MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #1

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LE will be at the funeral to see who shows up JMO
I agree smoking isn't a biggie and imoo she looks like she's smoking when walking toward the store...then it looks like she is bending down to put out a cig. again moo.

FWIW, MOO, I think she knew her killer and I also think this was a crime of sexual assault and opportunity. I've always heard that burning a victim is personal.

I don't think, generally people smoke at gas stations, as they're often admonished by staff, from what I've seen, especially around gas tanks as it is a real danger, what with guys in striped shirts all over the place getting their diesel. I respectfully don't believe she's smoking or putting out a cigarette. It looks like she's picking something she notices up, like a coin or something. Her distraction looking down and picking whatever up coincides with the big guy in the striped shirt and smaller container shuffling off, away from the pump by her car, into the unseen part of the station parking lot.
So many questions arise from this, IMO.

If you look on google maps (M&M is what used to be a JD's), you will see a large, southern rectangle patch of grass and gravel. It appears to be a hangout/parking area for this gas station.

Can we be sure, for 100%, that Jessica drove away from this gas station alone? (*leads to speculation about her bumper.)


No. We can't. That's why the missing section of the surveillance tape is all important. What is visible in many of the unseen, computer captures on the M&M computer (see the Youtube vid "Gas surveillance captures..." for details), especially section 06:25:48 to 06:27:00 (when Jessica disappears and then reappears). Moreover why isn't that original CCTV tape material evidence and secured by LE? Why was it immediately available to MSM, the public, and the Alt. Media?

Also, isn't it extraordinary that LE would quickly remove a major element from a crime scene (i.e. Jessica's car) involving a possible homicide, and allow that vehicle to be ogled by the public at the M&M, and then photographed by Ali so he could post an image on his FB page by 2 am, 8 hours later?

I believe that there is definitely something wrong with LE. I have little respect for what is currently going on...
no. We can't. That's why the missing section of the surveillance tape is all important. What is visible in many of the unseen, computer captures on the m&m computer (see the youtube vid "gas surveillance captures..." for details), especially section 06:25:48 to 06:27:00 (when jessica disappears and then reappears). Moreover why isn't that original cctv tape material evidence and secured by le? Why was it immediately available to msm, the public, and the alt. Media?

Also, isn't it extraordinary that le would quickly remove a major element from a crime scene (i.e. Jessica's car) involving a possible homicide, and allow that vehicle to be ogled by the public at the m&m, and then photographed by ali so he could post an image on his fb page by 2 am, 8 hours later?

I believe that there is definitely something wrong with le. I have little respect for what is currently going on...

fear. Jmo
She did at least one interview. I'll see if I can find a link.


I saw one earlier than this one, I think.

Maybe Jessica was buying the cigarettes for mom? I read on here that both the mother & sister said Jessica didn't smoke.

The mom and grandmother both made moving and diverse appeals. Her sister started an amazing push for justice social media campaign. Last night, the friends who were quoted extensively in MSM links on this thread, about the viewing of Jessica Chamber's closed casket that so many lovingly covered in signatures, also mentioned that her mom is devastated and in constant tears. One of the friends asked at one point, in so many words, how does a family come back from losing a young beautiful loved one in such a manner after having lost her brother to an accident? The family seems to be doing an amazing job in their pursuit of justice, in the midst having to live with the thought of how she died fresh in their minds. A local news station announced in the link to the thread from last night, that it is sending a good portion of their news staff to Courtland on Monday to fan out and do some hard investigative journalism. The same news staff that found the video of at the gas station. All pertinent MSM links below
I don't always look too much into what LE says at the pressers. LE knows that the perp(s) are very likely watching and looking for clues as to whether or not the investigation is going anywhere. If the person(s) responsible feel safe, they may get bold and make a mistake. it is very possible that LE knows they have already interrogated the killer(s), but without enough evidence, they cannot hold them or charge them. So, they give them no reason to be fearful and possibly take off. It is so hard to read LE, so I try not to dwell so much on the pressers. i cannot believe the number of rumors in this case!
No. We can't. That's why the missing section of the surveillance tape is all important. What is visible in many of the unseen, computer captures on the M&M computer (see the Youtube vid "Gas surveillance captures..." for details), especially section 06:25:48 to 06:27:00 (when Jessica disappears and then reappears). Moreover why isn't that original CCTV tape material evidence and secured by LE? Why was it immediately available to MSM, the public, and the Alt. Media?

