MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #10

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I follow the keys down to Main Street as they were tossed by the perp. The cell ph is a bugaboo. It was left on site. The cell ph battery was found on site. The perp doesn't care if we find the car keys or her cell phone while knowing cell ph records can be obtained via court order by a judge. Why leave the phone and [possibly] the keys behind instead of tossing them in the lake?

Because most criminals aren't as smart as they think they are .... the mistakes above prove that and prison population.
I was referring specifically to the sheriff's jumbled statement; in his own opaque way he seemed to be saying a black person committed the crime. If it's a "race case" look no further as to why than the authority who seems to have made it one.
Reference request please.

I read it just the opposite .... both whites and blacks have helped LE. If people think race was involved, it could be because JC was known to date blacks.
I watched the interview awhile ago and Derrick Turner didn't strike me as anyone who was involved in hurting Jessica. I think he seemed pretty sincere and maybe a bit shy in front of the camera or slightly caught off-guard that LE questioned him and news interview. But that's just from the interview and my opinion, so I could totally be wrong. Admittedly, I don't know if he was friends with Jessica, but I don't think he was part of her inner circle. And I do think that whoever did this was well acquainted with Jessica for awhile. I think the **rick sound is relevant to the name though, so who was part of Jessica's inner circle with names that sound like "ick"? It's never been publicly established who her closest friends/acquaintances were. Jmo/
Reference my previous post # 884
BirdycatNY~I just feel Derrick Turner was obsuring his brows,forehead or hair. Yes,some of his bow is visible ~but the dew rag is pulled wayyyy down. I searched on Google & found several photos of DT and he IS wearing his baseball cap but I couldn't fine a single photo of him wearing a 'dew' rag. Something is really off to me with that.

This is a question....Since, he was only brought in for questioning could LE order him to remove his dew rag? Otherwise,it's a moot point~because we will very likely never know if DT was OR was not intentionally hiding his brows & forehead when interviewed after Jessica's murder.

Again,LE questioned him for two days-that's a lot of questions! My hinky meter is registering big time on him!!


I found several more old photos of Derrick Turner after searching Google images a little more--to the point -in none of the older photos is he wearing a dew rag pulled wayyy down topped off with his rakish skewed baseball cap. :smile:

Then,December 30th he replaced i.e. posted a new photo of himself on FB wearing the 'dew rag' pulled wayyyy down just like after questioning by LE -in the TV interview screen shot. Now,Derrick is either still obscuring his brow/forehead even a few weeks after Jessica's murder stylin' his new dew rag FB screen shot look(posted Dec 30th,2014 on FB)or he is like totally stylin' a retro 'Here Comes Bronson' dew rag vibe. :smile:
Do rags and bandanas are worn differently on different people. I wear a bandana at different places on my head/forehead depending on what I'm doing. Sometimes they're up at the hairline, sometimes they're worn down at the brows just as DT's are just at his brows. Given that he was in police custody, however informal he was detained for a couple of days IIRC, I'd bet he was asked to remove his head gear at some point. I've seen a few people wear it covering their brows entirely, but mostly it's worn somewhere on the forehead at least covering the hairline. Personal preference. Maybe he had a big ole zit that he was hiding. Maybe he had a new special 'do and he had a big ole' curly forelock smack down the middle of his forehead, lol.

The crap going around about Ali - is just that, crappity crap crap. He's been cleared; he's not a suspect in the murder of Jessica Chambers. Where has it ever been reported that LE doesn't want him investigated? MBI was already in place investigating an issue within that Sheriff's Dept, and would have absolutely investigated Ali. Do people think those Federal agencies would merely take the word of local LE? Especially given the issues that brought some of them there (MBI, ATF, FBI, et al) some were already in place before Jessica Chambers' murder - not remotely likely Ali wasn't scrutinized up the wazoo.

No way would any Federal agency sign off on something just because this particular (or any other) Sheriff's Dept. said so. They are different entities with different depths of talent capabilities.

The only references I've seen regarding Jessica's murder being a "race" issue are from fringe websites and the occasional comment brought over here from there. My opinion of Darby's speech was that it was to respond to people continuing to try and push race as a factor. *sigh* I wasn't a fan of parts of his speech, but it seemed honest, lol. I mean who would purposely choose those words?
Do rags and bandanas are worn differently on different people. I wear a bandana at different places on my head/forehead depending on what I'm doing. Sometimes they're up at the hairline, sometimes they're worn down at the brows just as DT's are just at his brows. Given that he was in police custody, however informal he was detained for a couple of days IIRC, I'd bet he was asked to remove his head gear at some point. I've seen a few people wear it covering their brows entirely, but mostly it's worn somewhere on the forehead at least covering the hairline. Personal preference. Maybe he had a big ole zit that he was hiding. Maybe he had a new special 'do and he had a big ole' curly forelock smack down the middle of his forehead, lol.

