MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #10

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Very interesting concept, DeDee.

I'm concerned about the important missing hour in the TL from 7:31 until the 911 call went out to a member of the EMT staff. "Tone Dropped" ~ Cole Haley

FCCH, after tone dropped, arrived at CS to SOS for Jessica. CH "realized who she was". However, Jessica was unrecognizable, according to BC.

FCCH contacted:
1 medi-vac
2 sheriff's office
3 and Pope Fire Department

Justin Turner, CVFD, was at dinner, within radio contact *unconfirmed

I want to know why the Sheriff or DA won't verify Jessica's ph call with her own mother.

LD changed the time of the call. Verification can be obtained and received from Jessica's ph inbox. There is something sketchy about the hour. Couple that with a need to fill the TL until FF arrive and an assault works well if one believes Jess was burned in or outside of her car.

The windshield wiper blade left at the CS demonstrates how little LEO cares about this CS. The video of Jessica at M&M's drops LEOs rep to new lows. The ww blade could have also been a weapon at CS.

Why was Ali so accommodating in publishing the pics onto FB of that child's burned out car while on a tow trailer at M&Ms? Stark contrast to the way her Kia appeared at 6:30 earlier that night on his business' CCTV video.

Further, why did Ali post that there was gasoline poured down her throat and she was then lit afire? How did he know all that info so soon?

And why did Ali feel the urge to publish the "burned car" pics onto FB. Was he telling his gang, "Good job."? Or warning a snitch?
Resoundingly, I hear:

"I cannot shake the statement made by the DA almost immediately after JC's death, saying that he did not anticipate an arrest to be made in her case. " MSCJ

Why would the DA/Prosecutor declare an arrest is not forthcoming? DA made the statement within hours of Jessica's murder?

~ "Do not anticipate an arrest." DA Champion

Why does he announce there are going to be no imminent arrests therefore we should not anticipate anyone's arrest?

I believe the public should demand an acceptable excuse or reason from this Prosecutor/DA Team Champion concerning this information being stated before JC was buried.

We will soon be entering the fourth month of her murder without an arrest. "Do not anticipate an arrest." DA Champion


I may have misheard (or had wishful assumptions), but I always thought he said that they don't anticipate an arrest soon - paraphrasing. I never understood it to be that they didn't anticipate an arrest ever. It's been a while since I watched any of the videos, so I should probably go watch the early ones again.
I'm concerned about the important missing hour in the TL from 7:31 until the 911 call went out to a member of the EMT staff. "Tone Dropped" ~ Cole Haley

FCCH, after tone dropped, arrived at CS to SOS for Jessica. CH "realized who she was". However, Jessica was unrecognizable, according to BC.

FCCH contacted:
1 medi-vac
2 sheriff's office
3 and Pope Fire Department

Justin Turner, CVFD, was at dinner, within radio contact *unconfirmed

I want to know why the Sheriff or DA won't verify Jessica's ph call with her own mother.

LD changed the time of the call. Verification can be obtained and received from Jessica's ph inbox. There is something sketchy about the hour. Couple that with a need to fill the TL until FF arrive and an assault works well if one believes Jess was burned in or outside of her car.

The windshield wiper blade left at the CS demonstrates how little LEO cares about this CS. The video of Jessica at M&M's drops LEOs rep to new lows. The ww blade could have also been a weapon at CS.
Why was Ali so accommodating in publishing the pics onto FB of that child's burned out car while on a tow trailer at M&Ms? Stark contrast to the way her Kia appeared at 6:30 earlier that night on his business' CCTV video.

Further, why did Ali post that there was gasoline poured down her throat and she was then lit afire? How did he know all that info so soon?

And why did Ali feel the urge to publish the "burned car" pics onto FB. Was he telling his gang, "Good job."? Or warning a snitch?

Regarding Ali: those questions have been answered ad nauseam. In numerous news videos, news articles both online and in print and here within the forums.

