MS - Jessica Chambers, Panola County, Dec 2014

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This has been such a heartbreaking case to follow... In the beginning there were times I had to stop watching it, especially when her parents spoke... I don't usually post here, I just read, but something has really been bothering me about the way the witnesses are describing her talking and saying the name Eric, or Derick... I don't know if you've ever had an injury to your mouth/lips/tongue before, but it's almost impossible to pronounce consonants... And her injuries were extremely severe...This is just my opinion, but if she did try to say his name I don't think they would've gotten anything more out of her than that the name had two syllables, with both syllables being made up of only the vowel sounds... Very similar to trying to decipher what someone is saying when they are mumbling... Try saying the name Eric and Quinton without the consonants...I'm not saying the witnesses are lying when they claim she told them Eric. I think people mean well, wanting to help. And, of course, we all want answers... I also agree with many here who have brought up the power of persuasion... I really hope the prosecution puts on great experts to explain all this to the jury because the defense is probably going to hammer it over and over again throughout the trial...

All jmo.

scmom said:
Eric Hill is QT's cousin-in-law. His wife's cousin.

So it is possible QT and Eric were partners in crime according to this article. Its possible Eric was there with Jessica and QT or QT disguised himself, maybe with a ski mask, and claimed to be Eric. Just my rambling thoughts.

or.... :thinking: maybe they were both there - and Jessica ONLY saw Eric..... :dunno:

Also re the gasoline that was used to start the fire. It's there some kind of "scientific" way of matching up the gas in the fire and the gas in the can (found in the shed)?? Or is that just too complicated to do??

Just read the tweet on that the tag # turned out to be QT's sister's. Now, does QT "look" middle aged? What does Eric look like???

rbarber17 said:
snipped by me.... re Eric
What does the DA know that they don't know, and why don't they know it?

Good Question!! Wished they tell us NOW! LOL!

BUF from tweet said:
#JessicaChambers - A juror was dismissed today in the #QuintonTellis trial due to this Facebook post made after jury selection.

What an idiot!!!

Also, I've seen idiots throw out lit cig butts from their car window in the California Sierras!!! :eek: And yes, I've seen people smoke at gas stations......

less0305 said:
snipped by me....
I completely agree. I liken it to hearing a song and not knowing for sure what the lyrics are and when you think you know and start singing it with those incorrect words, you really can't hear the right words - you only hear what you have in your head.

:lol: that reminds me when I first heard Roy Orbison's song - Only the Lonely - I thought he was saying Only the Baloney!! Which didn't make sense! :laughcry:

Sorry for the long post - but you all posted a LOT last night after I left...

See you again when court starts today!
:wave: Niner

Re Seeing people smoking at gas stations...shocking!! We have no smoking signs in and around our gas stations. I can honestly say, I have never ever seen anyone smoking anywhere near our service/gas stations, thank goodness.

Calling that juror who was dismissed, an idiot is spot on! :thumb:


See you all in a few hours time. :sleep: :wave:
I want to know what really happened. If it it is PROVEN that QT did this and did it alone, then so be it. But I don't want to see a miscarriage of justice because everyone so wants a conviction, that details are left out or ignored. QT is a despicable man, but he is not the only one. At this point, we need to know who exactly this "Eric" is. We must remember that a grand jury hears ONLY from the prosecutor, and if QT was the only one in the prosecutors sights, that is who grand jurors would indict. JMO. ETA.....I keep wondering if Kesha knows who Eric is. She was dismissed and I'm not sure if she can be called as a defense witness, but since JC introduced her to QT, I wonder if JC also introduced her to Eric or had ever mentioned him to her.
That reminds me. In the previous thread there was a discussion going on in regards to Jessica at the M&M First Stop. On the surveillance it looked like she was either picking up something or stubbing out a cigarette butt.

Sunday night when I watched the CNN special there were numerous explanations given to many questions we have raised.

I rewatched the CNN special Tuesday and every single significant point I was desperate to understand had been edited out. I am not going to go off in the 'weeds' on this but why? Why was the same program I watched Sunday when rebroadcast on Tuesday purged of the critical points I needed clarification on?

Earlier on in this thread posts #12 & # 32 I did a synopsis of the CNN Special from Sunday night. Champion detailed pieces of the Timeline that were very enlightening.

It also had interesting details from the M & M cameras i.e. when Jessica waved to someone off camera before bending down to pick up a penny before heading inside the M&M.

Also the CNN Special teased many other details.
One critical piece demonstrated how useful the M&M wide lens camera turned up to be in developing the Timeline. Teasing glimpses alluded it recorded Jessica picking up Quinton. There were several enlightening local shots of mobile homes (I assume all behind the M&M.)One was Quinton's mother's mobile(Q:did Quinton's sister live here also?) & another mobile that Jessica and Quinton stopped at prior to heading to Batesville(Q:was that where Quinton lived?)

