Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #16

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Ok, bring it back to the case then. Brad was in a marriage where adultery had happened at least twice (admitted), but most likely more times than that. Wasn't it March when Nancy hired the divorce attorney to get things going? I believe his France soiree was in February. Just my opinion, but I believe she was tired of the affairs - (this is where the France affair correlates to this case) - and sought council to expedite the divorce. From there, things got tough...again, admittedly so in the affadavits. Even if you are not in love with your husband anymore - knowing that he is cheating on you can make you vengeful - no doubt there was a lot of tension in that household.

I'm sorry my words have been taken so far out of context. A woman's intuition, as I have learned, is a very powerful thing. It isn't foolproof, it isn't always accurate. But it is a woman. This is a huge case. As such, we are "allowed" to speculate about things. I would feel much more"muzzled" if Brad had no prior history...but as is, he has had documented relationship(s) with women outside of his marriage. So, while, I do believe in innocent until proven guilty...I don't feel bad about bringing up possible relationships that he may or may not have had during the course of his marriage to Nancy....and that is all LEGALEZE to say, I have no doubt in my mind that he was "eating the brie cheese in Paris" with fluff girl from Cisco during his MBA trip...

Thanks, Raisin Charlie. Sheez.

Well, my neighbor is here and we are going to drink wine for an hour or so and then I'll be back. (Remember, I am Oregon Mommy, so it's only 9pm!) I hate to leave...I got a warm feeling in my heart when Fran did the group hug thing.
Thanks, Raisin Charlie. Sheez.

Well, my neighbor is here and we are going to drink wine for an hour or so and then I'll be back. (Remember, I am Oregon Mommy, so it's only 9pm!) I hate to leave...I got a warm feeling in my heart when Fran did the group hug thing.

That's not a $20 bottle of wine I hope...:crazy: j/k
I'm sorry my words have been taken so far out of context. A woman's intuition, as I have learned, is a very powerful thing. It isn't foolproof, it isn't always accurate. But it is a woman. This is a huge case. As such, we are "allowed" to speculate about things. I would feel much more"muzzled" if Brad had no prior history...but as is, he has had documented relationship(s) with women outside of his marriage. So, while, I do believe in innocent until proven guilty...I don't feel bad about bringing up possible relationships that he may or may not have had during the course of his marriage to Nancy....and that is all LEGALEZE to say, I have no doubt in my mind that he was "eating the brie cheese in Paris" with fluff girl from Cisco during his MBA trip...

Sometimes a woman's intuition isn't needed when there is makeup on the collar or perfume lingering on his clothing. More so when you get a call from the other woman.

But I agree woman's intuition if powerful. Now there are some sheltered women out there who don't see it coming until they are hit with a brick. That is a suitcase or seperation papers being served.
Thanks, Raisin Charlie. Sheez.

Well, my neighbor is here and we are going to drink wine for an hour or so and then I'll be back. (Remember, I am Oregon Mommy, so it's only 9pm!) I hate to leave...I got a warm feeling in my heart when Fran did the group hug thing.

I happen to think you have an excellent point and it is worth discussing. For instance combine the affairs with the fact that Nancy sometimes did not have enough money for necessities for herself and the kids and borrowed money now and then from neighbors (its in the affidavits). Affairs aren't cheap and credit cards could get used for things outside the family. There is a big picture here and to see it, one must explore it.
Sometimes a woman's intuition isn't needed when there is makeup on the collar or perfume lingering on his clothing. More so when you get a call from the other woman.

But I agree woman's intuition is powerful. Now there are some sheltered women out there who don't see it coming until they are hit with a brick. That is a suitcase or seperation papers being served.

The brick is what I am thinking about. It makes me want to cry. I can absolutely relate/imagine being in this place,
FYI, if you or any of you, could point me in the direction to help THESE women..I would do it in a heartbeat. It is totally on my heart. I just feel so inadequate to help. That said...I am a journalist, by trade, have a public relations degree , and I'm a former event coordinator (not Casey!!!) I am a stay at home mom..but, hey, kids are going back to school soon!!

PM me...
The brick is what I am thinking about. It makes me want to cry. I can absolutely relate/imagine being in this place,
FYI, if you or any of you, could point me in the direction to help THESE women..I would do it in a heartbeat. It is totally on my heart. I just feel so inadequate to help. That said...I am a journalist, by trade, have a public relations degree , and I'm a former event coordinator (not Casey!!!) I am a stay at home mom..but, hey, kids are going back to school soon!!

