MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #10

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But I have this feeling that once LE catches the perp(s), I'll think "now it makes total sense." But for now, it could be any name with "ick" assuming that's what Jessica meant (and I totally think she made sure to tell before she died), hypothetically Veronica? Erica? There are so many names with the "ick" sound and maybe someone should just go through the phone book in the county and the surrounding counties, or out of state... how frustrating.

The other thing that bothers me is that someone had to at least have smelt the smoke in the area, or noticed the flames. Or noticed smells on perp(s) that evening. I think it would smoke up the neighborhood/closest area pretty quickly. I get that locals there have bonfires, but I have a difficult time believing that no one saw flames. Flames would be easier to see since it was darker, but doesn't smoke smell travel pretty fast through air? So did any "ICK" smell like smoke or gas that evening? Idk/

Remember that one person who is said to live within a 3 minute walk of the crime scene said he was home with a toothache....and he neither heard, saw, nor smelled anything that night.
He might be playing on people's (witnesses,people with information, etc) concious' to come forward .

Maybe, but to me the perp is a sociopath or psychopath to have committed such a horrific/heinous crime ..... they have no conscience. Remember that Darby stated that this crime was not the perp's first rodeo.
I would guess from Sheriff Darby's statements above that he is a committed Christian, and that yes, he did use that press conference to let the rest of the world know that there were lots of folks just like him in Panola County, MS.

I just found this website, not sure how accurate its statistics are, but they show quite a lot of folks with a religious bent (60%) in Panola County, and nearly all of them are Christians of one denomination or another. I'm not trying to put words into the sheriff's mouth, just trying to explain where he was probably coming from with that handful of religious references thrown in.

With those kinds of statistics, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the murderer(s) turns out to be a Christian -- not a good one, mind you, but someone who knew they were doing something wrong, and who will ultimately face a harsher punishment than the criminal justice system can mete out, if they continue to hide and deny. As for all the other low life around Panola County, don't forget that when Jesus was hung on a cross, there was a thief on either side being crucifed along with him. One of the two, probably there after a life of crime, professed his belief to the Jewish Messiah being executed next to him, and as far as the Bible is concerned, he's the only person we know for sure who ever made it into heaven (besides Jesus of course) -- and he was really only a "Christian" for maybe a few minutes. He was baptised with nothing but his own blood, sweat, and tears pouring down a tortured and dying body -- so when it comes to "sprinkling" or "dunking" for baptisms, I don't think that example bears out either one.

Anyway, getting WAAAAY off the subject here. I do/did honestly think Sheriff Darby was using his bully pulpit of a press conference to proclaim to the world the strong Christianity of the county he protects and represents, that it was preventing racial tensions from becoming an issue like Furgueson had just gone through, and that it had brought about comraderie among the various investigators (black or white) brought together from all over to solve Jessica's murder.

So, yes, I do believe etc., etc. -- Can I have an Amen, Sister?

Not to argue the Bible, which I hate for anyone to do, but I believe there was Elijah who went up to heaven in a chariot of fire and also Enoch who walked so close to God that he disappeared into the clouds with him and was seen no more on earth. So, at least those two, besides the theif who was crucified with Jesus.
Please Note:
Article published April 28th 2011

Are hit men knocking off people from Grenada, Mississippi to Memphis? That's one possibility a task force is looking into as it investigates 4 Mississippi murders, all believed to be connected.

In Brief:
-4 murders in 2 counties connected with similar MO's
-Task force formed to investigate hit man theory
-Investigators believe other murders could be connected
-Reward offered for information leading to arrest

"They don't appear to be random, they appear to be, for the lack of a better word, hits," Champion said. "When I realized the similarity between all 4 of them it became painfully obvious we needed to put together something to get this ball rolling."
Since 2008, a task force made up of members of the ATF, the DEA and local law enforcement has been investigating the murders.
Champion stated, "We certainly think we've identified a group of people or people who all connected with the 4 murders and who are all going to be connected with the narcotics trade."
Investigators believe the same person or group is behind the murders, but they don't know if the same triggerman is responsible or if the murders are the work of hired hit men. And, there could be more murders.

