MS MS - Myra Lewis, 2, Camden, 1 March 2014 - #2

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She was not arrested THIS time for carrying a gun, that is correct. THIS time it was because there were guns in the home and because there was a warrant issued for violation of probation. The last time she was arrested, in January, it was for carrying a concealed weapon.

They have cell phones. Both the parents have them. It may not have been stated in the media but they do.

Whether or not you have kids if you break the law you can, and will, be arrested. Nobody gets a pass. That's why they have folks in prison who have terminal illnesses. She knowingly broke the law twice in two months!

Seeing as how you seem to be "in the know" more than some of us, do you recall Sheriff Tucker saying something about the guns in the home belonging to her Father and that he is a hunter? Or possibly a news blurb about it?
I mean that they had bigger things to focus on, like a missing 2 year old.

I think it's a really slippery slope. What laws can they overlook when someone is missing, and what can't they? Doe she get a pass, because she is a mother? If so, in what situations are mothers allowed to get a pass? When do they not?

The law is there for a reason, and when people start getting passes, because they are in unfortunate situations...then that can cause bigger issues. The fact is, it's NOT stupid to arrest her. It was stupid of her, a felon, to be in possession of guns. It was stupid of her to have them in the open. It was stupid of her to have them open in a house with children. It was stupid of her to have committed fraud. If people did not break the law and have a record, they could worry about the big things...instead of being concerned for their own rear ends, when a child is missing. The police should have not worry about putting the mother in jail, they should be able to focus on the child. It's 100% her fault and hers only. JMO.
We discussed a few pages back the date stamp on the photo was off by two years. I have a cheap plastic pay as you go phone and I'm out of minutes more than I have them. I have a computer over ten years old someone discarded, and have had Internet at home four months of the last three years.
I also live in a rural area and have a toddler at home. I'm a single mom. Can not afford those things. Also have no healthcare <modsnip>

The date on the photo can't be off by two years because the photo looks to be fairly recent based on her being a two year old. If it was a two year old photo, it would be a newborn photo. Regardless, of when the picture was taken, that doesn't explain if the phone was active or inactive, which is what you initially stated.
Seeing as how you seem to be "in the know" more than some of us, do you recall Sheriff Tucker saying something about the guns in the home belonging to her Father and that he is a hunter? Or possibly a news blurb about it?

I didn't hear or read that in the media, no. It may be true though. However she can't have guns in her home being a felon, whether they belong to her or not and no matter the purpose for them.
The date on the photo can't be off by two years because the photo looks to be fairly recent based on her being a two year old. If it was a two year old photo, it would be a newborn photo. Regardless, of when the picture was taken, that doesn't explain if the phone was active or inactive, which is what you initially stated.

The date stamp embedded into the photo's .jpg file was Jan 2012. That indicates the date on the Apple device she used to make the photo was incorrect. That could be an apple camera or an inactive cell phone.
I believe the photo was recent. Maybe only the year was wrong, would put the photo made the end of Jan.
I believe the photo was recent. Maybe only the year was wrong, would put the photo made the end of Jan.

FWIW I don't think that link is accurate if it's the one you posted a few threads ago. Because I tried all three of the photos from the missing flyer and one gave me no data. But two gave me the exact same data down to the second. And that would be impossible to be in two places at one time (the one was from Walmart the other was the clinic or waiting room photo that had the chairs).
FWIW I don't think that link is accurate if it's the one you posted a few threads ago. Because I tried all three of the photos from the missing flyer and one gave me no data. But two gave me the exact same data down to the second. And that would be impossible to be in two places at one time (the one was from Walmart the other was the clinic or waiting room photo that had the chairs).

I agree with you. I also am not understanding how the date of a picture makes someone know she has in active phone. Dates pictures are taken don't determine if someone has cell service.