As I watched I immediately felt the necessity to review it to clarify numerous points i.e. the location of 'gas can man's' mobile home ,Quinton's mother's mobile home and the mobile home they stopped at prior to heading to Batesville. (Q: three witnesses who lived there or were visiting verified to the detectives Quinton was in the car with Jessica. Could one of these 3 have been Eric Hill??) Where did Eric Hill live when staying in Courtland? My gut says close very close by. Another question is: Is this when Quinton 'goes to the storage shed for the gasoline can'? If so he had it planned almost from almost the get go. Premeditated.Finally it appeared from the chronological sequencing of the video the mobile homes were all close to one another.

Champion teased other key points like the 'specifics' of the missing hour & how they were able to link Quinton and Jessica's cell phones with techology.I had difficulty following his chronology. Another reason I needed to rewatch. All of those specifics Champion gave were edited out of the CNN special rebroadcast Tuesday.

If anyone was able to watch the original Sunday night showing and can clarify my questions I would be gratefull.

I did a copy and paste of posts #229 and 230

[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText-Bold]Daniel Cole Emergency Coordinator now reading report out loud for courtroom #JessicaChambers[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Text]

[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText]@LeahBethFOX13 34s[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Text]

[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText-Bold]Cole: Reading report-- "I then asked what happened, and Jessica responded saying, 'Eric set me on fire.'" #JessicaChambers[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Text]

[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText]@LeahBethFOX13 30s[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Text]

Daniel Cole: "I then asked what is Eric's last name and she said, 'I don't know.'" #JessicaChambers
[FONT=.SF UI Text]

[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText-Bold]Daniel Cole says he spoke with #JessicaChambers again in ambulance[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Text]

[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText]@LeahBethFOX13 58s[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Text]

[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText-Bold]Cole reading report: "I asked her again, 'Who did this?' And she said, 'Eric did this. He set me on fire.' And I said, 'Eric who?"*

[FONT=.SFUIText-Bold]*I watched the testimony this morning on live link. I remember Daniel Cole testified Jessica making a gesture signifying '?'(like shrug or gesture like she did not know.)[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=.SF UI Text]

[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText-Bold]:cow:[/FONT][/FONT]

I am having trouble believing she actually gave sentences as responses. As badly burned as she was and having difficulty saying even a name, these replies seem absurd. of course I wasn’t there and we have no recording, but really?
QT place is ACROSS from M&M on 51 see two driveways, shed, trailer behind, next to where old 51 merges w 51. Further south, is a field, church and post office. Maybe M&M cameras could sight it, but it looks too far away, to me. JMO
I am having trouble believing she actually gave sentences as responses. As badly burned as she was and having difficulty saying even a name, these replies seem absurd. of course I wasn&#8217;t there and we have no recording, but really?

Why would he say she said that if she didn't?
Just read the tweet on that the tag # turned out to be QT's sister's. Now, does QT "look" middle aged? What does Eric look like???

What an idiot!!!

Can you, or anyone, direct me to the tweet regarding the tag # belonging to QTs sister, please? The witnesses have described the darkness of the night. The Defense attorney misquoted the witness when she stated the person he saw, and ordered away from the scene, was elderly. I was proud of him for correcting her, by saying, he did not describe the guy as elderly but rather as middle aged.

As for the dismissed juror, maybe the juror felt his life could be in danger if a guilty verdict is reached.

I drove through the Courtland area in March, 2015, to view the crime scene and was forced out of town by a driver of a SUV that rapidly approached my vehicle so closely I thought it would remove my side view mirror. Mark that in the win one column for the M&M crowd.
It is possible I have missed this information . Does anyone know
1) if the passenger side door was open ?
2) how heavily wooded was the area the first EMS on the scene testified to seeing her walking out of the woods ?
3) was there a separate burned area in the woods where she walked out of ?

am curious how she got from the car to the woods . Was her vision distorted by smoke , flames and she wandered out of the car towards the woods instead of the road ? Or was she placed in the woods and burned and she heard the sirens and turned towards the sound and what she could see was lights ?