Bolded & red nightlighted by MizStery-Fastforward to 2015-UNDERSTATEMENT of all time
"Quite frankly I'll be surprised if these are the only 4; with the group we're looking at, I really would be," Champion said.
Investigators haven't talked about the murder investigation before, but now the District Attorney is speaking out hoping some recent arrests, which he would not disclose, will ease fears and get the community talking. "I think potential witnesses we would have in at least some of the homicides are scared, and I understand why they're scared."
"Not a day passes we don't do something to try to get on top of this and get those [murders] solved," said Chief Page. "We're not going to give up on them. Sooner or later I feel something's going to happen where we can actually get these cases solved."
Investigators haven't seen any similar murders since 2008 when the task force came together and started asking questions. At that point the murders seemed to stop.


March 4,2011
Cold Case Taiwan Shavoco & Obey Sr. aka Chicken

Two victims, two separate murders, both six months apart, and each had a bizarre crime scene. This Cold Case comes from Panola County, Mississippi.
-&#8216;Chicken&#8217; was found shot multiple times in his front yard.
-Police say he still had money in his pocket.
-Investigators believe Chicken&#8217;s murder is related to Jamie Milam&#8217;s murder.

Well now, that's very interesting. If Darby suspects that a particular group of criminals killed (or had her killed) JC and he knows this group has killed (or had killed) others and yet those previous murders have gone unsolved, then THAT could explain why they said at the very first press conference that the public should not expect a quick arrest. I am still really stuck on that statement. There is a clue in that somewhere for us.
My apologies if this subject has been discussed already.

I'm curious if any WebSleuthers have knowledge of past crimes that were solved, or at least partially solved, with input from a clairvoyant/psychic? I know DA Champion has already poo-pooed such an idea in one of his interviews, mentioning that no help had been received from the tip line except for some messages from psychics and crazies. So much for LE's official stance on the subject, now for those out there in WS Radioland...

I myself am very skeptical of that "profession" as a whole, and feel most folks who tell fortunes or predict the future are charlatans looking to make a quick buck from gulible folks experiencing emotional distress. But in rare cases, I also assume there are those who through some sort of intuitive sense or gift can somehow "see" or feel things that others do not. In a case like this, why not accept all the help you can get? Have any big name psychics waded in on the Jessica Chambers case?


Not sure about any "big" name psychics, but I did come across someone who did forensic astrology chart (search forensic astrology blogspot Jessica Chambers). Anyway, I don't know if psychics can "see" but sometimes they may be able to "see" a big picture by their observations/psychology? The problem is times where psychics are pretty vague, speak in generalities or wrong (if they're even genuinely sincere about it). It could upset family members more who use them. I am not psychic, but I once had a very vivid/lucid dream about case that hasn't been solved yet and if it ever turns out the killer resembles what happened in my dream, then I'll let you know. ;)

Remember that one person who is said to live within a 3 minute walk of the crime scene said he was home with a toothache....and he neither heard, saw, nor smelled anything that night.

LE should do a controlled experiment with fire, distance etc to see if and how quickly observers in the neighborhood would smell and/or see flames. Btw LE charged someone in Desi Jones case (perp sexually misconduct minor/assault DJ, hit her over head and burned her body). It's a 20 yr neighbor who lived 4 houses away from DJ and he's been in prison for another sexual assault (

O/T But just to add to religious discussion, factual tidbit - December 6 is Saint Nicholas Day. To me as a child, it was always the holiday where we got stockings from St. Nick. And I'm sure date is just a coincidence with JC.
Not to argue the Bible, which I hate for anyone to do, but I believe there was Elijah who went up to heaven in a chariot of fire and also Enoch who walked so close to God that he disappeared into the clouds with him and was seen no more on earth. So, at least those two, besides the theif who was crucified with Jesus.

Well, OK, you got me there New1, if you're gonna pull that Old1 stuff (Old Testament) on me. Good catch -- see, agreeing with you instead of arguing the Bible, to avoid your hatred. ;-)
Well now, that's very interesting. If Darby suspects that a particular group of criminals killed (or had her killed) JC and he knows this group has killed (or had killed) others and yet those previous murders have gone unsolved, then THAT could explain why they said at the very first press conference that the public should not expect a quick arrest. I am still really stuck on that statement. There is a clue in that somewhere for us.

