Motion to Delay Judge's ruling on the Video

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Yep, he's the judge and I believe him if he says the video would be highly inflammatory. Good thing he sealed it! :woohoo:

Next will be a motion from JB to recuse the judge because of his inflammatory remarks about KC which prevent her from receiving a fair trial. :rolleyes:

What's sort of ironic about this ruling is that this video and the manner in which it occured should be the poster child for why the Sunshine Law is in place, at least according to what JB argued: The government/LE set-up KC and deprived her of counsel-corruption! They violated HIPAA! The media should be able to shed light on the state's corrupt actions against his client!

Of course, I don't agree with those Jose's arguments to supress, though I do respect the judges ruling if his interpretation led him to believe a fair trial could be jeopardized.
Okay sleuthers, I need some help.
As I understand it, Casey has a radio in her cell. Right?
So, was she listening to the radio coverage of the body's discovery on Dec. 11 before she was taken to the health care area?
For some reason I have the idea in my head that she was already aware a body had been discovered before she was removed from her cell.
If that is the case, why would she react so physically tramatic when she came within sight of a television screen?
Can anyone clue me in on this - did she hear it before she saw it?

Yes, KC has a radio in her cell and I remember reading that she was listening to it before being taken to health/or open area.
To your second question regarding her "traumatic reaction" ..... I say it was all a failed act of SHOCK!! Yeah, right! MOO
I'm glad that Strickland and the SA are making sure that it is just going to be painfully apparent to the entire world that if JB wants COV it has nothing at all to do with this case and everything to do with his plans to get a ticket to reinvent himself in Miami (maybe with more bikini shops or a Fusian-esque bar called Chez B?), because he has done nothing but sabotage whatever COV excuse he might have been able to originally manufacture or lobby for, and I'm sure he has pretty much insured that his Orlando legal career is toast after this case.

And that's the other way his fighting the gag order might bite him in the behind; I can't imagine anyone in Miami thinks he is anything more than a legend in his own mind either at this point after months of public mugging, courtroom smirking, snarky comments to the press, eating crab puffs at the Ritz and trips on GRs yacht. Not to mention the twizzler stories.

I'm starting to think the recap of his behavior thus far should be called A Confederacy of Dunces (with all apologies to the late author of that wonderful book).
What's sort of ironic about this ruling is that this video and the manner in which it occured should be the poster child for why the Sunshine Law is in place, at least according to what JB argued: The government/LE set-up KC and deprived her of counsel-corruption! They violated HIPAA! The media should be able to shed light on the state's corrupt actions against his client!

Of course, I don't agree with those Jose's arguments to supress, though I do respect the judges ruling if his interpretation led him to believe a fair trial could be jeopardized.
Right, no secrets in government. Let the world see how corrupt they are. He should have embraced the Sunshine Law.

That pesky little reaction of KC's got in the way, I guess.
I think the judges words speak volumes-it served it's purpose and I hope it is allowed at trial:bang:

The only thing that might keep the video out of the trial is the way it was gotten. If it had been on the up and up it would probably make a difference but they were sneaky and kind of set her up or so many people believe.

In reality, no one knew how she would react but that was the purpose of taking the video was to see her reaction. I wonder if they asked her if she would like to watch the news or on what pretense they got her down there? If her attorney grabbed her butt that is his problem. I wonder if there were other people in the room?

I would love to know exactly what is on that video. Seems like it would be more then the jury thinking her guilty just because she reacted like she did when she didn't know whose child it was that had been found. Of course we know that she knew it was Caylee. Her reaction was just a "put on" because she knew who the child was no surprise. Maybe the reaction was because she didn't think Caylee would be found and she knew she was had.

I don't really care if we have to wait until the trial to see the video. If it gets in. I'll bet the Anthonys are smug tonight.
What's sort of ironic about this ruling is that this video and the manner in which it occured should be the poster child for why the Sunshine Law is in place, at least according to what JB argued: The government/LE set-up KC and deprived her of counsel-corruption! They violated HIPAA! The media should be able to shed light on the state's corrupt actions against his client!

Of course, I don't agree with those Jose's arguments to supress, though I do respect the judges ruling if his interpretation led him to believe a fair trial could be jeopardized.

