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This right here is very telling, at least to me...

Something happens to Caylee here, most likely accidental...and the frantic phone calls begin. Call dad, no answer. Call mom, no answer.

I frantically make phone calls when I REALLY need to get ahold of someone. I'll call non stop a few times until I can get ahold of them, or realize they're not able to answer the phone.

She most likely freaked that she couldn't get ahold of anyone, and rather than call 911, she panicked, and tried to hide that sweet angel.

No calls until the next day...

Hmmm, being the social butterfly she is, it's hard to believe she didn't call anyone from 7:30 until the next day. Pretty obvious she didn't want anyone to know what she was doing or where she was going.
How about this spin . . . the flurry of calls weren't answered on purpose. Casey was calling her parents to beg their forgiveness for acting up the night before. Maybe that's when the punishment began.
No offense but I thought that the moderator here just asked you not to start any more threads on this topic! You can ignore me. I am just a lowly poster but I think it would be nice to try and give these mods a break and listen to them once in a while!
Not sure who LR is or what her connection is to all of this. I have looked at both pages and LR's is set to private. I must have missed something concerning the connection between these people.
I must not be getting something here.
I see threads stated that say some really horrible things about the Anthony's ,Casey killing Caylee etc .,But yet this connection bothers folks!

Most of all the threads here are non positive theories ,but a positive one brings stress!!!
I never called anyone any names ,ZG ,LR ,casey ,her parents etc ,Its a very strong connection.
Hey Guys: Please relax. Before you start a new thread you are being asked to use the search function to see if a thread on your topic already exists. You are asked to continue posting in the existing thread so that all the same info stays in the same place and to eliminate having 67 threads on the same topic or related closely to an existing thread. If you get my drift.

What you were doing was OK. However, it has already been discussed and you should add your investigation to the previous one to keep the board easier to navigate and search.

It's all good.
I must not be getting something here.
I see threads stated that say some really horrible things about the Anthony's ,Casey killing Caylee etc .,But yet this connection bothers folks!

Most of all the threads here are non positive theories ,but a positive one brings stress!!!
I never called anyone any names ,ZG ,LR ,casey ,her parents etc ,Its a very strong connection.

Read this post:

The myspace "connection" can easily get out of hand.
I must not be getting something here.
I see threads stated that say some really horrible things about the Anthony's ,Casey killing Caylee etc .,But yet this connection bothers folks!

Most of all the threads here are non positive theories ,but a positive one brings stress!!!
I never called anyone any names ,ZG ,LR ,casey ,her parents etc ,Its a very strong connection.

No, it's not the connection.

As all ready pointed out. The name of the thread did not discribe what was being discussed.

And what was being discussed belonged in the "myspace, facebook' thread. Instead of putting it there, you started a whole new thread. Making the mods work even harder/longer cause they have to merge your new thread, with that thread.
When you follow links, ESPECIALLY on My Space and the BEBE's page, be
careful. Viruses are easily picked up~!!!

I clicked on BEBE's page and instantly had 10 popups, when you start clicking them away more and more and more come. IF this happends, shut down your computer FAST~ Restart ~ and then go to Internet Properties and DELETE COOKIES and DELETE INTERNET FILES! This stops more damage, but I'm not sure what else may have been dropped on my system.


Flower Girl

PS, :eek: During the Scott Peterson case, I followed a link for something on Amber Frey and guess what... VIRUS~!!!! Some people are real jerks.
Amber didn't do this, but the person at the link had let the public know that he had info on his site. WHAM... that one was so bad it ate my files and blew my hard drive. SO BE CAREFUL~!!!
To add to my previous :

After I read your thread last night, I tried bumping the existing, related threads to the first page from the 4th or 5th so that you could see it, but it didn't work.

The mods merged the threads overnight and put them on the first page for you to see. That's all it was. Let's help the mods out, we are running them ragged.

This is why I don't buy the "Caylee was cramping her lifestyle" theory. This girl had fun! Didn't look like she was really stuck at home all the time because she didn't have a sitter. I got knocked up when I was 18 and this girl has been to more parties than I've ever been invited too...And I'm 26 years old! There has to be some other reason if she murdered her child. Not just because she wanted to party.

Cindy first speculated it was to get back at her. In the very beginning of all this, Cindy said that Casey is purposefully hiding Caylee to spite her since Cindy and Caylee were so close and Casey was jealous.
To add to my previous :

After I read your thread last night, I tried bumping the existing, related threads to the first page from the 4th or 5th so that you could see it, but it didn't work.

The mods merged the threads overnight and put them on the first page for you to see. That's all it was. Let's help the mods out, we are running them ragged.


Well at any rate ,I watched both myspace pages and both went offline at same time and cheryl also.
Well at any rate ,I watched both myspace pages and both went offline at same time and cheryl also.

I think it was said that it was found several weeks ago and the LE were notified. Last night, folks screen saved them and made note of that fact. So If cops hadn't seen it yet, folks with the screen shots will be able to give the info to them if needed.

What you found shows that they are reading this board. Hmmmm....
Would someone like to work with me to establish a list of dating timelines for Casey - there seems to be some dates / men that conflict with each other, so I'd like to start a list ....

This person, Chris, that's recently been discussed on this thread seemed to have been dating Casey in April of 2007

Comments left for Chris by Casey
Catching up on reading...this post made me chuckle.

Two observations:

1. Timeline conflicts because, well, because...I don't think fidelity is a quality Casey has. I am not a Casey basher, and that doesn't mean she's a killer - just pointing out the obvious!

2. Having said the above, what's maybe most sad is she's not alone in that these days. I don't know whether to blame it on Doc Spock or Bill Clinton the 60's or what, but a lot of young people have no problem with multiple partners, "I never had sex with that...," or casual "relations" with friends. We're not in Mayberry anymore, that's for sure!
I think it was said that it was found several weeks ago and the LE were notified. Last night, folks screen saved them and made note of that fact. So If cops hadn't seen it yet, folks with the screen shots will be able to give the info to them if needed.

What you found shows that they are reading this board. Hmmmm....

Not really.
I reported it last night to With all links.
Lee anthony
OCSO vis email.

And while we knew the name WW from her visiter log ,and ZG page ,All 3 were never connected until last night.
Catching up on reading...this post made me chuckle.

Two observations:

1. Timeline conflicts because, well, because...I don't think fidelity is a quality Casey has. I am not a Casey basher, and that doesn't mean she's a killer - just pointing out the obvious!

2. Having said the above, what's maybe most sad is she's not alone in that these days. I don't know whether to blame it on Doc Spock or Bill Clinton the 60's or what, but a lot of young people have no problem with multiple partners, "I never had sex with that...," or casual "relations" with friends. We're not in Mayberry anymore, that's for sure!

The only difference from now, and any other age.. Is that women are able to do what men have always been able to do.

Women no longer have to be virginal to marry. So that isn't an issue. DNA testing of babys ensures who the Daddy is, so that is no longer an issue. Those were the 2 main reasons women were not allowed to be as free as men. ANd thinking that if women were free before marriage, they would be just as free after the wedding. If so.. then the same theory holds for the men.. Hmm...
Not really.
I reported it last night to With all links.
Lee anthony
OCSO vis email.

And while we knew the name WW from her visiter log ,and ZG page ,All 3 were never connected until last night.

Ok, I've been following this case from the beginning and I have no clue what you guys are talking about. Who are "all 3" and how are they connected? Who is this Laura with a myspace page and how is she relevant?

Someone please help me understand what I've missed, if it was anything at all.
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