MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #10

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I cannot agree with you more on this point. I think the Feds are in the area for several other reasons. Maybe trying to connect this murder with others potentially states away. JMOO

The Feds were already in the area when JC was murdered .... they were in Memphis investigating a possible terrorist attack on the AR/TN bridge over the MS River.
There are only two kinds of persons who would burn someone to death: psychopaths or suicides, and both are rare but both do at times start fires. If it's another person it I would think almost surely is a family member or a former lover -- this sort of hatred seems almost inborn, and its fury needs arise from the deadening of an overarching and opposite emotion like love.
Almost every fire that I have known has been significantly announced with plentiful horns, sirens, and flashing lights. Vehicles have sped up and down neighborhood streets with volunteers, and on-lookers all headed towards THE FIRE wherever it may be. So how is it possible that all that activity from the FIRST FIRE was missing? Are we to believe that Jessica could go unnoticed from 7:31 pm until 8:13 pm while A FIRE took place in a "nearby location"?

What time did the Volunteers leave their nearby station for the first fire? When did the horns go off? What about the neighborhood 4-wheelers who follow along on their CB units? Or the nosey old men who have little else to do but jump into their white station wagons?

Was the FIRST FIRE merely something Courtland ignored because no one in Courtland loves a good fire, even if it was only a trashy fire in a neighborhood still?

I doubt it. Something seems strangely off.

The first fire may have been several miles in the opposite direction from the murder fire.
Almost every fire that I have known has been significantly announced with plentiful horns, sirens, and flashing lights. Vehicles have sped up and down neighborhood streets with volunteers, and on-lookers all headed towards THE FIRE wherever it may be. So how is it possible that all that activity from the FIRST FIRE was missing? Are we to believe that Jessica could go unnoticed from 7:31 pm until 8:13 pm while A FIRE took place in a "nearby location"?

What time did the Volunteers leave their nearby station for the first fire? When did the horns go off? What about the neighborhood 4-wheelers who follow along on their CB units? Or the nosey old men who have little else to do but jump into their white station wagons?

Was the FIRST FIRE merely something Courtland ignored because no one in Courtland loves a good fire, even if it was only a trashy fire in a neighborhood still?

I doubt it. Something seems strangely off.

You make a good point there, Zool. And, EB must have really been knocked out with that toothache not to have heard anything.
I've stated this before (unless the murderer lived alone) ... if someone lived in the house with him/her they had to have noticed things very odd when he/she returned home = anxiety, smell of smoke, possibly burns on himself/herself, smell of the fluid used etc .... yes, I think there are people (possibly relatives) that know who the murderer is but they are afraid to come forward.
If I had knowledge of one of my relatives or friends being involved in this murder nothing under the sun would keep me from relaying that info to LE. I'm speaking strictly for myself here, but I've been around this kind of thing as well as these kinds of people many times in my long life. Fear was a part of that existence, as was helplessness. Someone would have had to have chained me in a room with no outside contact to keep me quiet. And I have family members I would be terrified for also. Everyone does. Even if I consider that those that might have knowledge are drug addicted or mentally ill or any other variety of circumstances, it doesn't ring true to me that this crime would be unsolved if it was local.
Only one person can really keep a secret. That is a truism that will always hold up.
There is likely only one perp and they may be very far away. They may have been well on their way down the highway by the time Jessica was found. And they didn't necessarily have to be driving an 18 wheeler. Could've been in a car.
There have been all kinds of things implied on this series of threads. Such that Jessica was involved with drugs, procuring drugs for herself or on behalf of another, maybe there was a motel involved and so forth. These conjectures may be true. I have no evidence one way or the other. But this doesn't mean she might not have been at a travel stop where she ran into the worst type of creature and became a victim.
At this point I think it is as viable as anything that has been proffered in public statements by LE.
As far as Sonic is concerned, I leave this link and info:
>On June 15, 1999, Robert Lee and Barbara Ann Lee, husband and wife of thirty-nine years, were preparing for a vacation they had planned to take the next day.   Mrs. Lee, the victim, had completed several errands that morning, including purchasing clothes at Eddie Bauer and the withdrawal of $200.00 from their bank account, when she stopped at the Sonic Drive-In in Collierville.   The victim was driving her recently purchased 1997 green Chevrolet Blazer and was accompanied by Otis, her dog and regular companion.   Because the victim frequented that particular Sonic on a regular basis, Sharon Bryson, a car hop, recognized the victim and her dog.   As Bryson exited the restaurant with the victim's food, she observed the following:

Well, I was on my way out with the lady's order.   I seen this black guy sitting in the back of this woman's vehicle.   I knew that was strange and very odd.   Normally, it would be her and her dog, and then I leaned on over a little bit, and I seen another guy standing outside the driver's side of her vehicle with a gun.