Ali had NOTHING to do the murder of Jessica Chambers. Ali has been cleared by LE and that includes MBI, FBI, U.S. State Marshalls and the ATF... you don't have to take the word of local LE because that's a problem for most in this case and completely understandable.
I may have misheard (or had wishful assumptions), but I always thought he said that they don't anticipate an arrest soon - paraphrasing. I never understood it to be that they didn't anticipate an arrest ever. It's been a while since I watched any of the videos, so I should probably go watch the early ones again.

That is also how I took his statement. That at that the the statement was given LE had no suspects and therefore no charges were anticipated any time soon.
That is also how I took his statement. That at that the the statement was given LE had no suspects and therefore no charges were anticipated any time soon.

Just a thought: Possibly all these agencies are involved in something much bigger (some crime ring, sex trafficking, cartel - who knows these days?) and they don't want to risk all the work they have done over months to make this arrest. Maybe they know who it is and are just waiting on something else to break. I am totally guessing here, I try to keep up with this case but it's hard to do. My heart breaks for this beautiful young girl, what a horrible way to die. It is truly one of the saddest cases I've read about. I hope they bring down a 100 creeps for this - it reeks of gangs and drugs to me. JMO and all that.
A couple of quick questions (I realize there may not be any answers) - but did they determine what type of fuel was used? Lighter fluid? Regular gas? Wouldn't she have had to be bound somehow? Did anything come of the name she supposedly uttered before dying? Eric/Derrick? Sorry if this has been asked and answered, too. TIA
A couple of quick questions (I realize there may not be any answers) - but did they determine what type of fuel was used? Lighter fluid? Regular gas? Wouldn't she have had to be bound somehow? Did anything come of the name she supposedly uttered before dying? Eric/Derrick? Sorry if this has been asked and answered, too. TIA

We do not know the answers to any of these questions, though I am sure we all would love to.

Regarding Ali: those questions have been answered ad nauseam. In numerous news videos, news articles both online and in print and here within the forums.

Ali had NOTHING to do the murder of Jessica Chambers. Ali has been cleared by LE and that includes MBI, FBI, U.S. State Marshalls and the ATF... you don't have to take the word of local LE because that's a problem for most in this case and completely understandable.

Since my last post went “poof,” I will try to be a little less direct with my opinions.

I really pray that all the questions surrounding Jessica’s death haven’t been answered, ad nauseam or not, in only four months although it must feel longer than that. I also pray that LE- local, state, or federal- have not already finished their investigations of anyone whom Jessica came in contact with on that last day she was alive. That just doesn’t seem possible.

Those of us on WS who are still following Jaren Lockhart’s heartbreaking murder and dismemberment almost three years after it happened can tell you that four months with no answers quickly turned into a year. And that was with a video of the two finally charged in her murder, Margaret Sanchez and Terry Speaks, leaving with Jaren on the last night she was alive, a camera capturing the car owned by Sanchez driving to the scene of the murder (Sanchez’s home)in Kenner, LA, and a camera capturing the same car leaving MS after Jaren’s body was dismembered and dumped on the MS coast. The evidence pointing to their guilt seemed so obvious to all waiting for justice for Jaren, and it still took two years for the charges to be made. In fact, Bessie was the one who told us to brace ourselves for the long haul, and we still haven’t reached the end of it.

I remind my students almost every day that they can’t always trust what they hear, read, or even see with their own eyes, but they can and should trust what is in their hearts. I hope that those who know what happened to Jessica open their hearts to the truth and help to bring justice to her story.
A couple of quick questions (I realize there may not be any answers) - but did they determine what type of fuel was used? Lighter fluid? Regular gas? Wouldn't she have had to be bound somehow? Did anything come of the name she supposedly uttered before dying? Eric/Derrick? Sorry if this has been asked and answered, too. TIA

1. They probably have determined what type fuel, if any, was used...but have not gone public with the information to my knowledge
2. Bounding...Possible...but not necessarily...
3. Only one person allegedly heard Jessica say something (a name)...And that something (IF she said something) was never released...My opinion is that it was made up...but I do not believe LE made it up...I will leave it at that...

