MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 11/7/11

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What was the actual description given of the clothes that were "allegedly" found in recent search?? I saw earlier this evening Capt Young's statement that nothing of any significance was found in the searches but I've not seen the actual statement describing the clothing found.. Off to go see the actual description..
What was the actual description given of the clothes that were "allegedly" found in recent search?? I saw earlier this evening Capt Young's statement that nothing of any significance was found in the searches but I've not seen the actual statement describing the clothing found.. Off to go see the actual description..

from Jim Spellman CNN twitters

jimspellmancnn jim spellman
But Edith says DB came and checked and those clothes were still in the house. That's all per Edith, who organized the search.
2 hours ago

jimspellmancnn jim spellman
RE: search Saturday. Edith tells me they found baby clothes that looked like what Lisa was wearing in the shot of her at the door...
2 hours ago
Just wait till you come downstairs to the "members only" section of WS!! :great:
I'll just leave it at that!!!

Does that mean that all members of WS must go through initiation rites and hazing to enter the "Inner Sanctum"? (-:
And while we are still kinda off topic on the animal print thing.....Brooke Burke on DWTS tonight is wearing a silver and black animal print EVENING GOWN......
Mods won't allow us to tell you until after you're already hooked. Didn't you read the TOS? ;)

My rule was, "No child cases." Yeah, that lasted. I can't help but fall in love with these little people.
Hoping tomorrow's news gets us closer to finding Lisa.

Had a busy work today and just catching up on the threads. Looks like the big take-aways from MSM today were:

-a confirmation from Captain Young that while clothes were found at Saturday's search, it was not a significant find.
-Fox reported that the Bradley/Irwin legal team claims that they have scheduled a date with LE to have CPS interview the boys. Conversely, Captain Young confirms that the Bradley/Irwin legal team has not scheduled those interviews with LE yet.
-Jim Spellman promises us 2 new figures will be revealed tomorrow, along with disturbing comments from the DA's office. I hope they are important persons to Lisa's case, persons with information or insight that could ultimately lead to Lisa.

I think they should definitely check the dress for forensic evidence. It's not baby Lisa's, but if we knew who was really associated with the dress, that would be very interesting.

All I can think about the dress being an intentional plant (and not a cruel gag) is that somebody may be trying to throw the direction off OR set someone else up.

Sure, it didn't work, but I swear I've known folks who would have thought it was a very clever move. Maybe somebody did try something.

The parents are being watched like hawks. Who all isn't under such scrutiny?

I agree, however, did "Edith" who found the outfit pick it up and take it to DB's house or did she call LE????? by the sounds of it she took it to DB to question if it was Lisa's or not...hmmmm maybe the questioning should be left to LE.
I am sensing from the sleuths here the same confusion and frustration I am experiencing regarding the issue of whether or not any clothes were actually found on the search this Saturday (11-5-11). I often see articles of clothing in the park near my house when I walk my dog, but these items are usually one random sock, one random diaper, etc. So if a set of clothes were found near BL's home, and the set resembles BL's clothing, I would think this is quite a remarkable find!

So far LE has said the sightings of men carrying a baby were not significant, the diapers found in the abandoned house were not significant, the video of a person near the gas station weren't significant. At this point I don't believe anything LE says.
So far LE has said the sightings of men carrying a baby were not significant, the diapers found in the abandoned house were not significant, the video of a person near the gas station weren't significant. At this point I don't believe anything LE says.

The "sightings" didn't even describe the same man. The diapers were old. The blob left no indication of how they could be related to the case.

I trust that the LE are doing their best to investigate each and every thing that comes up and rule it out if it's not related. I have no reason to think LE is lying, they certainly haven't changed their story.
A lot of times I wish LE would do a PC,but I know they keep a lot close to the vest and they need to protect their case..the waiting is hard-but a must!!
RBBM: I agree ... "troubling" comments from a local DAs office" does not sound good ... and IMO, I think they need a "body" -- SORRY, but the HRD dog did HIT in DB's bedroom ...

