Mystery: Who removed the memorials? UPDATE The A's and the Milsteads that's who

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I've read this thread and I agree with most everyone here. What it boils down to for me is this...

Lois and the others went to place a cross at the site, I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt that their actions were pure, based on what I saw of the cross and such. (It had Caylee's name on it, it was painted, effort was put into it, etc). I know others say their motivation was to bait the A's. There is a slight problem with this theory, and I think someone posted it earlier, they did not know it was the A's and M's taking down the memorial. Otherwise they wouldn't have been waiting to see who showed up. I think like all of us, they were curious to know who was doing it. I'm sure they were speculating that it was them but they didn't know. Then the A's denied doing it and GA even went so far as to say he couldn't even bring himself to go down there.

So we were all back at square one, still not knowing who it was. So these ladies decided to find out who was doing it. I think that was their motivation...finding out who it was. That is hardly stalking as someone mentioned earlier. Imagine how they felt when they saw who it was?!!! The not so truthful A's and the criminal M's!! I don't know about you but I know I would've been grabbing my camera too! Here are these people who blatantly lied about removing items from a memorial honoring their granddaughter, who they profess to love and miss everyday, sneaking around in the dark doing something they had previously denied.

Then they follow up that behavior by pursuing them in a car and blocking them in? Brad says the car nearly hit GA, well I say GA should not try to keep someone from leaving, he has no legal authority to detain anyone! DM also doesn't have any legal authority to detain anyone.

I do hope the A's and M's are held accountable for their actions.
Just a little bit of info re: the car with lights acting as LE. The lights may not be something you see on the outside but programmed with a switch box or type of fuse that attaches to an area under the hood. Something like the link I've posted is expensive but it would be inside the vehicle, not visible from the outside. Not exactly what I think this car is using though.

I can't seem to find exactly what I'm looking for but there is a regulator that anyone can buy that makes your headlights flash similar to LE. Again, you wouldn't know it from the outside.
Milstead was SPECIFICALLY ordered to remove anything from his vehicles that would make them appear to be LE vehicles.

His felony charge was IMPERSONATING A POLICE OFFICER. which is a felony. Sure doesn't sound like he complied with the Judge's order.

He was pursuing a woman in a vehicle and followed her into a gated community pretending to be a police officer. Sure doesn't sound like he's changed his MO, does it?
Abbra, no one was trespassing. The video I've seen shows Lois and crew in front of the no trespassing sign. And the county owns the easement where the memorial and the cross was placed.
I've read this thread and I agree with most everyone here. What it boils down to for me is this...

Lois and the others went to place a cross at the site, I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt that their actions were pure, based on what I saw of the cross and such. (It had Caylee's name on it, it was painted, effort was put into it, etc). I know others say their motivation was to bait the A's. There is a slight problem with this theory, and I think someone posted it earlier, they did not know it was the A's and M's taking down the memorial. Otherwise they wouldn't have been waiting to see who showed up. I think like all of us, they were curious to know who was doing it. I'm sure they were speculating that it was them but they didn't know. Then the A's denied doing it and GA even went so far as to say he couldn't even bring himself to go down there.

So we were all back at square one, still not knowing who it was. So these ladies decided to find out who was doing it. I think that was their motivation...finding out who it was. That is hardly stalking as someone mentioned earlier. Imagine how they felt when they saw who it was?!!! The not so truthful A's and the criminal M's!! I don't know about you but I know I would've been grabbing my camera too! Here are these people who blatantly lied about removing items from a memorial honoring their granddaughter, who they profess to love and miss everyday, sneaking around in the dark doing something they had previously denied.

Then they follow up that behavior by pursuing them in a car and blocking them in? Brad says the car nearly hit GA, well I say GA should not try to keep someone from leaving, he has no legal authority to detain anyone! DM also has no legal authority to detain anyone either.

I do hope the A's and M's are held accountable for their actions.

I hope they are held accoutnable also, but I seriously doubt they will. After seeing Dennis Milstead assault a cameraman at JB Park, I would be afraid of him also.

If Cindy felt so truly justified in removing this cross, why did she hide in the dark and then pursue the people who took their picture. This is NOT the behavior of somseone who KNEW they were in the RIGHT.

Show me ONE family of someone who has died under any circumstances who has behaved in this despicable fashion. Sandra Cantu's family did not behave like this - they merely put out a request that the memorial not be left where it was after it was cleared and the items DONATED TO CHARITY.
Milstead was SPECIFICALLY ordered to remove anything from his vehicles that would make them appear to be LE vehicles.

