Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #22

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And I had a bottle of milk (whole foods bottle of milk, thus, the bottle) break in my car and I took it to Bunky's Car Wash on the corner of Kildare & Cary Pkwy for detailing---without an appointment, & they spent a great deal of time getting every little area of the trunk.....

I need to get my car detailed, badly! And I had an appt with one mobile car detailer and then it rained and they never rescheduled with me. So I think I may go the Bunky's route! Maybe I'll see Brad one of you there! Wave hi, k? :waitasec:
IIRC the shoes had the same sole, that's not similar, that's the same.
If Willoughby hasn't got his junk in one bag by now, he's probably not going to unless he gets a written confession from JY. Sometimes you have to know when to take your best shot.

Same with BC. I really hope he doesn't flounder again.

Unfortunately, hushpuppy made many shoes with that same sole. The experts used the word similar even though it is the same sole. They need a distinguishing mark on his exact shoes for a Defense attorney not to blow up the DA. I think they are hoping for something else to avoid double jeopardy. asked the question about BC going to LTF being a fact. I answered he did go to LTF per his affidavit, so that is a fact. That was your question.

I know. So the card swiping is either inside info. or a theory of yours.
I know. So the card swiping is either inside info. or a theory of yours.
M23K already said she has an inside contact/source for that info. I don't think it's 'just her theory.'
No one could convict based on what we know so far because we know very little at this point. We have lots of tips, inside info and rumors, but NOTHING from official COD, no autopsy results being reported other than 'homicide.'

So no...he could NOT be convicted by anyone based on having no real info. We have suspicions but it takes more than that to actually convict someone.

I also nominate this for post of the day.
So in a nutshell, again no proof of LTF at all. This doesn't get it done for me although it may be 100% correct. I want to deal with proven facts. I will watch this from the sidelines until this all comes out. I am not used to one insider having more information than the bloodsucking media.

And who do you think the bloodsucking media wants information from?:whistle:
This is one time the media isn't 1 up on someone.
you know...I think he commited this murder...I've thought that since the beginning.

HOWEVER, if I were on the jury (his or anyone else's) I would absolutely require the state (or county) to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt EVEN IF IN MY HEART I THOUGHT HE WAS GUILTY.

Absolutely. They would HAVE to prove it.

That's the standard I'd expect if I were ever charged with a crime.

It would be hard to put my personal feelings aside but I know I could do it because it's just that important to uphold the laws.

{ waiting to be tar'd 'n feathered }
I figure everyone has the right ot their opinion and if they want to paint a certain picture - that's okay. The more pictures painted the more likely some potential truth can be seen. I understand wanting facts - I would like the same thing but I have discovered that everytime I go back and listen to a presser I do learn a fact or two. There are facts there to fuel some of the things being spoken of here.

So now you are saying that the media is speculating and doesn't have true inside information. Go ahead and paint away, you answered my question. I really am not trying to be an xxxxxxxxx. I see many here arguing over speculation as if it were fact. Mom may know more than anyone besides LE, and I will apologize for not just believing when it all comes out. Logic plays a big thing there though and many are missing it. Like I said earlier, I really look forward to how they caught Brad to see the truth. Maybe the LTF card or maybe the 4:20 HT purchase had a part in it. We will see.
I couldn't sleep. I need another vacation. :) One thing here you have wrong. You most certainly can get into LTF without your ID. As I stated on a previous post, you can give them your name and they will match the mug on their computer with yours and let you in. So it wouldn't matter if she left home without anything; she could still go to the gym.

Thanks...I understand you can't enter LTFwithout an ID being swiped, correct?

Do you know if they will give out information on a family member having checked in?
you know...I think he commited this murder...I've thought that since the beginning.

HOWEVER, if I were on the jury (his or anyone else's) I would absolutely require the state (or county) to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt EVEN IF IN MY HEART I THOUGHT HE WAS GUILTY.

Absolutely. They would HAVE to prove it.

That's the standard I'd expect if I were ever charged with a crime.

It would be hard to put my personal feelings aside but I know I could do it because it's just that important to uphold the laws.

{ waiting to be tar'd 'n feathered }
I understand and applaud your standards.
And who do you think the bloodsucking media wants information from?:whistle:
This is one time the media isn't 1 up on someone.

The media wants information from you. Is this starting to ring a bell for you folks?
I need to get my car detailed, badly! And I had an appt with one mobile car detailer and then it rained and they never rescheduled with me. So I think I may go the Bunky's route! Maybe I'll see Brad one of you there! Wave hi, k? :waitasec:

LOL. i'm there regularly....i'll keep those sunflowers with me & look for you!
Is this usual, or would it surprise you if this were true? What circumstances might explain proceeding in this way? (ie, GJ returned an indictment last Monday, and LE is biding their time for days/weeks?... why/when is this done I wonder?)