Bryson immediately ran inside and told her manager to call 911, which he did.<
>Q:&#8195;Tell me how you got the ladies [sic] car.

A:&#8195;At the Sonic in Collierville

Just interesting and more at link.
That simply is incorrect. At this point there has been, as far as I know, no indication of a separate federal investigation. The FBI can only "take over" if there is a federal crime, and even then will not interfere with the local authorities. The BATFE, U.S. Marshall, FBI have been called in by the local authorities to assist due to their expertise.

Could you provide us with a link that verifies they were called in..If this is true it would change some of what I think on the case..All I have read so far seems pretty vague on how/why they are involved

"The FBI is now assisting the ATF, and U.S. Marshals with the Jessica Chambers' investigation, according to District Attorney John Champion"
"An FBI spokesperson said they often offer to help in big cases like this, and sometimes they're requested. It's unclear how they became involved in this situation."

Almost every fire that I have known has been significantly announced with plentiful horns, sirens, and flashing lights. Vehicles have sped up and down neighborhood streets with volunteers, and on-lookers all headed towards THE FIRE wherever it may be. So how is it possible that all that activity from the FIRST FIRE was missing? Are we to believe that Jessica could go unnoticed from 7:31 pm until 8:13 pm while A FIRE took place in a "nearby location"?

What time did the Volunteers leave their nearby station for the first fire? When did the horns go off? What about the neighborhood 4-wheelers who follow along on their CB units? Or the nosey old men who have little else to do but jump into their white station wagons?

Was the FIRST FIRE merely something Courtland ignored because no one in Courtland loves a good fire, even if it was only a trashy fire in a neighborhood still?

I doubt it. Something seems strangely off.

I was thinking the same thing about the Med-Evac helicopter and the ambulance to it. Ambulances may be quiet with no sirens, but no helicopter I've ever heard is quiet. I do believe the ambulance transporting Jessica to the Med-Evac would be using sirens, btw. Quiet, country area, but lots of houses and trailers around. Who wouldn't be curious at that activity?
I agree with you. This goes beyond "loyalty" to family. This is a dangerous, violent person who won't stop now that they think they've gotten away with it.

Random unrelated note: ERIC Terrell Glover - there's that name-sound again :(

If I had knowledge of one of my relatives or friends being involved in this murder nothing under the sun would keep me from relaying that info to LE. I'm speaking strictly for myself here, but I've been around this kind of thing as well as these kinds of people many times in my long life. Fear was a part of that existence, as was helplessness. Someone would have had to have chained me in a room with no outside contact to keep me quiet. And I have family members I would be terrified for also. Everyone does. Even if I consider that those that might have knowledge are drug addicted or mentally ill or any other variety of circumstances, it doesn't ring true to me that this crime would be unsolved if it was local.
Only one person can really keep a secret. That is a truism that will always hold up.
There is likely only one perp and they may be very far away. They may have been well on their way down the highway by the time Jessica was found. And they didn't necessarily have to be driving an 18 wheeler. Could've been in a car.
There have been all kinds of things implied on this series of threads. Such that Jessica was involved with drugs, procuring drugs for herself or on behalf of another, maybe there was a motel involved and so forth. These conjectures may be true. I have no evidence one way or the other. But this doesn't mean she might not have been at a travel stop where she ran into the worst type of creature and became a victim.
At this point I think it is as viable as anything that has been proffered in public statements by LE.
As far as Sonic is concerned, I leave this link and info:
>On June 15, 1999, Robert Lee and Barbara Ann Lee, husband and wife of thirty-nine years, were preparing for a vacation they had planned to take the next day. &#8194; Mrs. Lee, the victim, had completed several errands that morning, including purchasing clothes at Eddie Bauer and the withdrawal of $200.00 from their bank account, when she stopped at the Sonic Drive-In in Collierville. &#8194; The victim was driving her recently purchased 1997 green Chevrolet Blazer and was accompanied by Otis, her dog and regular companion. &#8194; Because the victim frequented that particular Sonic on a regular basis, Sharon Bryson, a car hop, recognized the victim and her dog. &#8194; As Bryson exited the restaurant with the victim's food, she observed the following:

