MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #9

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The page I am referring to no longer exists.

Are you suggesting the fake-ish FB page may have been a draw page type thing, set by somebody other than Jessica Chambers? A public profile for a new beginning?
Are you suggesting the fake-ish FB page may have been a draw page type thing, set by somebody other than Jessica Chambers? A public profile for a new beginning?

Set up by investigators to see who goes there and posts? I am sure that MBI or FBI are on top of the digital stuff. JMO
"'...Momma, these b****es just think I'm snitching' [...] and that's like she come in one day and said it and I'm like, Who are you talking about...OK and the next day she said it again and like I'm 'OK Who are you talking about?', and she's looking behind her, out the door, and I'm looking behind her like 'Who...who are you talking about?'"

footage mark 0:12 - 1:25 (Jessica Chambers' mother talks...)

"...and she's looking behind her, out the door, and I'm looking behind her like 'Who...who are you talking about?"

Now who do you suppose that could be, "..behind her, out the door..."?

You are correct, IMHO.
"...and she's looking behind her, out the door, and I'm looking behind her like 'Who...who are you talking about?"

Now who do you suppose that could be, "..behind her, out the door..."?

You are correct, IMHO.

Doesn't friend that was questioned by LE live by Jessica mom's? The other point is that there are ladies on SM that seem to trash talk about B*****s and/or snitches, and some also talk about burning ladies and BBQs (although not in context of snitching) . Where was Jessica looking when she said these things to mom? It would be good if her mom could remember general dates, because others may be able to pinpoint some incident between Jessica and person(s) or that they ran into each other those days? And then what would these ladies think Jessica would be "snitching" about? That could be so many things. It just reinforces my belief though that at least one female was involved in murdering JC. Poor Jessica. Jmo/
"The thing with Jessica too is you never knew if she was serious or just never knew...."

It sounds as though Jessica was known to fib a lot...If I thought someone was after me..the last thing I would do is jump in my car, at night, by myself, to wash my car and stop at the one place where I would probably run into the person(s) that was 'after me'.....these actions do not say do not say 'Fear' IMO

"The thing with Jessica too is you never knew if she was serious or just never knew...."

It sounds as though Jessica was known to fib a lot...If I thought someone was after me..the last thing I would do is jump in my car, at night, by myself, to wash my car and stop at the one place where I would probably run into the person(s) that was 'after me'.....these actions do not say do not say 'Fear' IMO


I slightly disagree, Jessica wasn't out at midnight, she was running around doing errands during busy business hours. And remember that's mom's perception that Jessica joked around, Jessica may have been serious all the time and mom chose not to believe it. I also think Jessica may have been an overly trusting/naive about acquaintances or did not fully appreciate their dangerous behavior or realize they may have been false friends. This makes me think something specific occurred between JC and other ladies that scared her or she was verbally threatened, so I take those statements to mom seriously. And think about it, Jessica didn't do jail time but went to Leah's, and recently got out (this is totally normal and no reason for suspicion of snitching), but to irrational criminals it may have increased suspicion because they're irrational, paranoid criminals. ie Hypo "Aw, JC didn't get jail time, but went to Leah's and is out, so she must be snitching" then who went to jail between time JC was at Leah's and JC murder?

Additionally, I think that Jessica looked uneasy/uncomfortable/nervous in M&M video and she was not socializing too much with SR, ie she didn't seem chatty to person(s) who talked to her outside of M&M, more like she wasn't in mood to talk to people there. Why was that guy in the video staring her down because she was attractive or because she had nerve to be at M&M? I think that there were people who disliked Jessica, but don't know if any were at M&M. There's more back story that we are not privy to, jmo.
"The thing with Jessica too is you never knew if she was serious or just never knew...."

It sounds as though Jessica was known to fib a lot...If I thought someone was after me..the last thing I would do is jump in my car, at night, by myself, to wash my car and stop at the one place where I would probably run into the person(s) that was 'after me'.....these actions do not say do not say 'Fear' IMO


Although Jessica used her 'b****es...snitches' expression interchangeably between men and women, the ClarionLedger footage 0:12-1:25 seems to imply that on THAT PARTICULAR DAY (which LD reflects upon), the source of Jessica's concern may have been right outside Jessica's door.

This more or less implies that prior to entering the door Jessica may have had an exchange of opinions with someone close by.

If that person had been in a car, then I would expect LD to have included mention of that in her recollection yet as you point out "The thing with Jessica too is you never knew if she was serious or just never knew...."
I thought the same thing after hearing the stories she had told her ex-whatever he was, BRudd. All those claims of gang rapes and other misdeeds against her. (In an interview recorded by Charles Johnson, IIRC.)

