Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #11

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This is slightly different from what I remember hearing some time after her body was found. The news person said LE had not said whether she was killed where the body was found or not and then went on to say what I said initially about the case being handled by the CPD implied death thought to be in Cary. I could have misunderstood or the media person could be wrong. Wish I could find that again.

Press conference stating CPD & Sheriff working together.

I got the impression from a news report, not this press conference. Unfortunately I cannot find that video. But, it does confirm what JTF stated that they do work closely together.

Here it is...from Sheriff's mouth about the 4:10-4:15 mark.
Thanks to JTF for the photos from the site.

I too had a question on them: Is the location of the imposed red outline based (only) on the location of the flowers you saw there, or some other info?

When looking at the WRAL footage (and other clips from the time after discovery), it was unclear to me if the exact location was between the road and the water, or on the *other* side of the water (ie, with the water being between the road and where she was found (on or near the white erosion tarp))

It seems (from the footage/photos) that there were several LE officers at both these spots, so it was unclear to me. (Or perhaps she was actually IN the water (in the middle), and they were just examining both sides?).

If she was on the far side of the holding reservoir (on or near the white erosion tarp), that would seem curious: would have required someone to walk all the way to the *other* side of the pond. On the other hand, if she was found just between the road and the reservoir, why so much interest from LE over near the white tarp?

Thanks again for posting the photos... [ BTW, I think your photos with the red outline may be earlier in this thread - not actually on the "Photos" thread yet?]

Sheriff Harrison did say the body was found just off the road and not in the water. Like wirehair noticed, the spot is recessed from the road and shoulder grade so a body would not be obvious if one drove in the cul-de-sac and turned around. The walker said he went over there because he saw vultures circling overhead. It would have also been close enough to the road (10') that his dog could 'sniff' if he was tethered to a retractable leash. Also, it was close enough where a strong man could basically 'toss' her body without stepping on the shoulder , leaving shoe impressions.
The 2nd trip was detergent and she 'called' him at 6;40 for the juice too....remember it is < 5 minutes away to the store.
Make the call at 6:40 and arrive at the store at 6:45....convenient time-line huh ?

Maybe the Ht has a camera situated over the door (like most groceries these days have) that captured BC's entrance into the store and a time stamp. If so, the LE could tell by looking at phone records and video to see if he had enough time to make the call from the landline and then enter the store. Correct?
Maybe the Ht has a camera situated over the door (like most groceries these days have) that captured BC's entrance into the store and a time stamp. If so, the LE could tell by looking at phone records and video to see if he had enough time to make the call from the landline and then enter the store. Correct?

Correct. I bet the cops have a video of him walking in the HT at 6:15 and 6:45 just like he said. This guy is no dummy. He knows there would be a paper trail and video evidence at the store. He needed a reason to be out and about at that early hour, that's why he was there.
The reason I said shovel is that the one time BC was out searching, he found and pointed out a construction shovel to those with whom he was searching.

The long item in the bag did not appear to be overly heavy nor bulky. Perhaps a shovel?

I find it interesting that he pointed out a construction shovel while searching. What would be the point unless he knew how she was killed? Unless maybe he thought someone possibly used a shovel to bury her body. (Which would mean he assumed/knew she was dead?) Now I wonder if she died from a head injury and he did use the shovel they owned to kill her. Would be a valid reason for the CP to take a shovel.

Do you mind telling us how you know he pointed out the shovel? Thanks.
I find it interesting that he pointed out a construction shovel while searching. What would be the point unless he knew how she was killed? Unless maybe he thought someone possibly used a shovel to bury her body. (Which would mean he assumed/knew she was dead?) Now I wonder if she died from a head injury and he did use the shovel they owned to kill her. Would be a valid reason for the CP to take a shovel.

Do you mind telling us how you know he pointed out the shovel? Thanks.

It was in a much, much earlier post, but I'd have to search for it.
That seems to be my question as well. Someone told Jessica it was in the car, why tell that? Why would she tell the 911 dispatcher it was in the car if someone hadn't told her it was?

Again, we are assuming someone told her it was in the car, but we don't know that for certain. Not meaning to be argumentative, but it is a question that I have, especially since JA said twice that it's in the car. IMO, don't see that as a problem (the cell being in the car), especially if that is where she was keeping other items. And if she did sleep with keys in pocket, it may have been to keep BC out of the purse and other belongings. If he tried to get the keys, it would wake her. So, it could be the "key in pocket" was more of a way to keep him out of belongings than to have a fast getaway. If that afraid, I would have put a lock on the door. Did the affidavit say anything about a locked bedroom door?

