Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #7

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Um, deflate the ego for a moment. I have to say I am getting a little tired of when some posters come on here for their own agenda and it has no contributory value to the matter at hand.

The question I am "begging", is have you ever heard of the terms theory and hypothesis?
This is a forum for the possibility of developing those, I find it insulting that you perpetuate that people on here would not have the adaptability to comply/participate in a real voir dire and subsequent empaneled juror situation. You have no idea of the background and experience of WS posters on here and therefore I find it is you that is "judging" and reaching conclusions based on opinions posted in an anonymous forum.
Furthermore, riding the rail of antagonism rather than stating a specific theory to defend is, well, tired already.

It was not theory that started my posting today.

Nor is it theory when a poster says they would like to see a return to the days of the old west where they get a rope and hang them.

You are begging the question. It is fallacious logic to assume what you wish to prove. This lies at the heart of my problem in cases where people reason to a conclusion without the required evidence.


WTH? We are talking about people that have already been through the court system and determine criminally insane. Your arguments belong in the PP forum, not here.
I think that time and the entire store trip came from the poster here. I don't think anything about the trip to store or what was purchased came from LE, but I could be mistaken.

No, you are right on that one.
Maybe she refused to do his laundry so he went to buy the detergent. Why would a person buy laundry detergent with bleach to clean up a murder scene ? I have never heard of using that, bleach yes, but not detergent with bleach.

I had not heard of that either until a talking head (on Greta, Nancy?) said that type of detergent that contains enzyme's to break up stains like blood and would work well. Although it's not 100 percent as nothing is. Only burning DNA can get rid of DNA.
Is 4 am the time he gave to LE? I thought I had seen it was around the same time she went "jogging."

Lurker: No he gave a later time to the LE. according to a poster here whose son works at the store. There is a tape of him in the store around 4AM buying laundry soap with bleach in it.
I am wondering if the parents are actually bringing the body back to Canada yet. The news up here is only reporting that a memorial service is taking place Wednesday, not a funeral or a burial. I'm sure their intention is to bury her here but I haven't read anything that says that they are bringing the body back. If Brad doesn't release the body to them for burial, they can't return her to Edmonton.

Thanks for that link. Your are correct about Brad having to release the body for burial. It makes sense that it would only be a memorial in Edmonton. I believe in court documents, the word 'funeral' was used which led everyone astray.
Originally Posted by wirehair View Post
My neighbor called on his way to work this morning. Cary LE was on Holly Springs Road stopping traffic and asking if anyone saw anything last Saturday. This was about 7am this morning.

Why would LE be doing this questioning if there was any forensic evidence found during the very extensive search of the home and cars that showed anything had occurred at the house? If there were not some indication that she actually did leave to go jogging that day, there would be no reason to be asking drivers in the area if they had seen anyone or anything the previous week. It seems obvious that they would not think that someone would be killed at their home during the night and that cleaning supplies were purchased at 4am, but the body was not disposed of until it was completely light at 7am!
They must have some reason to believe that NC could have been running in that area at 7am the previous week.
...I think he's guilty. I'll say it clear...
Hey there, RKAB. I can well imagine how awful you are feeling. It must be scary and surreal, too. Thanks for the honest post. If you think that he did it, and you know him and dated him, I think that you are right on with your feelings. I also think that the death resulted from an argument. I do think that he realized that he could nothing to regain control of the situation and that his lifestyle (because of finances) was soon to change for the worse. This, I am sure, enraged him.

I think that he had all night to think about Nancy out and about, having fun, on his dime. I think that, when she arrived home, he started an argument with her. She probably said one thing back to him. Heck, it could have been something like, "If you would have kept your d*ck in your pants, this wouldn't have happened." It could have been a number of statements, all true...but he was looking for a fight. He probably knocked her out with the first blow, causing her to fall and hit her head. He panicked; and that's all she wrote. Why he didn't call for help is beyond me. That would have been my first inclination had I been in a similar situation.