Since my last post went “poof,” I will try to be a little less direct with my opinions.

I really pray that all the questions surrounding Jessica’s death haven’t been answered, ad nauseam or not, in only four months although it must feel longer than that. I also pray that LE- local, state, or federal- have not already finished their investigations of anyone whom Jessica came in contact with on that last day she was alive. That just doesn’t seem possible.

<edited out by me - just for space>

I remind my students almost every day that they can&#8217;t always trust what they hear, read, or even see with their own eyes, but they can and should trust what is in their hearts. I hope that those who know what happened to Jessica open their hearts to the truth and help to bring justice to her story.

I thought you had self-corrected and deleted your own post because I've done that myself, lol. :drumroll:

People can be sarcastic about my comment, but those questions/remarks posted about Ali in that postspecifically have indeed been discussed, dissected and answered "ad nauseam". I referred to nothing else.

My point was and is, Ali has been cleared. His behaviors and actions have been cleared. It seems to me that some people on *those* sites continue to insist to read more into it. Maybe because they want so badly to believe he's a bad guy. It just makes me sick/angry that innuendo continues to be regurgitated based solely on what appears to be his ethnicity and assumed religious beliefs. I say that, because there certainly have been no evidence, no charges, no proof and no judgment that he's done anything other than act like so many other young men would have acted. He acted with no ill intentions, just natural curiosity. I dislike guns and especially those produced solely for rapid mass destruction of human bodies, but gee whiz; I'm an old lady and even I know the fascination so many young men have with weapons and the novelty of a murdered girl's burned out car stopping at your business. A business that is perfectly normal to be the hub of young people's socialization just as the gas/service stations, corner stores of generations before theirs.

Of course, we ALL hope that the questions surrounding Jessica Chambers' murder will be answered and her murder solved with an arrest and conviction of her murderer/s.

No matter how hard I try to be non-judgmental in my posts, they will always be influenced by my perceptions, thoughts, feelings and my opinion given. :D
Well, on the good side, and not at all meaning to be disingenuous -- but at least they haven't arrested the wrong person yet.
I may have misheard (or had wishful assumptions), but I always thought he said that they don't anticipate an arrest soon - paraphrasing. I never understood it to be that they didn't anticipate an arrest ever. It's been a while since I watched any of the videos, so I should probably go watch the early ones again.

You are right, he never said they didn't anticipate an arrest EVER.
Nothing to report about Jessica's case, but did find this NPR story from this morning to be a real downer when thinking about this case (and some others): Open Cases: Why One-third of Murders in America Go Unresolved

Thanks, Concerned Mama. According to this article, Panola County Sheriff's Dept. murder and non-negligent manslaughter clearance rate for 2011 was 100% (2 for 2) and for 2012 was 100% (2 for 2). Statistics unavailable for 2013 & 2014. Let's hope they keep the streak going.
I don't know about LE cover-up, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are one or more police officers that are involved in corruption relating to gang activity. That may add to the complexity of the case if an officer is undermining the dept/LE/FBI investigation. I also wouldn't be surprised if "gangs" are either subtly or otherwise threatening LE or have been for some time. Gang activity instills fear in their communities, and if any LE are receiving bribes/money for "looking the other way" it only rots the community more. This is why LE shouldn't ever lose sight of how important it is to protect their communities from the criminal enterprise or kowtow. Also, I think there was a government employee/head, MS State Prison that was recently arrested for corruption in MS, so there could very well be others involved in corruption scheme. I hope any government workers involved in corruption are arrested right along with all the individuals involved in criminal enterprises/criminal activity and of course Jessica's murderers.

For the most part, I hope FBI/ATF/LE are keeping quiet because there is lots of work to do there and if it's better for investigation(s) and does a swath of good for the community then I have no problem with that. Jmo/

Thanks, BirdycatNY. Here's a good "for example" out in Cali-FORN-I-A from this week:

Enough of the gun argument. This thread concerns a young woman who died in a fire.