The crap going around about Ali - is just that, crappity crap crap. He's been cleared; he's not a suspect in the murder of Jessica Chambers. Where has it ever been reported that LE doesn't want him investigated? MBI was already in place investigating an issue within that Sheriff's Dept, and would have absolutely investigated Ali. Do people think those Federal agencies would merely take the word of local LE? Especially given the issues that brought some of them there (MBI, ATF, FBI, et al) some were already in place before Jessica Chambers' murder - not remotely likely Ali wasn't scrutinized up the wazoo.

No way would any Federal agency sign off on something just because this particular (or any other) Sheriff's Dept. said so. They are different entities with different depths of talent capabilities.

The only references I've seen regarding Jessica's murder being a "race" issue are from fringe websites and the occasional comment brought over here from there. My opinion of Darby's speech was that it was to respond to people continuing to try and push race as a factor. *sigh* I wasn't a fan of parts of his speech, but it seemed honest, lol. I mean who would purposely choose those words?

Well after all, it -was- December, and even in MS it gets cold in the winter time. Maybe he just had it pulled down for warmth? Then again, perhaps the deputies had just given him a cut & color, as an apology for messing up his weekend. Don't guess they would have photographed and printed him for a "routine questioning" session, would they? If they did, I guarantee it would have been sans everything but his curly locks.

As for "race" only being an issue on fringe websites, I have to disagree. Here's why. I was looking at a Facebook page yesterday, named after Jessica, and man-o-man at the posters who had come out of the woodwork on Mothers Day. One mother, I think it was a lady from South Africa, had had a similar unsolved murder of a child of her own, and was particularly empathtic toward Jessica's parents. But my reason for bringing this up is that of all of the personal photos there of Jessica, her family, and friends, not one black person was included. Yet I thought she was involved with a black boyfriend at one point, and had several black friends. An intentional suppression, or just not the kind of thing that Facebook page designer thought would be comforting for others to see? I've seen such photos elsewhere, why not include them if they are in the public domain already? So by avoiding the "race" issue, that avoidance becomes an issue itself. The elephant in the room thing.

I do agree with you, FelicityLemon, about Mr. Ali. He seemed like he wanted to fit into the local scene, and saw the half-kidding, half-serious gangsta profile as a way to become an instant All-American in that community. Maybe not the best choice of role models to fixate on, but sure beats the heck out of becoming a Jihadist like many of his countrymen have done, which I definitely don't think fits him at all.

Because most criminals aren't as smart as they think they are .... the mistakes above prove that and prison population.

Her cell phone would have contained any text messages sent or received by it that had not been deleted. That detailed information would not be available from her cell phone company -- only the time, date, and cell phone I.D.'s exchanging the text msg. Once a text msg has been deleted from both the phones, it disappears into the ether forever. So, leaving her cell phone at the CS could have been a VERY big mistake, if the perp(s) thought that removing the battery had somehow cleaned it out. Try it yourself, pull the battery out of your cell phone. Now, put it back in, power up, all your undeleted messages are still there.
No matter what any LE spokesman says about this case I don't think they have anything other than suspicions about the perp/s. To say this person is someone who has done such acts before says that person would be under arrest IMO.
Something is still wrong with the picture that is presented here. I can't believe that such claims have been made officially and it's the truth. Makes zero sense in my book.
If they know who did this crime then I don't see any way under the sun that there is any way that perp would not have been charged by now, grand jury or no grand jury. To make that claim about the perp being a hardened drug addict who has done such crimes before is to say that they know who it is. Preposterous I think.
I do hope I am very wrong but that is just bunk IMO.
Seriously :moo:

DT was "picked up on parole violation(s)". DT describes it as "I was just called in". What was DTs previous conviction?

I imagine DT was not given notification that LEO were on their way to pick him up early Monday morning. Thus, he may have experienced "bed hair". Perhaps he sought permission to get his caps together and brush his teeth before being hauled to the sheriff's office for two days.

"...sittin' behind bar, mad at the world, cause, I know, I didn't know nothing about what was goin' on..." Derrick Turner in exclusive interview.

His do-rag, the stretched black cap, may hide DTs eyebrows, but, wouldn't the fire also singe his other facial hair and beard thingy?

He stated he was not in town when Jessica was murdered. That's convenient.

Cellphone - It is MHO that one of the perps tossed Jessica's phone so she couldn't make any phone calls for help. Could throwing the ph have popped the back off; hence, the battery fell out and bounced?

Champion and Darby admit this is a tough case to crack. Right now, they are busy sorting out rumors.

"A lot of what's being said, there's not any truth to it," Darby said.

How does one shake the lies from the truth?

JMHO and all that jazz
But my reason for bringing this up is that of all of the personal photos there of Jessica, her family, and friends, not one black person was included. Yet I thought she was involved with a black boyfriend at one point .... JMO.