Can you tell me why you guys broke up? Did Brad cheat on you?
I may be wrong, but I don't think that he is going to get away with this. Such a shame. His triathlon days, his acting-like-I'm-still-a-bachelor days, are soon to be over.
Is insanity a proper defense?
I think anyone who takes another person's life (with the exception of course being in self-defense or similar mitigating factors) is crazy!! JMHO
WTH? We are talking about people that have already been through the court system and determine criminally insane. Your arguments belong in the PP forum, not here.

I was referring to this case, where some posters have concluded Brad is guilty without having the required evidence.
I find this extremely difficult. I feel so much grief for those two little girls whose world has been absolutely ripped apart. This is not something that will pass. This is something that will be with them their entire life. I feel for NC's family..what a horrible thing to have to endure. At the same time, I feel for BC's family. No one raises a child to become a murderer (if indeed he did this). BC's family has lost a daughter-in-law, are watching what's happening to their son and who knows how much access they are getting with their grandchildren. These people are grieving too. They are trying to hope beyond hope and believe in their son that he was not responsible for this. They, however, must realize that this does not look good for him.

I think the parents can not be blamed for his mental instability, I truly believe he has a chemical imbalance which in absolutely NO WAY does it excuse what's happened. I don't believe it to even be any sort of defense. There are tons of ways to work through chemical imbalances and personality issues. It is never a defense for murder, IMO.

Now before someone jumps on me for defending him or his family, I have a right to be so torn. I am one of those "ex's" from Canada. BC is from a good family. They gave him so many opportunities that others never had. The Calgary poster is right though. As a person, Brad can be materialistic, self-centered, narcisistic (sp?), moody, mean, emotionally controlling and the like. He can also be a good person, we all have good in us. Nancy must have seen more of his good side at the beginning to have wanted to have children with him and probably tried so hard (as all of his previous relationships did) to work through the bad.

I feel horrible for what NC had to endure and the outcome (at whoever's hands). This is such an awful situation. My head KNOWS how this is going to turn out, my heart wishes it would be different. I wish it was going to be a different outcome because I have shared part of my life, my family....with BC and can't believe that someone that I had put my trust in could ever be involved in such a horrible act. I don't feel sorry for BC because he put himself in this situation. I feel sorry for NC, those poor children and both families.

He is an intensely private person. He is also an extremely smart person which surprises me all the more that he would do something so stupid. I don't think that it was pre-meditated. I think there was an argument that got out of control, one thing led to another and she was gone and he panicked. Which is why everything is unravelling for him. If this was premeditated, he is smart...he would have covered everything to the last meticulous detail.

I think he's guilty. I'll say it clear. But I do feel for his family as well.

And Brad, if you're reading this, because lord knows if you're not in jail, you'll have that laptop all wired up, how could you?
Welcome RKAB! Your posting is so very much appreciated.
Originally Posted by wirehair View Post
My neighbor called on his way to work this morning. Cary LE was on Holly Springs Road stopping traffic and asking if anyone saw anything last Saturday. This was about 7am this morning.

Why would LE be doing this questioning if there was any forensic evidence found during the very extensive search of the home and cars that showed anything had occurred at the house? If there were not some indication that she actually did leave to go jogging that day, there would be no reason to be asking drivers in the area if they had seen anyone or anything the previous week. It seems obvious that they would not think that someone would be killed at their home during the night and that cleaning supplies were purchased at 4am, but the body was not disposed of until it was completely light at 7am!
They must have some reason to believe that NC could have been running in that area at 7am the previous week.

I think LE is doing this to prove that she wasn't jogging. They can add that no one saw Nancy jogging that morning to their list of other evidence that says she didn't.
Originally Posted by wirehair View Post
My neighbor called on his way to work this morning. Cary LE was on Holly Springs Road stopping traffic and asking if anyone saw anything last Saturday. This was about 7am this morning.