I am really interested in knowing more about Carrie and if she confirmed or denied the Saturday running date. Also, if Carrie stood up the running group once, she could have done it a second time. Cary residents, does anyone know if NC ever ran alone? I've run in two half marathons, and there were times that my running partner was a no-show. I ran anyway to keep with my schedule.
WELL then...if this is true, does it make sense that Nancy would have any conversation w/Brad about him picking up laundry detergent? I mean if he's on his own with that...then why would Nancy bother talking to him about it. That doesn't make sense to me.

AND....if Brad is okay with his sheets being 'yellow' from not being washed, then WHAT WAS THE URGENCY to having to get laundry detergent at/around 6am on Saturday morning?

Does this raise the 'HINKY FLAG' for anyone else?

I mean I don't think they can have it both ways... :confused:

Some men tend to stain the fitted sheet just during the normal course of sleeping, even if the sheets are washed weekly or twice a week. Don't know why, but that was the case with my ex. Never came out. Go figure.

HE forgot the detergent... she called about the juice. That, I would imagine possible since it was for the girls.
I've spent the last hour catching up, and there are a few things that come to mind after reading the through everything;

1. I agree that BC did not know about NC's plans with Jessica. This hopefully will hurt him in the end, because he screwed up by giving her just the one hour timeframe. I am a jogger and there is no way I would go running at 7am if I had to be somewhere at 8 or even 9. Even if she had "stink days" (weird that he had to include that in his affadavit), she would still want at least 15 minutes to clean up a little and get her kids organized before heading over to her neighbor's house, right? Assuming she knew BC was playing tennis, she was most likely taking the kids with her. Just doesn't add up at all, IMO. I think he screwed up here. (Yes, I think he is guilty, can you tell?)

2. Why is there talk of Nancy's running time for a 5k? Not sure how that is related. She could have been pushing a jogger with a baby in it, for all we know. Forgive me, but I can't remember why this was relevant, but I'm sure there was a point to be made. Help me on this one!

3. I am a SAHM to 3 kids and I have never been out of milk, juice, and laundry detergent AT THE SAME TIME!!! These are staples when you have young kids. Nice try, BC. Gotta give him credit for the story he concocted though. I agree that he came back after the first trip to the store, made the phone call, checked on the kids and then made trip #2. He probably needed the detergent with the BLEACH for clean-up. If only we could see detect the juice and milk in his garbage disposal....most likely washed it down though.

4. I don't think it odd at all that he knew about that subdivision. My husband and I love looking at houses and new neighborhoods - even though we have no plans to move. It's just fun to dream.

My guess is that Nancy came home from the party, they had a fight, he killed her, stayed up all night long carefully planning his moves, waited until 6 to leave (so as not to alert neighbors by leaving at an odd hour) dumped her body, made store trip #1, went home to place the call, made store trip #2, and then just came home and waited ...........

I haven't really said anything new here - just wanted to state my opinion - which is really strong in this case. Of course I did not know Nancy, but being a SAHM with young kids, living in a nice, safe town similar to Cary (in Oregon), and being an avid having been through a divorce in the past and knowing how tense things get....I just have this gut feeling. Plus reading all of your very intelligent posts has been really interesting. Thank you!
The shovel was found in a wooded area near a creek in the woods between Tryon Road and Lochmere Lake. It was roped off with white tape and flags. There were houses on the other side of the creek. I expect children were playing and left it there. He certainly could not have carried a body in that terrain and left it there and he wouldn't have just walked down someone's driveway to bring her in from the neighborhood side. I think that if there was a fight serious enough to lead him to strangulation, the neighbors would have heard shouting. A bump on the head would not have left that much blood to clean up. He could have left her laying while he thought about what to do next. By then the blood could have dried and maybe there wasn't much to clean up. As far as the dump site is concerned; I think that they might have pumped some of the water out of the back side where the white tarp is. There appears to be some pipe looking things in some of the pictures. I expect that they walked all over that area looking for evidence, shoes, clothing, plastic shower curtain, etc. that could have been tossed or weighted down in the water. I still think he went down there in the middle of the night.
Some men tend to stain the fitted sheet just during the normal course of sleeping, even if the sheets are washed weekly or twice a week. Don't know why, but that was the case with my ex. Never came out. Go figure.

HE forgot the detergent... she called about the juice. That, I would imagine possible since it was for the girls.

I think she was referring to the sheets being soiled when she said 'brownish/yellow'. :yuck:

If true, this is not normal if the sheets were changed regularly.
. As far as the dump site is concerned; I think that they might have pumped some of the water out of the back side where the white tarp is. There appears to be some pipe looking things in some of the pictures. I expect that they walked all over that area looking for evidence, shoes, clothing, plastic shower curtain, etc. that could have been tossed or weighted down in the water. I still think he went down there in the middle of the night.

I agree with pumping water out of the storm drain. The WRAL photo showed a lot of water. When I was there and photographed, it was nearly dry.
It was in a much, much earlier post, but I'd have to search for it.