It's like a snowball rolling down hill, one unsolved murder begets another, which begets another, etc. There must be a good basis for the expression "Thick as Thieves" -- but if it's a group and not an individual, there's always the chance one of them will turn state's evidence to save their hide.

[/FONT]March 4,2011
Cold Case Taiwan Shavoco & Obey Sr. aka Chicken

Two victims, two separate murders, both six months apart, and each had a bizarre crime scene. This Cold Case comes from Panola County, Mississippi.
-‘Chicken’ was found shot multiple times in his front yard.
-Police say he still had money in his pocket.
-Investigators believe Chicken’s murder is related to Jamie Milam’s murder.

Looking at the article from your second link, a couple of the statements almost cracked me up, if it hadn't been for the seriousness of the subject matter:

“It appears the shooter was chasing Taiwan around the yard as he was shooting at him,” said Whitten.
and just a few lines later...​
...Deputies say ‘Chicken’ and Milam ran in the same circle...


It doesn't sound like the same MO to me, MizStery. The executions described in the second article were in public places, some with plenty of witnesses, and key pieces of evidence like dozens of spent cartridges were left behind, apparently not the least bit of concern for the killers. For Jessica, on the other hand, the crime was in a secluded place and the killer made sure (or thought they made sure) that nothing but ashes was left behind for LE to sift through. The only similarity is that all of these crimes certainly caught the public's attention, in a dramatic way.

Panola County, not on the top of my list for friendly vacation spots.
Please Note:
Article published April 28th 2011

Are hit men knocking off people from Grenada, Mississippi to Memphis? That's one possibility a task force is looking into as it investigates 4 Mississippi murders, all believed to be connected.

In Brief:
-4 murders in 2 counties connected with similar MO's
-Task force formed to investigate hit man theory
-Investigators believe other murders could be connected
-Reward offered for information leading to arrest

"They don't appear to be random, they appear to be, for the lack of a better word, hits," Champion said. "When I realized the similarity between all 4 of them it became painfully obvious we needed to put together something to get this ball rolling."
Since 2008, a task force made up of members of the ATF, the DEA and local law enforcement has been investigating the murders.
Champion stated, "We certainly think we've identified a group of people or people who all connected with the 4 murders and who are all going to be connected with the narcotics trade."
Investigators believe the same person or group is behind the murders, but they don't know if the same triggerman is responsible or if the murders are the work of hired hit men. And, there could be more murders.

Bolded & red nightlighted by MizStery-Fastforward to 2015-UNDERSTATEMENT of all time
"Quite frankly I'll be surprised if these are the only 4; with the group we're looking at, I really would be," Champion said.
Investigators haven't talked about the murder investigation before, but now the District Attorney is speaking out hoping some recent arrests, which he would not disclose, will ease fears and get the community talking. "I think potential witnesses we would have in at least some of the homicides are scared, and I understand why they're scared."
"Not a day passes we don't do something to try to get on top of this and get those [murders] solved," said Chief Page. "We're not going to give up on them. Sooner or later I feel something's going to happen where we can actually get these cases solved."
Investigators haven't seen any similar murders since 2008 when the task force came together and started asking questions. At that point the murders seemed to stop.


March 4,2011
Cold Case Taiwan Shavoco & Obey Sr. aka Chicken

Two victims, two separate murders, both six months apart, and each had a bizarre crime scene. This Cold Case comes from Panola County, Mississippi.
-‘Chicken’ was found shot multiple times in his front yard.
-Police say he still had money in his pocket.
-Investigators believe Chicken’s murder is related to Jamie Milam’s murder.

The line in the article that grabbed by attention about "Chicken", who lived in the 1000 block of Carlisle, was that the killer chased Chicken around his yard while shooting at him.

Then, Jamie Milam was murdered in a similar manner as far as the killer was hiding in wait until she arrived home. Her mother, Pennie, was killed soon thereafter when she allegedly walked into oncoming traffic and was struck by a car. The killings stopped when the task force began asking questions in 2008.