PM me...

That is so kind of you. I don't know of anyone in this kind of situation. I don't really know where they seek help either since I have never encountered this while in Cary. If I hear of anyone or anyplace I will certainly drop you a PM.
Thanks for your offer and will certainly keep you in mind.
That is so kind of you. I don't know of anyone in this kind of situation. I don't really know where they seek help either since I have never encountered this while in Cary. If I hear of anyone or anyplace I will certainly drop you a PM.
Thanks for your offer and will certainly keep you in mind.

Interact ? Volunteer organization yes?
First of all, I did not mean to take Susie's comments out of context. Susie has always referred to intuition. Others have stated that it is "so obvious" that this young woman in the photos had a thing with Brad.

I agree with you on many points. Brad has had affairs. The marriage was in shambles, perhaps from a recent/current affair.

Here's where I have the problem. I know that some of you have been cheated on. And my heart goes out to you, it does. But that doesn't mean that you should look at photos of a young woman on a trip with a group of people and just declare her a home-wrecker! That is what I find appalling. (And if you didn't do this I'm not talking to you!) Have any of you gone on group trips where photos are taken? Posted? I have. AND I have a 22-year old very attractive and smart daughter and I would just about DIE if people were talking about her this way and all she'd done is take a trip and smile for some photos. I'm just saying--try to put yourself in her shoes. Or her mother's shoes. Think about it.

Now if there was something going on, then shame on her. If not, then shame on us.
Full Disclosure, you're a bit off perspective if you can't deal with our perspectives. We are stating our opinions. 'MMmmmkay?

As to the "crimped hair girl", Oregon Mommy said she must "...have some smarts..." since she's getting her MBA. She must know that she's on that website and on this one now, along with others. Who knows. She may even have been contacted by police for various reasons. No one said she's on trial, except you, Full D.

What's the condition with Brad Cooper's left eye always looking off to the left and not focusing with the other one? Amblyopia? If so, it can be passed to children, and the children each have one eye that seems amblyopic. Just an observation. (However, children with this condition usually have to patch and wear glasses at an early age. My daughter had it. She's an adult now and just fine.) I don't know if that's what Brad Cooper's eye condition is called.

that's interesting about brad's eye condition. at the press conference where he was wearing the white cap, it seemed like he was avoiding eye contact and shifting his eyes a lot. i didn't realize that it could be attributed to a medical condition.
Interact ? Volunteer organization yes?

Interact I knew nothing about until it was discussed on here. It is like anything, if you or someone you know isn't discussing it or needing it you know little about it. I have to admit I know little about where the shelters or organizations are. :confused:
CyberPro...did you get to go by HT this morning and check it out?


Yep... in fact I did not go to sleep at all last night. I had to leave on a 6AM flight and will be out of town longer than a week. I am not often gone over weekends, and wanted to do several things to help the family get along in my absence, and today was the kidlets first day back to school. Plus more packing for the longer trip... so I was up until about 2:30 getting all that done, and needed to wake up at 3:30 for the flight... no point in going to bed.

OK, so I hung around the house until about 3:45, and I visited the HT. I did not go inside the store, but I cruised the Parking Lot. I likely entered from a different direction than someone coming from Kildare Farm Road would have, and I passed by Wal*Mart on the way to HT. It was dark, but I was kind of looking for video cameras that I might not have noticed before. The Wal*Mart facade is covered with cameras, but I did not see others. I was kind of suprised that there were quite a few more cars in the parking lot than I would have expected. Wal*Mart is NOT open 24 Hours, and I did not see anyone inside, like a night stocking crew, but there were probably 20 cars in the parking lot. This could have been stockers, or folks who just left their cars overnight. I seriously doubt anyone would park their car there and walk to HT, it is a goodly hike.

I passed the line of stores, and did not see any obvious video cameras, but there might be some in some of the stores themselves.

The HT Parking lot probably had about 15 cars, and just as I got there a silver Accura pulled up to the doors on the right hand side of the HT and went inside, leaving his car right along the curb just in front of the door.

I parked for a few minutes and looked around, the guy came back to his car.

It was quiet, but there were more cars in the lot that I would have thought.

First of all, I did not mean to take Susie's comments out of context. Susie has always referred to intuition. Others have stated that it is "so obvious" that this young woman in the photos had a thing with Brad.

