MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #10

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Have we been able to decipher what kind of phone that Jessica was using that night? That would be helpful here, for me at least. I am only familiar with iPhones, Blackberry's, and Samsung Galaxies. On these three types of smart phones, even when you are on the phone and traveling, you are using data. If you have apps that use data, they are responding to data. If you have email set up on your phone, it is on constant standby to receive a new email. If you have a social media app such as Facebook, it is constantly updating, even when not opened or in use, to be prepared for the second that you tap that app, to give you the most up to date information possible. This is my experience and understanding, at least. SteveP, I am with you in wondering, who is playing who here? I see all of your suggestions as being possibilities. Possibly, LC was mistaken or is being untruthful, for whatever reason. Possibly, Champion is being less than forthcoming. And finally, possibly, the US Marshals Service is being less than truthful with local LE. IMO, in this case especially, I would be shocked if the US Marshals, FBI, DEA, or any other federal entity was completely open with the local LE. I am not bashing LE in general here, so please do not misinterpret what I am getting at here. From a law enforcement standpoint, local LE proved themselves from day one, minute one, to be either inept or corrupt. Federal Agents are hired selectively, and they are a tight knit group of people. In their profession, they are trained to tell only what needs to be known, in every situation. When put to the task of working with a local LE agency, Feds will go over what they are presented with, what has been covered already, and they will take it from there, in their own direction, whatever direction that may be. Initially, I was shocked that the Feds allowed Champion to remain the 'spokesperson' for this case, until I reminded myself, that everyone has a strategy. By allowing Champion to continue to publicly parade misinformation, contradictions, and exclusions of facts, there is a strategy taking place here before us. Perhaps it is a strategy geared towards their local audience. Perhaps this is a strategy geared towards the perps. Perhaps this is a strategy being aimed at or in respect of some state government officials. I am unsure of what the strategy is, but I am confident that there is one. Whether or not Champion is privy to the larger scheme of things, I do not know. Part of me hopes he is not.
Upon what foundation or experience did you find this shocking?

"Initially, I was shocked that the Feds allowed Champion to remain the 'spokesperson' for this case,"

Thank you.
Upon what foundation or experience did you find this shocking?

"Initially, I was shocked that the Feds allowed Champion to remain the 'spokesperson' for this case,"

Thank you.
Instinct, my first reaction of seeing/hearing Champion speaking regarding the case, I was shocked in that moment, and as I said w..t..h.., about a split second later, went on to process what was before me..
Okay. I've been thinking about this on+off, but here's my theory as to why we haven't heard any "street talk," why no one is "coming forward," and why "people who know are scared of repercussions from the perp(s)" may be an ultimately irrelevant explanation:

The only person/people who know(s) anything of substance to secure an arrest is/are the perp(s) himself/herself/themselves, and:

There is no incentive for the guilty party to come forward and turn himself/herself/themselves in - nothing that would be worth giving up their freedom or very life for.

This is easily a death-penalty-eligible case. Whoever did it is not so racked with guilt by it that they've crumbled + decided to confess almost three months down the line. Oh no. Whoever did it has committed a heinous murder and managed to get away scot-free thus far! Not only that, they've managed to put almost three months's worth of daily life + routine between themselves + the incident; by all means, they probably feel they've gotten the worst of their initial own paranoia (if any) + fear of being caught (if any) over + behind them.

Please chime in, anyone, if you've heard LE or anyone make an offer of any kind of clemency or reduced sentence if the killer(s) come forward on their own - i.e. taking death penalty OFF the table in exchange for life in prison. Even then, the risk v. reward scenario doesn't translate (in my opinion) - if I did this + got away with it thus far, and there's a possibility I may continue to do so all my life, why oh why would I say "F my freedom + reputation, let's go to prison!"

Because all the reward money in the world won't get anyone to turn themselves in if the ultimate result is the dead-end of the death penalty, or even life in prison without parole. At this point, whoever is guilty is still winning according to their gambling logic.

