Nancy Grace 9-23 Show: A couple claims new pics show Caylee ALIVE!

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Where is that coming from? I read the documents and I only saw a brief mention of her having a miscarriage by Brandon. Nothing about putting it in the car. Has anyone else read this?

ACK no no no. A lot of people want to be first to post or they do not read carefully or misuse punctuation.

Or they do not read back pages start, midway and end to see what is going on.


There is Caylee's hair in the trunk. A fetus does not have hair. Otay?
Now peeps are taking that misinformation and spreading it, not waiting for confirmation or answers. Even the people who asked are gone! WTH?

Same hastiness, wanting to be on top---hmm maybe they could be National Enquirer journalists as a career choice?

I, too, have an inquiring mind and am really ready for the ick. But this little rumor makes the net forums silly--now look at all the time wasted on examining, checking, blah blah blah.

Ta, off to look at other forums!
I see you see me. What are you thinking? I could be persuaded to pause, though the chauffeur and Mr Steed are waiting....
10 minutes and my shoulders get cold. ball gowns are so over-rated.
ACK no no no. A lot of people want to be first to post or they do not read carefully or misuse punctuation.

Or they do not read back pages start, midway and end to see what is going on.


There is Caylee's hair in the trunk. A fetus does not have hair. Otay?

not that it matters because it was likely another one of casey's lies but fetuses actually DO have starts to grow around the fourth week after conception.

and i'm confused by your last two posts, regarding mr steed and ball gowns wth? relevance to this case? :confused:
not that it matters because it was likely another one of casey's lies but fetuses actually DO have starts to grow around the fourth week after conception.

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I'm adding on here just because I need a place to put my thought and have been glued to my computer for the past 10 mhours reading the 600 docs. I've just finished reading the Lee Anthony interview. Boy does he have a hard time finishiong his sentences...I feel very suspicious of him. I feel he is not to be trusted...he is working both sides. I don't like the way he constantly laughs inappropriately and also uses the Casey favorite word: "absolutely"....which actually means sure, not in your life....

Anyway he goes on about retrieving Casey's laptop from Tony's which we find out is actually Cindy's laptop . (apparently Cindy doesn't mind)...And then he goes on to say about how everything from before the 16th or so has ben deleted and that the only way someone could have done this was to go manually into Yahoo and delete mail and other accounts. He seems to know a lot about this and also says it could have been a virus as someone or (some alien) deleted the necessary window files to even boot up the computer so he could log in.

I have a hunch he may be lying and that he is the one who in fact deleted all the files and emails. He is also a lier of sorts giving out more info than needed or asked for though in this case relevant...but I know from watching TruTV there is sometimes this very cooperative person on a crime scene who tries to be soo helpful who ends up being the suspect....The One Who Done It. i won't swear that I think Lee had anything to do with this but I do think he is also covering his sisters arse. While he talks freely he also gave all the receipts to Baez And doesn't seem to care.

he also doesnt seem to care at all about Caylee and I am not sure where he is coming from. He seems more concerned for his parents ...I'm not even sure of that.

he is dumb dumb and dumber than dumb and even dumber to believe the Casey story she made up on the fly about Caylee being kidnapped and the nesting squirrels who got up in the engine around the 9th.

They think that just because Casey ("the spiteful " her words) admits to lying that the next sentence out out her mouth tagged as confession is the truth. And they stop there and play into her hands. Thus this charade.

Is there any way to rattle peoples brains and put sense in?

If Lee wanted Caylee found he would have given the receipts over to LE and so would have George and Cindy. Lee makes the family out to be like : gee I dont know what to do with these funny things.....just hold onto them as suvieniers till Baez turns up and says :"I want them". As if they are wee naive folk new to the system (instead of as with holding evidence and giving them to an attorney who may not do a proper accounting of them).

They want to protect their darling Casey. Lee is like a pawn with an motive.

just bothered by this and need to put this out there. Thanks.

I haven't read the other posts I stand guilty of what the original poster accused other of...but as you all know by now the lies are coming out...Wow..i mean being exposed for what they are.

Also no doubt now in my mind George is the one who cleaned the car out with chloroform having been a car salesman most of his life. He loves cleaning cars...
I am also getting really scared now. the interview reveals that as far back as the beginning of june Caylee was being abducted at night. Tony would wake up, all three of them having slept together and Caylee would be gone but Casey would be there sleeping.

tony also says on at least four occassions Caylee wakes up in the middle of night soaked in sweat and having nightmares about 'the relationship'. No clothes or belongings or diapers etc are found at Tony's.

This is horrible but is it possible that Casey contracted with some pedofile ring?

I am convinced now, Casey did this crime. She did it for spite as she says so herself and just doesn't want to tell her mother.
I am also getting really scared now. the interview reveals that as far back as the beginning of june Caylee was being abducted at night. Tony would wake up, all three of them having slept together and Caylee would be gone but Casey would be there sleeping.

tony also says on at least four occassions Caylee wakes up in the middle of night soaked in sweat and having nightmares about 'the relationship'. No clothes or belongings or diapers etc are found at Tony's.

This is horrible but is it possible that Casey contracted with some pedofile ring?

I am convinced now, Casey did this crime. She did it for spite as she says so herself and just doesn't want to tell her mother.

It wasn't Caylee having the night sweats/nightmares, it was Casey. Also, Casey admitted taking Caylee home-she was not abducted.
I've heard from the NG show that KC did not pack any clothes for Caylee when she left on the 16th.
I'm disregarding the quote from George that they had backpacks because a) something is fishy about that statement b) you can't get very many clothes in a child's backpack c) someone said no clothes were missing from Caylee's room.

Anyone have more details on that fact?

Who said "nothing was missing from Caylee's room"? Did Cindy say that?

