MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #1

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I noticed the drivers seat of her car is reclined. Maybe she pulled up to the fence to quickly hide from someone.

Hmmm. Reclined drivers seat could hint toward rape.
Reminds me of an incident years ago when my teen sister went to a party and passed out in her car...some guy tried to rape her, seat was reclined in fact he broke the floor bolts. Thank God my brother came looking for her, arrived in the nick of time.
The Accelerant:

<snip> Though authorities are releasing sparse details of the crime and investigation -- at least some of which can be attributed to a dearth of information -- they have determined an accelerant was used in the blaze, but it's not clear whether the accelerant was poured on the car or Chambers herself, Champion has said previously.

The state fire marshal is processing the evidence to determine what type of accelerant, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Atlanta is assisting, he said.

Clay Chandler @claychand · 10h 10 hours ago

Darby clarified that they've been unable to confirm forensically if accelerant was actually poured on Jessica.

<snip> One widely reported scenario -- that an accelerant was poured down Chambers' throat and up her nose -- has yet to be proven forensically. Chambers' family told The Clarion-Ledger earlier this week that she had been doused with something like lighter fluid. Final autopsy results, which are expected Friday, will likely clear that up, Darby said.

The entire press conference here:
In addition, Jessica was NOT on fire when paramedics arrived [....]

Here are a few pertinent excerpts:

When firefighters arrived, Chambers approached one of them and spoke. She was not on fire, as has been widely reported, the prosecutor said.
BBM; my snip.

This being the case, the thread title itself is misleading (through no fault of the poster, of course -- great job as always by the excellent OkieGranny) and should be changed. The case seems rife with misconceptions.
This is just horrible to the max.

I suspect the perp(s) hit her over the head with something and maybe even thought they killed her but she was just knocked out from the blow.
Still not sure if 1 or 2 perp(s).

Then perp(s) poured gasoline or diesel or lighter fluid onto her as she was probably laying down in her own reclined seat OR whichever seat is most burned.

Then perp(s) lit the fire and took off. She wakes up either from the flames OR from the fluid being poured on her and manages by a miracle to get out of the car and walk to the road to where she manages to tell who did it. Nothing short of a miracle to help find the killer.

I dont necessarily think the perp(s) were trying to make her drink the fluid. I think it was more like someone else said that they were trying to be sure to hide DNA evidence of themselves. Which tells me she was forcibly raped and/or forcibly made to do things.

This is hideous and the perp(s) need to be caught and off the streets.

This is the kind of case where I almost wish somebody would get to him/them before the cops to hand out some justice. This perp(s) is nothing short of animal and not human and needs to be elimated from face of the earth. DP at a minimum.
Probably should have done that 5 or so days ago. But not surprising since they didn't request the surveillance video from the gas station.:facepalm:

When I saw the LE person on TV I was not too impressed with the confidence (or lack thereof) they portrayed about the investigation.

I do hope they solicit investigative help if they admit they need it.
This is just horrible to the max.

I suspect the perp(s) hit her over the head with something and maybe even thought they killed her but she was just knocked out from the blow.
Still not sure if 1 or 2 perp(s).

Then perp(s) poured gasoline or diesel or lighter fluid onto her as she was probably laying down in her own reclined seat OR whichever seat is most burned.

Then perp(s) lit the fire and took off. She wakes up either from the flames OR from the fluid being poured on her and manages by a miracle to get out of the car and walk to the road to where she manages to tell who did it. Nothing short of a miracle to help find the killer.

I dont necessarily think the perp(s) were trying to make her drink the fluid. I think it was more like someone else said that they were trying to be sure to hide DNA evidence of themselves. Which tells me she was forcibly raped and/or forcibly made to do things.

This is hideous and the perp(s) need to be caught and off the streets.

This is the kind of case where I almost wish somebody would get to him/them before the cops to hand out some justice. This perp(s) is nothing short of animal and not human and needs to be elimated from face of the earth. DP at a minimum.

I have been following the thread but just now commenting. I agree with your theories. I feel the arson act was secondary and done for crime concealment purposes (rape, assault) to get rid of evidence. Definitely think the guys were out partying when they hooked with Jessica, lots of drinking involved on their part (not Jessicas). Possibly one perp was in the car with her while a buddy was following in a car. After the attack, panic could have set in, unsure if Jessica was alive or dead from a blow to the head, and the used an available accelerant (gas, lighter fluid, pure grain alcohol) that was in the buddy's car. I think she knew them, around her age or a little older, and was comfortable enough to let one in her car, possibly to go to a party. Tragic horific loss for her parents and family, as well as the community.
Pardon if this is already posted and apologies in advance for (perhaps) the misconceptions -- but Daily Mail article at link does have good pictures, a decent case synopsis, and a couple videos. (Plus five links to other articles.)
Some MSM articles are reporting that she approached a first responder when they arrived at the scene. Her father said she was walking while inflamed, everything but the soles of her feet were burnt. But, the fire fighter who found her has been quoted as saying that she was found near the car, more dead than alive. I don't think she approached anyone! My God, she was burned all over, had to be in shock. I don't think she was knocked out in the car, thought to be dead or very near, and then set on fire to be revived by a liquid or flames as the perp(s). fled. Once the fire started, if she were in the car, I think she would not have been able to get out. I think that car was so very, very hot. The fire would have raged quickly. I just can't imagine she revived to escape a car in flames. Could she have fallen out? Not sure about the condition of the driver's side front door. She may not have been in the car when it or she were set aflame.


