Nancy Grace 10/9 Thurs

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DNA Solves
I said from day one this case would go before a GJ. That's standard procedure in most states now for many 1st degree felony cases. It gives the prosecution the opportunity to cross their I's and dot their T's. Kinda like having someone check your homework. The majority of cases where a GJ handed down an indictment ends in prosecution at trial. Defense attorneys hate them because the prosecution gets to practice with their clients cases before actually going to trial.
Well since only the DA calls witnesses at the GJ, he'll have no choice but to take the stand. Can he plead the fifth or be treated as a hostile witness?
Not sure, but it said testify against they know what he is going to say already....just found it interesting and IMHO I think GA will be gone from CA after this is all over.......
anthony team blames the media

Oh yea blame the media when there is nothing to blame but themselves. I think JB needs to take classes on how to talk. He stuttered so many times like he was thinking hard of what to say.
Says GA is going to testify AGAINST KC at GJ!

With all due respect, *all* testimony at the GJ will technically be against KC. I think that headline is for sensationalism. I can't imagine being in his position right now. He knows he has to testify at the hearing but I'm sure he doesn't want to... JMO.
GA will have to attend. He can also be represented by an attorney during the proceedings, but the attorney cannot object or speak for the witness.
I love how her atty just said why she wants to go find Caylee. He FIRST said it was for her defense, THEN he said it was also for finding Caylee.

So wait... it's the media's fault no one reported the baby missing for 31 days? Uh.... that's almost (not quite) the most pathetic thing I've heard yet from this family.
Untraceable, interesting title choice KC!

That's what I was thinking.

She's been watching too many movies. She's not untraceable, soon to find out. She just couldn't hang up her phone. Heh.
I thought the night of june 15 was in question as to where she spent the night, LP doesnt think she spent the night there, but cindy says they did..she heard them breathing through the door and GA said goodbye to them the next day june 16...he remembers what they were wearing and what he was watching on TV
You know, Janis, LP said that Casey left the house that night..the night of the big fight, but then George said that Casey and Caylee left the house the next day at almost 1pm. Maybe they are both true. Maybe Casey left that night after the fight and then came back after Cindy was at work, to get Caylee and some of her stuff. Then they think that Caylee was killed between then, 1 pm and the time she went to Tony's to spend the night. I guess she stopped at Blockbuster before Tony's so it was probably pretty early. JMO

Could just makes more sense to me that KC would have killed Caylee on Sunday evening when she was still furious at Cindy, and in a rage.
I am sorry if this was asked but are the tapes of her going to all these Targets and BOA going to be shown to the GJ to show how calm and happy go lucky she was.
I just thought of something...

I am looking at the Websleuth's timeline for June Calander right now. OK From Monday, June 16th to Saturday June 21 it rained that whole week. If something happend to Caylee that week and she was burried some where then wouldn't there be some sort of evidence of muddy clothes/shoes or something? I mean the shovel probably would have been a mess unless she washed it off.
I think Casey took Caylee and left after the big fight on Sunday, June 15th. I think Casey may have been driving around in her car, with Caylee asleep in the back seat. She was angry at her mother. I think at some point that night or the wee hours of Monday, June 16th, Casey killed Caylee.

I thought according to cell phone pings she never left the house and was in fact talking and texting all night.
With all due respect, *all* testimony at the GJ will technically be against KC. I think that headline is for sensationalism. I can't imagine being in his position right now. He knows he has to testify at the hearing but I'm sure he doesn't want to... JMO.

Well not necessarily, at least in my opinion, he could be there to just verify dates and times etc and not necessarily be asked anything about how and/or why KC does or doesn't do anything....but you are right it's prolly sensationalism....just seems strange seeing it in print......
Look at all that crap she bought with her friend's forged checks!
Beer, clothes, lingerie! So worried over her "missing child"!
Is it my imagination or does it look like KC was wearing way too much make up in those videos? Like SCARY too much.

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