Also, isn't it extraordinary that LE would quickly remove a major element from a crime scene (i.e. Jessica's car) involving a possible homicide, and allow that vehicle to be ogled by the public at the M&M, and then photographed by Ali so he could post an image on his FB page by 2 am, 8 hours later?

I believe that there is definitely something wrong with LE. I have little respect for what is currently going on...

I agree 100%.Most LE agencies cover up cars that have been used in a crime.
This looks like LE wanted everyone to see her car.
This crime is big & complicated.

I pray your fears about no one being arrested for this crime are not realized. Awful to think that someone with that much evil in them can go unpunished. I would be terrified of that occurred in my community. I wish much luck to the reporters in their efforts!
The 8 minute video I just watched, with some guy talking over everything. I hadn't noticed this before, but when Jessica went up to the counter, there were three guys standing there, two really didn't pay any attention to her, but the one guy was certainly interested in her. It could be nothing, just some creepy guy leering at a girl, who knows? There sure was a lot of activity going on at the gas station. And the guy was cleared, the one with the gas can???
Would be helpful to know if JC really was seen at a party as some are claiming. Or if she made it to the car wash. With 90 minutes or so passing between the gas station footage and the moment she was found, I would hate to think of what she endured. I just can't shake the feeling that there was a sexual assault, with the Fire being an attempt to hide the evidence. Jmo
The 8 minute video I just watched, with some guy talking over everything. I hadn't noticed this before, but when Jessica went up to the counter, there were three guys standing there, two really didn't pay any attention to her, but the one guy was certainly interested in her. It could be nothing, just some creepy guy leering at a girl, who knows? There sure was a lot of activity going on at the gas station. And the guy was cleared, the one with the gas can???

The guy with the gas can has been cleared. He was buying gas for a generator and had witnesses back at his house for an alibi.
The guy with the gas can has been cleared. He was buying gas for a generator and had witnesses back at his house for an alibi.

Wonder about the three guys standing there when she walked in, that one guy gave me the creeps.
View attachment 65461

No. There is only one striped jacket person. Your reference to "two different guys" refers to the same person; he wears the same jacket. He is seen exiting the front doorway at footage mark 06:25:59 (appx), carrying a gas can, moving towards Chambers' gas pump at footage mark 06:26:10. From that point on, he can be seen in the background of the videos filling his gas can until he departs screen-right at footage mark 06:27:15.

Note: The best view of his gas pump activity -- after he has exited the doorway -- can be seen in the Youtube video "Gas station surveillance...." ( Also, in order to capture the above image you need to be very quick, and to perform "stop-'n-go clicking" in the MyFoxMemphis vid, as soon as Chambers departs screen-right at 06:25:48 (; this image is a screen capture, reduced 50%...

I looked for a long a time and numerous videos. Willing to accept it is one guy, but how do you explain the difference in size of the person, the stripes, the gait, and the size of whatever is being filled which looks so different? Sorry, if I'm completely of the mark here.

If she went to the car wash, there may be more video to see of her not yet available to LE or anyone. I hope places in Batesville that may have picked her on cams check things out.

It had rained before that night, so the ground was pretty wet. I don't think it has rained since. Would tracking dogs be useful in some way to find where a scent from the car area may lead somehow, if they use the scent from the accelerant that was used to douse her or even Jessica Chamber's scent to find where she may have been before?
Is anyone watching this funeral? Bizarre. 7 minutes til it begins and hardly anyone there. JMO
I don't think, generally people smoke at gas stations, as they're often admonished by staff, from what I've seen, especially around gas tanks as it is a real danger, what with guys in striped shirts all over the place getting their diesel. I respectfully don't believe she's smoking or putting out a cigarette. It looks like she's picking something she notices up, like a coin or something. Her distraction looking down and picking whatever up coincides with the big guy in the striped shirt and smaller container shuffling off, away from the pump by her car, into the unseen part of the station parking lot.

I usually lock my purse in the car while I pump my gas (and unload my shopping cart) Maybe she did that?
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