If it can be verified I think it would prove that something happened on the 16th.
Also...Caylee NEVER slept with casey and tony....that was rm
I can believe that squirrels might nest under the hood of a car, if the car was parked in a field and never moved but I doubt Casey's car ever stayed parked long enough for squirrels to nest in it.[/QUOTE

I've had some experience with this. When Casey is talking 'squirrels' is a reflexion of her own unconscious. To understand think metophorically. Think symbolically such as what does the idea of having squirels nesting in your 'mind' (auto =self) mean? Squirrells are quarrelsome little creatures hiding and hoarding 'food-information'.

It would suggest her conscience was beginning to bother her and that she could not concentrate. it would mean bits of information were being moved around in a furious manner being stored for future use. Also squirrels are thieves...they steal from other words she is stealing the food from her own intuition (intuiion=bird).

She was in a hurry to come up with an excuse fast and against her better judgement made the squirrel scenario up. She had to quickly bury the feelings/thoughts that were coming to the surface, Another way out to keep her mother from slaughtering her psychologically and keep herself from seeing her mothers anguish. Lee in his own way was aiding and abetting her trying to let her come up with a way out. (though I am not so sure he is totally aware of this.) or else he thinks others aren't.

it is a clever trick of Casey's to take the NOW moment and dissapate it into another time line and reference.

That she is trying to implicate her father though is an interesting point.
The FBI investigated the tip and concluded that the girl seen isn't Caylee, who disappeared more than three months ago, according to

Caylee's grandfather, George Anthony, also saw the pictures and said he doesn't think they're of his granddaughter either, reported.,2933,426465,00.html
Lake Jessup is on a toll road right? I wonder if she had to make several passes over the alligator swamp- till it was nice and secluded? :furious::furious:

Yep a $2 toll. You can see alligators in the water.
And furthermore ... wouldn't her sexual relationship with TonE have halted immediately after an abortion (spontaneous therapeutic or otherwise)?

Following an abortion, there are to be no non-sterile objects inserted into the vagina for 10 days to 2 weeks; no penis, no tampons!
I just wanted to point out something about the fact Kobe is now working for the defense. Just because he has been hired does not mean he will be on their side. Do you really believe he would lie or make up statements of evidence in order to help Casey?
This is a guy with a professional reputation and practice. He's not going to throw it away on any case for any amount of money. If he's unethical, he's ruined his career and livelyhood.
In all possibilities, what he uncovers about Casey may not even remotely agree with the way the defense is going. If he finds something that hurts the case, they will not use his testimony for sure.
By the defense hiring him, they have kept the prosecution from hiring Kobe to work for them in convicting Casey. It's a smart move on the defense's part to lock up Kobe regardless which way this case is heading.
We and Nancy too might not like the idea that he is working for the defense but we should consider the big picture of what is happening. Any of us, if necessary would want the best defense and tatics money could buy. Just my opinion but I think we need to look at this both ways.

He chose to accept though. He didn't have to. And he made it obvious he would try to defeat evidence the day he questioned the FBI results.
I noticed that. She asks him what is the latest and interrupts him to finish it for him. She was really rude to just about everybody on there tonight! She makes me SO mad!
Don't feel bad for the lawyers. Argument is sport to them--and bonus! They get paid to do it!

Nancy's not hurting their feelings.

ETA: A recent pregnancy would be quite simple to verify (or discount), medically.
A poster jumped to conclusions or was misread. Did not happen. NTW: miscarriage, maybe, like GA's "stroke" an invention. (see Amy H's statement in 600)

Has anyone here seen Casey's signature on her original statement? I'm an artist who likes to paint and draw from my own inner lanscape so i've made a long time study of how my moods and how life affects the marks I make on a page. Casey's handwriten signatur that day is a complete and total bloody mess of severed detachment.

it is as though she cut the head off of her own body leaving it like a helpless dog and then she is holding the head in her hands and looking into it as in a mirror.

She made the first two letters of Casey pretty much the same size...that's herself holding her head in her though finding a new mirror (maybe 'mirror mirror on the wall comes into play here' because i don't think Casey knows who she is...she has no real identy) the rest of her signature is a screwed up recklessly drawn suggestive of bloody turmoil mess that if you look at the loops of the Y 's and other letters leaves a kind flying squirrelshape ...some sort of creature.

It is very clear that Casey wants to separate herself entirely from any association with her last name 'Anthony'...making it into an entirely separate entity.

I don't believe the miscarriage story but i do believe she had a miscarriage of faith and did something horrible to her child.
Where is that coming from? I read the documents and I only saw a brief mention of her having a miscarriage by Brandon. Nothing about putting it in the car. Has anyone else read this?

The only other place I've read about a fetus in the trunk was in another thread by another poster.
She said she read it elsewhere and brought it here.
I didn't really put much stock in it, because that was the only time I'd heard of something like that happening.

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Posts: 4

I saw this on another blog and thought I would share

"CASEY WAS PREGNANT AGAIN. We all know that Casey's legs have never met. She was banging guys like drums. She got pregnant again. CAYLEE IS ALIVE. The decomposing fluids are from a self-induced abortion. That is why the knife was in the trunk. She has to cut the umbilical cord. George threw out the afterbirth that was covered in flies. She could not tell her parents or her mom would make her keep the baby. She was binge drinking to try and kill the baby. CAYLEE IS ALIVE. CASEY GAVE HERSELF AN ABORTION!!!!"

There was some speculation that Casey was pregnant several months ago, based on a comment on one of her x's page. like we have to put up with KC being pregnant again. Or something like that.

I don't know about the abortion, but if she miscarried at like 3 or 4 months. she could have put the fetus in the trunk and the choroform was bought to try to clean up the mess.

she could have sold caylee or gave her to someone.

Just thoughts.

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