. Figuring working from 6 PM to 3AM would have a perfect timeline to get from the off-duty job to the house at about 3:30 AM. I am speculating he was not at church the next morning. Was the department even aware he was working that night?

How did they know the cracked blinds were from that night? I've messed up blinds by repeatedly bending them to look out a window, climb out a window, or move them for some reason. I've also had them fall out of the window.
A cop could have pulled them over. That could explain a different parking. They could have parked that way to not block Sherrill in. It could also have been someone else that wasn't Suzie or Stacey that parked the cars.
How did they know the cracked blinds were from that night? I've messed up blinds by repeatedly bending them to look out a window, climb out a window, or move them for some reason. I've also had them fall out of the window.

A cop could have pulled them over. That could explain a different parking. They could have parked that way to not block Sherrill in. It could also have been someone else that wasn't Suzie or Stacey that parked the cars.

No way to know for sure. Her prints should have been on the blinds. If the prints were smudged that would indicate someone trying to cover up evidence. If no prints were found that could be a sure sign of crime scene staging.

Sherrill had a clear shot of backing out of the carport. Now if she were to drive out west from the house that would explain the probability that Suzie wanted to leave room for Sherrill. However, I believe that Stacy’s car would have prevented her from merely driving out on the west side. Sherrill could have pulled up alongside Suzie’s car, then backed up so as to be able to drive out with her having full view of Delmar. If she backed out of the car port she would have had to look around for on-coming traffic. This was before the era of back-up cameras and cross-traffic radar warning systems found on many modern cars.

It is plausible that Suzie simply had a poor sense of direction or merely was in a hurry. If, as some reports indicated the direction of the cars differed that might indicate the perp or perps moved the cars. In that event it would have been necessary to dig around in the purses for the keys. That would likely had let skin cells slough off as most any woman’s purse is impossible for a male to rummage through. In any event it should be explained somehow. I am torn about the perp being in the house prior to the girl’s arrival. I guess it is possible that Sherrill was with a “friend” and the girls simply were interested in getting sleep. And then the perp waited for reinforcements at which time Suzie cracked the blinds.

If someone else parked the cars, there should have been some evidence that the killers wiped the cars down unless latex gloves were used. Nevertheless, that would have been necessary to find the keys. That may explain why the purses were found together in the steps to Suzie’s bedroom.
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No way to know for sure. Her prints should have been on the blinds. If the prints were smudged that would indicate someone trying to cover up evidence. If no prints were found that could be a sure sign of crime scene staging.

Sherrill had a clear shot of backing out of the carport. Now if she were to drive out west from the house that would explain the probability that Suzie wanted to leave room for Sherrill. However, I believe that Stacy’s car would have prevented her from merely driving out on the west side. Sherrill could have pulled up alongside Suzie’s car, then backed up so as to be able to drive out with her having full view of Delmar. If she backed out of the car port she would have had to look around for on-coming traffic. This was before the era of back-up cameras and side radar warning systems found on many modern cars.

It is plausible that Suzie simply had a poor sense of direction or merely was in a hurry. If, as some reports indicated the direction of the cars differed that might indicate the perp or perps moved the cars. In that event it would have been necessary to dig around in the purses for the keys. That would likely had let skin cells slough off as most any woman’s purse is impossible for a male to rummage through. In any event it should be explained somehow. I am torn about the perp being in the house prior to the girl’s arrival. I guess it is possible that Sherrill was with a “friend” and the girls simply were interested in getting sleep. And then the perp waited for reinforcements at which time Suzie cracked the blinds.

If someone else parked the cars, there should have been some evidence that the killers wiped the cars down unless latex gloves were used. Nevertheless, that would have been necessary to find the keys. That may explain why the purses were found together in the steps to Suzie’s bedroom.

If you have blinds that aren't tangled up or already messed up, wouldn't you lift them with the string or lift it from the base. Once blinds bend they stay that way. Do we know if the blinds came with the house? Were they from the previous home or were they new to this home?
It was 1992 DNA was less advanced. The problem with fingerprints is that there was a house full of people who may or may not have gone through purses. Even with the best intentions like looking to see if keys were missing, or if there as a phonebook in a purse, it still means other people were touching their things. The perpetrator could have been in the house staging the scene and bent the blinds. If they staged the scene it's not crazy to think that they wouldn't have worn gloves. If law enforcement was involved they would know wiping down a car or anything is suspicious. There should be fingerprints or partials or smudged ones.
A cop could have committed this crime. I can’t see any rationale to have allowed any of the GJ3 in.