There were photos posted of Jessica and a black boyfriend that moved up north a couple years ago .... I think his mother posted them.
No matter what any LE spokesman says about this case I don't think they have anything other than suspicions about the perp/s. To say this person is someone who has done such acts before says that person would be under arrest IMO.
Something is still wrong with the picture that is presented here. I can't believe that such claims have been made officially and it's the truth. Makes zero sense in my book.
If they know who did this crime then I don't see any way under the sun that there is any way that perp would not have been charged by now, grand jury or no grand jury. To make that claim about the perp being a hardened drug addict who has done such crimes before is to say that they know who it is. Preposterous I think.
I do hope I am very wrong but that is just bunk IMO.
Seriously :moo:

Three words .... solid hard evidence.
. To make that claim about the perp being a hardened drug addict who has done such crimes before is to say that they know who it is.

I never saw where LE stated the perp was a 'hardened drug addict'.

How does one shake the lies from the truth?

JMHO and all that jazz

Why, it's like working a giant Sudoku puzzle -- pure logical thinking. One difference though, a Sudoku puzzle won't purposely try to lie to you. But sometimes if you aren't paying close attention you'll lie to yourself by making a false assumption, or overlooking something, and wind up with the same number two times in the same square of nine, when it should only occur once. Anyway, like Sudoku, you sift through all the knowns, and when something doesn't fit, you zero in on (a) whatever else is known and (b) what is missing, then try to make everything fit together. If at that point, one set of facts seems out-of-synch with all the other information acquired, then it needs more careful scrutiny and maybe even a more "robust" questioning of the information source -- maybe a "Good Cop/Bad Cop" session, or a review with the suspect of what's bugging them, so let's be friends and get this straightened out without a perjury charge -- no rubber hoses or cattle prods, just investigative diligence and keeping constant pressure on the suspect(s). There is also the element of time, what is known today was not known yesterday, and what was known five months ago may have been forgotten today. Make my head hurt, not my kind of job. Glad others like to do it, though.

So sorry to hear about the two young police officers killed in the line of duty in Hattiesburg over the weekend, and I'm sure a lot of Panola County LE will be attending those funerals this week. One policeman was only 25-years old, and had just graduated from the police academy last year. FYI, it was one black peace officer, one white peace officer. May they Rest in Peace.
We lost a very good reporter Michael Clark tweeted he will no longer provide coverage for Jessica. The station has him now covering Charlottville which is closer to his home.

He is the reporter who notified LE about the M&M surveillance camera which had the video of Jessica purchasing gas hours before her murder. Also he interviewed Champion several times.

Here is his tweet:
]Michael Clark
I no longer work in Memphis/MS. Sorry. I will forever be interested in the outcome and hope justice is served for her (Jessica)family
9:38am - 12 May 15
Prior to her death, Jessica told her mother that "those b*tches think I'm snitching". LD described Jessica as pointing at the door when LD asked her who was threatening her. I believe Jessica was trying to tell her momma that CW was one of the b*tches who accused her of snitching. CW lived just across the street from LD. I believe for Jess to make a fuss over it with her mother then Jessica, in mho, was terrified of those b*ches although she did not admit this to LD.

The suspect will have a motive, the means and the opportunity for the crime. In no particular order:


We know, in some way, Jessica helped to plan her own death. She was set up to meet someone. JMO She appeared at the death knoll CS site at 7:31. Recall the account by LEO that someone was with her. Jessica was not alone. Considering her car on the knoll, perhaps she initially parked in the gravel drive and her killer drove the Kia up the knoll. What if, when she got there, the gravel drive was blocked by vehicles and she was motioned to drive up the knoll? Ok. I am scaring myself.


Since we now know that the flammable liquid was gasoline, thus, accordingly, this murder was premeditated. M&Ms sells fuel and is located slightly over two miles from the CS.


Roger and Annette Hen*z met Jessica via CW, Auntie Ch*Ch*. She is the person who said that after Jessica left the Party, that's when it happened; "they went too far." LD described an occasion when Roger and Annette arrived at her home looking for Jessica. Recently, RH and CW were arrested on malicious mischief charges in Grenada for allegedly slashing Annette's tires. Can we remove Annette from the murder scene equation since she was granted a full pardon for previous crimes? Currently, Annette is legally seeking for her criminal record to be expunged. Would Annette take a chance on gaining another Governor's pardon? This time for capital murder charges.

CW and LD have not spoken in months. It seems as though CW and RH are together as a couple now or else why be involved in a malicious mischief crime with RH? (Deja vu: Jodi Ari@s was a tire slasher.)

RDTutor's text message to Jessica was questioned by LEO by saying she threatened Jessica to leave her man alone. Would she risk a lifetime in jail for killing someone that she was jealous of or if she felt threatened by Jessica's presence with GM?

