My view has done a complete 180

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
My main suspect is TH but since we know so little about DJ ,really all we know is his hair was found at the crime scene ,he was with TH that evening and AH claims she was abused by DJ,so it would not surprise me if he was there also.
I also still think it's a possibility that MB met up with them at one point and they were all involved.
JMO !!!!!!!!!!!!!
The main reason among many that there is no way the WM3 are guilty is the timeline IMO.
There is no way those three were together during that timeframe to commit the crime.
Jason traded 3 T-shirts for a knife and it was like a mountain climber ice pick,if I remember correctly.He already knew LE was trying to pin the murders on him.I would hide my weapons also.3 T-shirts have a lot of value for a teenager,so these items were prized possessions.I would have hid them just for that reason alone.I wouldn't have wanted LE to take them from me.
No, he is not a reliable witness. He was stating something someone else told him and trying to make it his own, seeking his 15 minutes. IIRC, he did not testify at the trial.

As to Jason Crosby's statement, first I'm not impressed that he could pass a polygraph because he said that Damien and Jason Baldwin talked about torturing a bum, not that they did it! Again, teenagers often talk big to peers. It means nothing. He also said that Damien said that he wasn't a Devil worshiper.

Again, a lot of statements were made, especially by teenagers looking for their 15 minutes of fame. Unless someone was actually called as a witness at trial, I don't place a lot of importance on these types of statements. Both of these statements are from teens who did not testify at the trial.

Really? it means nothing if you brag about Killing three eight year old boys?
It means nothing if you say that your son's first words are going to be "Capital Murder"?

I think most people would take notice if a teenager or anybody talked about killing anyone, not ignore it as if it's no big deal.

Damien Echols is a sick sick individual who I would not want to be alone with.
Really? it means nothing if you brag about Killing three eight year old boys?
It means nothing if you say that your son's first words are going to be "Capital Murder"?

I think most people would take notice if a teenager or anybody talked about killing anyone, not ignore it as if it's no big deal.

Damien Echols is a sick sick individual who I would not want to be alone with.

well and that's exactly why a teenager would talk about killing.To be noticed,to shock ,to make sure not to be part of "them",the grown ups,the ones that caused the pain in the first place so you have to defend yourself against the ones that do not understand .
No, he is not a reliable witness. He was stating something someone else told him and trying to make it his own, seeking his 15 minutes. IIRC, he did not testify at the trial.

As to Jason Crosby's statement, first I'm not impressed that he could pass a polygraph because he said that Damien and Jason Baldwin talked about torturing a bum, not that they did it! Again, teenagers often talk big to peers. It means nothing. He also said that Damien said that he wasn't a Devil worshiper.

Again, a lot of statements were made, especially by teenagers looking for their 15 minutes of fame. Unless someone was actually called as a witness at trial, I don't place a lot of importance on these types of statements. Both of these statements are from teens who did not testify at the trial.
Jason Crosby also said Damien told him he was just kidding.
I don't set any store by this type of thing anyway - you've got a bunch of teenage rumours about what other teens are supposed to have said to them. And that's enough to send someone to Death Row.....really?

Where's the physical evidence linking any of these three to the crime? Where's the opportunity for them to have committed it? Or the motive?

The case for the prosecution is Jessie's confessions, which are themselves a garbled mishmash of all the rumours running through the teenage population of WM at the time, bolstered with shameless prompting from Bryn Ridge. Its a botch job from start to finish.
My main suspect is TH but since we know so little about DJ ,really all we know is his hair was found at the crime scene ,he was with TH that evening and AH claims she was abused by DJ,so it would not surprise me if he was there also.
I also still think it's a possibility that MB met up with them at one point and they were all involved.
JMO !!!!!!!!!!!!!
The main reason among many that there is no way the WM3 are guilty is the timeline IMO.
There is no way those three were together during that timeframe to commit the crime.