The picture on the flier could have been taken by someone other than her, but that still doesn't mean she doesn't have a phone. My sister takes pictures of my niece and nephew all the time, texts them to me and I load them on my fb page. I take them of my family, send them off to ppl and they load them, looking like they took them. So....not understanding this date and phone comment, at all.
FWIW I don't think that link is accurate if it's the one you posted a few threads ago. Because I tried all three of the photos from the missing flyer and one gave me no data. But two gave me the exact same data down to the second. And that would be impossible to be in two places at one time (the one was from Walmart the other was the clinic or waiting room photo that had the chairs).

I checked it with several different unrelated sites. The date was the same. I only checked the one photo though. In that case, she may have turned it off and that's the manufacturer's software load date? We have all seen the tv shows that show how someone can locate a child's school, park, bedroom by leaving the gps coordinates on when making photos. Maybe she turned it off. To me that doesn't indicate anything really. If I had an iPhone, mine would be off too. If you say you know she had a working phone then I believe you. I was just pointing out that not everyone does, or in degrees, or shared, etc. It should not just be automatically assumed.
Hockeymom, I was going on the basis that active phones set the correct time automatically. Whereas a camera or inactive phone doesn't (or doesn't always). I never thought about turning it off in the photo settings.
The gps coordinates were blank. Device type was blank. Showed an Apple device was used. Wrong date.
I think that is great. If I didn't lead the life I did, I wouldn't have one. I need one because I am never home and for a few other personal reasons. I think it's pretty rare for people not to have one and to assume someone doesn't, is not normal. Not saying you are, but I don't get assuming she doesn't.

I had one until last year. Lol
My kids are now grown and married and I'm retired. I'm home much of the time and when I go out I am generally around businesses with phones. Yeah my town is great like that.:)
Hockeymom, I was going on the basis that active phones set the correct time automatically. Whereas a camera or inactive phone doesn't (or doesn't always). I never thought about turning it off in the photo settings.

It is not even known that she took the pictures. Someone else could have on their phone and sent them to hers. You can change the date and time on your phone, facebook, or computer anytime you want. I learned all this on WS. I change the date on my phone and iPad for Candy Crush, it's post dated, but I then reset and way back date and start over. People who play games....change the date. Also, on FB, you can make a post for today and two weeks from now go back to the post and change the date on the post.
I don't play games so I wouldn't know.
(why someone would for ordinary reasons)
So ...... Are there any active searches going on?
How does LE work a missing toddlers case 16 days after she disappeared?
Thinking out loud.
I don't play games so I wouldn't know.
(why someone would for ordinary reasons)

I am really trying to understand the date the picture was taken and also about how that would be inactive phone.

If the phone was used to take the picture, but was inactive, how did it get off of the phone, to be used for the poster? Wouldn't it make more sense that the date is just wrong? And again, we don't know that mom or dad took the picture.
So ...... Are there any active searches going on?
How does LE work a missing toddlers case 16 days after she disappeared?
Thinking out loud.

Sadly, it has been quiet here locally. I tend to tune in to just one news station, WAPT, and little Myra is still getting a spot as recent as the 10 pm news this evening. However it is not the lead story and hasn't been in quite some time. Nothing new at all to report. According to the news, the last search they mentioned were the water searches on Thursday. I missed the Sunday paper today...Hubby read it, but his idea of reading the paper covers primarily the sports. He didn't mention anything about little Myra and would have had he read something new....he knows I have been covering closely.

I am anxious for the release of Mom and any media coverage that will follow. Does anyone have any insight into the process for what is next given the hold on her release? I am not familiar with the judicial system given her charges or what would be next. Any thoughts?
I am really trying to understand the date the picture was taken and also about how that would be inactive phone.

If the phone was used to take the picture, but was inactive, how did it get off of the phone, to be used for the poster? Wouldn't it make more sense that the date is just wrong? And again, we don't know that mom or dad took the picture.

The pic could have been emailed or uploaded over Wifi or transferred to a computer by data cable?
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