The three firefighters immediately remounted their truck and drove to the scene where they found the vehicle still ablaze. Memories of what they found next will likely return in nightmares for the rest of their lives.
&#8220;I didn&#8217;t see her at first,&#8221; one of the firefighters told The Panolian.

Near the burning car was a burned body, more dead than alive but alive nonetheless. Though she was not recognizable, the firefighters quickly discovered they knew who she was.


I found additional photos of car and it doesn't look like the driver side door was damaged to the point that she could have fallen out through a closed door. Perhaps the door was open when responders arrived but it is closed in the photos.
The Accelerant:

The state fire marshal is processing the evidence to determine what type of accelerant, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Atlanta is assisting, he said.

The initial reports that it was lighter fluid might have been based on odor. My understanding is that experienced arson investigators can often determine by smell what accelerant was used.
Something that isn't being talked about much.. Why was she going out to clean her car? Yes, I understand we all clean our cars, but why this day? The day she is set on fire..
The clerk said she was very quiet that day. Did something happen to her earlier that day or the day before, in that car? If something did happen, and she wanted to erase it from her mind, cleaning the car may include neutralize a scent(cologne of someone else), rid stains, etc..Did she threaten to go to the police about it, and 'need' to be silenced? On the other hand, was there a consensual event that happened with someone, that she knew would anger a jealous ex, if he found out..?

Another thing to think about..
Was she a huffer? The reason they suspected someone shot lighter fluid up her nose and in her mouth, is because she was so burned INSIDE. Huffing paint, gasoline, smoking certain drugs, or using other chemicals to get high will coat your nasal passages and mouth with a very flammable substance. If she, or someone else lit a cigarette, or even flicked a lighter close enough, the chance of a fire is great. This would also cause the same internal burn as one caused by a forced fluid. I am not calling her a drug addict, but IF this was NOT homicide, it seems like the place to park if you don't want to be bothered, but still want to have an eye out in case someone shows up.

I DO believe there was foul play, but again..these are different angles that are at least worth thinking about for 5 seconds.
Something that isn't being talked about much.. Why was she going out to clean her car? Yes, I understand we all clean our cars, but why this day? The day she is set on fire..
The clerk said she was very quiet that day. Did something happen to her earlier that day or the day before, in that car? If something did happen, and she wanted to erase it from her mind, cleaning the car may include neutralize a scent(cologne of someone else), rid stains, etc..Did she threaten to go to the police about it, and 'need' to be silenced? On the other hand, was there a consensual event that happened with someone, that she knew would anger a jealous ex, if he found out..?

Another thing to think about..
Was she a huffer? The reason they suspected someone shot lighter fluid up her nose and in her mouth, is because she was so burned INSIDE. Huffing paint, gasoline, smoking certain drugs, or using other chemicals to get high will coat your nasal passages and mouth with a very flammable substance. If she, or someone else lit a cigarette, or even flicked a lighter close enough, the chance of a fire is great. This would also cause the same internal burn as one caused by a forced fluid. I am not calling her a drug addict, but IF this was NOT homicide, it seems like the place to park if you don't want to be bothered, but still want to have an eye out in case someone shows up.

I DO believe there was foul play, but again..these are different angles that are at least worth thinking about for 5 seconds.

Please don't think I am bashing the victim. It does not matter to me if she was drinking, doing drugs, wasn't perfect, etc. i am just trying to figure out how on earth this could even happen. She could have simply been associating with people who were up to some shady things that they don't want to come clean about to the police (underage drinking, smoking, etc).

I had also considered whether there could have been some kind of activity such as a "rolling meth lab" going on. Apparently people making meth have taken to doing it while driving around (for reasons i am not quite sure of and methods I do not quite understand.) but there have been quite a few car fires involving the production of meth. Could she have come upon a car of people doing this and they threw it into her car or she had a passenger doing something like this and it exploded?