Sandy Ru*d, cousin of Brian R., is the person who told investigators that she simply asked Jessica for a cigarette at M&Ms the night of the murder. Brian has the name "Jessica" tattooed in large lettering on his body yet they only dated a few months.

There's a Brian and Jessica FB pg has that 1 pic of the two of them kissing while in the horizontal position. Jessica's eyes are open while Brian's are closed. If what I've learned about BC is half true, then, he would not be pleased with their public display of affection.

JMHO and all that jazz
The suspect will have a motive, the means and the opportunity for the crime. In no particular order:...
Opportunity:...Means:...Since we now know that the flammable liquid was gasoline, thus, accordingly, this murder was premeditated. M&Ms sells fuel and is located slightly over two miles from the CS.
...Motive:...Would she risk a lifetime in jail for killing someone that she was jealous of or if she felt threatened by Jessica's presence with GM?...JMHO and all that jazz
(snipped by me)

Motive: These are the questions that I ask about this case, jumping off your questions (assuming some person(s) are not psychopaths or serious drug addicts):

*Would a mother of four children murder Jessica because Jessica (allegedly) was intimate with her bf/husband?
I doubt it unless...
*Would a man/couple murder Jessica because she (allegedly) sold them bad drugs and they lost money (@$400-700)?
I doubt it unless...
*Would a dad murder his daughter because she had been interracial dating, Jessica had interracial relationships for a number of years? I doubt it unless...
*Would a mom murder her daughter because Jessica's previous assault? I doubt it unless...
*Would a lover/ex-bf/bf/rapist murder Jessica if she was responsible for their incarceration? More likely...Or bf/lover if *Jessica was cheating on them? Likely...
*Would a male/female who is radical racist/extremist views (any radical group domestic or international) plus part of criminal enterprise/group and has problem with white girls or interracial dating murder Jessica? More likely...
*Would a male/female murder Jessica as part of a paid hit, if they were part of criminal enterprise and offered large sums of money? More likely...
*Would a male/group murder Jessica if Jessica was involved in prostitution/escort/criminal enterprise etc and decided to leave the business? Very likely...
*Would a male/group murder Jessica if they thought Jessica was going to snitch about drug trafficking? Most likely...
*Would a male/group murder Jessica if they had raped her and/or committed crimes that day (or past crimes) that they needed to cover up? Most likely...
*Would previous physically abusive ex-bf/friend/family towards Jessica murder her? Most likely...

If facts involved any of above, I think the most likely motive involves Jessica getting caught up in someone's lucrative drug dealing business and they saw her as a threat to their business. That to me would be the strongest motive and especially if it were a lover/friend/relative/acquaintance/criminal enterprise related or abusive relationships. Jmo/
RDTutor's text message to Jessica was questioned by LEO by saying she threatened Jessica to leave her man alone. Would she risk a lifetime in jail for killing someone that she was jealous of or if she felt threatened by Jessica's presence with GM?
JMHO and all that jazz

It would depend on her mental psyche ..... some people (men & women) go into raging fits due to jealousy.
I had posted a response earlier today with the same Title, but it disappeared. It contained a link and a map, one or both of which may have been the cause of its disappearance, dunno. The arbiters of this website act swiftly and without notice...

Anyway, I will try to re-formulate my response without said props. A map showing the timeline for Jessica's whereabouts, on a well-known website that shall not be mentioned here... had an entry marked the "alleged" car key location...I also stated that I hoped LE had indeed found the keys as alleged, and if so, I hoped that they included latent fingerprints.

(BBM and snipped by me)

Does anyone here in LE or anyone else know how recovering fingerprints works? Would LE be able to gather multiple fingerprints if different people touched Jessica's keys? Tia/
*Would a male/female murder Jessica as part of a paid hit, if they were part of criminal enterprise and offered large sums of money? More likely...

If facts involved any of above, I think the most likely motive involves Jessica getting caught up in someone's lucrative drug dealing business and they saw her as a threat to their business. That to me would be the strongest motive and especially if it were a lover/friend/relative/acquaintance/criminal enterprise related or abusive relationships. Jmo/

I agree with that last statement, BirdycatNY. As for lucrative, there would be financial incentives for those wanting a bigger piece of the Panola County drug pie. Here is an article I was sent describing a Drug Lord out of Baltimore:

It is unbelievable the amount of wealth this "Meestur Beeg" (that's my Boris & Natasha accent) was able to amass in Baltimore before the long arm of the law finally caught up with him last year. Do you think for one minute a person with that much wealth would hesitate to eliminate anyone threatening to expose their profitable enterprise? Just as there are local drug pushers, there are dealers higher up the food chain, each one getting more and more of the profits from that trade. Not difficult to imagine someone like that calling for a hit on a troublesome teenager down in rural MS. Why, who would even care?
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