Name A Scenario Where KC's Actions Would Be Justified...

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I have the same problem with my cell phone. However, not to worry as my fax machine has interplanetary capacities. Do you really think this is the first alien kidnapping with which we've dealt. Get real.

Anyway, Yusocrasi is BEING WATCHED. It will all make sense later. That's all I can say.

Thanks SO much for the reassurance, Miracles! :):):):):):):):)

My guess is that when we hear the WHOLE story, we'll slap our foreheads and say, "NOW I understand! Absolutely! From day one!"
I cannot think of any situation in which KC actions would be justified. Even if this was a plot by the A's, KC just doesn't seem to me to be the type to sit quietly, holding her temper while she is being accused of murdering her child if she didn't do it. Esp. when it is her mother who is calling the police and accusing her. I cannot see KC taking the fall for them in any way. Now the reverse might be true, somehow it wouldn't surprise me if CA might try to implicate herself, to try to get KC off. But it is just not in KC's personality to sit by while someone falsely accuses her.

Even if this was simply an accident and there was no negligent culpability, I don't see KC as being justified. She never called an ambulance, the remains have disappeared, and to me, the nanny that can't be found (past or present) is ridiculous. That story is like something that if you saw it in a movie, you might see it being accepted- but in real life it stinks. So lying to police can be added to everything else even in the unlikely event that it turns out to be a total accident. Most people who have accidents in their family do call an ambulance or police. To me that says a lot about guilt.
They cannot go back and use the "accident" scenario now, imo. 1) She would be admitting Caylee is dead. 2) She would have to admit a certain amount of wrongdoing on her part for not calling 911.

I can't see it happening. They are going to have to stick with the "kidnapping" story in some context.
I have the same problem with my cell phone. However, not to worry as my fax machine has interplanetary capacities. Do you really think this is the first alien kidnapping with which we've dealt. Get real.

Anyway, Yusocrasi is BEING WATCHED. It will all make sense later. That's all I can say.

ROFL! You're not right. :D
Well, I'm certainly glad I don't live on Yusocrasi, although I wouldn't mind being the earth representative in charge of caring for Caylee.
none whatsoever....think that that case in Nevada (Cole) kinda ruined the drug cartell scieniro....those people called right away--didn't hesitate one moment....
I truly think that when JB says "working on defense" it is working on a story that could be plausable...we know they have already thrown several out and thus far all have a few tiny itsy bitsy holes in them...(oh yeah "non truths")--they've done critters, pizza---if we hear anything from defense about ET we will know what they have been reading...thus far that does seem to be the logical one...sadly very very sadly....jmo
:laugh:I have the same problem with my cell phone. However, not to worry as my fax machine has interplanetary capacities. Do you really think this is the first alien kidnapping with which we've dealt. Get real.

Anyway, Yusocrasi is BEING WATCHED. It will all make sense later. That's all I can say.
Q: Name A Scenario Where KC's Actions Would Be Justified...
A: Other than going to the bathroom, I find everything this girl has done suspect.

I dunno! The bathroom at the No Clothes party is where she threw a pity-party for herself about a probably mythological miscarriage with a guy who had just snubbed her.
I imagine the subpeonaed text messages between Cindy and Casey from June 16 until July 15 will make it impossible for Casey to point the finger at Cindy.

There isn't any possible explanation to justify Casey's actions. She was brazen and sloppy because she thought she could run if things got hot.

Caylee was possessed, KC bought a Home Exorcism Kit and did it wrong.

KC can't tell the cops what she did, because exorcisms are illegal in the state of Florida and she doesn't want to pay the $1000 dollar fine.

In all seriousness this woman is completely justified in her behavior anyway, you've got to be nuts to confess to murdering your own daughter.

Note: This entire post was a very poor attempt at humor, actual comments in bold.

Caylee was possessed, KC bought a Home Exorcism Kit and did it wrong.

KC can't tell the cops what she did, because exorcisms are illegal in the state of Florida and she doesn't want to pay the $1000 dollar fine.

In all seriousness this woman is completely justified in her behavior anyway, you've got to be nuts to confess to murdering your own daughter.

Note: This entire post was a very poor attempt at humor, actual comments in bold.

At this point a good sense of humor is a very valuable asset.


