Nancy Grace - 10/15/08 - Wednesday

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DNA Solves

Did LP say that he thought Casey threw the pizza in the trunk to mask the developing smell?
If so, why pizza?

Thanks in advance.

He did. I think she should have left the chicken nuggets in there instead if that was her purpose.
I think Kobi is into S&M cuz he loves to be beat up by Nancy....

hahah. eeeww what a thought, Kobi tied up spread eagle.. uhh.ew that's an odd dude right there.
Wait...wasn't it LP who talked about the maggots? Was the maggot presence confirmed with LE or was it just something LP said? Because if LP just said it & it wasn't confirmed with LE then I'm not as confused.
Is this the first time you have watched Kob on NG? He has never answered a question, that I can think of, with a straight answer even BEFORE he went to work for the defense team (which is one reason I was rather shocked they hired him). He may be a scientist, but he certainly doesn't show much common sense and comes off as a dolt. I hope you have dvr so you can rewind and watch what he did say. If not, I do and I can recap it word for word. It was much more than one sentence.

Hi SS, and don't alot of defense teams hire the experts just to keep them on their side? I read that link...just in my musty dusty old brain somewhere.

I think they did this in the Phil Spector trial...
Sorry if this has been asked and answerd but, the pizza was bought on the 19th? There was body fluids and maggots on the outside of the bag so wouldn't that mean Caylee was in there on the 19th? Or did iit just get on the bag due to some body fluid residule? <snip>

Please, can someone tell me where to look for the information on the pizza purchase?
LP said the pizza was purchased in the AM on the 19th..I know I could probably look in the phone record/ping thread but does anyone know what time.. like AM as in after midnight 1, 2 AM or like 9AM. I wonder how much of it was gone?
I just googled "maggots chloroform" and learned that chloroform kills maggots and is used/and was used to kill maggot infestations in wounds. So there's the answer to part of the question. So now what about the chloroform? This puts a new twist on things, was chloroform used to clean up the car and kill the maggots? that is a thought! Gosh, we need to know when she (someone)researched the chloroform.

EXACTLY. I didn't realize how horrible spoiled milk is until I spilled some in my car and had to use that enzyme stuff for cats to finally get it out of the fabric. It's REALLY REALLY bad.
Pizza purchased on June 19th - we already knew that.

omg...really? we did? lol, not sure where i have been...i totally missed that one...where was that mentioned? did kc buy it? anyone have a link or story...really, truly, honestly, i have been following this case so carefully...or so i thought...not sure how i missed this one...please, anyone know??:confused:
Hi SS, and don't alot of defense teams hire the experts just to keep them on their side? I read that link...just in my musty dusty old brain somewhere.

I think they did this in the Phil Spector trial...
Yes, I suppose they can...however...Casey doesn't appear to me to have that kind of funding to just hire people to prevent the other side from retaining them. As a matter of fact, she doesn't appear to have the money to even hire one expert witness. Uhm...she doesn't appear to have the money to hire even a bad attorney either. Interesting.
Look in the thread about the receipts for the pizza purchase
oh and there is phone records of a call to a pizza place also
I think I posted this on a different thread late last night..

When Daniel Horowitz was on her show almost every night during the Scott Peterson saga...Nancy beat him up pretty regularly...after Daniels wife's murder I saw that they were in fact, very close friends.

Its a show/not a straight news show/ its entertainment...most of the guests are repeaters and I see some little smiles when Nancy "does her thing."

Almsot no news is straight out news these days...they want zip-zing-personalities and thrills...I am old enough to remember the news anchors in BLack and WHITE :boohoo:

I preferred Catherine Criers show when it was on but now that I have watched Nancy forever...and have seen how she is indeed friends with alot of her guests...I watch it.
I really believe that the Nancy we see on the show is somewhat of an act, for entertainment value. And she is a victim's advocate.
Her guests are well aware of the routine.
And as you say, she is friends with alot of them. And yes her and Daniel Horowitz are close friends. I remember reading a magazine article about their friendship and how devastated Nancy was over the murder of Daniel's wife.
Well the way I see it since the whole JH story came from Casey and this guy is the wrong one then simply tell us who the right one is. During her interview with LE she claimed she had no contact info for him.

IIRC, LA called JH Sr (JH's dad) the night of 7/15, as his number was programmed into KC's phone. This has to be the JH that KC references as he once worked at Universal. How many JH's have worked at Universal in recent years? KC's MO is to take bits and pieces from people she knows to create a fictional person (e.g., Zachary being her small cousin's name.)
omg...really? we did? lol, not sure where i have been...i totally missed that one...where was that mentioned? did kc buy it? anyone have a link or story...really, truly, honestly, i have been following this case so carefully...or so i thought...not sure how i missed this one...please, anyone know??:confused:

I don't understand why the date the pizza was bought has any significance. Since we don't know which was put in the trunk first . . . what could the date of the pizza purchase prove?
Look in the thread about the receipts for the pizza purchase

Ok, this is the first I have heard about a date or receipt for the pizza purchase as well.. and I have been following EVERY DETAIL.. how could I have missed this? Does anyone have a link???

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