MS MS - Bay St Louis, WhtFem 37-42, UP2841, no teeth, 'black lung', emphysema, chron bronchitis, May'98

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I've wondered if they're talking about the same UP. I'm not following her so am clueless except for what I read on NamUs that said her age was 20 years older (scratching my head)...
I just checked NamUS on the Nelda Hardwick case. EYES: BROWN

Also found an update article on UP.

Reasons LE gave for exhumation: (bold by me)

THe UP description states her hair was not original. It had been colored with gray showing at the temples. So is he comparing natural colored hair to color treated hair? I still can't get past the "uniquely colored gray eyes on the UP. It is also important to note that the trama to the face of the UP would certainly have changed the angle of her nose.
(Just trying to read the judge's decision and the intent of the coronor and the UP case manager.)

Still looking for the last "update" where it ws stated the UP had scars on her body and head. Difficult to extract fact when the three articles I have read were written by different journalists. Will post when I find it.

Peace to the Hardwick family.
Those are good questions, Baxter. I'm puzzled over the remarks about the eye color, as well. Is there an error in NamUs? Or did a post mortem change occur to JD's iris(es) (one eye appears to have suffered extensive damage)? Is that possible? IDK, but if I were the judge, I'd demand an explanation, that's for sure.

To my untrained eye, a comparison of NH's photo to the post mortem images of JD show three distinct facial features that match up: 1) the hairline, 2) the nose, and 3) the chin. And IMVHO, I don't believe injuries altered the downward angle of JD's nose. In the profile of the left side of her face -- the side without injuries -- her nose looks very natural. I think if it had been changed by her injuries, it would give the appearance of a bad fit, if you will, as though it didn't blend in with the rest of her features. But again, that's only MVHO. ;)
My (younger) sister who was born in 1959 was one of the last to get their smallpox vaccination on her arm in our family. After her, it was given on the leg to hide the scare better- before smallpox was completely eradicated.

My ex husband, born Feb 1970 got that on his arm, but I did not (born Sept 1970). So, at least in Michigan, they stopped somewhere between Feb and September of whatever year we would have gotten that (1971)?.

After typing that, I poked around, and it looks like I hit it on the head -
The smallpox vaccine was at one time given routinely to all children in the United States at about 1 year of age. By the 1960s, the risk of smallpox in the United States was dramatically reduced. Therefore, because the risks of the vaccine outweighed its benefits, routine administration of the smallpox vaccine to infants in the United States was discontinued in 1971. Administration to healthcare workers was discontinued in 1976 and administration to international travelers was discontinued in 1982.

So, I'm not sure if that helps. ETA: because the presence of the vaccine only goes to tell us that she was probably older than 28 at the time of death.
Jane Doe may be missing La. woman
Posted: Oct 18, 2013 9:19 AM CST Updated: Oct 18, 2013 9:19 AM CST

GULFPORT, Miss. (AP) - A Harrison County judge has been asked to sign an order to exhume the body of an unidentified woman some believe to be a Louisiana woman reported missing 20 years ago.
continued at the link

No ruling on Jane Doe, but niece ordered to clean grave marker
Posted: Oct 18, 2013 11:31 AM CST Updated: Oct 18, 2013 8:21 PM CST
By Michelle Lady

Hardwick's family members took the stand Friday trying to convince Judge Lisa Dodson that the woman buried in Hancock County 15 years ago is their loved one.

Judge Dodson said she needed a week to read the entire case file before she makes a ruling. But before she will announce her decision, she ordered Lori Test to clean the grave marker she defaced.

"Tell me why you wrote on the headstone?" Judge Dodson asked. "Because, I guess, having a moment of emotion, I couldn't stand the thought that she was sitting in there without her name on there," Lori Test answered.

Much more at this link including quotes from relatives' testimony, and disrepancies questioned by the judge.
Another good article:

Update: Judge delays final decision on exhuming body in Hancock County
Sun Herald
Published: October 18, 2013

Dr. Mark LeVaughn, Mississippi's chief medical examiner, said he would help Faulk and a forensic anthropology team from a university unearth the remains. Another university has agreed to try to compile a DNA profile that could be compared to DNA from Hardwick's family.

"There is a high probability we will find biological material suitable for testing," LeVaughn said.

If the comparison isn't a match to Hardwick's family, the profile could be used to identify Jane Doe through DNA profiles in various databases, LeVaughn said.