I'm willing to bet dad is a teller of tales also.


Because confiding in someone about being gang raped is so cool and gives one street cred? Please, statistically most females do not "make up" rape stories. Given the fact JC talked to ex and names individuals in clearly dangerous environment/town, it seems unlikely. Unless ex is making up a story but we can't really ask Jessica because she was set on fire and murdered. JC or father "making up" stories and less credible than many potential suspects in that town? Let's discuss who likely has the most credibility problems and material facts of the case, like the many criminals in that town instead of picking on a dead teenager and grieving family. Or provide links if you are going to claim grieving family or anyone else is making up stories and make sure it's material to the case. Jmo/
Because confiding in someone about being gang raped is so cool and gives one street cred? Please, statistically most females do not "make up" rape stories. Given the fact JC talked to ex and names individuals in clearly dangerous environment/town, it seems unlikely. Unless ex is making up a story but we can't really ask Jessica because she was set on fire and murdered. JC or father "making up" stories and less credible than many potential suspects in that town? Let's discuss who likely has the most credibility problems and material facts of the case, like the many criminals in that town instead of picking on a dead teenager and grieving family. Or provide links if you are going to claim grieving family or anyone else is making up stories and make sure it's material to the case. Jmo/

Whatever. There is a reason there has been no arrest. We shall see.
I slightly disagree, Jessica wasn't out at midnight, she was running around doing errands during busy business hours. And remember that's mom's perception that Jessica joked around, Jessica may have been serious all the time and mom chose not to believe it. I also think Jessica may have been an overly trusting/naive about acquaintances or did not fully appreciate their dangerous behavior or realize they may have been false friends. This makes me think something specific occurred between JC and other ladies that scared her or she was verbally threatened, so I take those statements to mom seriously.

For example, I think that Jessica looked uneasy/uncomfortable/nervous in M&M video and she was not socializing too much with SR, ie she didn't seem chatty to person(s) who talked to her outside of M&M, more like she wasn't in mood to talk to people there. Why was that guy in the video staring her down because she was attractive or because she had nerve to be at M&M? I think that there were people who disliked Jessica, but don't know if any were at M&M. There's more back story that we are not privy to, jmo.

What we do know...Jessica went to Leah's House due to aggressive behavior towards her mom..She got out early due to begging her mom to get her out..She would not listen to her mom and broke promises even after returning from Leah's House..(mom says she been on her to clean her room for two months now)..That night, her mom called her because she was not right back as mom thought she would be...a 20 minute call that offered very little in the way of conversation other than coming home and cleaning her room...Her mom states she never knew if Jessica was being serious or not..

My opinion...Jessica had control/authority issues when it came to her mom and its obvious she knew how to manipulate her mom. There was a reason a mom was not sure whether to take her serious or not...

I think the story Jessica intended to tell (the writing a book idea) had nothing to do with gangs, her friends or associates. I suspect she wanted to tell a much more personal tale about her childhood and the experiences within her family and upbringing that formed her. It is my thought that she had come to some self realizations and self awareness during her time at Leah's House and was ready to tell her own truth about the things in life which led her to make certain self destructive choices in her past.

That is why I list someone killing her to stop the book as the least likely motives IMO for what was done to her. The people who I feel Jessica's story would expose or cause possible hurt to were not her former friends, boyfriends or associates and I do not feel the planned content was the cause of her murder. I suspect I know Jessica's story as it is not an uncommon one and features certain self esteem killers faced by many young women who then go on to make self destructive bad choices as a result.

Out of respect for her parents' grief I will not speculate further as I feel they had nothing to do with her death and any mistakes, omissions, or poor decisions of their own pasts are probably something they are probably torturing themselves over right now.
What we do know...Jessica went to Leah's House due to aggressive behavior towards her mom..She got out early due to begging her mom to get her out..She would not listen to her mom and broke promises even after returning from Leah's House..(mom says she been on her to clean her room for two months now)..That night, her mom called her because she was not right back as mom thought she would be...a 20 minute call that offered very little in the way of conversation other than coming home and cleaning her room...Her mom states she never knew if Jessica was being serious or not..

My opinion...Jessica had control/authority issues when it came to her mom and its obvious she knew how to manipulate her mom. There was a reason a mom was not sure whether to take her serious or not...

"What we do know.....Jessica went to Leah's house due to aggressive behavior towards her mom.."