If more than one person did this or is complicit in this (which I do believe, personally) - LE would need to make some kind of deal in order to split that loyalty + get one of them to smoke the other(s) out. But that's not a sure thing, either.

And again - so far, whoever did this - they haven't really suffered any negative, noteworthy consequences thus far, have they? So why would they want to change that... ? Think about it.
...By coming forward, a person has the opportunity to possibly avoid serious charges, if they are willing to cooperate. It may be a matter of avoiding prosecution completely, or possibly to face lesser charges. It all depends...

So there are at least three good reasons for someone to come forward:
(1) They could face serious charges later if they don't.
(2) There's a sizable reward for providing useful information.
(3) LE can protect informants once they identify themselves.
The "Feds" (not sure who if being referred to here exactly) have no authority over the local District Attorney. So they have no authority to "allow" or "disallow" anything in regards to him. If the US Attorney thought that local law enforcement was somehow involved in this crime, they could take over under their own jurisdiction. But they have not. Much more likely, the local Sheriff's Office and the FBI, U.S. Marshall's, and BATFE are working together.
Regarding shake and bake...I brought that up in the beginning...It would certainly account for her being at the scene for 30 minutes prior to the fire..But as so many federal LE became involved in the case..I am no longer sure if it is a possibility..


Or,,, is that why so many feds got involved. I haven't given up on the rolling meth lab - perhaps she was following some directions and it was a set up. Could also account for a lot of silence. At this point it's speculation not grounded in fact.
IMO No one in that town wants to be the next one burned alive. This is a very powerful message - to be burned alive in your car. When I was 19 my only valued possession was my car - a junk box, but it was mine. I saw somewhere online a picture of cars parked at that gas station, Pretty pricey looking IIRC.
$54,000 doesn't come close enough for someone to give it up. Truly, I feel that if no one in that town knew who did it the phone would be lighting up with tips, info and theories.

Nothing is louder than the silence of fear.

Silence means they all know.

Or they know enough to shut up.

Instinct, my first reaction of seeing/hearing Champion speaking regarding the case, I was shocked in that moment, and as I said w..t..h.., about a split second later, went on to process what was before me..

I'm not in law enforcement, not a lawyer, and not a fed, but in every case I can recall, local LE & prosecutors are in charge of public information, press briefings, announcements of arrests, etc. Many times we have been surprised after the fact to learn the FBI was involved at all.
Or,,, is that why so many feds got involved. I haven't given up on the rolling meth lab - perhaps she was following some directions and it was a set up. Could also account for a lot of silence. At this point it's speculation not grounded in fact.

Would DEA be part of investigation if that were a possibility? (JMO - we for sure wouldn't hear a word about their involvement until arrests announced.)
MSCJgrad, I was rather pointed in that question because I have been intrigued by your user name since the 1st time I saw it. Do you mind sharing what it stands for?
An observation...All the murders/attempted murders or warning hits in the area prior to and after seems to have been by shooting...except Jessica's.

An observation...All the murders/attempted murders or warning hits in the area prior to and after seems to have been by shooting...except Jessica's.


Which warning hits? I'm confused.
I say warning as they were shot in less lethal areas of their bodies...I imagine there are many more of these but hard to track as everything comes up Jessica for searches in the area...

"Also injured in that shooting was 20-year-old...., who was shot in the leg."
"While Batesville Police were investigating the double shooting, an 18-year-old was shot in another shooting took place less than five minutes away at the Westridge Apartments. ..... was shot in the leg, police said.

IMO No one in that town wants to be the next one burned alive. This is a very powerful message - to be burned alive in your car. When I was 19 my only valued possession was my car - a junk box, but it was mine. I saw somewhere online a picture of cars parked at that gas station, Pretty pricey looking IIRC.
$54,000 doesn't come close enough for someone to give it up. Truly, I feel that if no one in that town knew who did it the phone would be lighting up with tips, info and theories.

