Nancy Grace 11/13/08

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I don't post much, but like some others on the board I feel like I want to interject my two cents here. I am local, just about 8 miles outside of Orlando. I found your board because of a link that was posted on a blog in the Orlando Sentinal online site, came on over and was fascinated about all of this. We've been hearing about this case since very minute one and, as it grew and the whole nation got involved little Caylee became especially special to all of us. We see George and Cindy every weekend when we do our grocery shopping, my father-in-law's truck was towed to the same lot as Casey's when my nephew got in trouble with it, and my husband works for Orange County Parks and Recreation and Blanchard Park is part of his workday. I was never a "sleuther" and had never really felt compelled to get involved in anything in such depth.

Why in the world is she telling me all of this you may ask? Well, I also never knew of Tim Miller and his crew prior to this (although I did briefly hear about his efforts in the Natalie Holloway case), and I never heard of Leonard Padilla prior to this case. That being said, I have no real emotion ties to either of these gentleman, never was a big fan either way, not really "emotionally" involved with either one. Here are my observations:

1. Leonard Padilla has never one time mentioned the cost of anything he has ever done in behalf of Caylee. Yes, we know what the bond was because that was public knowledge, but I have never heard him once express how much anything is "costing him". As a matter of fact, every time I ever heard Leonard talk about money it was referenced to "donate it to Tim".

2. On the other hand, however, it seems as though every time Tim Miller was interviewed, somehow or another, he let everyone know how much this was costing him. As a matter of fact, when he was interviewed on the local stations this last time, that was pretty much all he talked about was his funding and how much this was costing him. And trust me, locally this has been covered morning, noon and night on every channel at every news time for a long time now. Well, you haul all of your enormous arsenal of equipment into town, search for a short period of time, leave, go somewhere else, come back, leave again. It seems to me that would be an enormous burden on your expenses.

3. The night that the meeting was held prior to the last search it was naturally covered locally and there were a lot of surprised locals to see the pomp and circumstance surrounding that meeting. From the news coverage (granted, I was not there) that nightclub looked decked out to Tim's organization. The local reporter was there talking to some of the volunteers as they came out the door and there were more than one person saying that "it was not what they had expected".

4. Cindy did an interview this afternoon with all of the reporters locally and she was talking about "speaking with Tim Miller last night" and that Tim told her personally that someone had planted "cow bones or something" at the last search, perhaps insinuating this is what could happen if Leonard found anything.

I have watched the whole tone and demeanor of Tim Miller change here in the last week. There were many, many people that were shocked when he pulled up stakes and left town this last time. First he was on television talking about "the conditions couldn't get any better" and "if she's there we're going to find her" and then almost overnight he changed to "I don't think she will ever be found". It was awfully strange.

Leonard, on the other hand, may have been duped in the beginning, but right after he realized who and what he was dealing with, he has never wavered, not once, from his theory and his goal of bringing that baby home. Oh, he might be a bit brasher than we may all like, but he has NEVER ONCE wavered, never asked for money and never left !!

Trust me, my heart goes out to Tim Miller and his tragic experience with his daughter. I lost a child to tragic circumstances myself, a shy, young 16-year-old who was invited out of town with her girlfriend and her family for a long weekend. Didn't want to go, but I encouraged her that it would be fun and fine and sent her on her way. She died in a car accident - talk about feeling responsible. So, emotionally I take nothing from this dear man whatsoever.

I personally think that Leonard Padilla, as brash and cowboy as he is, has behaved like a true gentleman and really wants to bring this baby home. He has nothing to gain by any of this. Tim, on the other hand, has been made to be the hero by a lot of people. There is fanfare when he arrives, disappointment when he leaves and even more fanfare when he returns. His behavior and name calling and demeaning the efforts of others speaks volumes - who really has something to gain or lose by not bringing this baby home? Does he do good for others - he certainly does - but isn't the goal of everyone involved to bring the baby home?