I must say how courageous and what strength and will to live she had to be so severely burned but managed to walk towards help .
I don't know if that twitter user had an inside scoop about the tag# belonging to QT's sister.......look at her twitter posts, one on Oct 8, which shows an old tweet by QT from 2011......pretty scary.......but this woman already has him convicted of this crime and I do not recall any testimony as to the person associated with the tag# I don't take her tweet as verified truth. Let's hear it on the record! JMO
I don't know if that twitter user had an inside scoop about the tag# belonging to QT's sister.......look at her twitter posts, one on Oct 8, which shows an old tweet by QT from 2011......pretty scary.......but this woman already has him convicted of this crime and I do not recall any testimony as to the person associated with the tag# I don't take her tweet as verified truth. Let's hear it on the record! JMO
I agree, she is just an individual covering the trial and not a news source. I wouldn't take her post as anything but opinion thus far.

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I'd definitely like to know if any of the first responders said to her, "Did you say 'Eric'?" And if she answered affirmatively.
In my mind poor Jessica's level of shock "may" have led her to say any name. I do believe more will be revealed during trial that this creature is responsible. IMO
:wave: Niner

Re Seeing people smoking at gas stations...shocking!! We have no smoking signs in and around our gas stations. I can honestly say, I have never ever seen anyone smoking anywhere near our service/gas stations, thank goodness.

Calling that juror who was dismissed, an idiot is spot on! :thumb:


See you all in a few hours time. :sleep: :wave:

Boy...I sure hope the rest are a bit smarter???
LOL While we wait, we are treated to the Batesville raceway in front of the courthouse, and occasionally we get a glimpse of golf-cub-guy!!! Hilarious. JMO OOPS! saw it again....not a golf club....what IS it?
Sunday night when I watched the CNN special there were numerous explanations given to many questions we have raised.

I rewatched the CNN special Tuesday and every single significant point I was desperate to understand had been edited out. I am not going to go off in the 'weeds' on this but why? Why was the same program I watched Sunday when rebroadcast on Tuesday purged of the critical points I needed clarification on?

Earlier on in this thread posts #12 & # 32 I did a synopsis of the CNN Special from Sunday night. Champion detailed pieces of the Timeline that were very enlightening.

It also had interesting details from the M & M cameras i.e. when Jessica waved to someone off camera before bending down to pick up a penny before heading inside the M&M.

Also the CNN Special teased many other details.
One critical piece demonstrated how useful the M&M wide lens camera turned up to be in developing the Timeline. Teasing glimpses alluded it recorded Jessica picking up Quinton. There were several enlightening local shots of mobile homes (I assume all behind the M&M.)One was Quinton's mother's mobile(Q:did Quinton's sister live here also?) & another mobile that Jessica and Quinton stopped at prior to heading to Batesville(Q:was that where Quinton lived?)

As I watched I immediately felt the necessity to review it to clarify numerous points i.e. the location of 'gas can man's' mobile home ,Quinton's mother's mobile home and the mobile home they stopped at prior to heading to Batesville. (Q: three witnesses who lived there or were visiting verified to the detectives Quinton was in the car with Jessica. Could one of these 3 have been Eric Hill??) Where did Eric Hill live when staying in Courtland? My gut says close very close by. Another question is: Is this when Quinton 'goes to the storage shed for the gasoline can'? If so he had it planned almost from almost the get go. Premeditated.Finally it appeared from the chronological sequencing of the video the mobile homes were all close to one another.

Champion teased other key points like the 'specifics' of the missing hour & how they were able to link Quinton and Jessica's cell phones with techology.I had difficulty following his chronology. Another reason I needed to rewatch. All of those specifics Champion gave were edited out of the CNN special rebroadcast Tuesday.

If anyone was able to watch the original Sunday night showing and can clarify my questions I would be gratefull.


Does anyone have a link or way to view this show...I missed it and would enjoy watching it now as I find the trial so interesting. Thanks.
I am having trouble believing she actually gave sentences as responses. As badly burned as she was and having difficulty saying even a name, these replies seem absurd. of course I wasn&#8217;t there and we have no recording, but really?

i would find it more difficult to believe that so many people heard the multiple word short sentences, are testifying under oath as to what they heard and are so consistent. Frankly they are all locals and have every reason to want Quinton put away forever and clearly must know that saying Eric does not help the case. While I get the power of persuasion clearly the state really is not hitting that point very hard...with some of them they could be asking "is it possible you just heard someone else say Eric" but they don't. Why are so many dismissive of "Eric".....did I not get it right that Quinton and Eric have a history dealing drugs and that Jessica was getting involved...why is it such a stretch for some to see that it is possible and probably that it was BOTH of them?
I'd definitely like to know if any of the first responders said to her, "Did you say 'Eric'?" And if she answered affirmatively.

If Champion knows the answer and Jessica's answer was 'no it wasn't Eric' then he needs to get that out for the jury to hear now! The longer he waits the danger becomes the jury begins to sympathize with QT and doubt if the right man on is on trial. It does concern worry me.
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