Nothing is louder than the silence of fear.

Silence means they all know.

Or they know enough to shut up.


The DA and the Sheriff have never stopped emphasizing the lack of 'street talk' and tips, after the first couple of weeks. And people in town closest to it all feel the fear enough to think it would be a deterrent to solving the case and that LE should offer protection for information, so you may be right.
The "Feds" (not sure who if being referred to here exactly) have no authority over the local District Attorney. So they have no authority to "allow" or "disallow" anything in regards to him. If the US Attorney thought that local law enforcement was somehow involved in this crime, they could take over under their own jurisdiction. But they have not. Much more likely, the local Sheriff's Office and the FBI, U.S. Marshall's, and BATFE are working together.

When I refer to the feds, I am speaking of federal agents, employees by the US government. You may very well be correct, that all agencies are working happily together to investigate this crime, sharing every bit of evidence with one another, and supporting each other along the way. What I was referring to in my post, was that the feds, i.e. Federally employed agents, are at the top of the totem pole, so to speak. As you mentioned, local LE is still overseeing their own jurisdiction, which does indicate that the Federal Government has not established that local LE was involved in this crime. "Many cases are also prosecuted under state statutes such as murder, arson, or more recent local ethnic intimidation laws. Once the state prosecution begins, the Department of Justice monitors the proceedings in order to ensure that the federal interest is vindicated and the law is applied equally among the 95 U.S. Judicial Districts. The FBI forwards completed reports to U.S. Attorneys and the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice, which decide whether a federal prosecution is warranted. They may move forward, for example, if local authorities are unwilling or unable to prosecute a crime of bias (". From my experience and observation, there have been instances of local LE and federal agents working together, but not being too happy about it, to put it gently. Local LE can be protective over their 'crime', wanting to be in charge of their town, etc., and it has happened in the past, that local LE can be somewhat offended that the 'big dogs' are in their town, in their nice cars and suits, trampling over what the local LE see as being 'theirs'. This is not saying that 100% of the time this is the way it is, I am just throwing it out there, that this does happen. They are all working towards a common goal, presumably, to solve this murder. At the end of the day, the FBI does have the authority to take over and prosecute if local LE does not.
IMO No one in that town wants to be the next one burned alive. This is a very powerful message - to be burned alive in your car. When I was 19 my only valued possession was my car - a junk box, but it was mine. I saw somewhere online a picture of cars parked at that gas station, Pretty pricey looking IIRC.
$54,000 doesn't come close enough for someone to give it up. Truly, I feel that if no one in that town knew who did it the phone would be lighting up with tips, info and theories.

Nothing is louder than the silence of fear.

Silence means they all know.

Or they know enough to shut up.


'Thanking' this post wasn't enough. So true, so sad, and so true.
I'm not in law enforcement, not a lawyer, and not a fed, but in every case I can recall, local LE & prosecutors are in charge of public information, press briefings, announcements of arrests, etc. Many times we have been surprised after the fact to learn the FBI was involved at all.

I agree, that it is the local LE and prosecution who conducts press briefings, interviews, etc. The FBI presence or involvement, IMO, is seen through the professionalism and information released, such as in the form of a written statement for LE/Prosecutor to read, use as a general guide, etc. In my initial post, which I did not intend to cause a stir, was just to point out the inconsistencies and lack of professionalism that has been expressed regarding this case, IMO. I could be wrong, and some may disagree, but that is how I see it.
MSCJgrad, I was rather pointed in that question because I have been intrigued by your user name since the 1st time I saw it. Do you mind sharing what it stands for?