Wow. If JB had decided for the gag order none of this would be coming out. And wow. Corrupt. is called KC and JB. It is too bad that there aren't more laws out there to protect the guilty. None of the state's evidence would be coming out if JB had said he was against it. Which begs the question...what is the defense going to actually put on other than...KC didn't call 911 ( her mother did) for 30 days after her child went missing because...oh yeah she had to go to Target with AH's stolen money to buy food to cook for Tony and his friends while "actively" looking for that precious girl of hers she took so much interest in...Nice story...mostly stories are like what they call fiction in the libraries. I guess I would have to look that up. Probably take me less time to look up any of KC's W2 forms or whatever from "work" lol
Except his yachting buddy, Mr. Rivera!

Oh I think GR will drop the hermano act the minute the shelf life on this expires. JB will be dropped like a hot Mr. Potato Head in a New York Nanosecond by his buddies in the press when he becomes a liability.
Can anyone remind/link me to where it is described that KC yelled at JB on that video?

I listened to Tammy's initial interview that was in the 04/06/09 interview and she doesn't discuss that there. She only states that JB didn't take notes during the first 45 minutes of the 2 hour visit. That KC cried and that JB said he'd see her later when he left.

Anyone recall the source for the more detailed info about JB's portion of the visit? Was it one of the other Tammy interviews?

What else is there to say, after Strickland's declarations and wording regarding this video.....After all, He is a Judge, and he Judged this video as Inflammatory to the defendant, and it's release would harden a potential jury pool, as to her guilt:eek::eek: What else needs to be said?:clap::clap::clap:

The Defense got their wish, and then suckerpunched with Judge Strickland's clear reasons to keep it sealed. Bet the Defense wishes they could seal his comments:rolleyes:

I believe he will now release the Autopsy Report.

Hear hear! I loved hearing his comments. Proves to me that the video was way worse than I ever thought it would be. :woohoo:
Can anyone remind/link me to where it is described that KC yelled at JB on that video?

I listened to Tammy's initial interview that was in the 04/06/09 interview and she doesn't discuss that there. She only states that JB didn't take notes during the first 45 minutes of the 2 hour visit. That KC cried and that JB said he'd see her later when he left.

Anyone recall the source for the more detailed info about JB's portion of the visit? Was it one of the other Tammy interviews?


Oh Tater! We don't have the collective mental capacity at this hour to figure that out. And I'm thinking for some reason that I might be mixing that up with the other tape in which she is reacting because the DP was put back on the table and got mad at JB. I'm getting so confused about what happened when. I promise I'll try to help look this up tomorrow I'm just in brain freeze mode.
Oh Tater! We don't have the collective mental capacity at this hour to figure that out. And I'm thinking for some reason that I might be mixing that up with the other tape in which she is reacting because the DP was put back on the table and got mad at JB. I'm getting so confused about what happened when. I promise I'll try to help look this up tomorrow I'm just in brain freeze mode.

You're way ahead of me. I don't have the mental capacity to find it in 'normal people' daylight hours, so taking pity and helping me puts you in line for Sainthood.

<Pick any Veruca Salt quote and insert here.>
I had nothing better to do during the night so I thought I'd go through the posts during those days in December when Caylee was found. I hope Friday and Puglet don't mind me bringing back a couple of their posts.

I was once told that a person couldn’t make themselves voluntarily ‘blush’ or turn red without making it obvious, you know, holding their breath or pulling a tantrum.

On December 11 Tim Miller passed a message on to WS through Friday.

Friday: “Casey’s actual reaction to the news of today’s discovery: Her face turned red, she crumpled to her knees, and said, “Oh God, this can’t be happening!”

Friday’s Post 4 at Link: [ame=""]Tim Miller talks to Websleuths-- - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Puglet’s comment on December 12 followed this up with a really interesting insight. Puglet said: “I think Casey dumped Caylee's body close to home so she could keep an eye on it. I don't think she was too lazy to move it. She wanted it hidden well, but not so well that she couldn't drive or walk by and check to see if it had been disturbed. I think she was hoping that the water wouldn't recede too.