No, we actually do NOT know that, we know only that is what LD has said. There are all sorts of variants that enter the equation when considering that claim.
"She got out early due to begging her mom to get her out". -- No, what was actually reported was that JC wanted out only very shortly after entering Leah's House. After some weeks there, she adjusted and thrived. Reports were that she did NOT want to leave when she did, that it was her mother that wanted her home. That was backed up by several sources. Exactly why her mother wanted her home has not been answered.

On JC's reports on the rapes, she was in therapy for that at Leah's House and had learned how to deal with her past traumas AND techniques to help her deal with her life situation in her present. Her 'present', apparently, included not wanting to leave Leah's House when she did. It's not been reported whether her mother participated in counselling there or to what extent.

As a person who worked specifically with teenage girls in an emergency shelter, most of whom had been sexually abused and ALL of whom came from families with significant dysfunction, I can tell you that EVERY girl I worked with had a parent that claimed their daughter couldn't be believed. EVERY.....SINGLE.....ONE.....OF.....THEM

There are reasons to explain that, but it is complex and would take some time. I can say, simply, that each one was more damaged by the failure of a parent to love, cherish, and protect than by the rapes themselves and this was a significant focus of their therapy.

Being called liars, paranoid, and attention-seeking is ( I just deleted the end of this sentence, probably self-explanatory to most people anyway).

Of COURSE these girls developed a deep seated anger and resentment towards their "loved ones", especially if they also felt "used" for money by way of public benefits, child support, food stamps, and housing assistance.

I don't know how many of these factors are at play in this case. My concern is who killed JC and why. It is too late now for any therapy to help her, may she rest in love, light, and peace.
. . . . . Additionally, I think that Jessica looked uneasy/uncomfortable/nervous in M&M video and she was not socializing too much with SR, ie she didn't seem chatty to person(s) who talked to her outside of M&M, more like she wasn't in mood to talk to people there. Why was that guy in the video staring her down because she was attractive or because she had nerve to be at M&M? I think that there were people who disliked Jessica, but don't know if any were at M&M. There's more back story that we are not privy to, jmo.

You said this so well. I could't agree more. Knowing what happened later makes her demeanor all the more compelling. She was anything but comfortable at M&M's. IMO
"What we do know.....Jessica went to Leah's house due to aggressive behavior towards her mom.."

No, we actually do NOT know that, we know only that is what LD has said. There are all sorts of variants that enter the equation when considering that claim.
"She got out early due to begging her mom to get her out". -- No, what was actually reported was that JC wanted out only very shortly after entering Leah's House. After some weeks there, she adjusted and thrived. Reports were that she did NOT want to leave when she did, that it was her mother that wanted her home. That was backed up by several sources. Exactly why her mother wanted her home has not been answered.

On JC's reports on the rapes, she was in therapy for that at Leah's House and had learned how to deal with her past traumas AND techniques to help her deal with her life situation in her present. Her 'present', apparently, included not wanting to leave Leah's House when she did. It's not been reported whether her mother participated in counselling there or to what extent.

As a person who worked specifically with teenage girls in an emergency shelter, most of whom had been sexually abused and ALL of whom came from families with significant dysfunction, I can tell you that EVERY girl I worked with had a parent that claimed their daughter couldn't be believed. EVERY.....SINGLE.....ONE.....OF.....THEM

There are reasons to explain that, but it is complex and would take some time. I can say, simply, that each one was more damaged by the failure of a parent to love, cherish, and protect than by the rapes themselves and this was a significant focus of their therapy.

Being called liars, paranoid, and attention-seeking is ( I just deleted the end of this sentence, probably self-explanatory to most people anyway).

Of COURSE these girls developed a deep seated anger and resentment towards their "loved ones", especially if they also felt "used" for money by way of public benefits, child support, food stamps, and housing assistance.

I don't know how many of these factors are at play in this case. My concern is who killed JC and why. It is too late now for any therapy to help her, may she rest in love, light, and peace.

I'm seeing a lot of reference lately to the vague source of "reports" and using that as a basis to speculate on the web. Please, link to reports. I'm not trying to be rude, I just want concrete information, not statements based on rumor and speculation. While I agree that some things can probably be inferred - I'm concerned that merely repeating what's only been reported on some ultra conservative websites is wrong and irresponsible. I'm not saying throw the baby out with the bathwater, but when so much information "reported" there is based on gossip which may or may not bear a resemblance to the truth.

What reports are you referring to? Link to the report stating that Jessica was raped? Based solely on an ex-boyfriends statement? Why do you say she was getting therapy for that specifically while at Leah's house? Can you link to that report, please, I think I missed it (I'm not being sarcastic) - there's been so much speculation and rumors floating around and much of it has yet to be verified. No disrespect intended :/ to anyone.
I thought the same thing after hearing the stories she had told her ex-whatever he was, BRudd. All those claims of gang rapes and other misdeeds against her. (In an interview recorded by Charles Johnson, IIRC.)

