Nancy Grace 9-2-08 #2

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I would hardly call Cindy exhasted, she doesn't stop talking long enough to come up for air. And the term grandmother is a stretch at this point to. Grandmother implies loving and caring to me. She is none of those. She chooses to cover up a crime, imo.

OMG.. Couldnt agree more-- i was thinking the same thing too--

If this were my grandchild i would not want to talk to all these strangers and media non stop and in such a way as she does,it exhaust me to wake up hearing CIndy and go to bed hearing Cindy--- and just so little emotion and ...bla bla bla bla bla...

I really see how far that apple fell from the tree with those two!
I wish one of the media outlets (or alot of them) would Call Leonard Padilla in the morning and have him on air explaining his statements (and give him plenty of time to do so!). Its too bad Tony Padilla disappeared from here....
Could be that he has some info as well that he would like to keep confidential and he knows that he would get the complete questionaire here. Tony has a much different style than his Unce but I truely believe their hearts a both in the right place.
Agree with you and..........

IMO Cindy is manipulating people to best meet her current needs. She may have been very angry with Tim today, and now he wants to leave the area, because Cindy insists that Caylee is living and breathing ? WHATEVER ! I see why they say, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Cindy is as manipulative and cunning as Casey. She needs to keep her mouth shut, stay home, and let the professionals do their job. I do not rem. Beth Holloway or Jessie Davis' Mother EVER making such a spectacle out of themselves like Cindy Anthony is accomplishing through the use of the media with her BIG mouth !:eek:
You are right. Both Beth and Jessies' mom did all they could to help.When my son was so ill with a blood clot stroke one Dr.told me she could see I was trying hard to accept the fact he might never come out of it.His wife refused to hear he might not.The Dr. told me she could not imagine what would happen to her when she finally accepted it.Oh yes it happened~big time! I hope someone will be there for Cindy.IMO
has some information about cadaver dogs and what they will/will not alert on. It includes other links as well. I guess they can hit on blood and sweat and can be wrong up to 8/10 times! Wow...That could explain the hits in the yard....NOt saying that it explains the trunk or the "smell" though.

Hey pssssst, you might want to delete your post. We aren't supposed to link to another forum.
I did not hear a warning to CIndy or LP that she was recording them--- She is on myspace page friends list- i could ask her or rather warn her this is illegal? She is just 20 , maybe she doesnt realize what shes doing is illegal?

I think the laws for recorded phone conversations may vary from state to state (in some states, I believe you don't have to disclose that you're recording so long as you, yourself, are one of the two parties to the phone call). But, yeah...she's young and may not have thought to look into it. I'm sure there are some Anthony supporters who would be all too willing to try to turn her in. It'd be very kind of you to give her a heads-up!
Drugs and alcohol are indeed a defense. It would be a defense to any charge involving premeditation, planning, etc.. A drunk driver who runs someone over to death would still be charged with a form of homicide under those facts.

I never said that drugs and alcohol are a complete defense to every single homicide charge under the sun.
I'm not sure Casey would be able to use the drink/drug defense if she wanted to.

How would Jose introduce it without putting her on the stand? He'd have to get someone who saw her on the day that Caylee died to testify that she was drunk or drugged, and I think he'd find that pretty difficult. Just saying that she'd had a few too many one night or another would only show that she indulged, not that she was in an unfit state at the critical time.

Snipped & bolding mine:

But since Casey is clearly not dead, if there is "banding" present, and if mitochondrial DNA was found, it would be useful in showing that the hair belonged to Caylee and that she was deceased.

His point was that it's not known what other conditions may cause banding (other than decomposition of body).
The thing that's weird to me is that as of July 4th weekend, Casey and Caylee had been out of the house for a few weeks, and supposedly Cindy had been asking to talk to Caylee all along with Casey giving excuses of why she couldn't come to the phone. As of this date, based on what we have heard, Cindy was starting to get suspicious of where Casey actually was and there had been fighting in the house before they left. Why would they be working on Caylee's play house in the backyard as if all is "peachy keen" instead of trying to figure out what the heck was going on with their daughter and granddaughter. That makes no sense to me!!

What I wished NG would have said to Cindy.....

WHY did Casey need to drop the child off with anyone when she clearly didn't have a job to go to? Why have a nanny at all?

Good questions! :clap::clap:
Sherbie, that's how it is here in Texas. As long as you are party to the conversation, record away.
What I wished NG would have said to Cindy.....

WHY did Casey need to drop the child off with anyone when she clearly didn't have a job to go to? Why have a nanny at all?
Excellent point, nor did she have the MEANS to pay for a stinkin' nanny for crissakes!
Watch the "Tim" episode again. When NG goes to cut away - he is almost smiling. Maybe he "had a talk" with NG to "dump" on him so he can get away - without all the hoopla that's going to spew from Cindy when he does. IMO he's had enough as well, he is just as disgusted as everyone else who has "tried to help". Yes, he could just pull out and go home - but that gives the Anthony's even more fuel for their fire. Oh - I don't know. I just thought I saw him kinda smile before they cut away.
He did. But, NG believed she was going to get a different story from TM...and he did an about face.
What I wished NG would have said to Cindy.....

WHY did Casey need to drop the child off with anyone when she clearly didn't have a job to go to? Why have a nanny at all?

Good question.

Why IS Cindy still pretending the nanny would even exist when it's been proven Casey had nothing to do all day.
Oh, Ialy - YOUR words in particular read volumes. You see, the eyes on Websleuths are like the eyes that don't blink - they watch eternally. You have been here on WS's since what, 2006?? My God, you have seen and witnessed a LOT of misery. Be at peace because you must also have witnessed instances of justice - right??? There must be those instances - even if only one.

Thank you (through tears). That means a lot. Thanks for taking the time to say it and remind me of it.
I don't know why she hangs up the first time LP answered than same thing when CIndy answered than apoligizes for
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