Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #15

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I find the little things to be interesting because while some think Nancy exaggerated, and that may be true, other things show how incredibly petty Brad Cooper can be.

Part of every case is motive - that's found in the little things. The pattern and reasons emerge from there. While we wait for facts, these little things are available to look at.

I do find them compelling and helpful in forming my opinions. Quess besides the cold hard facts, I want to understand how one can person can sentence another to death.
As this case progresses I think it would be interesting to keep a running tally of truths and lies as they are discovered/verified. Right now we have lots of 'he said/she said' stuff, but other than the affidavits, there's not much to work with.

Regardless of who had which car and when and who liked paintings or not and who had more friends or not, the things *I* am most interested in revolve around:

1. The visits to one (or more) HTs and the proof of each of those visits.
2. The exact times of those visits and exactly what was purchased when.
3. Results of the autopsy/COD/TOD
4. Forensic/DNA results (or lack thereof)
5. Any visits or calls by NC to Interact or similar facilities
6. The list of exactly what was confiscated from the SW on the house, office, computers, etc.
7. What, if anything, was found in or on either car on Sat/Sun from CPD searches.
8. What was laundered that Sat morning, requiring such an early visit to HT for detergent.
9. What plans were verified that Sat morning by NC, and what plans were verified that Sat morning by BC

Excellent questions, SG. I'm glad that you can articulate my thoughts so well ;)
Excellent questions, SG. I'm glad that you can articulate my thoughts so well ;)

No problem, FD!

The thing I keep thinking about is: well of course there was tension in the household--they were in the process of separating/ divorcing. And of course someone like BC (if reports of his personality are accurate) would resent having to pay a lot of his income to be free of the wife (and kids). I read the separation agreement and while it wasn't signed by either party, I found myself feeling anxious, imagining myself as the husband in such a situation. I'd see a lot of my income and future income gone and yeah, that would (have to) hurt. If I felt anxious just reading it and I'm not involved, can you imagine being one of the parties in that? Ouch. And yes, I know some of you have been right where they are during your divorces (in terms of financial settlements and going through that muck).

So, was the pending divorce agreement and resulting financial castration enough for murder? Well, it's sure happened before.

The pissing contest between husband and wife is fairly typical. Who gets what car, who has to pay what, who gets what furniture, etc, etc, etc.

The point where all of this is no longer typical is the point where she turns up dead. Murdered.

And the 24 hrs prior to her murder is the most salient/interesting time, as well as the 24 hrs after her murder. 99.999% of everything important in this case is likely centered around that timeframe, with the other 0.001% the flotsam of ugly/contentious divorce proceedings.

Hence my fervent focus on just that particular time period and waiting to find out WHAT evidence exists (or doesn't exist) ASIDE from the "he was a rotten husband, she was a spendthrift wife" type of discussions.

And also which is why I LOVE Momto3's updates because all her stuff is centered right smack dab in that 99.999% area that has my full attention! :)
No problem!
the thing I keep thinking about is: well of course there was tension in the household--they were in the process of separating/divorcing. And of course someone like BC (if reports are accurate) would resent having to pay a lot of his income to be free of the wife. I read the separation agreement and while it wasn't signed I found myself feeling anxious, imagining if I were the husband in such a situation. I'd see a lot of my income and future income gone and yeah, that would (have to) hurt.

Enough for murder? Well, it's happened before.

The pissing contest between husband and wife is fairly typical. Who gets what car, who has to pay what, who gets what furniture, etc, etc, etc.

The point where all of this is no longer typical is the point where she turns up dead. Murdered.

And the 24 hrs prior to her murder is the most salient/interesting time, as well as the 24 hrs after her murder. 99.999% of everything important in this case is likely centered around that timeframe, with the other 0.001% the flotsam of ugly/contentious divorce proceedings.

Hence my fervent focus on just that particular time period and waiting to find out WHAT evidence exists (or doesn't exist) ASIDE from the "he was a rotten husband, she was a spendthrift wife" type of discussions.

And also which is why I LOVE Momto3's updates because all her stuff is centered right smack dab in that 99.999% area that has my full attention! :)

I agree with most of what you said, SG. The thing that bothers me that Mom's heresay (and at this point that is what it is) is being used to basically convict Brad in the court of public opinion. Now if it ends up being confirmed, then kudos to her, but until then....I'm not gonna jump on the bandwagon.
No problem, FD!

The thing I keep thinking about is: well of course there was tension in the household--they were in the process of separating/ divorcing. And of course someone like BC (if reports of his personality are accurate) would resent having to pay a lot of his income to be free of the wife (and kids). I read the separation agreement and while it wasn't signed by either party, I found myself feeling anxious, imagining myself as the husband in such a situation. I'd see a lot of my income and future income gone and yeah, that would (have to) hurt. If I felt anxious just reading it and I'm not involved, can you imagine being one of the parties in that? Ouch. And yes, I know some of you have been right where they are during your divorces (in terms of financial settlements and going through that muck).

So, was the pending divorce agreement and resulting financial castration enough for murder? Well, it's sure happened before.

The pissing contest between husband and wife is fairly typical. Who gets what car, who has to pay what, who gets what furniture, etc, etc, etc.

The point where all of this is no longer typical is the point where she turns up dead. Murdered.

And the 24 hrs prior to her murder is the most salient/interesting time, as well as the 24 hrs after her murder. 99.999% of everything important in this case is likely centered around that timeframe, with the other 0.001% the flotsam of ugly/contentious divorce proceedings.