I'm willing to bet dad is a teller of tales also.


I don't know too many teens who tell their ex-boyfriend intimate information after they break up and move on to other relationships. What I think Lisa is saying is that BR can't be believed. Instead of calling him a liar directly, she's spinning it.

"What we do know.....Jessica went to Leah's house due to aggressive behavior towards her mom.."

No, we actually do NOT know that, we know only that is what LD has said. There are all sorts of variants that enter the equation when considering that claim.


As a person who worked specifically with teenage girls in an emergency shelter, most of whom had been sexually abused and ALL of whom came from families with significant dysfunction, I can tell you that EVERY girl I worked with had a parent that claimed their daughter couldn't be believed. EVERY.....SINGLE.....ONE.....OF.....THEM


Of COURSE these girls developed a deep seated anger and resentment towards their "loved ones", especially if they also felt "used" for money by way of public benefits, child support, food stamps, and housing assistance.

I don't know how many of these factors are at play in this case. My concern is who killed JC and why. It is too late now for any therapy to help her, may she rest in love, light, and peace.

Respectfully snipped by me for focus. This - this is what I think Jessica's story would probably focus on if she wrote a book. Family dysfunction and how it played a role in her behaviors, choices and self esteem. Thank you for articulating it better than I could. And none of it IMO has anything to do with her being dead now. It just makes me all the sadder because I think this young lady did some work on herself at leah's house. I think she had gained a great deal of self awareness about how she came to be there, and that no matter what brought her to be the young lady who needed such a place, she could take charge of her life and change it for the better. She did not have to remain stuck in a bad place due to whatever factored into her poor choices and risky decisions prior to her stay. I genuinely believe that was going to be her book. It was to be a means to examine herself, her life, and excise some personal demons so she could move forward to a new life.
I'm seeing a lot of reference lately to the vague source of "reports" and using that as a basis to speculate here in this forum. Please, link to reports. I'm not trying to be rude, I just want concrete information, not statements based on rumor and speculation. While I agree that some things can probably be inferred - I'm concerned that merely repeating what's only been reported on some ultra conservative websites is wrong and irresponsible. I'm not saying throw the baby out with the bathwater, but when so much information "reported" there is based on gossip which may or may not bear a resemblance to the truth.

What reports are you referring to? Link to the report stating that Jessica was raped? Based solely on an ex-boyfriends statement? Why do you say she was getting therapy for that specifically while at Leah's house? Can you link to that report, please, I think I missed it (I'm not being sarcastic) - there's been so much speculation and rumors floating around and much of it has yet to be verified.
Okay, I'm with you on this, as my post above was meant to dispute speculation.

I will look for the articles and sources for my own comments. That will take some time and I've got a grandkid's event to attend and then a party this evening, so it may even be tomorrow.

In the meantime, I'm okay with this post being removed as well as the quoted post which states JC wanted to come home earlier than her "release" date.

Her wanting to come home just several days into the program, as far as I know, has not been disputed, misquoted, or misconstrued. But her later discharge has several accounts floating out there as to her desire and intent.

Some of these sources are from quite a ways back in the threads, so if anyone else knows how to find and put them here, that would be most appreciated!

Sorry if my previous post comes across as rather strong. My history as an advocate for teenage victims of domestic violence and family dysfunction makes me unusually sensitive and hyper-observant of certain behaviors. JC could easily have been one of our own, except that our shelter for teenage girls was not religiously afiliated; it was funded by a grant and supervised by a social service agency. I was it's director and I lived in the home with the girls. That was many years ago now, but the special love I had for each and every one of them has never dimmed.
I don't believe Leah's House serves as an emergency shelter for teens escaping abusive parents. If that was the case, they would have helped Jessica find living arrangements so that she didn't have to return to her mother's house.

I think LH is a shelter for women who have been in abusive romantic relationships that are attempting to regain their self-esteem. One tactic an abuser engages is to isolate the woman from her family and to drive a wedge between them, especially her parents. It takes awhile to restore the mutual trust.

Jessica lived with her mother. Nobody can force a 19-year-old to live with her parent. I think she was with her Mom because she wanted to be there. I can't even imagine the pain these parents are experiencing.

.She would not listen to her mom and broke promises even after returning from Leah's House..(mom says she been on her to clean her room for two months now)..That night, her mom called her because she was not right back as mom thought she would be...a 20 minute call that offered very little in the way of conversation other than coming home and cleaning her room...Her mom states she never knew if Jessica was being serious or not..