Well, I was on my way out with the lady's order. &#8194; I seen this black guy sitting in the back of this woman's vehicle. &#8194; I knew that was strange and very odd. &#8194; Normally, it would be her and her dog, and then I leaned on over a little bit, and I seen another guy standing outside the driver's side of her vehicle with a gun.

Bryson immediately ran inside and told her manager to call 911, which he did.<
>Q:&#8195;Tell me how you got the ladies [sic] car.

A:&#8195;At the Sonic in Collierville

Just interesting and more at link.
Mississippi Bureau of Investigation was already in Panola County at least as early as December 4, 2014. They were, maybe still are investigating an employee of Panola County Sheriff's Department for statutory rape. Random thought, but not unheard of: The indictment was two days before Jessica's murder. Anger can cause all kinds of behavior in desperate people. The employee works at same place as Jessica's father. Jessica barely looks 16 years old (to me), the employee is a cousin to Sheriff Darby. Maybe nothing, maybe something.

All of this is of course my opinion, my thoughts, my fertile imagination. Please, if I'm not allowed to post this, I can back it up with MSM links to articles such as they are.
Mississippi Bureau of Investigation was already in Panola County at least as early as December 4, 2014. They were, maybe still are investigating an employee of Panola County Sheriff's Department for statutory rape. Random thought, but not unheard of: The indictment was two days before Jessica's murder. Anger can cause all kinds of behavior in desperate people. The employee works at same place as Jessica's father. Jessica barely looks 16 years old (to me), the employee is a cousin to Sheriff Darby. Maybe nothing, maybe something.

All of this is of course my opinion, my thoughts, my fertile imagination. Please, if I'm not allowed to post this, I can back it up with MSM links to articles such as they are.
Good post, but links would also be helpful.
I was thinking the same thing about the Med-Evac helicopter and the ambulance to it. Ambulances may be quiet with no sirens, but no helicopter I've ever heard is quiet. I do believe the ambulance transporting Jessica to the Med-Evac would be using sirens, btw. Quiet, country area, but lots of houses and trailers around. Who wouldn't be curious at that activity?
I was thinking the same thing. The is NO air activity around me. If I hear a chopper, it's Air Life flying to a location North of me. I even messaged them on Facebook to ask was my house along that route. It indeed is.
Is there a small airport near by? Railroad tracks? It wasn't the middle of the night, unless people in the area are accustomed to blocking out noise. I know the ambulance had to take her to the church.
People HAD to hear it. Facebook lit up like a light bulb by midnight....
I agree with you. This goes beyond "loyalty" to family. This is a dangerous, violent person who won't stop now that they think they've gotten away with it.

Random unrelated note: ERIC Terrell Glover - there's that name-sound
again :(

Yep but I'm not even finding the statement that Jessica spoke anything other than gasps and agonizing sounds believable as it is.
That link also had the Memphis ME Smith describing some of the things about that case as torture that I think apply twice over to JC's:
>In this case, the Appellant contests the proof presented by the State to show that torture was involved. &#8194; At the sentencing hearing, the State sought proof of torture through the testimony of the medical examiner, Dr. Smith, who was qualified as an expert in torture, a recognized subspecialty of forensic pathology. &#8194; Dr. Smith opined that torture involves dependency, degradation and dread. With respect to the application of these elements, Dr. Smith testified in relevant part as follows:

The dependency is evidenced in the fact that the total control has been placed over the victim in her own vehicle and then she's taken away from her normal surroundings and put in an area that is totally controlled by the people who conducted her there. &#8194; So she is entirely in their world. &#8194; She is entirely dependent upon them because of the fear of injury or fear of hurting her dog that she cannot adequately resist. &#8194; Evidence of the psychological depression that goes along with degradation is the realization that she-the comment that &#8220;you are going to kill me, aren't you?&#8221;<
"In her own vehicle". That says a whole lot about what this young lady suffered to me.
This post is speculation only.
:thinking:Many threads ago we spent a while discussing slang;looking up words in the Urban Dictionary. This went on and on ad nauseam.