Jamie and Chicken's murders occurred in 2006. How do they tie in with Jessica's immolation in 2014? Could Jessica possibly ID the killer of Chicken and Jamie? This case has so many unanswered questions. The evil in Panola County is palpable.

Today marks the 5th month of the investigation into Jessica's death without an arrest.

JMHO and all that jazz
Well now, that's very interesting. If Darby suspects that a particular group of criminals killed (or had her killed) JC and he knows this group has killed (or had killed) others and yet those previous murders have gone unsolved, then THAT could explain why they said at the very first press conference that the public should not expect a quick arrest. I am still really stuck on that statement. There is a clue in that somewhere for us.

I think LE, and all the other agencies, know who committed this crime going by Darby's statement that this wasn't the perp('s) first rodeo. It could be several perps involved and they're still gathering evidence for a rock solid case to hand over to a grand jury.
To tell the truth I haven't ever found one honest enough to bother with. Most use what I'd call a shotgun statements. Those that if you stand far enough back it will hit, or be applicable to most everything in front of it. Other times they are dead wrong about it all. I've met a few that are really good at reading people, I think most so call psychics are good at that. For LE to use something like this in a small town would be political suicide.

I think you are probably right, papa rob. Here are a couple of on-line articles that shed some light on the subject, but neither one is conclusive (IMO).

"They said you're telling us things that only people involved would have known; you've told us forensic details."

"In brief, knowledgeable police officials resist the temptation to employ psychics."
I know it hasn't been confirmed about the keys found close to the Herron crime scene, but hypo if true does anyone think that it could indicate: a. one of the perp(s) drove Jessica's car to the crime and b. likely a male? I think males are more likely to (out of habit) after driving a car put keys in their pant pockets and I am thinking that one of the perp(s) drove JC's car and out of habit put the keys in his pocket and then realized that he was holding onto evidence. Otherwise, why not just leave the keys in the car? All hypo of course. Just to add - I hope that Jessica's mom (and dad) find some peace and comfort on this Mother's Day. And I really hope this case is solved and perp(s) caught. Jmo/

Eric Cates official DNA just in, Atlanta plane crash victims yet to be positively ID'd...
Did I miss it? When was the article about Jessica being positively ID'd posted? All of these people were burned beyond recognition, as a family member I'd need it or I'd always wonder... It just seems odd. I can't find anything about Jessica.
Just an observation.
I know it hasn't been confirmed about the keys found close to the Herron crime scene, but hypo if true does anyone think that it could indicate: a. one of the perp(s) drove Jessica's car to the crime and b. likely a male? I think males are more likely to (out of habit) after driving a car put keys in their pant pockets and I am thinking that one of the perp(s) drove JC's car and out of habit put the keys in his pocket and then realized that he was holding onto evidence. Otherwise, why not just leave the keys in the car? All hypo of course. Just to add - I hope that Jessica's mom (and dad) find some peace and comfort on this Mother's Day. And I really hope this case is solved and perp(s) caught. Jmo/

I had posted a response earlier today with the same Title, but it disappeared. It contained a link and a map, one or both of which may have been the cause of its disappearance, dunno. The arbiters of this website act swiftly and without notice...

Anyway, I will try to re-formulate my response without said props. A map showing the timeline for Jessica's whereabouts, on a well-known website that shall not be mentioned here, in deference to She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed (any "Rumpole of the Bailey" fans out there?) had an entry marked the "alleged" car key location. That location was on Herron Road, between the CS and Courtland. I theorized that if they had been found at that location, they would have had to been discarded by the perp(s) during their escape, since Jessica's vehicle could not have been driven to the CS without them. I suggested that meant the killer(s) would have had to been fleeing toward town, and so might have possibly been passed by the CVFD traveling along Herron in the opposite direction. I also stated that I hoped LE had indeed found the keys as alleged, and if so, I hoped that they included latent fingerprints.