:newbie: You'll fit right in!
none whatsoever....think that that case in Nevada (Cole) kinda ruined the drug cartell scieniro....those people called right away--didn't hesitate one moment....
I truly think that when JB says "working on defense" it is working on a story that could be plausable...we know they have already thrown several out and thus far all have a few tiny itsy bitsy holes in them...(oh yeah "non truths")--they've done critters, pizza---if we hear anything from defense about ET we will know what they have been reading...thus far that does seem to be the logical one...sadly very very sadly....jmo

It's true. Both Cole's case in NV and poor little Julian King (Jennifer Hudson's nephew) have provided stark contrast to Caylee's situation. In both of those instances the children were in grave danger; both mothers had to have been fearful due to the link to the gang/drug cartel from both the criminal element AND LE; but both mothers called 911 as fast as humanly possible.

And though Julian was killed, I don't believe it was because anyone cooperated with LE. It was b/c the killer was a killer, a criminal, a kidnapper, and a gangster! Who knows what Julian was going through before he was killed?

But the bottom line is that in both cases there were witnesses and evidence and statements from family members that led LE to those children in very short order. If the Anthonys really expect anyone to believe that they are doing Caylee any favors by not cooperating, they have a rude awakening coming on verdict day.
Originally Posted by impatientredhead View Post
Okay if I suspend all skepticism and you outlined the basic facts of this case as we know them to be and I had to write a story to fit them, and Casey killing her is not an option:

Casey gets pregnant as a teen, she knows she is not equipped to raise a child at this point in her life, but her controlling and domineering mother convinces her that the best thing for the baby is to be raised by her own family. Cindy promises Casey that Casey will be able to live her life as she wants and to pursue her plans and dreams while Cindy raises little Caylee as her own. Against her better judgement Casey agrees to this arrangement.

Reality turns out a little different than these plans and we end up with much tension in the house. Casey and Cindy are trying to be the primary care giver to Caylee. But Cindy controls the finances, the insurance, the groceries, the very roof over their heads. Casey knew she was not able to provide those things and this is why she wanted to place her child for adoption, but she can't turn back the clock now, so she once again gives into Cindy and Cindy becomes the primary caregiver to Caylee. Cindy is making all the rules.

Casey feels trapped. Her education has been delayed. She is not employed at a level that would enable her to get out on her own. And even though Cindy told her she would be able to pursue all of those things while Cindy raised the baby that has not been true. Casey has to care for Caylee while Cindy is at work.

Cindy and Casey fight endlessly about these issues. It is getting so bad in the house that George and Cindy may divorce. Things come to a head in this power struggle with Cindy and Casey the weekend of June 15th with Cindy saying it is all or nothing. Either Casey lives under her roof and complies with Cindy's wishes regarding Caylee or Casey gets out from under Cindy's roof.

Casey leaves to go stay with her new boyfriend Tony, leaving Caylee in Cindy's care. During the next month she finally has some of the freedom she has yearned for, she is out at clubs, she is meeting new friends, she is entertaining Tony's roommates. They will all tell you she did not seem concerned at all for Caylee's wellbeing because she wasn't. Caylee was at home with Cindy to Casey's knowledge.

Now keep in mind the Sunfire is not Casey's car. It belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony. Casey drives it at Cindy's discretion. She does not have Cindy's car the 16-18th, even her friend Chris has testified in a sworn statement that she was driving Tony's jeep. Casey gets the Sunfire between June 19th and 20th. Around June 23rd to June 25th Casey notices a bad smell in the vehicle is getting worse and worse, she comments on it to friends, but she cannot identify the source, it is like nothing she has ever smelled before. After speaking to George she finds out that he has supposedly run something over recently. Again she relays that info to her friends.

On the 27th the Sunfire runs out of gas near the Amscott parking lot. Casey lets her father know of this and he says he will handle it. Unbeknownst to Casey George lets the car get impounded, possibly hoping it would go to scrap, but the certified letter shows up, they debate for a couple of days and decide to retrieve it. Casey does not see the vehicle again until July 15th. On that fateful day Cindy collapses the entire house of cards on this situation. She drags Casey home where Casey finds that Caylee is not there and a chain of events outside of Casey's control has already been put in motion. She is told quickly that Caylee has been kidnapped and these are the instructions.

