Nancy Grace 9-17 Show Description + Discussion.

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The car was seen at 7am. Tony did not pick her up until close to noon. Surely she didn't spent 4-5 hours at the grocery. What would happen to the perishables in that period of time in the Florida heat?

It sure sounds like she was just dropped off and shopped not long before Tony picked her up, doesn't it?
Speaking of which, if she dropped off the car at Amscot that night because it ran out of gas (for the worker to see there at 7am on the 27th) why wouldn't he have given Casey a ride home that night and instead she called him on the 27th (late morning) to pick her up? :confused:

All we know for sure is that the car was there when the manager came to work at 7 am. So, she could have brought it there that very morning, right?? :waitasec:
There was no activity online as far as I can see on the 26th. I am now wondering that also. Could she have been with the accomplice and he/she dropped her back off at her car? Is there a grocery store close to Amscot? Could she have walked to a grocery store and bought a few things just before Tony picked her up?

It would seem logical, if you were going to dump a body, you would do it under the cover of darkness. It would be reasonable to think that the car was dumped on the 26th, as it was seen at 7am on the 27th. Maybe TonE is lying about the day and time.
That's exactly my question! It doesn't make sense! MOO

Do we know when she ran out of gas? I only remember reading that she ran out of gas and two men pushed her vehicle into the parking lot ... I just posted the Q today as to what she did between 7 a.m. and whatever time Tony picked her up (I'd only read between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.) ...
I had heard a while back, when the first news stories were breaking and Zanny was mentioned, that CA stated she had heard about Zanny for several years. I took that to mean since Caylee's birth but who knows. CA did state that she had only heard about Zanny and that she had never actually met or seen her. I thought that was bizarre, that in all that time no member of the family had ever picked the child up from the sitter's or met her or talked with her on the phone.

Another reason this doesn't pass muster is that CA was so involved in little Caylee's life. I mean, she was raising this little girl. Do you think that CA wouldn't have ever met this babysitter? I doubt it.

1. twisted; coiled.
2. complicated; intricately involved
I agree that Cindy would have met Zanny if she existed. I sure would be interested in seeing Casey's "reasons" for needing a nanny when she didn't actually have the job she told everyone she did ... or any job for that matter ...
Baez can offer them a private one and he does not have to share the results. He KNOWS they are guilty or he'd demand it. Defense attys can have it done privately, and if the results are positive, they will share it with the prosecution. Otherwise they just keep their mouths shut. The fact that NO ONE in the family is taking a polygraph points to their guilt. They KNOW something that would cause them to fail a polygraph. It cannot be used in court, but it is a tool that LE uses to focus or not focus on someone. It's a tool. Not 100% but more often correct than not.

That is what I thought, he doesn't want to take it and he doesn't want his parents to take it because they may know something. I just didn't realize that Lee was the one to tell them not to take it until the show tonight. It seemed like LP was saying that he told them (Cindy and George) to take one and he seem to imply that they were going to until Lee told them otherwise. Weird. So who is the one hiding something here? Seems to me Lee may know more than what he is saying. Or am I reading more into it than I need to?
I find it very telling that in the tapes, KC refers to Caylee in the past tense, she "loved" to run on the trails at the park, not "loves."

She also said "I will never forgive myself" instead of "I would never forgive myself."

"My mom will never forgive me" instead of "would."
Bingo! I KNEW there was something weird about how she said that. Thanks.
Who's statement was it that 2 men pushed the car? Have those 2 guys been found?
While watching Nancy,.. something just hit me like a ton of bricks!!!! The whole family said they have heard about Zanny for years,.. Casey said that it will 4 years this Christmas that she has known her. BEFORE she was pregnant with Caylee. Could "Zanny" actually be a boyfriend? She would say she is hanging out with Zanny,.. or she was going to spend the night at Zanny's house, but secretly hanging out with a boyfriend and sleeping over at his house? The CA's brother said that they thought Casey was a virgin when she was obviously pregnant.
It wouldn't have to be a specific boyfriend,.. just the flavor of the week with the same "Zanny" name. jmo
Casey said she knew about Zanni from Jeff Hopkins. He hasn't workeed at Universal since 2002. I doubt Casey was working there in 2002 - she would have been what? 16? Like she'd care about a nanny at age 16. IF she even worked there in 2002.
since casey's story is that zanny the bs also watched jmh's son z at the same time she was watching caylee, maybe she is talking about him? The problem is that law enforcement interviewed jdh, not jmh ...

There was no activity online as far as I can see on the 26th. I am now wondering that also. Could she have been with the accomplice and he/she dropped her back off at her car? Is there a grocery store close to Amscot? Could she have walked to a grocery store and bought a few things just before Tony picked her up?
I think the accomplice would come into play on or about the 24th and not as late as the 26th. (I also do not think it was one of her bfs, but I could be mistaken on that point.) I agree with LP that someone did help her dispose of the body.
That is what I thought, he doesn't want to take it and he doesn't want his parents to take it because they may know something. I just didn't realize that Lee was the one to tell them not to take it until the show tonight. It seemed like LP was saying that he told them (Cindy and George) to take one and he seem to imply that they were going to until Lee told them otherwise. Weird. So who is the one hiding something here? Seems to me Lee may know more than what he is saying. Or am I reading more into it than I need to?

I think Lee knows LOTS more than he is telling. moo
Who is Annie in relation to Casey?
(Could she be Zani the babysitter?)

Casey mentioned where the babysiiter lived...
House where she rented a room????
I think that the reason that they didn't push her more about the obvious lies is that when LE tried to tell her that they knew she was lying, she just shut down and went to arguing that point. If you don't know, the way that you deal with pathological liars and psychos is that you pretend to buy into the lies, just a little. That way they feel the need to keep convincing you and they talk e.g. lie a little more. Sometimes it is the only way to keep them talking, you let them go and eventually they will start goig in cicles and back themselves into a corner.
Speaking from personal experience.

I agree with this, from personal experience, as well. The mother of my stepchildren used to tell some real doozys. I could tell you stories that would make your jaw drop.
I've mentioned this before. I personally think the body wasn't in there but a couple of days. Decomp fluids most likely seeped into the carpet and if it was cleaned (I think it was per George's cleaning fluid) then it was only a surface cleaning. The smell would have to be horrid.
Yes, that's what I was thinking too, fluids got into the carpeting and the odor worsens with time and heat.
I hate speaking in initals, TotallyObsessed ... and I see why you didn't understand my message!

The "two men helped me with the car" was Casey's statement. Whether the men have been found or came forward or this is true and she had TWO men help her with the body, I don't know.
Another thing someone else posted here a while back, and listening to the tapes night after night on NG's show, I think that person is right. KC never called the babysitter (I can't call her a nanny since even if there was such a person in KC's life it wouldn't be a nanny, it would be a darn babysitter) Zanny UNTIL the detective in the interrogation at Universal called her that, then KC picked up on it and used it herself later in the interview. Just thought that was interesting. Also, is Lee's statement now posted somewhere, or is Natisha the only one to have it?
Lee's statement is in the 400 page docs.

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