Nancy Grace 9-23 Show: A couple claims new pics show Caylee ALIVE!

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Disability? Don't you have to be disabled in order to be on disability leave?
I think Kathy B. got her wires crossed.

Cindy may be on what's called Family leave. A time when an employee needs to be with the family - most often in the event of a birth or adoption. But, I guess it can work the other way too. If she is employed where Family leave is granted.
She didnt have a miscarriage! Shes lying to cover up the smell of CAYLEES body! Its obvious. First she tried the squirrel thing ahead of time, then the miscarriage story. Its all baloney and I now believe it was all premedatated

I have come to that conclusion myself. I felt from the beginning she was hit in the head with something (just one of those knowledge things) but had discounted it along the way to a shadow of doubt with an accident. Now I am back to cold, calculated premeditation after reading the statements today.
Leonard talking about Casey going through the EZ pass on the highways - LE can get info from them.

I personally believe they have something there. That was asked early on and LP didn't want to comment - I believe they found what they were looking for in those computers of the fastpass.
fwiw rm's globe article said he thought caylee's father was named brandon, dunno if that adds anything at all here, the name just caught my attention
And when did we start believing what comes out of Casey's mouth??
She can tell Amy all day long that she had a miscarriage - didn't she also tell Amy that they were going to live together in the A's house because CA & GA so graciously were going to move out and let their sociopathic daughter have the house?? Oh and didn't she steal from Amy??
What will a jury ever make of Casey and all of her lies.


Agreed! I wish / hope her ego is big enough that she insists on taking the stand despite counsel's advice! Maybe she would even include a few f*bombs to make her points clearer. : )
I just wanted to point out something about the fact Kobe is now working for the defense. Just because he has been hired does not mean he will be on their side. Do you really believe he would lie or make up statements of evidence in order to help Casey?
This is a guy with a professional reputation and practice. He's not going to throw it away on any case for any amount of money. If he's unethical, he's ruined his career and livelyhood.
In all possibilities, what he uncovers about Casey may not even remotely agree with the way the defense is going. If he finds something that hurts the case, they will not use his testimony for sure.
By the defense hiring him, they have kept the prosecution from hiring Kobe to work for them in convicting Casey. It's a smart move on the defense's part to lock up Kobe regardless which way this case is heading.
We and Nancy too might not like the idea that he is working for the defense but we should consider the big picture of what is happening. Any of us, if necessary would want the best defense and tatics money could buy. Just my opinion but I think we need to look at this both ways.

Para One: Yes. He has already "fudged" on NG. No true pro does that under oath or not. My opinion. : )
Cindy may be on what's called Family leave. A time when an employee needs to be with the family - most often in the event of a birth or adoption. But, I guess it can work the other way too. If she is employed where Family leave is granted.

Is this info from the Anthonys? Hoo boy. See donation threads for other tips. Just sayin'.
Me too! They all over use the heck out of that word! Absolutely!

Geesh! Now the word has no meaning at all, the way they use it. Grrr. I've gotta chill, peeps!

I would prefer NG looking at me via camera every 5 second and saying Bombshell! to the continued A-word of YES! REALLY! EXACTLY (=NOT!) from the Anthonys.

Just sayin.
I personally believe they have something there. That was asked early on and LP didn't want to comment - I believe they found what they were looking for in those computers.

wonder if that is the shocking evidence we would hear about. I think my eyes are going crossed from all of this.
I am not able to watch NG, so could anyone tell me about the pictures that was supposedly Caylee?
I am not able to watch NG, so could anyone tell me about the pictures that was supposedly Caylee?

That was what the program was going to do until they knew about the doct drop. BTW, FBI was on it and dismissed it. Also, there was a security cam that caught KC doing some "intresting banking" an hour afterward. Different states.
what I've come across so far pertaining to a miscarriage was in Amy's interview::

May 25th: Anything but clothes party. A "run-in" with a guy named Brandon. Casey told Amy that she "had a miscarriage with and it was a very emotional run-in. And she was very, very, very upset at that point." Casey went missing for an hour and a half at the party.

That is the only place it is mentioned in the 317 pages. So where is this putting it in the car coming from???
That is the only place it is mentioned in the 317 pages. So where is this putting it in the car coming from???

A poster jumped to conclusions or was misread. Did not happen. NTW: miscarriage, maybe, like GA's "stroke" an invention. (see Amy H's statement in 600)
OMG! She had a miscarriage and put "it" in the car! I hadn't heard that either. Good grief!

Where is that coming from? I read the documents and I only saw a brief mention of her having a miscarriage by Brandon. Nothing about putting it in the car. Has anyone else read this?

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