My opinion...Jessica had control/authority issues when it came to her mom and its obvious she knew how to manipulate her mom. There was a reason a mom was not sure whether to take her serious or not...


My own opinion in regards to the previous post quoted above: Mom had control/authority issues when it came to Jessica and it's obvious Mom knew how to manipulate JC. There was a reason JC did not confide in mom or look to her for safety and security.

Okay, that's a bit harsh sounding, but it IS the complete flip side of the above quoted last paragraph.

And we can also consider her trip out that night in this way: maybe it was her mother who 'sent' JC out to buy her some cigarettes, even though JC was scared of some bad people, according to her mom. It could be that, in a struggle over who controlled whom, it was JC that added washing her car to the trip, just to buy herself some time away and gain a sense of control over her own life. In the video footage from M&M, she didn't look much in a mood for partying, washing her car, or hobnobbing with ANY of the M&M clientele, AA and SR included. Yet she knew them all fairly well.

The phone call from LD to JC, in her mother's own words, had Mom say "where'd you go to wash (she used "wash") your car, Memphis? You were supposed to come right back".

The tone and sarcastic words somewhat imply that a 'disagreement' was going on between them during that phone call. I didn't hear "are you okay sweetheart? I've been worried about you being out so long, is anything wrong?". I would think, given the tone of the conversation, that LD asked JC where exactly she had spent that missing time up to that point. Maybe JC didn't answer? Maybe LD has been asked not to reveal that answer?

In any case, I gather mom wasn't too concerned in that moment about bad peeps out to get JC for snitching. Of course, LD couldn't have guessed that the next call to her would be a report that bad peeps had indeed fatally harmed her daughter.

I believe Leah's House was a very validating experience for JC and she did not get that validation everywhere. JC'S fears did not end when she left Leah's House, is what I'm understanding LD to say. I have a hard time watching this last video. It makes me feel even worse for JC.

My own opinion in regards to the previous post quoted above: Mom had control/authority issues when it came to Jessica and it's obvious Mom knew how to manipulate JC. There was a reason JC did not confide in mom or look to her for safety and security.

Okay, that's a bit harsh sounding, but it IS the complete flip side of the above quoted last paragraph.

And we can also consider her trip out that night in this way: maybe it was her mother who 'sent' JC out to buy her some cigarettes, even though JC was scared of some bad people, according to her mom. It could be that, in a struggle over who controlled whom, it was JC that added washing her car to the trip, just to buy herself some time away and gain a sense of control over her own life. In the video footage from M&M, she didn't look much in a mood for partying, washing her car, or hobnobbing with ANY of the M&M clientele, AA and SR included. Yet she knew them all fairly well.

The phone call from LD to JC, in her mother's own words, had Mom say "where'd you go to wash (she used "wash") your car, Memphis? You were supposed to come right back".

The tone and sarcastic words somewhat imply that a 'disagreement' was going on between them during that phone call. I didn't hear "are you okay sweetheart? I've been worried about you being out so long, is anything wrong?". I would think, given the tone of the conversation, that LD asked JC where exactly she had spent that missing time up to that point. Maybe JC didn't answer? Maybe LD has been asked not to reveal that answer?

In any case, I gather mom wasn't too concerned in that moment about bad peeps out to get JC for snitching. Of course, LD couldn't have guessed that the next call to her would be a report that bad peeps had indeed fatally harmed her daughter.

I believe Leah's House was a very validating experience for JC and she did not get that validation everywhere. JC'S fears did not end when she left Leah's House, is what I'm understanding LD to say. I have a hard time watching this last video. It makes me feel even worse for JC.

BBM...I have long thought that quite possibly that phone call between Jessica and her mom was perhaps a disagreement or argument about something, because every time I have heard LD reference the call, she always points out that the last thing Jessica said was "I love you mama", almost as if easing any guilt she may have that her last phone call with her daughter was not a pleasant one. This is only my speculation and opinion.

In reply to the previous poster who said nobody can force a 19-year old to live with a parent, I would only say this. True to a point, but sometimes CIRCUMSTANCES can force a 19-year old to live with a parent. I know of several examples in my real world life. Jessica had just begun a job recently, and it was possibly a part-time job. I doubt that she had any money saved up, and apartments and housing costs money. I don't know if she had any regular bills, but it is very easy to believe that she couldn't afford a place of her own, and if she was truly starting a new life, I doubt she would have wanted to be roommates with any of her old crowd of friends. JMO
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