I know it hasn't been confirmed about the keys found close to the Herron crime scene, but hypo if true does anyone think that it could indicate: a. one of the perp(s) drove Jessica's car to the crime and b. likely a male? I think males are more likely to (out of habit) after driving a car put keys in their pant pockets and I am thinking that one of the perp(s) drove JC's car and out of habit put the keys in his pocket and then realized that he was holding onto evidence. Otherwise, why not just leave the keys in the car? All hypo of course. Just to add - I hope that Jessica's mom (and dad) find some peace and comfort on this Mother's Day. And I really hope this case is solved and perp(s) caught. Jmo/
IMO there is a reason the keys weren't left inside the car to burn. Anyone familiar with arson investigation can explain why "certain" items are not destroyed & it's "personal" - same reason her cell phone was spared. IMO.
The perps may have snuffed out a precious girl, but they still had information to gain or attempt to access after her death in an attempt to save themselves from being identified and charged. *personally, I believe it was an epic fail and THAT will come back to bite them!

Eric Cates official DNA just in, Atlanta plane crash victims yet to be positively ID'd...
Did I miss it? When was the article about Jessica being positively ID'd posted? All of these people were burned beyond recognition, as a family member I'd need it or I'd always wonder... It just seems odd. I can't find anything about Jessica.
Just an observation.

We know who was in the plane. The individual body parts must be identified. There were four empty seats at Ole Miss' Graduation Commencement yesterday. The 2015 graduate, Mr. Byrd, flew to NC where his family is from and did not attend the ceremony.

a plane crash killed byrd's father greg byrd two brothers phillip and christopher and one of the brother's fianc jackie kulzer. christopher and jackie were also alumi of ole miss

We don't know any of JCs DNA results. Dangit. There is really not any doubt that it was Jessica along with her burning Kia parked on the death knoll on Herron Road. Who else could it have been?

I follow the keys down to Main Street as they were tossed by the perp. The cell ph is a bugaboo. It was left on site. The cell ph battery was found on site. The perp doesn't care if we find the car keys or her cell phone while knowing cell ph records can be obtained via court order by a judge. Why leave the phone and [possibly] the keys behind instead of tossing them in the lake?

Jessica was in Courtland, on the phone with mom from 6:48 - 7:13, although these times have fluctuated and have not been confirmed by LEO. 18 minutes later, at 7:31, Jessica is at her CS. Within forty (40) minutes, she's in flames. Did not one car or truck pass by, see her car and maybe others, but haven't informed LEO because forty minutes is a long time for no traffic even for Herron Rd?

Am I to believe that Lynnsey Fowler passed by the site but did not notice anything suspicious and no other car drove past for at least another forty minutes until the 911 number was dialed and the tone dropped for the FCCH? This small town, where vicious murders occur, has a different way of handling murder/arson investigations.

JMHO and all that jazz
This is about race, not religion; the latter is used as a means of attempting to bridge a gap.

wfgodot, would you, or anyone who wishes, explain why this murder investigation is a race case.

The DA/Sherriff did not want investigations into Ali's business ventures. Ali may have been cleared before MBI, FBI, ATG, USMS joined the task force. Ali was cleared quickly because he was from Yemen where they hate Americans and the terrorists rule. They disrespect women and behead people and set their bodies on fire.

I have always felt it was a hate case filled with personal revenge from perceived injustices w/ deep betrayal. This will be a death penalty case. Who was willing to take that chance?

JMHO and all that jazz
wfgodot, would you, or anyone who wishes, explain why this murder investigation is a race case.
I was referring specifically to the sheriff's jumbled statement; in his own opaque way he seemed to be saying a black person committed the crime. If it's a "race case" look no further as to why than the authority who seems to have made it one.
I was referring specifically to the sheriff's jumbled statement; in his own opaque way he seemed to be saying a black person committed the crime. If it's a "race case" look no further as to why than the authority who seems to have made it one.
Respectfully, I didn't get that impression at all. JMO
Respectfully, I didn't get that impression at all. JMO

The black ones and the white ones have been working together, They're reaching out, and I tell you what, no matter whatever the rest of the world thinks, we haven't got it here. They've been excellent on assisting us and waiting.
The plural pronoun references a specific race.
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