Nancy Grace - Fri., 1/23/09

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Chitwood feels that George had picked out a motel with an ocean view and was going to end his life. He has no doubts.

Bolded by me - I'm local and actually this motel is in, ahem, let's put it this way, "a not very desirable location" on Ridgewood Ave (US 1), and is not on the ocean. Wonder why Chief C would say that about an ocean view? Unless they thought maybe GA planned to drive over to the ocean to do something there?

Link to local Daytona news report (DBNJ):

(Local news at 6 also said he picked that motel because it was only $35 and he said he had hardly any money - I'm trying to find the link for that newscast).
Considering the circumstances around this event GA is likely to be transferred to a mental health facility to further monitor his well being. Considering most psychiatric medications take at least two weeks to notice effect, I would imagine he would be under observation for at least that amount of time.

At least, I'm hoping this is what happens. I can't imagine his physicians sending him home in that critical first two weeks of starting an anti-depressant (assuming they have). He needs the rest for sure, but most importantly, his reaction to any medications needs to be carefully monitored.

I agree. And during the med ramp up, he is likely to be on Ativan for at least a few days. And wise physicians are not going to send a patient home with that unmonitored after a suicide attempt. Especially one involving pills.
It's obvious that the only light in GA's life was Caylee and now she is gone and what does he have left?
I can understand this but didn't they say the notes were also defensive of Casey, that he didn't believe she killed Caylee?
I agree. And during the med ramp up, he is likely to be on Ativan for at least a few days. And wise physicians are not going to send a patient home with that unmonitored after a suicide attempt. Especially one involving pills.

Excellent point. I hadn't considered his frailty and having pills at his disposal. I do believe he's in at least for a couple of weeks. Which is a good thing.
Well that doesn't suprise me in the least that Cindy would be mad at George!!

Too bad she couldn't say the same for Casey!! :furious:

I missed everything tonight, thanks all for blogging all the info.
I can not believe a wife (CA) would get mad because her husband was so
miserable that he wanted to end his life..........oh please GA family get in there and help him stay away from CA!!! He really needs love, support and counseling! Imagine GA had to go along with CA lies, Testify against KC at GJ,
GA is a puppet in the family unit and everyone yells at him???
Yes, that's what was reported. I don't believe for a second that he really believes that. He may be saying that for public consumption, but a man who is driven to such pain and despair (and it was obvious when he was on LKL) knows the truth, IMO.
I just emailed NG and asked if they could get a pic of George taking Caylee for a ride on her little red wagon. Wouldn't that be a beautiful, memorable picture?
Yes, that's what was reported. I don't believe for a second that he really believes that. He may be saying that for public consumption, but a man who is driven to such pain and despair (and it was obvious when he was on LKL) knows the truth, IMO.
Yes, I agree with you.
I believe that GA has accepted little Caylee's death but simply can not put it together that Casey did it . Imo, that is why he would rather leave this life and go be with little Caylee . For his sake, I pray this trial will not drag on for a lengthy time in order for him to get through this , so he can begin to mend from all the heartache . My prayers will go up for him to find the strength to survive until the trial is over. He was stated to say he wanted to be with Caylee in order to protect her, it would have been a godsend had he realized that she needed protection before her mother killed her. How sad this is.
Knowing someone who works with Mr. Chitwood, it was said (off the record) that he discussed the case in order to dispel any possible rumors about what actually happened or what GA actually said. Made sense to me.

This is the impression I got as well. That he was offering as much info as he needed to dispel rumors and convey some sympathy towards GA. Which I fully believe LE has for him.
Excellent point. I hadn't considered his frailty and having pills at his disposal. I do believe he's in at least for a couple of weeks. Which is a good thing.

I am also thinking physicians will factor in the contents of the note in deciding where he can be released. i.e. not home

Any locals want to chime in? Do you know if Orlando has a 'mobile' mental health program? Some areas have support clinics that will do daily in-home counseling, symptom & drug monitoring. This might be an option.
Id there a link that I missed on JVM? tonight? I missed her also.........
Copy of incident report for anyone who wants to read it:

One other fact I thought was interesting on local reports was that they reported JB was with KC at the jail until midnight the night this all happened. Is that normal procedure? I guess I had never realized lawyers would be with clients at the jail that late:

Jose Baez told Eyewitness News he got a call from Anthony family attorney Brad Conway on Thursday night that George Anthony was missing. Baez was at the jail visiting Casey until midnight and returned to see her Friday morning around 11:00am.
Id there a link that I missed on JVM? tonight? I missed her also.........

No link....I even started a link for Larry King Live...he devoted a 1/2 hour with a very good panel (knocked out Joy Behar!). But I deleted it cuz it didn't seem anyone was watching....only 12 posts....guess we are all so consumed about today's horrible news...
I was glad that NG showed compassion and empathy to GA tonight.
It kind of bothers me that this LEO would go on TV to describe what kind of state George was in.

It bothers me too. It just seems that some things should be private. They could announce that George had planned to take his life today but thankfully is now in the hospital where he will have people to help him through this. The public doesn't need to know every little detail :furious:
It bothers me too. It just seems that some things should be private. They could announce that George had planned to take his life today but thankfully is now in the hospital where he will have people to help him through this. The public doesn't need to know every little detail :furious:

Respectfully bolded by me

I agree Bobbisangel. I was surprised that the police officer actually gave an interview about what he spoke about with GA during the ride over to the hospital. It's inappropriate.

As far as the letter that GA wrote, it isn't any of the publics business. HE is not under arrest and he did not kill Caylee. Now I do understand that many people think that he should be prosecuted but I will leave that determination up to the LE. To date, LE hasn't expressed any notion of arresting any of the A's.

After NG a show comes on, I believe it is called Lou Dobbs? Mr. Dobbs opened his show with the statement that GA had been taken into custody.
It's obvious that the only light in GA's life was Caylee and now she is gone and what does he have left?

I think this might be the gist of GA's problem. Why doesn't he stick by Caylee? Unfortunately there are only two sides here, Caylee's or KC. Harsh reality, but it's the truth. To protect and lie for his daughter sold Caylee out. The FBI agent and OCSO tried to explain this to GA and CA and they just ignored them. The answer for GA might be a hard one to accept, but it's clear as day.
After NG a show comes on, I believe it is called Lou Dobbs? Mr. Dobbs opened his show with the statement that GA had been taken into custody.

What!!! What type of custody? Do you mean arrested? Please elaborate.
I feel so terrible for George. It might be mean to say but I don't feel as bad for cindy. It seems he has NOONE there for him, not even his own wife. Granted we don't know what goes on behind closed doors, I just get the impression that Cindy is as bad as Casey. Cares about herself and her image. And Caylee and now George are being left behiond in it. I don't even know how to word what I'm trying to say. I just feel so awful.

Do you remember the picture of George sitting out in his car crying? That just broke my heart. It was like he didn't dare cry in front of his family but had to go out and sit in his car to do it. Why couldn't he cry in front of his wife? Wasn't she supportive of his pain? At a time like this you would think that one spouse would hold the other when they broke down and cried but it doesn't seem to be the case here.

My aunt and uncle lost a little 6 yr old boy to a drowning. My aunt told me that the death of a child will either bring the parents closer or push them apart. They ended up divorcing. I think a lot of parents end up divorced.
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