I'm sorry for the long post, I will go back to being just a reader now and leave the sleuthing to the experts !! I just thought I could bring some perspective from an almost "neutral" audience.

You agree with every single point you made and very much enjoyed reading this post!
You know, at the end of the first search, it was ended because the conditions were ridiculous to expect people to try to find anything under that water and muck. We had 23 inches of rain within 4 days. Tim didn't have the conscience to even put the horses into that water not being able to see what's below and for fear that Caylee's remains may be pushed even further into the mud. One of the reasons, TM uses sonar is because you don't trample on any possible remains when you cannot see what is beneath.

While I agree, I don't think Tim needs to get on NG and go toe to toe with LP but IF there was by any chance that this BH was doing it for the publicity, he didn't want anything to do with it. This is not a sideshow. It's real.

I know that a lot of people love Murt with the live webcam but if you're out on a search for remains, why would you even want that? Why all the media? If that were your grandaughter would you want the entire world able to see them pull any possible remains out of the mud and everyone knows before you do that it has taken place? Doesn't make sense. Is this for the sensationalism or for actually finding Caylee? At least Tim's organization goes about things the right way with the focus on the missing, not the news.

If it waas my child or my grandchild I wouldn't expect others to do what I myself am not willing to do...I would at the very least been at the park. I would have been making sanwiches and handing out sodas and water. The entire world as you put it has donated time, money, food, support, prayers and things I can not think of right now, yes, as ugly as it may be I owe these people that are risking life and limb going into gator infested waters looking on my behalf, the very least I can do is to show up.
ok here:
"A portion of your membership fee goes into the search fund for Texas Equusearch or you may donate directly to the search fund on the members page here."

As of 11/12 his link for requesting $9.95 to subscribe to his page, and link for donating to TES has been taken down. He is now offering refunds....because he has not donated a dime of the $ to TES. and now his *advertiser censored** is in trouble for pocketing it.

Is this rumor or fact? Link? Careful now...
Yes, side scan sonar can detect the image of a human body laying on the bottom of any kind of bed of water, however, it can't detect a human body that is buried under mud and/or silt. Mud and silt is too dense for the sonar to be able to penetrate and bounce image back up.

Yes, think of side scan sonar as the google earth satellite. You can't see under the ocean or in the buildings or cars with google earth. If I were lying in my front yard you could see me. If I were in my house you would not.

Basically sonar bounces off objects on the river floor and arranges those sounds into digital image and maps. If you could sink the Titanic under so much silt it would not be seen. Just as if you take a photo of a mud pie you will not see the leaf and sticks under it. All side scan means is that it takes a photo of a wide area.
Orlando-based missing-children's organization Never Lose Hope Foundation hired NeJame to help the couple.
NeJame said he is representing George and Cindy Anthony and not their daughter,

The check was presented by Never Lose Hope Foundation, not Nejame. (I was there and stayed for entire meeting)

The foundation is Nejame's boss in this and the check was a gesture that things were worked out between the A's and Tim. How is that a conflict of interest?

My question tho is, how in the heck does someone "work out" things with the A's? Isn't it CA's way or the highway?:rolleyes:
Because CA is the same way. Did you see her interview today? Cool as a cucumber, neither CA or KC had any concern whatsoever that this couldve been Caylee. Makes ya wonder why huh?:waitasec:[/QUO

While watching the news of today developing, I cant remember which TV station, because I was going back and forth between the 3 main ones, I heard LP broke down in tears. It's sad that he showed more emotion than the Anthonys.
I see nothing wrong or odd about Tim saying that. He could have perhaps worded it a bit clearer but weren't we all hoping that if Caylee is dead, she will soon be found? I suppose he could have said, "Since Caylee is dead, I hope this is her," but that sounds really cold to me.

He didn't have to qualify that at all. He could have just said "I hope this is her." If he did he wouldn't have contradicted previous statements he's made. He's done that many times since becoming involved with this case.