I agree with you on many points. Brad has had affairs. The marriage was in shambles, perhaps from a recent/current affair.

Here's where I have the problem. I know that some of you have been cheated on. And my heart goes out to you, it does. But that doesn't mean that you should look at photos of a young woman on a trip with a group of people and just declare her a home-wrecker! That is what I find appalling. (And if you didn't do this I'm not talking to you!) Have any of you gone on group trips where photos are taken? Posted? I have. AND I have a 22-year old very attractive and smart daughter and I would just about DIE if people were talking about her this way and all she'd done is take a trip and smile for some photos. I'm just saying--try to put yourself in her shoes. Or her mother's shoes. Think about it.

Now if there was something going on, then shame on her. If not, then shame on us.

FD...I understand what you are saying about is like anything we are currently doing, passing time with what little we have to do while some breaking news falls upon us.

I agree with you if this was my daughter and she was accused, I would be upset like any parent who loves their child.

I am sure my daughter would be the 1st pointed out and accused in a picture like this with her 38EE. Would that be fair? NO. But she would be singled out I feel sure.

I feel once something surfaces about this case this topic will be over.
hmmm.. so nancy enjoyed a $20 bottle of wine.

how about brad and his Ironman expenses?

excerpts from an article about Ironman competitors and the expenses they incur:

"Every time I go and race, it's $10,000 worth of gear I'm using," the Bend resident says.

Luckily for Lieto, he has sponsors to provide him with bicycles, wet suits, and most everything else he needs to compete.

But for most triathletes, that is not the case. Many weekend warriors are spending thousands of dollars on the latest gear for the grueling swim-bike-run events.
The Bend triathlete, who finished third in the Pacific Crest half-iron triathlon last year and is a favorite to win this year, says he gets a new pair of running shoes every two or three months, which adds up to another $500 a year.
"When I lived in the Bay Area, I'd watch people plunk their credit card down for anything and everything that would shave a second off their time," Miller says
Ironman wet suit, which can cost as much as $500.
racing fees are another cost to consider, and they are not cheap. For full Ironman events, Lieto says, entry fees are typically about $500. For the Pacific Crest half-iron triathlon, the fee is $225 for those who sign up after June 21.

Yep... in fact I did not go to sleep at all last night. I had to leave on a 6AM flight and will be out of town longer than a week. I am not often gone over weekends, and wanted to do several things to help the family get along in my absence, and today was the kidlets first day back to school. Plus more packing for the longer trip... so I was up until about 2:30 getting all that done, and needed to wake up at 3:30 for the flight... no point in going to bed.

OK, so I hung around the house until about 3:45, and I visited the HT. I did not go inside the store, but I cruised the Parking Lot. I likely entered from a different direction than someone coming from Kildare Farm Road would have, and I passed by Wal*Mart on the way to HT. It was dark, but I was kind of looking for video cameras that I might not have noticed before. The Wal*Mart facade is covered with cameras, but I did not see others. I was kind of suprised that there were quite a few more cars in the parking lot than I would have expected. Wal*Mart is NOT open 24 Hours, and I did not see anyone inside, like a night stocking crew, but there were probably 20 cars in the parking lot. This could have been stockers, or folks who just left their cars overnight. I seriously doubt anyone would park their car there and walk to HT, it is a goodly hike.

I passed the line of stores, and did not see any obvious video cameras, but there might be some in some of the stores themselves.

The HT Parking lot probably had about 15 cars, and just as I got there a silver Accura pulled up to the doors on the right hand side of the HT and went inside, leaving his car right along the curb just in front of the door.

I parked for a few minutes and looked around, the guy came back to his car.

It was quiet, but there were more cars in the lot that I would have thought.


thanks for the report, cyberpro. are you saying that brad's car would have been unlikely to have been captured by the Walmart cameras during his visits to HT because they were too far away?
FD...I understand what you are saying about is like anything we are currently doing, passing time with what little we have to do while some breaking news falls upon us.

I agree with you if this was my daughter and she was accused, I would be upset like any parent who loves their child.

I am sure my daughter would be the 1st pointed out and accused in a picture like this with her 38EE. Would that be fair? NO. But she would be singled out I feel sure.

I feel once something surfaces about this case this topic will be over.

Thanks, Mom. And that's a great point about passing the time with this while we wait.....I just hate seeing a young woman, possibly completely innocent of any wrongdoing, singled out like that. Maybe we can find another subject :)

and now I'm off to bed! g'night, all.
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