It's been mentioned before, but I want to point out again, that the "David" Amanda said was abusing her was not David Jacoby. I don't think that the abuser has been identified, but someone (Pam?) said that it was not David Jacoby.
well and that's exactly why a teenager would talk about killing.To be noticed,to shock ,to make sure not to be part of "them",the grown ups,the ones that caused the pain in the first place so you have to defend yourself against the ones that do not understand .

I hung out with the so-called goth, disturbed kids and none would have ever bragged about murdering children, especially not children who were actual murder victims. Supporters act as if this is a common and natural thing, and it most certainly is not.
The Majority of people think that if there is no DNA evidence to the WM3, then there is no possible way they could have done it.

I Hate the fact that these 3 are held as Heroes and Victims because of what they went through.

Truth is...... it has always been about Damien, Jessie & Jason and not about Stevie, Chris or Michael.
I have 3 young adult sons. None of them ever talked about killing people or animals and such. If they had, I would have been horrified. I agree this is NOT the norm. It very disturbing.
I hung out with the so-called goth, disturbed kids and none would have ever bragged about murdering children, especially not children who were actual murder victims. Supporters act as if this is a common and natural thing, and it most certainly is not.

Damien talked about murdering the children (if he really did) after he was accused of doing so.Again it's a defense mechanism.If you notice everyone staring at you,talking about you ,saying you did this,what more shocking thing to shut them up could you do then to say "oh yes I did and you might be next"
I have 3 young adult sons. None of them ever talked about killing people or animals and such. If they had, I would have been horrified. I agree this is NOT the norm. It very disturbing.

Just because a teenage boy doesn't say anything disturbing in front of his mother doesn't mean he doesn't make sick jokes when his mother's not in earshot.
The Majority of people think that if there is no DNA evidence to the WM3, then there is no possible way they could have done it.

I Hate the fact that these 3 are held as Heroes and Victims because of what they went through.

Truth is...... it has always been about Damien, Jessie & Jason and not about Stevie, Chris or Michael.

Nonsense, the truth is....its about all six of them. I don't know why non-supporters can't grasp that. If the wrong people were convicted then the real murderer of those children has gotten off scot free. How the heck is that justice for Stevie, Christopher and Michael?

Instead of giving us a list of weird things Damien said, (or allegedly said), tell us how three teens could clean a crime scene completely of their own DNA while cleaning it so selectively they left behind DNA belonging to at least five other individuals. And they did this in the dark, while drunk.
Nonsense, the truth is....its about all six of them. I don't know why non-supporters can't grasp that. If the wrong people were convicted then the real murderer of those children has gotten off scot free. How the heck is that justice for Stevie, Christopher and Michael?

Instead of giving us a list of weird things Damien said, (or allegedly said), tell us how three teens could clean a crime scene completely of their own DNA while cleaning it so selectively they left behind DNA belonging to at least five other individuals. And they did this in the dark, while drunk.

Speaking for this supporter, I have never forgotten the three little boys for one minute. IMO, the best way to honor them is to see real justice done in their name. Allowing three young men to spend half of their lives so far imprisoned for a crime that they didn't commit is not justice for the three murdered little boys and is certainly not honoring their memory.

As Cappuccino said, why can't those who believe the WMFree to be guilty explain things like how three drunk teenagers could so efficiently clean up the "murder scene" and leave no traces of themselves? This simply defies all logic. When you add the physical evidence that points to another suspect, it makes the continued insistence on the guilt of the WMFree look totally ludicrous and as small-minded as the State of Arkansas' acceptance of the Alford Plea just to save their collective faces.
Some of the things I'm reading in this thread, (and also in the thread about Damien's mental health history), give a startling insight into the mentality behind wrongful convictions. Damien said things that aren't "normal", that makes him "weird", "sick", "disturbing", and from that we're supposed to leap to the conclusion that he is guilty of killing three children in Robin Hood Hills on May 5th 1993. Even the psychiatric nurse posting in this thread has bought into that mentality.

Can I advise you all to take a browse through the case histories on the Innocence Project website? You'll find very few wrongfully convicted people who hadn't picked up a reputation for being weird, sick, disturbed, or otherwise singled out for their past behaviour. There's even one case up there where the wrongfully convicted man made a string of threatening phone calls to the murder victim in the run up to the crime.