I still respect Tim and the work he does but this week I have a slightly different view of the man.
I think he always believed that.... but he wasn't allowed to say it because it pissed off Cindy & she wouldn't allow him to search for a dead granddaughter.... only one who's still alive.

He's SO used to not upsetting Cindy... he sticks with the "IF" fantasy for her sake.

This is not exactly true. He was on NG one night saying I believe this child is no longer with us. So why now is it a "if" ?
I couldn't believe my ears when he said that. :eek::eek:

I really don't know who to believe. All I know is I am shocked and very saddened that both of these men, whom I have always respected, have lowered themselves to a public pi$$ing match. This is terrible. MOO

What has LP said against TM? I haven't heard anything.
Let me get this straight-Tim is upset with LP because he mentioned getting money for him if they used his divers. Tim said no. These divers (from what I understand came to LP and donated their time) volunteered and LP went ahead. Tim was offended that LP brought up money-yet has no problem accepting a large amount from a group affilliated with the woman who publicly called him a drunk and other not so nice things that I won't repeat.
I just don't get it. Tim if you don't like LP fine-but if he wants to search who are you to trash his efforts. Or are you afraid it will look bad on you if he finds something?
Take what I say how you like, but know that I have always attempted to provide you with the facts.

Not everything is as it seems.

I see things that occur on the scene and then I watch something totally different being released. The sad thing is that many of the people doing that have the same knowledge but do nothing with it because of their own personal agenda. I cannot discuss certain aspects of this case; however I can tell you that there are people out there that are purposely spinning things and using this child's disappearance to their own benefit.

There are a lot of things going on behind the scenes that you do not know. Please do not make rush judgments in this case.

Things will come out in due time. In the mean time, please remember that this is about Caylee and nothing else.
Thanks for posting, David. It is an excellent time for such a reminder.

We don't know what is taking place behind the scenes. It is easy to be confused about what is released and the manner in which it is released when we cannot be privy to the entire story. I don't envy you and the position you are in by not being able to convey those stories either.
Everything he said has changed drastically. I am not sure what to believe now.

It is sad someone we donated money to and called organizations to get donations has turned into such a person.
And I'm sick of all of this mess.
Maybe tomorrow better.
I hope so.
The check did not come from Nejame.

No it did not as i read the media article baznme.. but also what i read in the article was that nejame told tm that he would be his lawyer free of charge.. so is he out to slander lp knowing he is covered by nejame???

This all seems really an out to get you kind of deal between all involved.. from never lose hope ,kid finders, anthony's, baez, kc, tes, nejame did i leave anyone out.. sure i did ,yes i did the PI's tb, and LG.. but everyone gets my point here.. IF not on KC's and Anthony's team then your gonna get trashed.. Sure some might be well educated and high up on the totem pole but how did they get there?? Some are on the up and up but most love to just SPIN and get rich. so much undertable dealings. its sicking..

As far as LP I am going to wait.. havent really seen through him yet.. Some ppl really want to find this baby and bring her home. For the right reasons..

God Bless Our Little Caylee
Florida Mom!

Thanks for your post. Welcome!

I knew that I heard CA say that TM told her that LP was out scattering bones around. At this point, I don't know what to think. Except that CA is the one and only ringmaster of this "circus". She always gets the last word and she always gets her way. TM is doing her bidding and it looks like she got LE to shut down LP. How long before charges against KC are dropped? I'm only half kidding....
What really got to me on tonights show was when they talked about how Casey caught part of the show and how she non-chalantly just sashayed her evil a$$ back into her cell without showing one bit of emotion. How can CA and GA hear that on the news and not wonder WTF? :waitasec:

As was stated, that goes to clearly show guilt. If Caylee was kidnapped or whatever then she is not to know ZFG took Caylee in JBP, killed her and got rid of her in the river. KC should have been absolutely freaked out wanting to know.

She was very calm so she knows where Caylee is and this goes to conscience of guilt. Clear as day.
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