I find it interesting that when they told her about the body that her face "turned red." To me, your face turns red from getting caught. If someone told me they thought they had found the body of my missing child, I would turn white

Puglet’s Post 366 at Link:

Thankfully I haven’t run the gamut of red and white faced experiences in life to see if the theory is true but I’ve gone through enough to think that Puglet’s generalization does hit a very strong note. If I had just found out that a child had been found anywhere near that area I would freeze; I guess be in immediate shock and that doesn't produce a red face. I do believe you can’t produce an immediate blush or red face without the presence of guilt or shame.

My question is did she turn red and crumple to her knees in her cell when listening to the radio and then have to be escorted to the medical area where the hyperventilating ect. occured or did all the action take place at the medical center? The reactions and locations are still a bit fuzzy to me.
snipped from article

Defense attorney's argued that releasing the surveillance video would violate Anthony's right to privacy since it was filmed while she was in a medical office at the Orange County Jail, seeking medical treatment. Anthony's attorneys have alleged that her jailers worked with the Orange County Sheriff's Office to have the television news on in the medical office so Anthony's reaction could be recorded.

The Orange County Sheriff's Office has said there was no orchestration with the jail.

"Considering the matter and penalty at hand, it does seem too great a restraint to limit access to the video in question. Therefore, the defendant's Motion to Seal the videotape is granted, and it must not be released for viewing by the general public or media, until further order of the court," Judge Stan Strickland wrote in his order.

The Orlando Sentinel filed a motion to intervene, which Judge Strickland granted (order granting motion) Wednesday. Rachel Fugate, the attorney for the Orlando Sentinel -- which had filed the motion to unseal the video -- said Judge Strickland was prudent in his ruling.

"We certainly wish the videotape would have been released, but we certainly appreciate the consideration the judge gave to this matter," said Fugate. "We don't have any reason to believe there was something wrong in his ruling."

Sheaffer said the ruling does not mean the video can't be used as evidence in the trial. That decision will come later. The judge did point out that sealing the video could be just a delay and that at some point after the trial is over the video might be released.

I like Bill Sheaffer..:)

Oh, I do so hope this comes in at trial. Since this is televised we may get to see it anyway. I do not want anything to disrupt a chance for a fair trial. I want KC to have to live this all over again and again and again. I do hope she has sleepless nights and sees Caylee at every turn..I will be ecstatic when the guilty verdict comes in..for me that means Caylee recieved her justice deserved..
Can anyone remind/link me to where it is described that KC yelled at JB on that video?

I listened to Tammy's initial interview that was in the 04/06/09 interview and she doesn't discuss that there. She only states that JB didn't take notes during the first 45 minutes of the 2 hour visit. That KC cried and that JB said he'd see her later when he left.

Anyone recall the source for the more detailed info about JB's portion of the visit? Was it one of the other Tammy interviews?


I went looking for this 4/6/09 interview and couldn't find it then realized it is the 4/6/09 document dump instead of interview. :) I thought I missed an interview. :crazy:

The only other interviews that I am aware of is by the Defense Team

5/5/09 Defense Interview:
Tammy Uncer:

4/2/09 Defense Interview:
Billy Richardson
I went looking for this 4/6/09 interview and couldn't find it then realized it is the 4/6/09 document dump instead of interview. :) I thought I missed an interview. :crazy:

The only other interviews that I am aware of is by the Defense Team

5/5/09 Defense Interview:
Tammy Uncer:

4/2/09 Defense Interview:
Billy Richardson

Both of these sites are the same - an interview with Billy R - not Tammy U.
snipped from article

I like Bill Sheaffer..:)

Oh, I do so hope this comes in at trial. Since this is televised we may get to see it anyway. I do not want anything to disrupt a chance for a fair trial. I want KC to have to live this all over again and again and again. I do hope she has sleepless nights and sees Caylee at every turn..I will be ecstatic when the guilty verdict comes in..for me that means Caylee recieved her justice deserved..

The SA has stated that they did not intend to use the Video as evidence (I am thinking it was just a ploy though, they sat back and let the defence argue this one out) and did not seem to make much of Casey's reaction on the tape. The Defence on the other hand has made a commotion out of the potential release of this tape, Now that the Judge has sealed the tape I am wondering if the SA will decide to use it as evidence in trial?
I had nothing better to do during the night so I thought I'd go through the posts during those days in December when Caylee was found. I hope Friday and Puglet don't mind me bringing back a couple of their posts.

I was once told that a person couldn’t make themselves voluntarily ‘blush’ or turn red without making it obvious, you know, holding their breath or pulling a tantrum.