Also a new flammable marijuana product is called wax and one way of making it is soaking marijuana in butane. People have set house on fire and burned themselves badly when doing this goes wrong (like this couple who were soaking the mj in the butane and decided to light a cigarette

I'm just trying to come up with scenarios that would make such a fire (or the components needed to create such a fire) in that area. It could also be plausible that there was a Molotov cocktail thrown into her car for some unknown reason ( random crime, revenge, mistaken identity, whatever).

What on earth was going on that such flammable accelerates were on hand? No matter what, she did not deserve to die such a horrible death
Please don't think I am bashing the victim. It does not matter to me if she was drinking, doing drugs, wasn't perfect, etc. i am just trying to figure out how on earth this could even happen. She could have simply been associating with people who were up to some shady things that they don't want to come clean about to the police (underage drinking, smoking, etc).

I had also considered whether there could have been some kind of activity such as a "rolling meth lab" going on. Apparently people making meth have taken to doing it while driving around (for reasons i am not quite sure of and methods I do not quite understand.) but there have been quite a few car fires involving the production of meth. Could she have come upon a car of people doing this and they threw it into her car or she had a passenger doing something like this and it exploded?

Also a new flammable marijuana product is called wax and one way of making it is soaking marijuana in butane. People have set house on fire and burned themselves badly when doing this goes wrong (like this couple who were soaking the mj in the butane and decided to light a cigarette

I'm just trying to come up with scenarios that would make such a fire (or the components needed to create such a fire) in that area. It could also be plausible that there was a Molotov cocktail thrown into her car for some unknown reason ( random crime, revenge, mistaken identity, whatever).

What on earth was going on that such flammable accelerates were on hand? No matter what, she did not deserve to die such a horrible death

Yes,I posted last night about the possibilities of huffing or siphoning but was told that it was a rumor or reported incorrectly that she had accelerant in her mouth.I mentioned maybe someone ran out of gas and she went to help with the extra gas and did not have a can,then siphoned using her mouth then later lit a ciggarette then bam!I did not go into the huffing scenario but same action.Also meth is very volatile.I was just trying to cover all the possibilities .It still could be the reason for the crash or accident and fire.We do not know what she said to rescue and this does not explain thebattery.This is a very strange case and I am hoping it was just some type of accident.
There has to be a connection between her getting gas and being burned.

I am 6 hours ahead so can not get on when everyone is posting.
The prosecutor on Thursday also updated information he had given CNN the previous day that indicated Chambers had attended a party but police couldn't find anyone who had seen her there. Police have now spoken to witnesses who claim to have seen Chambers at the party, the prosecutor said.

Investigators believe her phone will be "the key to everything," the prosecutor said. She received a call before she left her house, he said.


It is understood that Miss Chambers received a call on her phone shortly before leaving to buy fuel in Courtland, Mississippi, on Saturday.

Investigators also say the 19-year-old was spotted at a party on the night before her death.
DNA evidence may help investigators solve the Jessica Chambers case

Her father believes suspects in the case should have evidence on them. Chambered noted, &#8220;Jessica was a fighter. Whoever it was they're going to have some marks. Jessica is the kind of girl, she ain't going to lay down and let somebody do that to her.&#8221;

There is now an $11,000 reward in the case. Investigators have no suspects at this time.

From video: DNA results expected today, also mentions possible damage to rear of the car. Dad "if it is damaged, it wasn't there before"
Please don't think I am bashing the victim. It does not matter to me if she was drinking, doing drugs, wasn't perfect, etc. i am just trying to figure out how on earth this could even happen. She could have simply been associating with people who were up to some shady things that they don't want to come clean about to the police (underage drinking, smoking, etc).

I had also considered whether there could have been some kind of activity such as a "rolling meth lab" going on. Apparently people making meth have taken to doing it while driving around (for reasons i am not quite sure of and methods I do not quite understand.) but there have been quite a few car fires involving the production of meth. Could she have come upon a car of people doing this and they threw it into her car or she had a passenger doing something like this and it exploded?

Also a new flammable marijuana product is called wax and one way of making it is soaking marijuana in butane. People have set house on fire and burned themselves badly when doing this goes wrong (like this couple who were soaking the mj in the butane and decided to light a cigarette

I'm just trying to come up with scenarios that would make such a fire (or the components needed to create such a fire) in that area. It could also be plausible that there was a Molotov cocktail thrown into her car for some unknown reason ( random crime, revenge, mistaken identity, whatever).

What on earth was going on that such flammable accelerates were on hand? No matter what, she did not deserve to die such a horrible death

BBM Interesting indeed. I have been wondering if it was not a horrible accident and not even a murder at all. But I did not really have a way to get the car ablaze in that scenario. The car went down a rather steep embankment, yes? Couldn't she have hit her head in the car rolling down there. If the car was on fire and she lost control ?
ETA Anyone who was in the car with her and/ or caused that fire would not want to come talk about it if it were a meth explosion. That's for sure.
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