That's okay! I've been trying to keep up with reading here but it's hard, so much info, so I guess I've missed some stuff. Thanks.
I've spent the last hour catching up, and there are a few things that come to mind after reading the through everything;

1. I agree that BC did not know about NC's plans with Jessica. This hopefully will hurt him in the end, because he screwed up by giving her just the one hour timeframe. I am a jogger and there is no way I would go running at 7am if I had to be somewhere at 8 or even 9. Even if she had "stink days" (weird that he had to include that in his affadavit), she would still want at least 15 minutes to clean up a little and get her kids organized before heading over to her neighbor's house, right? Assuming she knew BC was playing tennis, she was most likely taking the kids with her. Just doesn't add up at all, IMO. I think he screwed up here. (Yes, I think he is guilty, can you tell?)

3. I am a SAHM to 3 kids and I have never been out of milk, juice, and laundry detergent AT THE SAME TIME!!! These are staples when you have young kids. Nice try, BC. Gotta give him credit for the story he concocted though. I agree that he came back after the first trip to the store, made the phone call, checked on the kids and then made trip #2. He probably needed the detergent with the BLEACH for clean-up. If only we could see detect the juice and milk in his garbage disposal....most likely washed it down though.

<respectfully snipped>
I haven't really said anything new here - just wanted to state my opinion - which is really strong in this case. Of course I did not know Nancy, but being a SAHM with young kids, living in a nice, safe town similar to Cary (in Oregon), and being an avid having been through a divorce in the past and knowing how tense things get....I just have this gut feeling. Plus reading all of your very intelligent posts has been really interesting. Thank you!
Welcome OregonMommy! :) I appreciate your post, and especially since you're a SAHM and a jogger too! I especially agree about the milk/juice/detergent ~ things Nancy wouldn't run out of, or in the state of their marriage, ask him to go get at the store. I'd imagine she tried to stay clear of him as much as possible from what I've heard from her friends. I also agree about the timeline, that she wouldn't have headed out to jog at 7am if she had plans with someone at 8am, and I also think Brad wasn't aware of that and it might be something that goes to showing she never went out jogging that morning.
I've spent the last hour catching up, and there are a few things that come to mind after reading the through everything;

1. I agree that BC did not know about NC's plans with Jessica. This hopefully will hurt him in the end, because he screwed up by giving her just the one hour timeframe. I am a jogger and there is no way I would go running at 7am if I had to be somewhere at 8 or even 9. Even if she had "stink days" (weird that he had to include that in his affadavit), she would still want at least 15 minutes to clean up a little and get her kids organized before heading over to her neighbor's house, right? Assuming she knew BC was playing tennis, she was most likely taking the kids with her. Just doesn't add up at all, IMO. I think he screwed up here. (Yes, I think he is guilty, can you tell?)

2. Why is there talk of Nancy's running time for a 5k? Not sure how that is related. She could have been pushing a jogger with a baby in it, for all we know. Forgive me, but I can't remember why this was relevant, but I'm sure there was a point to be made. Help me on this one!

3. I am a SAHM to 3 kids and I have never been out of milk, juice, and laundry detergent AT THE SAME TIME!!! These are staples when you have young kids. Nice try, BC. Gotta give him credit for the story he concocted though. I agree that he came back after the first trip to the store, made the phone call, checked on the kids and then made trip #2. He probably needed the detergent with the BLEACH for clean-up. If only we could see detect the juice and milk in his garbage disposal....most likely washed it down though.

4. I don't think it odd at all that he knew about that subdivision. My husband and I love looking at houses and new neighborhoods - even though we have no plans to move. It's just fun to dream.

My guess is that Nancy came home from the party, they had a fight, he killed her, stayed up all night long carefully planning his moves, waited until 6 to leave (so as not to alert neighbors by leaving at an odd hour) dumped her body, made store trip #1, went home to place the call, made store trip #2, and then just came home and waited ...........

I haven't really said anything new here - just wanted to state my opinion - which is really strong in this case. Of course I did not know Nancy, but being a SAHM with young kids, living in a nice, safe town similar to Cary (in Oregon), and being an avid having been through a divorce in the past and knowing how tense things get....I just have this gut feeling. Plus reading all of your very intelligent posts has been really interesting. Thank you!

I often have plans that back up to my exercise plans. My friends are used to my "stink days"...haha.

I, too, am a SAHM and I've often been low on multiple staples. We can go through some milk! I think it would be possible especially with their financial situation. If BC was keeping her to a cash budget, perhaps she would really wait until things were low/out to replace them.

His affidavit says it was regular detergent, not detergent w/ bleach. This should be able to be confirmed by grocery receipts/video.

As far as the timing of her murder, I believe someone said the BBQ was in close proximity to their house. We've haven't heard (or not that I remember) how late the party went on. If she was killed in the home shortly after she got back to the house, I would think someone would've heard something.
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