The range of slang was extensive. But,one slang word bannered about was Ray Charles. I think that post has been deleted. :lookingitup: The definition for 'Ray Charles' in the urban dictionary is as follows:
An action that occurs when someone gets so high that all they can do is grab their arms and tilt their head back and sit there for an hour...

OK,now that you have the background I will get to the point.

from 6:30 to almost 7:30 LE is asking for help to discover who Jessica was where. In addition we know her vehicles seats were discovered reclining at the crime scene.

The reclined seats and the missing hour just clicked with me.

It was silent when Jessica talked to her mom. Maybe she was left alone for a short period during which she was high~& very sedated.

Perhaps,she was alert enough to realize she had better answer her cell or mom would worry. Perhaps this alerted the perp that she was at least semiconscious. It was then the perp realized to take immediate action to tear out her cell phone battery.

At exactly 7:31 she arrived at Herron Road. I believe she could have been unconscious at this point. I think the toxicology report came back with narcotics in her system. Therefore they know it is probable Jessica was high or even semiconscious or high at different times throughout the last few hours of her life.

And we have all talked about what happened those last 40 minutes in detail.

This is is my opinion only.

I am just speculating. :moo:
I was thinking the same thing. The is NO air activity around me. If I hear a chopper, it's Air Life flying to a location North of me. I even messaged them on Facebook to ask was my house along that route. It indeed is.
Is there a small airport near by? Railroad tracks? It wasn't the middle of the night, unless people in the area are accustomed to blocking out noise. I know the ambulance had to take her to the church.
People HAD to hear it. Facebook lit up like a light bulb by midnight....

Probably heard it, but may not have attributed much significance to it. Lifestar goes over our house on a regular basis - other than noting "that sounds like Lifestar" I think we pretty much assume traffic accident and don't pay that much attention. Now, if it landed nearby... but then, I can think of at least one occasion when it landed within a quarter mile of the house, and it didn't arouse any great curiosity.
Having lived in small towns of 300 to 500 people most of my life...When we here sirens or copters we are on the phone or out the door or both...

This post is speculation only.
:thinking:Many threads ago we spent a while discussing slang;looking up words in the Urban Dictionary. This went on and on ad nauseam.

The range of slang was extensive. But,one slang word was Ray Charles. I think that post has been deleted. :lookingitup: The definition in the urban dictionary means:

An action that occurs when someone gets so high that all they can do is grab their arms and tilt their head back and sit there for an hour...

OK,now that you have the background I will get to the point.

One hour is the exact time that LE is asking for help to find out who Jessica was with & where she was at. We also know at the crime scene the seats in her car were reclined.

The reclined seats and the missing hour just clicked with me.

It was silent when Jessica talked to her mom. Maybe she was left alone for a short period during which she was high~& very sedated.

Perhaps,she was alert enough to realize she had better answer her cell or mom would worry. Perhaps this alerted the perp that she was at least partially couscous.It was after that phone call with her mother,the perp tore out her cell phone battery.

At exactly 7:31 she was transported at Herron Road. I believe she might not have been conscious at this point. I think the toxicology report came back with a narcotic in her system. And they know she was probably semi concious or high at different times throughout the last few hours of her life.

And we have all talked about what happened those last 40 minutes in detail.

This is is my opinion only.

I am just speculating. :moo:

Around here, if someone says they are not Ray Charles to something, that would mean that they are not blind--not that they were high on drugs. It might mean different things to different people, though.
Around here, if someone says they are not Ray Charles to something, that would mean that they are not blind--not that they were high on drugs. It might mean different things to different people, though.

Yeah,on this thread we had a l-o-n-g discussion on slang (4:20,chicken,Ray Charles,auntie...on & on)from the urban dictionary! WOW,it is eye popping.:shocked2:
But,the definition in the 'Urban Dictionary' for Ray Charles' is:
The Ray Charles
The Ray Charles is an action that occurs when someone gets so high that all they can do is grab their arms and tilt their head back and sit there for an hour... Resulting in someone who looks just like the famous photo of Ray Charles at the Apollo theater in 1990

Do not look at the first entry! :blush: It is naughty, I blushed.

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