That's why these people fell prey to a miscarriage of justice in the first place. Most police officers aren't stupid, they don't randomly single out respectable pillars of society with no criminal record and develop tunnel vision about them. If an otherwise sensible police department has locked in on the wrong suspect, and started unconsciously ignoring evidence which points in other directions, you can be sure there is something about that suspect that makes him "look" guilty as hell.

It just shows the dangers of running a criminal justice system on the basis of "give a dog a bad name and hang him."

Now - where's the evidence connecting these specific three individuals to this specific crime?
Some of the things I'm reading in this thread, (and also in the thread about Damien's mental health history), give a startling insight into the mentality behind wrongful convictions. Damien said things that aren't "normal", that makes him "weird", "sick", "disturbing", and from that we're supposed to leap to the conclusion that he is guilty of killing three children in Robin Hood Hills on May 5th 1993. Even the psychiatric nurse posting in this thread has bought into that mentality.

Can I advise you all to take a browse through the case histories on the Innocence Project website? You'll find very few wrongfully convicted people who hadn't picked up a reputation for being weird, sick, disturbed, or otherwise singled out for their past behaviour. There's even one case up there where the wrongfully convicted man made a string of threatening phone calls to the murder victim in the run up to the crime.

That's why these people fell prey to a miscarriage of justice in the first place. Most police officers aren't stupid, they don't randomly single out respectable pillars of society with no criminal record and develop tunnel vision about them. If an otherwise sensible police department has locked in on the wrong suspect, and started unconsciously ignoring evidence which points in other directions, you can be sure there is something about that suspect that makes him "look" guilty as hell.

This kind of investigator tunnel vision is a factor in many miscarriages of justice. For example, Tim Masters was convicted of the murder of Peggy Hettrick in 1999 based almost entirely on the fact that he drew violent images. (Something that isn't all that uncommon for a 15 year old boy.) Masters spent 9 years in prison before being released and exonerated.
This kind of investigator tunnel vision is a factor in many miscarriages of justice. For example, Tim Masters was convicted of the murder of Peggy Hettrick in 1999 based almost entirely on the fact that he drew violent images. (Something that isn't all that uncommon for a 15 year old boy.) Masters spent 9 years in prison before being released and exonerated.

They found DNA evidence that her boyfriend at the time did it.

I remember watching this story on Cold Case Files and 48 Hours Mystery did an episode about it too.
Nonsense, the truth is....its about all six of them. I don't know why non-supporters can't grasp that. If the wrong people were convicted then the real murderer of those children has gotten off scot free. How the heck is that justice for Stevie, Christopher and Michael?

Instead of giving us a list of weird things Damien said, (or allegedly said), tell us how three teens could clean a crime scene completely of their own DNA while cleaning it so selectively they left behind DNA belonging to at least five other individuals. And they did this in the dark, while drunk.

.....and afterwards Jessie went to wrestling practice,Jason went to school the next morning and Damien had to deal with Domini's jealousy because he was talking to Jason's ex.....I don't know when they did all this unless they waited until midnight to meet up which would have been the proper time for a satanic killing so I guess they used their wiccan witch skills to look into the future to know that there would be 3 little boys out there that were not found even though the whole neighborhood was looking for them and I guess the WM3 have Ninja skills as well because nobody saw them anywhere near there that night,oh aside from the time when Jason morphed into Domini of course and was walking on the side of the freeway.....
Nonsense, the truth is....its about all six of them. I don't know why non-supporters can't grasp that. If the wrong people were convicted then the real murderer of those children has gotten off scot free. How the heck is that justice for Stevie, Christopher and Michael?

Instead of giving us a list of weird things Damien said, (or allegedly said), tell us how three teens could clean a crime scene completely of their own DNA while cleaning it so selectively they left behind DNA belonging to at least five other individuals. And they did this in the dark, while drunk.

I might have forgot about this part? Who was believed to be drunk and how did this come about in relation to the case?


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