Nancy Grace 11/13/08

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A gesture things were worked about between A's and Tim??? In other words Tim was bought.

Orlando-based missing-children's organization Never Lose Hope Foundation hired NeJame to help the couple.
NeJame said he is representing George and Cindy Anthony and not their daughter,

The check was presented by Never Lose Hope Foundation, not Nejame. (I was there and stayed for entire meeting)

The foundation is Nejame's boss in this and the check was a gesture that things were worked out between the A's and Tim. How is that a conflict of interest?
any news yet if LE was at the anthonys tonight?
it has to do with the accusations about LP only in it for the $. I thought that would be clear, sorry.

isn't it interesting how there is more talk about money and media among the TM supporters than LP himself?:rolleyes:
According to WSers that went to the team leaders meeting at MN nightclub Tabu prior to the search starting, MN presented TM, TES a check for 12500.00. TM also instructed team leaders not to bad mouth the A's and to instruct other searchers badmouthing the A's would not be tolerated and would be instructed to leave the search site immediately.

Interesting. and do you know how many days later did Tim suddenly stop searching, again? (I know he is now changed that and has left ppl behind and will be searching on weekends but that wasn't the case at first)
Here's my 2 cents based on what I saw between Tim and LP tonight on NG.
It appears to me that LP wanted to do this search, regardless of Tim's feelings. Tim is used to being the big dog and the searchers etc..just do what he tells them, but he calls the shots. Now you have someone that has the resources/pull to buck the system if wanted and LP did.

Tim seems more upset because LP did this when he told him not to. If it were any other way then like most of us Tim would be happy for any area to be searched, just in case.

LP didn't take shots at Tim, Tim did take a lot of shots at LP. IMO this proved to me who was trying to do for Caylee and who is having an ego issue. Unless I hear that LP staged the evidence this is how I feel.

Add to that, Tim keeps pulling out as soon as he get's there, why? It's confusing and seems he has other forces directing his actions. LP is like I think she could be here and I don't give a da*n who cares if I search.

Again this is jmho and I do respect Tim for all he does, I will still donate to TES because he does a lot of good and he has skin in the game. I feel he is sincere in his beliefs but his beef with LP seems ego driven.

:clap::clap: LP is a Renegade :clap::clap:
:):) TM is a Cautious Professional :):)

I love them both and they are both good. Just put the egos to one side puleeeze.
The only thing I can say is I wish, hope, and pray that everyone will just stop bad mouthing each other. What was once a united front in finding Caylee has turned into a pissing match and it's beyond annoying. Honestly I have lost some respect for some people who continue to stoop to childlike levels in this case. I'm not speaking of anyone here. just in general in the media. IMO it is doing nothing but giving power and hate right to the A's and that is exactly what is not needed IMO.
I think I read earlier that LE said they didn't take evidence BUT in actuality the FBI took evidence?

If so, then it makes sense that OSCO stated THEY took nothing of evidentiary value. I hate to say this, but if indeed bones were found, would the FBI test evidence or local LE?
"Must See TV"....NG is gonna go off! Good thing for the A's that they won't be in the studio with NG!! I hope she leaves CA speechless...please please please put her in her place!

She usually kisses Cindy's a$$ even when she isn't a guest on the show. I suspect NG's lipstick will appear brown by the end of tomorrows show.
I just watched NG again. How many parent's, mom's, grandparent's know exactly how many and what kind of toy your child or children have?

I almost came out of my chair when the lady called and asked how could LE determine so fast that the find had nothing to do with Caylee? The answer... BECAUSE LE KNOWS WHAT TOYS CAYLEE HAD, THEY HAD BEEN AT HER HOUSE. IS THAT WHAT HE SAID?
murt is on now talking about what happend today...just incase you want to hear it
it has to do with the accusations about LP only in it for the $. I thought that would be clear, sorry.

It's not clear to me. If the Anthonys are 'only in it for the $' does that mean there's no way LP could be too?
The only thing I can say is I wish, hope, and pray that everyone will just stop bad mouthing each other. What was once a united front in finding Caylee has turned into a pissing match and it's beyond annoying. Honestly I have lost some respect for some people who continue to stoop to childlike levels in this case. I'm not speaking of anyone here. just in general in the media. IMO it is doing nothing but giving power and hate right to the A's and that is exactly what is not needed IMO.

I am shocked at the behaviors of people I had always thought of as pretty stand up people. Confuses the heck outta me.
There IS a shramrock toy in the bag. There was an upside down doll and beads, too.

I have tivo and I just froze the screen to see what is in the bag.

IIRC: I thought this was weird, but I think the diver on NG said the shamrock was actually a "gumby" toy broke apart. Anyone else hear that?
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