Samantha....with all due respect, you're making my point (& MyBelle's) in the link you provided above. In your link, it shows Mississippi as the second worst-income earning state in the nation.
With that kind of despair in the air, one can not solely blame JC, her parents, or gangs alone. I feel you have to look at the big picture.
It is a combination of factors that influence our children as they turn into adults, including regional opportunities.
Sure, there's rare people that will always overcome adversity so we don't need anecdotal examples of such. But on the whole, it is a tough climb out of a poor environment. Then throw in some gangs, broken homes, lack of mentoring or support, a high unemployment rate, etc and it ain't pretty. I know.

Just like your article mentions; it leads to dispair & hopelessness. For many, the American Dream is a pipe dream .... Sad but true.

I wish JC's circumstances were better as a whole. RIP
Sigh...I certainly hope this case hasn't gone as cold as this thread has, but I fear that it has.
I'm concerned about the important missing hour in the TL from 7:31 until the 911 call went out to a member of the EMT staff. "Tone Dropped" ~ Cole Haley

FCCH, after tone dropped, arrived at CS to SOS for Jessica. CH "realized who she was". However, Jessica was unrecognizable, according to BC.

FCCH contacted:
1 medi-vac
2 sheriff's office
3 and Pope Fire Department

Justin Turner, CVFD, was at dinner, within radio contact *unconfirmed

I want to know why the Sheriff or DA won't verify Jessica's ph call with her own mother.

LD changed the time of the call. Verification can be obtained and received from Jessica's ph inbox. There is something sketchy about the hour. Couple that with a need to fill the TL until FF arrive and an assault works well if one believes Jess was burned in or outside of her car.

The windshield wiper blade left at the CS demonstrates how little LEO cares about this CS. The video of Jessica at M&M's drops LEOs rep to new lows. The ww blade could have also been a weapon at CS.

Why was Ali so accommodating in publishing the pics onto FB of that child's burned out car while on a tow trailer at M&Ms? Stark contrast to the way her Kia appeared at 6:30 earlier that night on his business' CCTV video.

Further, why did Ali post that there was gasoline poured down her throat and she was then lit afire? How did he know all that info so soon?

And why did Ali feel the urge to publish the "burned car" pics onto FB. Was he telling his gang, "Good job."? Or warning a snitch?

I'd like to know why the sheriff is still employed, and that DA exhibits as much professionalism as a used car dealer.

Windshield wipers aren't made like they used to be. They're all lightweight metal composites or in really expensive cars, carbon fiber. I'm talking about the armatures now. Neither of those materials would make much of a serious weapon. It would be great for inflicting pain, but not much more. Considering how intact it looked, I believe we're talking about the armature that made it's rounds on the tertiary news sites, found later after the crime scene was abandoned and *assumed* to be one from Jessica's vehicle. Those would bend, or break. Now if we were talking about an armature from a 50 Desoto, or a 72 Cadillac, or even an 05 BMW that's a different story, but this is an economy car, and not a maker concerned with quality or longevity.

When I first started following this case, just a few days after it happened I knew nothing at all about Mr. Alsanai other than his name, and that there were possible ties to gang activity. The first thing I thought when I saw what he shared on social media, was his announcement of fait accompli. The very thought disturbed me deeply. Weeks later, after watching his interviews and observing what I believed was his candor, I changed my mind. It seemed to me like he could be a decent person. However, further observation of his behavior, some of the things he "said" or acknowledged, changed my mind again. I think it was exactly as I surmised initially. The job is done, here's the proof, this is what happens if you cross the wrong people.

ALL of this is MOO, well except for the windshield wiper bit, that's informed opinion.
Are there any posters here from the Panola County MS area? If so I wish you would speak up to let us know what people in that area are thinking with a heinous killer running loose .... if I lived in the area I would be in constant panic mode.
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