Why would LE be doing this questioning if there was any forensic evidence found during the very extensive search of the home and cars that showed anything had occurred at the house? If there were not some indication that she actually did leave to go jogging that day, there would be no reason to be asking drivers in the area if they had seen anyone or anything the previous week. It seems obvious that they would not think that someone would be killed at their home during the night and that cleaning supplies were purchased at 4am, but the body was not disposed of until it was completely light at 7am!
They must have some reason to believe that NC could have been running in that area at 7am the previous week.
Hopefully, police are just covering all bases to deflect the defense that Brad was their sole focus from the beginning. They have to investigate all avenues. At least, I hope that's why the police are out there investigating all possibilities.
I was referring to this case, where some posters have concluded Brad is guilty without having the required evidence.

"Required" evidence on a message board/public forum? Omg, I must have missed that somewhere in the TOS.

Good bye Wudge.
"Required" evidence on a message board/public forum? Omg, I must have missed that somewhere in the TOS.

Good bye Wudge.

Do you think a person's right to the presumption of innocence only applies if they step inside a courtroom?
I was referring to this case, where some posters have concluded Brad is guilty without having the required evidence.

What required evidence would you like? Based on what is known the mostly likely conclusion is that Brad killed Nancy. Can you give us reasons to point us to another person? We can give you plenty of reasons why we think it IS Brad. As mentioned, we are not the jury...drop the jury discussion, it's not relevant and is not helping move this discussion along. You stated your opinion on your thoughts of WSers being lousy jurors, your opinion, so noted, move on. TIA.
What required evidence would you like? Based on what is known the mostly likely conclusion is that Brad killed Nancy. Can you give us reasons to point us to another person? We can give you plenty of reasons why we think it IS Brad. As mentioned, this is not the jury...drop the jury discussion, it's not relevant and is not helping move this discussion along. TIA.

My list is currently void of reliable, material and competent inculpatory evidence. Your list contains what?
Do you think a person's right to the presumption of innocence only applies if they step inside a courtroom?
Yes, I do. I know that, on a message board, I can theorize and speculate. I think Brad is guilty. If I were chosen for jury duty, I would put that speculation aside and be able to look at all of the evidence. I would not take my job as a jurist lightly. I would have a totally different mindset.

I see a message board as a brainstorming type of activity. We are not privy to much if any of the actual evidence. That is revealed at trial.
The point here is that IF THEY HAVE FORENSIC EVIDENCE from the home, it makes no difference whether anyone else was a focus of the investigation. It makes no sense that the prosecutor would need to say "we have blood, and bleach and a murder weapon at the house, and by the way, no one SAW her jogging". What difference would that make at all? To me, this indicates that they did NOT find what they were looking for in the home.
I think LE is doing this to prove that she wasn't jogging. They can add that no one saw Nancy jogging that morning to their list of other evidence that says she didn't.

I don't think LE can ever attempt to say no one saw her there thereby use it as evidence.

I find it doubtful they can canvas every car that would have passed that way. They'd never be able to find all the drivers from last Saturday on this Saturday morning. Unless they could do that I would never believe it.

(ETA) BTW my DH drove by that Saturday morning, early, to go to a local breakfast spot...he didn't see any joggers but that doesn't mean they weren't there...there are always bikers though.

I've said it before, imho, it is not that unlikel she could have been jogging there. If you google maps and use the satellite visuals, you'd notice from her house to this location, it is really a short jaunt.

I fully believe this was not her usual course, but maybe she wanted a change of pace, heck, she had an awful lot on her mind and maybe she didn't want to be on the crowded trails...maybe she was curious about the subdivision. I know I've driven through new subdivisions going up around me.

I too believe this was likely an unexpected accident/turned tradgedy. I doubt no one would have planned to dispose of a body in that location...too busy of a spot for construction crews, runners (as seen in the photo) and dog walkers...plenty of other close places to hide a body (like the swampy area close by) IDK, just so sad and bothersome.

(ETA a second time--this doesn't mean that she did or that I believe she was jogging there...I just don't think it could be totally ruled out and would be so unbelievable as to give it consideration)
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