Nancy Grace 9-17 Show Description + Discussion.

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I liked the detective at the end that was playing "good cop" with her and "buying into" her lies. I wish he would have talked to him more, she started to talk a lot more with him--although it was a lot of bs.
That polygraph expert looks familiar.. Is he the one featured on Dr. Phil sometimes? LOL!
I so agree, I had to just turn it off last night and go to bed. I am glad that Nancy keeps this case going and the Anthonys should be very grateful for that. (That is if they can be grateful for anything).
But I bet Cindy is sitting there seething over all of this info that's being discussed.
I don't think they're grateful. At all.
Remember early on LP was the "good guy" in the eyes of the A's..he got their daughter/sister out of jail. LP claims Lee called him everyday while he was in OrLAHndo.

OrLAHndo... I love that...
Hmmm.. hearing that tape just now casey saying "I would lie, I would steal I would do anything to find my daughter. I said that in my statement and I mean that at the bottom of my heart." Hmm.. WELL YOU HAVE DONE ALL THAT LIE, STEAL and Caylee is still missing!!! Ugh hearing her makes me want to throw up in my mouth.

Now she expects us to believe she has a heart????????
After listening to these interviews again on NG: Here is what I don't get. Once LE KNEW that Casey was lying about working at Universal,.. why in the second interview didn't they ask her WHY Caylee was even at a Nanny? And if there ever was a second cellphone since there was no office???? Do you think they had another interview that they didn't release? You'd think they would have asked these questions and much more once they realized she lied about it. JMO
I know! All of that! How come they didn't ask her how she paid her, and with what funds? Where's the receipts?
I don't believe one word of what LP says

He has lied in the past & that is all I need to discount everything he says

He may be telling the truth but I want to see proof - I can't take him at his word anymore

Oh, did I miss that? What did he lie about?
Ran late tonight when KC says she went to some stores where the invisible nanny went, supposedly on June 9th..she is covering her butt b/c she knows they can track if she says she was looking for ZG in stores would explain why she was in Target etc. Some of the Target checks "posted" on the

Some of the Target checks written on Amy's account were written on June 10th? If so, that gives June 9th a whole different meaning in the disappearance. It could be an excuse to be writing checks or theft in the first place.
Pretty much just re-hashin the hash on NG tonite. Not really any BOMBSHELLS.
Casey's friends are in apartment 218... Eddie Downing? and Dante.
Did they mention who gave the interview on Spanish radio?

Was it Cindy?
OrLAHndo... I love that...

It cracks me up every time. I feel like calling him and saying "where does KC live" just to hear him say OrLAHndo..

O.K. nobody flip out, I'm kidding I won't really call. Maybe he'll say it once more for me before the end of NG.
It is telling how she talks about Caylee in the past tense.

I think LP does know a few things we aren't privy to, but we are more informed of the players and the case as a whole. Still, I believe his input on NG is a good thing. He brings things out that other people don't mention or want to touch with a ten foot pole! I am glad he is still getting face time to try to find Caylee...which has been his intention all along and admittedly so. Being a "character" has advantages and this is one of them. LP doesn't care about himself here, but he does want to find Caylee.

Very well said and I believe so does NG.
My favorite part of that interview is where they are asking her why she brought them to Universal... and Casey says she thought she might find Caylee there. The detective says, "she's what...2?? what'd she do? take a cab??" lololol

I know! That cracked me up, too.

"What, did you think you'd find her waiting in the lobby?" :crazy:

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