His felony charge was IMPERSONATING A POLICE OFFICER. which is a felony. Sure doesn't sound like he complied with the Judge's order.

He was pursuing a woman in a vehicle and followed her into a gated community pretending to be a police officer. Sure doesn't sound like he's changed his MO, does it?

I believe he was also ordered not to have badges. I can't remember the exact term used. But they have that official looking KFN badge all over their website, stationary and tshirts.
You are very welcome. I just heard a reporter on My Fox Orlando state that the women were trying to run George and Cindy down?
This must be after GA and CA and DM and SM had them boxed in and were approaching their vehicles. But how will he explain George and cindy and the Milsteads going after this car in the first place? The idea is preposterous.

Also, I need to ask abbra about the assertion these women were stirring up things and taunting George and Cindy. How do you explain this, since George and Cindy never go down to the site. How could these women have knowingly set out to taunt GA and CA by placing a memorial on property down the street and around the corner?

How many times did these gals put a cross up and found it was gone the next day? Why were they at the site as often as they were to check? That borders on Extreme Obsessiveness, stalking and mental issues. Did they want to check out the facts that George and Cindy did indeed go to the site and get proof to show the world when they took the photograph of C&G? - that C&G were lying about going to the site.
Like I said we know the Anthonys are lying. Did you all expect that the A's wouldn't slink over to the site when no one was looking? Werent they the ones that had the teddy bears donated to charities?
WHY DID THESE WOMEN hang around to see who was taking down their cross and then when they saw it was the Anthonys why did they TAKE PICTURES OF THE ANTHONYS. What did they expect to come from it?
I am so glad Lee has checked himself (and Mallory) out of this mess!! GA and CA could learn something from Lee - note that he is rarely mentioned anymore in the press or even on this forum because he has quietly gone to ground. GA and CA just keep stirring it up - they literally BEG for the negative press. They need to step back, calm down and see this through quietly.
Abbra, no one was trespassing. The video I've seen shows Lois and crew in front of the no trespassing sign. And the county owns the easement where the memorial and the cross was placed.

Don't you need permits to place memorials on roadsides in Florida?
I hope they are held accoutnable also, but I seriously doubt they will. After seeing Dennis Milstead assault a cameraman at JB Park, I would be afraid of him also.

If Cindy felt so truly justified in removing this cross, why did she hide in the dark and then pursue the people who took their picture. This is NOT the behavior of somseone who KNEW they were in the RIGHT.

Show me ONE family of someone who has died under any circumstances who has behaved in this despicable fashion. Sandra Cantu's family did not behave like this - they merely put out a request that the memorial not be left where it was after it was cleared and the items DONATED TO CHARITY.

LOL Well we know Sandra Cantu's family is not NUTS!
Don't you need permits to place memorials on roadsides in Florida?

Evidently LE in the area doesn't see a problem as they haven't enforced a law if there is one. And the owner of the property hasn't lodged a complaint against anyone in the past.

However, no one was trespassing in this instance.
re BOLD which is mine: I would love to see people put rocks at the former memorial site. Rocks are natural, and wouldn't a pile of rocks, a HUGE pile of rocks appaering there be a great way to say "we are still thinking of you Caylee" - "Now try and dispose of ME"

A heavy boulder rock that they can't lift I really think that would be nice natural memorial for Caylee..
WHY DID THESE WOMEN hang around to see who was taking down their cross and then when they saw it was the Anthonys why did they TAKE PICTURES OF THE ANTHONYS. What did they expect to come from it?

I guess they wanted to know who was doing it. They took pictures for proof and maybe to sell, heaven knows there have been lots of other pics sold. Maybe to show that the As lied about going there. I probably would have done the same thing if they were my crosses being removed, I would want to know. But I prolly would have dirtied my pants when I saw who showed up.
Milstead was SPECIFICALLY ordered to remove anything from his vehicles that would make them appear to be LE vehicles.

His felony charge was IMPERSONATING A POLICE OFFICER. which is a felony. Sure doesn't sound like he complied with the Judge's order.

He was pursuing a woman in a vehicle and followed her into a gated community pretending to be a police officer. Sure doesn't sound like he's changed his MO, does it?
I do not understand how he has continued to drive a truck with these lights that are so similar to those used by LE, especially given the fact that he was arrested and convicted of the same in Dade County. It seems to me that OCSO needs to investigate this. I don't like his Kid Finders "shield" on the truck either, it looks an awful lot like a LE shield, and given his history, it should be looked into by LE.

