My view has done a complete 180

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
OK Now - who is LG? I'm still learning the people associated with this case.

LG Hollingsworth. You can read all the Hollingsworth clans police interviews at the callahans site. He is high on my list of likely suspects.
LG Hollingsworth, IIRC, is now dead.

As to why the Hobbs' mtDNA, although not a perfect match, is more reliable than the fibers, first, Sakevicius could never definitively link the fibers to any one garment. The fibers could have come from any of literally thousands of garments available at the local Wal-mart. However, mtDNA is shared only by people with a common maternal ancestor. The mtDNA from the hair under Michael Moore's ligature differed from Terry Hobbs' mtDNA by only one nucleotide. That's why they called it a 97.5% (some sources say 98.5%) match to Terry Hobbs. IMO, biological evidence is much more compelling than fiber evidence. Also, there's the Jacoby hair and the footprints. I know that none of these things alone (or even all together) are a slam dunk case. However, it's much more compelling than the evidence that exists against the WMFree. It should at the very least have caused the WMPD to launch an investigation into Terry Hobbs. That they didn't is highly suspicious to say the least, IMO.
LG Hollingsworth, IIRC, is now dead.

As to why the Hobbs' mtDNA, although not a perfect match, is more reliable than the fibers, first, Sakevicius could never definitively link the fibers to any one garment. The fibers could have come from any of literally thousands of garments available at the local Wal-mart. However, mtDNA is shared only by people with a common maternal ancestor. The mtDNA from the hair under Michael Moore's ligature differed from Terry Hobbs' mtDNA by only one nucleotide. That's why they called it a 97.5% (some sources say 98.5%) match to Terry Hobbs. IMO, biological evidence is much more compelling than fiber evidence. Also, there's the Jacoby hair and the footprints. I know that none of these things alone (or even all together) are a slam dunk case. However, it's much more compelling than the evidence that exists against the WMFree. It should at the very least have caused the WMPD to launch an investigation into Terry Hobbs. That they didn't is highly suspicious to say the least, IMO.

The DNA is very compelling, but unfortunatley can't be proved that he was the murderer either. Yes LG is dead but he wasn't in May of '93. He was very much alive and even alive enough to lie through his teeth about where he was that night and trying to get other family members to lie for him. I know they took samples from LG but not sure if they were ever tested. Does anyone know this? The tunnel vision the police had in this case is unreal!!
At first glance, this case makes you wonder who would make these confessions other than an evil being? However, when you actually take the time to familarize yourself with the facts of this case then you will realize the investigation is shoddy and the misjustice against the WM3 is obvious. It is my opinion only but, TH is more than suspect. I cannot believe it has taken me so long to take notice of this case.
I never really paid attention to this case either. I have not seen paradise Lost. I just bought a book called Devils Knot by Mara Leveritt which is supposed to be factual. Anyone familiar with this book? I want to read something objective and see what conclusion I come too.
Devil's Knot is written from a supporters perspective. There is nothing objective on this case, apart from the Callahan's site, (and you would need to know something about the case before you could negotiate Callahan's without feeling like you're searching for a needle in a haystack).

Best thing I would advise is to read Devil's Knot with the author's bias in mind, and then read Blood of Innocents, which is written from a pro-guilt perspective. That way you get both sides of the story.
What Cappuccino said is good advice. I have read both books. Although both are dated, they still contain a lot of valuable information. I feel that Devil's Knot is better researched, but that could be my supporter bias. Blood of the Innocents, IMO is a tabloid-style book that was published way too quickly after the trials for the authors to have done extensive research. However, I would still recommend reading it because there is some information in it that is not in Devil's Knot. If you are serious about becoming well-versed on the case, I might recommend reading both books with a notepad by your side!
I've posted this elsewhere, but I want to be sure that no one doesn't know. The CBS 48 Hours episode about the WMFree that was originally scheduled to air tonight has been postponed one week and will air next Saturday, September 17, 2011, at its regularly scheduled time. I don't want anyone to tune in and wonder why the episode about the WMFree isn't being broadcast.
What Cappuccino said is good advice. I have read both books. Although both are dated, they still contain a lot of valuable information. I feel that Devil's Knot is better researched, but that could be my supporter bias. Blood of the Innocents, IMO is a tabloid-style book that was published way too quickly after the trials for the authors to have done extensive research. However, I would still recommend reading it because there is some information in it that is not in Devil's Knot. If you are serious about becoming well-versed on the case, I might recommend reading both books with a notepad by your side!