On December 11 Tim Miller passed a message on to WS through Friday.

Friday: “Casey’s actual reaction to the news of today’s discovery: Her face turned red, she crumpled to her knees, and said, “Oh God, this can’t be happening!”

Friday’s Post 4 at Link: Tim Miller talks to Websleuths-- - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Puglet’s comment on December 12 followed this up with a really interesting insight. Puglet said: “I think Casey dumped Caylee's body close to home so she could keep an eye on it. I don't think she was too lazy to move it. She wanted it hidden well, but not so well that she couldn't drive or walk by and check to see if it had been disturbed. I think she was hoping that the water wouldn't recede too.

I find it interesting that when they told her about the body that her face "turned red." To me, your face turns red from getting caught. If someone told me they thought they had found the body of my missing child, I would turn white

Puglet’s Post 366 at Link:

Thankfully I haven’t run the gamut of red and white faced experiences in life to see if the theory is true but I’ve gone through enough to think that Puglet’s generalization does hit a very strong note. If I had just found out that a child had been found anywhere near that area I would freeze; I guess be in immediate shock and that doesn't produce a red face. I do believe you can’t produce an immediate blush or red face without the presence of guilt or shame.

My question is did she turn red and crumple to her knees in her cell when listening to the radio and then have to be escorted to the medical area where the hyperventilating ect. occured or did all the action take place at the medical center? The reactions and locations are still a bit fuzzy to me.

What interests me is Casey's reaction to both, the Blanchard Park search (when allegedly small bones were found in the river-later dismissed) and her reaction to small bones being found near her family's home are presented to the jury during Casey' trial
She had no reaction to the bones found in Blanchard Park yet reacts to the ones found near her home.
IMO this demonstrates consciousness of guilt
Her (KC) reaction has been so well documented by all of the deputies in depo that I am still wondering what - besides the reaction - is on the video - could the visual be that much worse than the description? I think no..... So what could be so bad/different on video that it would "harden" my opinion of KC's guilt? I am most intrigued by the Judges choice of words..........anyone else?:waitasec:

do you know what I wonder, after thinking about this? My BFF was in an acting class once that required her to repeatedly say the line from a midsummer night's dream lord, what fools these mortals be only they had to say it angry, amused, disgusted, amazed, etc.

We heard all about what was said, and the tape has no audio, but I am thinking that hearing what happened vs seeing what happened maybe entirely different. it must seem very clear that KC was not full of grief..

we all of us humans are very good at reading body language.
what REALLY gets me about this, is that if she WAS innocent, she would have flipped out TOO.

Why did JB fight this, and why did Strickland agree that it may contaminate the jury pool? Shouldnt anyone wondering if she was innocent seeing her panic at remains of a child (yes, caylee was not positively identified but there were no other missing children of that description in the area which the news was saying repeatedly) feel that it was ...reasonable?

Personally I was afraid it would convince fence sitters she was innocent.

Hi, don't post too often but here goes. I think that the video is inflammatory for what KC does when the guards aren't looking. When you know that someone is watching you can "act" one way but when they stop watching you revert to who you are. I think her facial expressions and body language tell a far different story than the one observed by the guards. Also, if she was angry with JB for not "taking care of the problem" as she believed, then he might have done "anything" to calm her and that, too, might not have been seen by the guards. Alternatively, if SA thinks this is fruit of the poisoned tree then they won't want to bring it to the court's attention during trial.

O/T a little, does anyone remember one of the first motion hearings when JS brought up JB's verbal motion for a change of venue and the SA said, "I think its premature and may not be necessary? Anyone? That made me think that SA has irrefutable evidence of guilt. Thanks for reading and if I did anything wrong please let me know. GB gogranny
Okay sleuthers, I need some help.
As I understand it, Casey has a radio in her cell. Right?
So, was she listening to the radio coverage of the body's discovery on Dec. 11 before she was taken to the health care area?
For some reason I have the idea in my head that she was already aware a body had been discovered before she was removed from her cell.
If that is the case, why would she react so physically tramatic when she came within sight of a television screen?
Can anyone clue me in on this - did she hear it before she saw it?

what I think is the radio reports said it was a body found, but she kept up hope until she saw the reports on tv which showed where. then, she knew the game was up.

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