Masters of Science in Criminal Justice Administration, is the 'MSCJ', the 'grad' tag at the end, is an acronym as well. I got my Bachelors degree in Psychology and Criminal Justice, my Masters degree in CJA, and have worked in the field for some time now. I was unfamiliar with WS, to an extent, when I joined, and when asked to create a user name, I was stumped, and did not put enough thought into it as I should have. I wish I would have chosen 'naturelover' or 'stopcrimesagainstkids' or something less uppidy. I was in my office, and looked at my wall, and went with my degree acronym. I was quite anxious to chime in after reading the well thought out and researched posts that were before me regarding this case. You guys have a respectful, informed forum going on here, and I was just ready to jump in. I even considered changing the name to something different as it almost immediately appeared facetious to me, but it seemed shady to do so after I had already posted a dozen or so times. Impulse control is not a trait that I hold.
<BBM for focus>

MSCJgrad, I was rather pointed in that question because I have been intrigued by your user name since the 1st time I saw it. Do you mind sharing what it stands for?

The "Feds" (not sure who if being referred to here exactly) have no authority over the local District Attorney. So they have no authority to "allow" or "disallow" anything in regards to him. If the US Attorney thought that local law enforcement was somehow involved in this crime, they could take over under their own jurisdiction. But they have not. Much more likely, the local Sheriff's Office and the FBI, U.S. Marshall's, and BATFE are working together.

When I refer to the feds, I am speaking of federal agents, employees by the US government. You may very well be correct, that all agencies are working happily together to investigate this crime, sharing every bit of evidence with one another, and supporting each other along the way. What I was referring to in my post, was that the feds, i.e. Federally employed agents, are at the top of the totem pole, so to speak. As you mentioned, local LE is still overseeing their own jurisdiction, which does indicate that the Federal Government has not established that local LE was involved in this crime. "Many cases are also prosecuted under state statutes such as murder, arson, or more recent local ethnic intimidation laws. Once the state prosecution begins, the Department of Justice monitors the proceedings in order to ensure that the federal interest is vindicated and the law is applied equally among the 95 U.S. Judicial Districts. The FBI forwards completed reports to U.S. Attorneys and the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice, which decide whether a federal prosecution is warranted. They may move forward, for example, if local authorities are unwilling or unable to prosecute a crime of bias (". From my experience and observation, there have been instances of local LE and federal agents working together, but not being too happy about it, to put it gently. Local LE can be protective over their 'crime', wanting to be in charge of their town, etc., and it has happened in the past, that local LE can be somewhat offended that the 'big dogs' are in their town, in their nice cars and suits, trampling over what the local LE see as being 'theirs'. This is not saying that 100% of the time this is the way it is, I am just throwing it out there, that this does happen. They are all working towards a common goal, presumably, to solve this murder. At the end of the day, the FBI does have the authority to take over and prosecute if local LE does not.

Master of Science in Criminal Justice> MSCJ grad?

Imo, the vast investigative resources and the many agencies of the Federal government was requested by the local authorities due to the heinous nature of this crime, possible drug and gang involvement, or something that hasnt been ruled out yet, imo; a slight acquaintance/stranger sexual predator/serial killer..

Example of the FBI giving a presser in another TN/MS crime> Raw video of the FBI&#8217;s information release in Alpine, MS on the recovery of Alexandria and Kyliyah Bain and the death of Adam Mayes. <MAY 11, 2012>

'The greatest weapon against crime continues to be the cooperation of law enforcement and the public which they serve.
Twenty Hours later, information from the public/citizen's tip insured the rescue of Alexandria and Kyliyah Bain, and the death of abductor and double murderer Adam Mayes'. Quote by FBI Special Agent Aaron Ford <Memphis Division>
So -- have any locals intimated to reporters that they are bound up in a vast, deep culture of Panola Co. fear? I mean, yes, silence might speak louder at times than words, but it is unclear, here, just what that silence is saying, if anything. And we have that great omerta, too, on the streets, tip-wise, we're told. And "warning hits"? It's almost as if we're seeing this rural county as governed by a vast gangsta intelligencer, some dominant combination of Lao Tzu's 'The Art of War' and (of course) Machiavelli's 'The Prince.' Sorry, I just don't see it. The investigators need to move back to the beginning and try, try again.
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