I don't think iti s as unusual as you might think. FOR EXAMPLE ONLY:

There may be some key elements already established such as Brad's DNA profile matching a sample collected from Nancy - say from under her nails or that luminol used during the search warrant defined an area indicating a struggle and blood spatter that had been washed away but LE does not have all the ancilliary evidence completed such as hairs and fibers, computer forensics, forensic accounting, and all the other zillion data points. The DA is dealing with a foreign national - an arrest warrant in hand can be forwaded to Canadian customs to insure Brad is put on the watch list and denied entry to Canada.

The reason I see this as a potential scenario is because NC is not a recipricol discovery state. In NC when a suspect is arrested the DA must immediately begin transfering copies of all evidence they have to the defendents lawyer. Yet the defendents lawyer is not required to provide the DA with any discovery at all. The bottom line to this is the DA better have every question answered before he moves for execution of the arrest warrant. In this respect - the lack of recipricol discovery - both LE and the DA have their hands tied to a certain extent. This aspect of NC law heavily favors the defendent and in the ends makes both LE and the DA's job more difficult.
Thanks...I understand you can't enter LTFwithout an ID being swiped, correct?

Do you know if they will give out information on a family member having checked in?

Again, I offered to try an experiment on this one this weekend, and report results. :)
But MOM, I'll take your word for it that when he was there, he wasn't looking for information on her, or her whereabouts, so what does it matter?
Well just because the media (and we) want info...and just because Mom has been privy to some inside info, doesn't make said info false. We'll just have to see how it all comes out in the wash.

{pun intended}
So now you are saying that the media is speculating and doesn't have true inside information. Go ahead and paint away, you answered my question. I really am not trying to be an xxxxxxxxx. I see many here arguing over speculation as if it were fact. Mom may know more than anyone besides LE, and I will apologize for not just believing when it all comes out. Logic plays a big thing there though and many are missing it. Like I said earlier, I really look forward to how they caught Brad to see the truth. Maybe the LTF card or maybe the 4:20 HT purchase had a part in it. We will see.

No I think the media has way more information than we do, just not proven. How did we find out about the warrants issued after the house was searched ?
I know. So the card swiping is either inside info. or a theory of yours.

Roy....I feel I am being interrogated by you and have told all I can. You seem to try the question in every direction you can, but I will not bite.

I put out there what I know, and will protect who told me what I know. I refuse to lose a friendship, trust or have anyone lose their job over BC. He is NOT worth it IMO. I told you today I saw with my own eyes the bolt missing. I told you what he was wearing during the search. You still don't want to take it as a fact. If you think you are going to hear what BC was wearing on the 14th by the LE you will be waiting a long time. Did that jacket have a connection? Yes, but I guess you missed that point. Sorry

At this point I feel you should believe what you want to believe if it be facts or theory, and I will do the same.
No I think the media has way more information than we do, just not proven. How did we find out about the warrants issued after the house was searched ?

I am talking more specific here RC. Read above==the media wants more information from Mom or her sources.

I don't think iti s as unusual as you might think. FOR EXAMPLE ONLY:

There may be some key elements already established such as Brad's DNA profile matching a sample collected from Nancy - say from under her nails or that luminol used during the search warrant defined an area indicating a struggle and blood spatter that had been washed away but LE does not have all the ancilliary evidence completed such as hairs and fibers, computer forensics, forensic accounting, and all the other zillion data points. The DA is dealing with a foreign national - an arrest warrant in hand can be forwaded to Canadian customs to insure Brad is put on the watch list and denied entry to Canada.

The reason I see this as a potential scenario is because NC is not a recipricol discovery state. In NC when a suspect is arrested the DA must immediately begin transfering copies of all evidence they have to the defendents lawyer. Yet the defendents lawyer is not required to provide the DA with any discovery at all. The bottom line to this is the DA better have every question answered before he moves for execution of the arrest warrant. In this respect - the lack of recipricol discovery - both LE and the DA have their hands tied to a certain extent. This aspect of NC law heavily favors the defendent and in the ends makes both LE and the DA's job more difficult.

Makes sense - thanks RC. In other words, this sequence could occur when there's enough current information to indict, but in the DA/LE's opinion, there's more they'd like to do prior to trial (to ensure the desired verdict). Is that it?

How about the notion that the DA could have already presented to GJ, but GJ returned "no indictment yet". That one is also possible I assume (in either NC case or MY case). I assume that's not public record (cases presented to GJ, but denied).

All this was just in response to the earlier comments (by various) implying the Wake DA may be the hold-up here. My point was basically that for all we know an indictment has been requested. Your response furthers that to say for all we know an indictment has been requested and granted (in either case the ball wouldn't in the DA's court anyway).

Regardless, I'll stucj by my thought (only gut feel), that if when the forensics are returned there's no arrest, then there's been no indictment, and it's going to be a long wait. [ and it wouldn't surprise me if those forensics aren't back sometime this week or next ]
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