Hence my fervent focus on just that particular time period and waiting to find out WHAT evidence exists (or doesn't exist) ASIDE from the "he was a rotten husband, she was a spendthrift wife" type of discussions.

And also which is why I LOVE Momto3's updates because all her stuff is centered right smack dab in that 99.999% area that has my full attention! :)
OK, SG, You want recent? Here you go. Heather had another affair after Brad. The wife of that man (who I think is the one who is sueing her for alienation of affection), was called by LE for questioning last week. Don't ask because I can't tell.
I've got some catching up to do when I get out of work... I'm just taking a break now.

But to answer you RC, I believe these cameras pointed at the scanner would pick up hands. I know that they're mainly used so that the person manning the checkout stations can watch to be sure they're not trying to steal anything and to make sure they're punching in the correct items (like when you have to weigh produce). But whether or not they record is another story. I'm not sure how to find that out. I would assume they do in case the store needs to dispute an incident.

I had that same thought about the wedding ring or any other identifying marks just on his hands alone.

Will look forward to your comments and thoughts :)
The thing that bothers me that Mom's heresay (and at this point that is what it is) is being used to basically convict Brad in the court of public opinion.

Understood FD. I'm waiting to get some 'official' confirmation of the evidence myself. I think the husband would be immediately suspected and talked about by the public even if Momto3 hadn't shared what she learned. And that is simply because the intimate partner is ALWAYS the one considered as a main suspect first AND we've had a lot of murders of women where the BF or husband was the perp. ANY guy who contemplates killing his GF/wife should automatically assume that he will be under a bright glare by the public, LE, the media, et. al. It'll just happen and future murdering spouses can thank the various Peterson men, the Entwistles, the Youngs and others for helping to create very compelling statistics.

By Brad's own admission he did go to HT early that morning, twice, so that part is not heresay.
OK, SG, You want recent? Here you go. Heather had another affair after Brad. The wife of that man (who I think is the one who is sueing her for alienation of affection), was called by LE for questioning last week. Don't ask because I can't tell.

Clarify please so I do not misinterpret. The wife was called ? There is a man sueing HM for alienation but he already has another wife ?

Confused - help please
Clarify please so I do not misinterpret. The wife was called ? There is a man sueing HM for alienation but he already has another wife ?

Confused - help please
This got misdirected, RC. It should be in response to Fran on the Affair thread.
OK, SG, You want recent? Here you go. Heather had another affair after Brad. The wife of that man (who I think is the one who is sueing her for alienation of affection), was called by LE for questioning last week. Don't ask because I can't tell.

Yes I heard that she had another affair with a married man and was being sued for "alienation of affection." As for THE WIFE of the married man being questioned by LE, I find that interesting and atypical, since she wouldn't have direct knowledge of BC, right? Unless....there's another suspect....but nahhhh, can't be....can it?
Yes I heard that she had another affair with a married man and was being sued for "alienation of affection." As for THE WIFE of the married man being questioned by LE, I find that interesting and atypical, since she wouldn't have direct knowledge of BC, right? Unless....there's another suspect....but nahhhh, can't be....can it?
That's what I don't understand. I guess they talk to everyone in the "big picture".
Yes I heard that she had another affair with a married man and was being sued for "alienation of affection." As for THE WIFE of the married man being questioned by LE, I find that interesting and atypical, since she wouldn't have direct knowledge of BC, right? Unless....there's another suspect....but nahhhh, can't be....can it?

okay, my head is spinning! All I can say is this is a very good argument for monogamy!!:angel:
Understood FD. I'm waiting to get some 'official' confirmation of the evidence myself. I think the husband would be immediately suspected and talked about by the public even if Momto3 hadn't shared what she learned. And that is simply because the intimate partner is ALWAYS the one considered as a main suspect first AND we've had a lot of murders of women where the BF or husband was the perp. ANY guy who contemplates killing his GF/wife should automatically assume that he will be under a bright glare by the public, LE, the media, et. al. It'll just happen and future murdering spouses can thank the various Peterson men, the Entwistles, the Youngs and others for helping to create very compelling statistics.

By Brad's own admission he did go to HT early that morning, twice, so that part is not heresay.

yes! I'm FROM here (live about 4 miles from the site) and I don't know how many times I've joked with my husband in the past few years, after watching the news, that if he gets tired of me or really mad at me or just can't stand to be around me anymore, just tell me and I'll go--he doesn't have to kill me! Seriously, though, I'm amazed at the number of women around here that have been killed by their is uncanny.
Oh, SG. You're aging yourself, girl!! Melrose Place? Nowadays you'd say "Wisteria Lane". LOL

LOL As if my sort-of hot flashes and wanting to hang out in the frozen food section of the grocery store didn't ALREADY give it away!
RC and all who were posting last night. I don't think "lonetraveler" was attacking "raisincharlie" at all in this post. I think he/she was actually DEFENDING "The Saint". If you look back on this thread at post#9, you can see where "2Daughters1Dog" wrote something deragatory about a post "TheSaint" made concerning the dump site. It was quite wordy. I think "lonetraveler" not being too familiar with posting simply forgot to quote the original message in the reply. Am I correct, lonetraveler?

if that's true, i take back my cracks about lonetraveler.

given that no one except the police and the killer have all the facts, i don't think the theories i've proposed have been particularly wild.

speculation and deduction, okay, but not "wild speculation."

even though it may turn out not to be true,
WRAL had to have gotten that info about nancy being "in the pond" from somewhere.

maybe WRAL spoke to the walker who found the body.

perhaps we've guessed wrong about the nic that brad is using.
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