:waitasec: I wonder WHO these "new figures" are ? Good grief ... can this case get any more complicated ? :maddening:

MOO ...

Don't get too riled up yet... it's just a news tease and we know they can be misleading.
Maybe, sure. I wouldn't rule it out, but anyone trying such a thing would have to know it would be short lived. DB produced that outfit pretty quickly, and unless, as another poster suggested, she had purchased it in multiple sizes, (I've done that myself! When I've really loved a baby dress, I've bought two.) that would quickly squelch the idea that it was hers. So, it wouldn't lead the trail astray for long.

Another theory… a second guessing, the second guessing possibility (reminds me of the Iocane powder in The Princess Bride) is that the guilty party wanted it to look as though someone else was planting a red herring… which would seem to point guilt away from the household, because they themselves are the very ones who disproved it, by producing the dress.

That may be confusing. This is what I mean: MOO: Deborah plants a similar dress in the woods, knowing it will be found. Then she produces the original dress to discredit the very dress she herself planted. Then she can still say, "ah ha! Look! Someone is trying to throw us off the trail." kind of circuitous, but… maybe.

Don't forget - Vizzini (the one with all that circuitous logic) drank the iocaine and died. ;)
Absolutely. Imo, there is not even a small chance that a dress similar to the one Lisa wore in a well-circulated photo would end up at this highly publicized search location unless (1) it was Lisa's dress or (2) it was planted. It appears LE confirmed that it is not Lisa's dress (if it was Lisa's, it would have been deemed a significant find). A child abduction from the crib is so very rare. Finding baby's clothing in this kind of area would be very rare as well, imo. Finding baby's clothing just like the clothing of an abducted baby in this particular location is beyond the realm of coincidence, imo.

That dress was planted by somebody as a hoax or a sincere attempt to convince folks that it was Lisa's. Whoever planted it is shameless.

Absolutely. Imo, there is not even a small chance that a dress similar to the one Lisa wore in a well-circulated photo would end up at this highly publicized search location unless (1) it was Lisa's dress or (2) it was planted. It appears LE confirmed that it is not Lisa's dress (if it was Lisa's, it would have been deemed a significant find). A child abduction from the crib is so very rare. Finding baby's clothing in this kind of area would be very rare as well, imo. Finding baby's clothing just like the clothing of an abducted baby in this particular location is beyond the realm of coincidence, imo.

That dress was planted by somebody as a hoax or a sincere attempt to convince folks that it was Lisa's. Whoever planted it is shameless.

Why do you suppose someone would do something so mean? Is someone trying to throw off LE and other searchers? I'm sure this happens from time to time but I'm shocked. IMO
In my experience, faux fur clothing and accessories are popular among adults and their children..items not necessarily having to do with the Flintstones.

I shopped Saturday with my teens. Trust me, faux fur is everywhere from less expensive stores to Neiman Marcus. ;)
So, it's not a Pebbles Flintstone costume?

(not trying to be snarky. It looks like a costume to me - do baby girls wear this kind of outfit on regular days? Sorry, don't have any babies right now)

Also, considering the timing of when it was found, what they found it seems could easily BE a Pebbles Flintstone costume.

Not sure it's a costume. She's a little dollbaby in it, whatever it is. I looked at google images for the costume and found these if you wanna take a look.

[ame=""]pebbles halloween costume - Google Search[/ame]
Why do you suppose someone would do something so mean? Is someone trying to throw off LE and other searchers? I'm sure this happens from time to time but I'm shocked. IMO

Anyone who would do something like that for any reason is not speaking my language. So, if I had to guess:

Theyâ locos en la cabeza o que son siniestros

They are either :crazy: or :devil:
Anyone who would do something like that for any reason is not my speaking my language. So, if I had to guess:

Theyâ locos en la cabeza o que son siniestros

They are either :crazy: or :devil:

Loco en la cabeza como burro!
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