These people have crossed the line continuously since the beginning of this case. They continue to do so, because they have received no consequences from LE. Had that chase been initiated by anyone else they would have been in jail will be interesting to see what OCSO does with this one...I am not holding my breath on any charges, but it sure would be nice.
While Lois may have alterior motives, the A's are completely wrong here. They have continued to say that they would NEVER and could NEVER go to the site the remains were found. I never believed it when they said it & this proves that they were lies all along.

I used to feel sorry for the A's when the protestors were around and no one should go through what they have had to deal with. However, every time they speak or present themselves in any manner, they look like complete fools.

I understand backing your daughter and not wanting the DP, but how about representing yourself and your GRANDDAUGHTER well to do it respectfully.

I understood the fact that they didn't like the MEMORIAL at the house when they held up the appearance that they thought she could be alive.

But, why not allow the memorial around a place that you would never have to visit or drive by in the first place.

It's time to consider calling a spade a spade. I have lost respect for the A's and no longer feel sorry for them which is unfortunate.
How strange to not want others to pay tribute to Caylee - except if it's with money donated to their Cash Cow Foundation. Oops I meant the CMA foundation.
Ya'll know, a lot of focus is being placed on the "he said, she said" chase.

Again, manipulate and deflect is part of the A's legacy. The chase is only the aftermath of the incident and lying.

Bottom line is this is simply another lie, stacked up with the umpteen hundreds, that have been told by the A's and their camp.

The A camp has consistently stated they will not go down to the memorial, yet they did. Not only did they go but they went in the dark of night like thief's and murders do and like thief's and murders commonly do, they :bang: return to the scene of THEIR crime until they are caught red handed.

Very well said Countzero. Bravo :clap:
Like a thief in the night is exactly how I view this latest incident of the A's and KFN
So while we're discussing alternative ways to memorialize Caylee, I (just a personal prefernce) don't care how/where it's done. Big round of applause for you creative, thoughtful WS members who have come up with ideas! I really like lots of the suggestions, especially the ones about a living memorial, charitable donations in Caylee's name, and playgrounds/ parks. However, I couldn't erase the mental image of the ladies that had the run-in last night creating their own "living memorial" by chillin out at the remains site in lawn chairs and holding their momentos so that the A's can't do anything to remove them.... Just seems like the next step to take if they are really determined to keep the drama stirred up. I'm not suggesting that I think it's a good idea or that it's okay to do it. I actually think it's rediculous and terrible... It's just that nothing surprises me with this case anymore.
bold and underlined by me:

What???? Did these people, including Lois, who left items at the memorial site since Dec 11, 08 alert the A's and their camp they were doing it and would be there at a given time? Just how would the A's know this unless CA/GA or their camp buddies were there to personally witness when, who and what was being left?

Other than this, I agree with ya.
I strongly suspect that G&C drive by thar location daily just so they can remove anything that reminds them of Caylee. If Caylee had not died at the hands of her mother, I have no doubt she would eventually be thrown under the bus along with everyone on the earth who does not agree with Cindy.
Conway is going to have to do some pretty quick backpedalaing as there was NOTHING said about George being OUT of his vehicle. So how could someone attempot to run him over? Look at the pictures taken of George's vehicle. Whoever took that picture was clearly in a smaller vehicle BY FAR than George's monstrous SUV
How many times did these gals put a cross up and found it was gone the next day? Why were they at the site as often as they were to check? That borders on Extreme Obsessiveness, stalking and mental issues. Did they want to check out the facts that George and Cindy did indeed go to the site and get proof to show the world when they took the photograph of C&G? - that C&G were lying about going to the site.
Like I said we know the Anthonys are lying sacks of donkey doo. Did you all expect that the A's wouldn't slink over to the site when no one was looking? Werent they the ones that had the teddy bears donated to charities?
WHY DID THESE WOMEN hang around to see who was taking down their cross and then when they saw it was the Anthonys why did they TAKE PICTURES OF THE ANTHONYS. What did they expect to come from it?

If these two women had placed a cross in the front of the Anthony house, I would agree with you that there was taunting or stalking. However, choosing to place a memorial at the site she was found I don't see as taunting or stalking the Anthonys.
The fact that the Anthonys seem to be regular visitors who feel the need to desecrate that area is news. I would take a picture, too.
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