I meant to mention this earlier. The perp could have been there previously before the girls arrived, That might explain why Suzie’s car was off the driveway and partly in the grass. The perp may have been in the driveway prior to the girl’s arrival. But the cracked blinds contraindicate this possibility. That indicated the perp arrived after the girls were in bed.

It was told to me that one known cop was working that night. They were allowed to take off duty jobs to supplement their incomes. Figuring working from 6 PM to 3AM would have a perfect timeline to get from the off-duty job to the house at about 3:30 AM. I am speculating he was not at church the next morning. Was the department even aware he was working that night?
What cop ?
If a cop if dirty....they dont participate in the dirty work of the crime,, they’d likely just keep it quiet using resources and manipulation in investigation....why get too close to the heat

Who's to say they didn't participate in an advisory sort of way at first. They could use their authority to misdirect the investigation later. It doesn't make them less culpable.
you can do freedom of information act on Garrison gun charge and GR files... big help for this case... as well as the KS associates rap sheet. start there
And also you got to do your own work... interview Nigel, Suzie's theater friends, people who knew Garrison personally/lived with him..... people who were part of the GJ (like 'Charles Tuna')..
You can talk to the reporters who reported the GJ (Graves, Davis, etc.) and talk to KOZK for the video of James Wright and SPD discussing the case in July 1992 (I only have vhs copy of it)
Thanks a heap for laying out my research options. Are you a detective?
This will be a short “think about it” post.

The crime scene begins with the teens walking into an UNLOCKED door. Earlier I read the pros and cons (elsewhere) of why the perp would have benefitted by leaving the door unlocked. It virtually assured that the crime scene would be compromised. Who would know best that this was the best way to get strangers to enter the house? A cop.

If one doesn’t like that, then the second leading suspect would be someone at the party. The available and living members should be reinterviewed and accounted for. Almost always they will have recalled information they didn’t recall at the earlier interrogations.

I had never seen it so clearly laid out why this would be so important. IMO, the compromised crime scene is what has prevented this crime from being solved. That was actually told to me by a Greene County deputy.
This will be a short “think about it” post.

The crime scene begins with the teens walking into an UNLOCKED door. Earlier I read the pros and cons (elsewhere) of why the perp would have benefitted by leaving the door unlocked. It virtually assured that the crime scene would be compromised. Who would know best that this was the best way to get strangers to enter the house? A cop.

If one doesn’t like that, then the second leading suspect would be someone at the party. The available and living members should be reinterviewed and accounted for. Almost always they will have recalled information they didn’t recall at the earlier interrogations.

I had never seen it so clearly laid out why this would be so important. IMO, the compromised crime scene is what has prevented this crime from being solved. That was actually told to me by a Greene County deputy.
IMO suppositions are a waste of time...

janis said it best: stick to facts based research

No one at the parties would have included Sherrill or followed them home....especially since they didn’t know where they were going until a little while in janelle’s... otherwise why not go kill Stu and Janis too? And Bartt?...
IMO suppositions are a waste of time...

janis said it best: stick to facts based research

No one at the parties would have included Sherrill or followed them home....especially since they didn’t know where they were going until a little while in janelle’s... otherwise why not go kill Stu and Janis too? And Bartt?...

If we are sticking to the facts, like you advise us to, then it can not be stated as fact that “no one would have followed them home”.
If we are sticking to the facts, like you advise us to, then it can not be stated as fact that “no one would have followed them home”.
If someone followed them to Delmar that’d have meant that the were waiting outside janelle’s parents while they were deciding where to sleep
jeep only seats 4, appleby and his gf(now wife)..was in the car...why would they follow? (Can’t abduct 3 women in a Jeep with 5 people)I think it’s a safe assumption... Joy etc had alibi confirmed by family members/friends

if a stranger was lurking ready to follow the girls...Janelle would have noticed them
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