The police arrive and Casey's only concern is Caylee and following the instructions Cindy has relayed to her. Within hours Casey is arrested and the police are implying that Caylee is dead. The dogs indicate a body has been in the Anthony's backyard and in the Anthony's Sunfire. Casey knows in her heart that Cindy could not hurt Caylee, at least she hopes not, but she cannot go there. She is being told by her parents that Caylee is alive, that they know where she is, they have people watching them and this will come to an end soon, but she must continue to follow instructions for the life of her daughter depends on it. Now she sits in jail, possibly facing the death penalty, while her very own mother makes ridiculous claims on TV, progressively making Casey the most hated woman in america, and prevents searching for looking for the very evidence that might clear her of these horrible charges.

Once again at Cindy's control, Casey's word against her Cindy's. The incompetent teen mom that by all appearances was out partying after her child was murdered versus the suffering Grandmother. Other family members give damaging statements to the police and then claim to be supporting her. She has no idea who she can trust, if anyone, so she talks to no one but her attorney. The attorney that will prove the last verifiable sighting of Caylee was with Cindy, the forensics will prove that a decomposing body was in Cindy and George's sunfire, the dogs indicate a body has been in Cindy and George's yard. The world has dug to see what Casey was doing that month, what were Cindy, George and Lee doing?

That is close to my BUT GEORGE defense..........and yours just might work if you make GA the one who knew all along, since he was really the last one to see her. Cindy said she left the morning of the 16th for work and that could most likely be verified, but GA has no alibi because he even admitted to seeing Caylee that morning.

This could be a good route for the defense. If convincing enough it would give me reasonable doubt. GA & CA both have acted strangely enough for me to believe it's possible. But why did Casey borrow the shovel from the neighbors then?
The thing I have the most problem is motive.

The only person with motive as far as I can see is KC. It's going to come down to motive at trial. Motive and opportunity. When I think about motive and compare that to the scenarios you all have written, there is a red line running through many of them. That KC had an "unwanted" pregnancy that resulted in Caylee. CA and GA helped her out the entire time - never once did KC have to buck up and be a true "single mother" (she could not have handled that). She must have decided at some point that she was missing her "youth" and sowing all the wild oats. She probably had some developing jealousy towards the relationship CA and Caylee - losing some attention etc. and may have been using Caylee much earlier as a pawn to get what she wanted. Enter boyfriend TonE. Now Caylee is becoming a ball and chain but KC's opinion of the relationship CA and Caylee is prohibiting her from just leaving Caylee with CA. No.... she wants to PUNISH CA.

Motive is an easy one to come up with I think. And if there WERE an adoption, especially if it was a private one or even KC selling Caylee then KC would have MONEY...and not have to steal.

There is no other possibility than KC killed Caylee.
The only possible reason that I can think of that Casey's actions may be justified is:

Casey was doing something shady during her time when she was supposed to be working. She got involved too deep and somebody got killed, probably not by Casey's hand but as a witness. The body was placed in Casey car until it could be disposed of. Casey was threatened with Caylee's life if she ever told anyone what had happened. So Casey sent her somewhere safe.

Both that still doesn't explain the death band on Caylee's hair nor the DNA does it?
OK, Here goes..What IF..This whole case is a hoax. The motive is money and fame. What if KC got this idea in her head that she could become famous by generating this story/movie. She hires someone to keep Caylee. That would explain KC's actions after June 16th. KC isn't worried about Caylee because she does know that Caylees safe. KC's lying is just adding more juice to the story line. Everyone from LE to her family is playing right into this story, Kc's plan. At a time of KC's chosing she will confess that Caylee is actually alive and well and living at a yet unknown location. The most KC can get is a mild conviction for creating a hoax but think of all the book deals, movies. She will do her time in prison, one way of getting away from a controlling mother, they will certainly take custody away from KC which is what she wants anyway, and the media will be flocking to her jail cell for an exclusive with this 22 year old mother that created the biggest hoax to date.
The motive is money and fame.

... respectfully snipped...

Oh My Gosh...

That's just way too evil... even for KC. I can't even imagine it - good for you that you even came up with it! I think that if your scenario were true, KC would be lynched at the first possible opportunity!

I wonder what kind of punishment one could get it one were to actually do something like that...???

One question I have thought of on and off is, is it possible that Caylee was deceased and then revived? Would you then have a situation where you have evidence of a deceased Caylee but she was revived?..Pretty bizarre but is it possible?

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