I'd also like to throw in very good site and easy to read and get a good beginners grasp on all the information out there. I initially started with PL1 when it first aired and then I think PL2 before I really started looking into the case, followed that up with jivepuppi and Callahans before I read Devil's Knot and Blood of Innocents. I think that covers a majority of what you will need to really get started.
The jivepuppi site is a must for anybody who wants to understand the ins and outs of this case without being subjected to propaganda. Like any honest person, Jivepuppi declares his bias on the front page, and the rest of what he writes is the best single Internet source I've ever read on this case, apart from Callahan's.
Yes, Jive's site is well documented and extensive. There's a search bar at the bottom of the home page. (I had trouble finding it. LOL) I recommend it also.
Those new to this case might also find this site informative and it also includes many references:

I found this today on Amazon, but didn't know where to post it. Damien, who is almost 40, is still reading those jr. high-ish vampire books.
[ame=""] Damien Echols: Wishlist@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

verified psychiatric nurse on Websleuths
Don't you have anything better to do than monitor other peoples' reading preferences? Since Damien spent over half of his life in prison for a crime which he didn't commit, I think he can read whatever he wants to read. It's a free country after all. As to the site that you referenced, it is full of hate and vitriol and very little information that cannot be obtained elsewhere without the drama and invective common on that site.
Don't you have anything better to do than monitor other peoples' reading preferences? Since Damien spent over half of his life in prison for a crime which he didn't commit, I think he can read whatever he wants to read. It's a free country after all. As to the site that you referenced, it is full of hate and vitriol and very little information that cannot be obtained elsewhere without the drama and invective common on that site.
After retiring from 30 years of working on locked psych wards in university-affiliated psychiatric hospitals, I am now free to study whatever. Tonight I read a poem by Damien Echols. It reminds me of statements that a very disturbed stalker would say.

I know just where you live.
I know you live alone.
I’ll pay a visit in your darkest hour.
I’ve got a treat in store.
Won’t be the same no more.
And I will demonstrate my holy power.
I see through what it is inside you.
I’ll make you break down and cry.
~Damien Echols

verified psychiatric nurse
After retiring from 30 years of working on locked psych wards in university-affiliated psychiatric hospitals, I am now free to study whatever. Tonight I read a poem by Damien Echols. It reminds me of statements that a very disturbed stalker would say.

I know just where you live.
I know you live alone.
I’ll pay a visit in your darkest hour.
I’ve got a treat in store.
Won’t be the same no more.
And I will demonstrate my holy power.
I see through what it is inside you.
I’ll make you break down and cry.
~Damien Echols

verified psychiatric nurse

Mr/Ms Pensfan.

Why are you so obsessed with Damien Echols? Don't you have anything better to do than obsess about this individuals poetry?
See Damien's handwriting recording his mental health problems found at a previous psychiatric admission in Portland, so he could be readmitted to the psychiatric hospital in Arkansas:

In this box, Damien wrote:

manic depression
drug abuse
alcohol abuse
Here's the troubled teen today after spending 18 years on Death Row, ten of it in solitary confinement (in and of itself enough to make many people psychotic):

[ame=""]West Memphis 3 are FREE! - YouTube[/ame]

He doesn't seem to be very psychotic to me. I'm no mental health professional, just a retired school teacher with 25 years' experience dealing with teen angst and rebellion. Teens generally outgrow all of that baggage. Looks like Damien outgrew whatever was troubling him, and he managed to do it on Death Row! To me, that bespeaks a pretty strong person.
See Damien's handwriting recording his mental health problems found at a previous psychiatric admission in Portland, so he could be readmitted to the psychiatric hospital in Arkansas:

In this box, Damien wrote:

manic depression
drug abuse
alcohol abuse

If you believe in Jessie's confession then you have to believe that it was Jason Baldwin who was the true monster.Jason was the one that did the cutting and mutilation according to Jessie.Why didn't Damien wield the knife if he was the true psychopath?
Those new to this case might also find this site informative and it also includes many references:

I found this today on Amazon, but didn't know where to post it. Damien, who is almost 40, is still reading those jr. high-ish vampire books. Damien Echols: Wishlist

verified psychiatric nurse on Websleuths
I'm 42.Yesterday I bought a book called "Into the Shadows",it's about unsolved murders and unexplained paranormal stuff.I like all the books on Damiens wish list.I write poems sometimes.They usually involve death.Something dark.I love Horror movies.
When I was a teenager to scare people I would absolutely write "homicidal maniac" on school paperwork.I could go on and on.
I never killed anyone.
Again Pensfan,I can understand why someone who has no knowledge of psychiatry would find Damien frightening and would suspect him just because of who he is.
I don't work in the field but I know myself and many like myself.I had to deal with something traumatic early in my teenage years.I felt confused and misunderstood.Darkness was my armor,my protection.Death metal gave me strength to face everyday life.
I see a lot of that in Damien.He never deserted his interests.He still has that love for darkness,that pulled him through the hard times.I do too.

I believe anyone pushed over the edge is capable of doing something horrible.
And everyone is different.Some may be pushed by something that seems small.Some can't get over childhood experiences.It all has to do with your personal coping skills.Even if it involves a mental disorder.Some people are able to deal and cope with treatment ,some are not.

In this case I absolutely agree everyone should have been investigated , including Damien but the investigators did exactly what Pensfan is doing.Became obsessed with Damien and build a case around their obsession with no regard for truth or justice.

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