Nancy Grace 11/13/08

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I'm not saying anything bad about TM but if he continues to talk trash about LP then I bet he won't be getting as many donations. He could handle this with some class. LP has not talked trash about him. This find may not prove to be anything to do with Caylee but it may be something for another family. LP has nothing but good things to say about TM and I'm sure it helped get TES money.
Not trying to sound ugly, but he kind of always looks like that to me.... very reserved, almost pitiful-like. You can tell he's seen and had alot of grief in his life.
I agree but he first came out extremely bitter and then when she spoke to him again, he just looked sad.
This is a poor demonstration of Team seems its every man for themsleves now. Just disgusting on all fronts.
the MEDIA was already there TIM!!! gzzzzz that really bugs me that he is saying that....and I really like TIM.....why is he doing this

Yes .. But, why was the media already there?
I agree....please TIM stop....put a sock in it.....I really care for Tim and his team....and i dont want this to bring down the good they do

It is really sad to watch the splatter of the Anthony cesspool splatter all over detectives that have dedicated hours and hours to this case, Tim and his organization, LP, everyone that is trying to find Caylee and hold Casey responsible.
There is just too much name calling in this whole thing - everyone wants to be the hero - and everyone comes back to one thing - Casey is the one who knows and won't say

The more I hear Cindy's clips especially about the one where she says that Casey is leading her to where Caylee is, she doesn't actually say exactly but she's leading her to Caylee, I wonder if Cindy still feels this way? I understand that parents want to see the best in their child but isn't enough, just enough? I know Cindy said this a long time ago but my goodness it's time for some tough love with Casey, why Cindy and George are so afraid to do this is beyond me
Why take anything at all into evidence??If there was NO EVIDENTUARY value in what they found, then why take the supposed "rocks"??? Something is ROTTEN in what just happened!!!

I Know Ladybass, I am just as confused as you are.. makes no sense to me.. Although I heard they took the rocks and said it was only because it was taken as "found property"? :waitasec: Anyway, I smell hinky as some other posters would say... Hinky 4 SHO!!!
I don't know that they have it out for LP but it seems LE has never done that extensive searching and TM searches for a few days and then leaves. LP is the only one still looking.

I think they have it out for LP because of how he got involved in the first place-cmon-we were probably all like, "Is he nuts???!!". He didn't make a very good first impression. BUT...(at least in my eyes)...he has proven he his a good guy, the real deal who seems to be in it for the long haul. I think this whole case pains him as much as it pains us-its become a very personal thing for him...he's a dad, so I'm sure he feels the same feelings parents and other concerned folks feel about this case. I still respect the work of TES-thank God for them. I'm just disappointed in TM tonight.
that little girl in the pic looked tall for a three year old.
Why take anything at all into evidence??If there was NO EVIDENTUARY value in what they found, then why take the supposed "rocks"??? Something is ROTTEN in what just happened!!!

Maybe, they can match the evidence to another unsolved crime???

I think I read earlier that LE said they didn't take evidence BUT in actuality the FBI took evidence?

This whole thing is depressing.... who freakin' cares WHO'S looking for Caylee..... will the family or LE say no "Forget it, just throw her back in!" if they don't like WHO finds Caylee?
Why is Cindy the ONLY one with Caylee sightings? So, is she answering the tip line personally?

Good Lord...
Last week I felt positive about the search, everbody seemed so excited. Now, almost a week later, I feel so let down and negative, and everyone is at each other's throats.
I'm not saying anything bad about TM but if he continues to talk trash about LP then I bet he won't be getting as many donations. He could handle this with some class. LP has not talked trash about him. This find may not prove to be anything to do with Caylee but it may be something for another family. LP has nothing but good things to say about TM and I'm sure it helped get TES money.

Making nice with the A's, talking trash on LP....sounds like he may just me trying to distance himself from the whole fiasco, getting out while the getting is good. If he is not associated with LP anymore and the A's are happy with him, he can leave free and clear of any drama. I don't know if I could handle dealing with a family who didn't want their loved one found. A's are the most disgusting people Ive ever had the pleasure of not knowing.
because it was known that LP was searching the same as it was known with media that TESS was searching
There is just too much name calling in this whole thing - everyone wants to be the hero - and everyone comes back to one thing - Casey is the one who knows and won't say

The more I hear Cindy's clips especially about the one where she says that Casey is leading her to where Caylee is, she doesn't actually say exactly but she's leading her to Caylee, I wonder if Cindy still feels this way? I understand that parents want to see the best in their child but isn't enough, just enough? I know Cindy said this a long time ago but my goodness it's time for some tough love with Casey, why Cindy and George are so afraid to do this is beyond me

I've been trying to say this, thanks. needless to say I agree.
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