Read more here:
Much more at the link
I really hope that the judge approves the exhumation. As the article posted above points out, even if the UID isn't Nelda, the DNA will be available to compare to other possible matches. An exhumation would be a win-win situation for everyone IMO.

Glenna Slicker is worth checking also. 37, 5'3, hazel eyes
She disappeared from Northern Alabama in Feb. 1998 (some say Jan, Namus says Feb.)
She left on foot, but that's 6 hours away. Hitchhiking maybe would make sense.
Interestingly, Glenna left home wearing a black sweatshirt and jeans.

Glenna has teeth in this picture (unless they are dentures). It's reported she had previous elbow fracture and ear surgery. No mention of abdominal scar or vaccine scar. Not a ton of information on Glenna, sure wish we knew more.
Although I'm fairly new to WS, I don't believe I've seen this JD before. I am wondering if perhaps she originally came from or spent considerable time in any of the coal mining areas. I'm saying this because of the reference to "black lung disease."

Thank you, Carl, for your wonderful artwork both here and elsewhere on WS!

I was thinking the same thing. In the late 70's to early 80's, a lot of women in my area, here in Eastern Ky, started working in the coal mines. I can't fathom any other reason for her having black lung.
I agree this is important and needs some clarification by the coroner.

Chocolate cake hadn't entered my mind but you're right that would do it.

Funny....I was thinking how difficult it would be to ID stomach contents in general just by sight. Obviously, taste or smell is the best sense with which to identify food but thats out!! Just looking at partially digested chewed food has to make the coroner or technician just want to hurl..... forget about smelling it.

Chocolate gravy would work. I make that for hubby all the time.
When authorities attempted to exhume this Jane Doe they discovered that that the wrong body was buried under her headstone.

The body that was uncovered was the wrong size, and had teeth.


Once the skeletal remains were uncovered, officials knew right away things were not adding up. The person buried under the Jane Doe tombstone had teeth and Jane Doe did not. Just to be sure, officials took measurements, but none of those match the autopsy of Jane Doe either.

"I think she's more over this way toward the road," Kornman said.

At this time, officials do not know if they will be allowed to try to exhume Jane Doe again.
According to this article, the body exhumed was of a man...

Medical examiner says skeleton was a man
Locating Jane Doe figures to be tough


DIAMONDHEAD -- The state's chief medical examiner has determined remains uncovered at a pauper's grave site were not those of Jane Doe, an unidentified woman buried 15 years ago after she was struck by a vehicle in Hancock County.

The skeletal remains unearthed Wednesday at St. Joseph's Cemetery belonged to a man who was 6-foot-2, had a full set of teeth and his right thigh was intact.

Jane Doe had no teeth, had a broken right femur and was undeniably a woman.

"It's a shock," said Hancock County Coroner Jim Faulk, who obtained a court order to exhume the body for identification purposes....
Well there goes any chance of them exhuming another body in regards to this case.

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What a terrible disappointment. I feel so bad for Nelda's family after all they went through before the court finally granted the exhumation. Now they're left without an answer, and the Doe still has no name.
I have been following this case for yesrs! I have dealt with many LE, ME and yes, even judges in some cases. In my opinion, this judge was very respectful, fair and thorough in evaluatinng evidence and even sympatethic considering the information "fed" to her.

However, it appeared other agencies and individuals pressured her to the point beyond common sense. I do not mean that negatively. Please read the full description of the UP and that (original) reort of the MP and see that her hesitation to exume was justified. She ruled based on "evidence" given her. Along the way, descriptions of both cases changed to fit someone's agenda and I am not speaking about the family (may they find peace).

When other ME offices have to get involved because one Coroner does not know how to proceed with a potential case identification, something is terribly wrong and we have to stop blaming, floods, hurricanes or other natural disasters. The only "disaster" I see here is an inept agency and an outside agency that does indeed have an agenda. A Corornor should NOT be an elected office. Anyone on this board who lives in a rural area can have that position come next election day. Just tos out your name and campaign money. No knowledge of anatomy or even filing reports is necessary!

Again, my condolences to the family who did not find a positive resolution. May it come soon.
This is heartbreaking. Whether or not this is Hardwick or one of the other possible suggestions, someone's answers to their grief may very well be lost forever. There really needs to be greater care taken when the remains are from an unidentified person.

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