Nancy Grace - Mon., 1/19/2009

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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So why did she sign Amy's name then?!

I know!!! :) I thought about that when posting but didn't think of anything, I am not a defense proponent, I was just floating a fun and an initial draft for a possible theory. There are a few gotchas though :waitasec:

It makes you realize though, even when you have clear evidence it can be spun and the justice system has an upward struggle -- far easier to defend and poke holes.
Boy I agree 100% here SuziQ. Seems to me the "Tell Zani I forgive her" was just KC's way of saying, "Look how good I am Mommy... I'd even forgive kidnappers!"

That, or, she's forgiving herself
Good thinking.
As far as exploring the blue cooler scenario, perhaps she moved the bag into the cooler because of the smell and probably never saw the stain. Only after she dumped the body did she realize the smell wasn't leaving and that was why she grabbed TonE's garbage and stuck it in there. We know the body had been in the trunk 2.6 days, but do we absolutely know when the body was dumped?
The body, imo, was not in the trunk for 2.6 days. The tests only show it was at 2.6 days of decomposition when it was last in the trunk meaning it could have been in there only minutes (or the taken to drive around the corner).

I don't think the cooler has anything to do with the body or the removal.
No, we definitely do NOT know when the body was dumped. Caylee could have been thrown into the truck at first, then when decompostion began, KC panicked and move her somewhere else. Or she could have had Caylee elsewhere at first, placed her into the trunk for those 2.6 days, decomp because unmistakable and she was moved again. There could have been several moves.

I know someone said she would have been difficult to move with the fluids and all, but she did end up in the woods, so somebody had to have moved her, so why not more than one move?

We'll find out about the cooler when they tell us, IF they tell us. How large was this cooler?
We DO know that she backed the car into the garage three(?) days in a row. I can see her panicked, trying to figure out what to put a decomposing body into. Perhaps the first day she borrowed the shovel to heap in lime or dirt? Next day, she dumped in pool chemicals to clear up the smell, then third day, she figured out the cooler would work?

I'll need to go back and look. This brings up the issues I have with George seeing into the trunk, describing the blue bin to LE and then not seeing in the trunk to FBI.
We DO know that she backed the car into the garage three(?) days in a row. I can see her panicked, trying to figure out what to put a decomposing body into. Perhaps the first day she borrowed the shovel to heap in lime or dirt? Next day, she dumped in pool chemicals to clear up the smell, then third day, she figured out the cooler would work?

I'll need to go back and look. This brings up the issues I have with George seeing into the trunk, describing the blue bin to LE and then not seeing in the trunk to FBI.

Was it three days she backed her car in the garage? I thought it was once
It was all just a mis-understanding, KC pulled out and used the wrong set of checks. She was holding AH's for safe keeping because AH had left them in the car. That's why KC signed her own name, she thought it was her check.


But for that to work, Casey would have to have her own checking account, and I don't think she had one.

I was in banking for almost 20 years and had to testify on behalf of banks in many cases like this one. It's slam dunk, so I am puzzled by Baez' claim that he'll prove KC innocent of the check charges.
That would explain the one check. What about those others where she wrote Amy's name? But then, Casey didn't have a job so exactly where was she getting money to put into her checking account to write so many checks in a week's time?

To play along with the theory, maybe KC was buying things for AH, absently signed AH's name because the stuff was for AH to stock up ready for her return.

Also maybe KC was confused, in silent anguish because Caylee was missing so KC was living in a daze and she wasn't sure what she was doing, where she was going. Just going through the motions and shopping and surviving. :)

[Back to reality from defense lala land, it is also worthy to note that KC bought 'stuff' but NONE of that stuff included anything for Caylee!!!!]
I know!!! :) I thought about that when posting but didn't think of anything, I am not a defense proponent, I was just floating a fun and an initial draft for a possible theory. There are a few gotchas though :waitasec:

It makes you realize though, even when you have clear evidence it can be spun and the justice system has an upward struggle -- far easier to defend and poke holes.
LOL They will come up with some outlandish tale for the Amy told her she could do it because she had added her to the account and Casey didn't know any better. They will try to get Amy into it some way.
Was it three days she backed her car in the garage? I thought it was once

Neighbor says three times that week, her cell phone pings show it would have to be the 18, 19 + 20th. Probably cleaning the trunk on the 19th and 20th.
The last statement about the dump date was from the media when they said the state believes she killed her intentionally. They said then that they were working with the 16th as the date of death and the 18th as the body dumping day.

Based on the evidence we have seen them talk about from the trunk I think Caylee went into the trunk wrapped in a blanket at the most. The stain and the hair (there was more than one hair found, only one had the death ring on it) she does not seem to be in a bag at that time to me. I think she bagged the body after the purging of the body and the start of the decomp smell. She was at the Anthony home when she did this and possibly considered burying her in the yard (dog hits and the borrowed shovel), but decided against it and tossed her in the woods. Possibly a very shallow burial since the PIs came armed with search tools designed to find burial sites.

Wish I had seen this before I went into the whole three days diatribe. LOL
I like this! I can also see her removing the body from the yard and perhaps making use of the cooler. It has handles. Heck, she could drag it to the trunk...
We DO know that she backed the car into the garage three(?) days in a row. I can see her panicked, trying to figure out what to put a decomposing body into. Perhaps the first day she borrowed the shovel to heap in lime or dirt? Next day, she dumped in pool chemicals to clear up the smell, then third day, she figured out the cooler would work?

I'll need to go back and look. This brings up the issues I have with George seeing into the trunk, describing the blue bin to LE and then not seeing in the trunk to FBI.

She couldn't have used the cooler for Caylee because it would have smelled awful and the family would have pitched it long before the car was found - unless the cooler was in the trunk - but it did come from the A house, didn't it?

Yes, that car backed into the garage makes me think she was trying to figure out what to do with the body. Digging up the backyard or even the woods out back would have been too much trouble for KC. Dumping was far easier.
LOL They will come up with some outlandish tale for the Amy told her she could do it because she had added her to the account and Casey didn't know any better. They will try to get Amy into it some way.

The defense is going to throw so many different people at the wall and see if they can make anyone stick. :mad:
That, or, she's forgiving herself

For what? She doesn't feel she did anything wrong. She feels she was entitled to do what she did. The girl has ice water running through her veins.
She couldn't have used the cooler for Caylee because it would have smelled awful and the family would have pitched it long before the car was found - unless the cooler was in the trunk - but it did come from the A house, didn't it?

Yes, that car backed into the garage makes me think she was trying to figure out what to do with the body. Digging up the backyard or even the woods out back would have been too much trouble for KC. Dumping was far easier.

It's possible she used it to transport the chemicals. :confused:
But for that to work, Casey would have to have her own checking account, and I don't think she had one.

I was in banking for almost 20 years and had to testify on behalf of banks in many cases like this one. It's slam dunk, so I am puzzled by Baez' claim that he'll prove KC innocent of the check charges.

Suzi, I think that is standard defense speak... I will prove my client completly innocent of________. (fill in the blank... No client is ever guilty no matter what.)
Suzi, I think that is standard defense speak... I will prove my client completly innocent of________. (fill in the blank... No client is ever guilty no matter what.)

True dat. He's not going to say "Well we have no chance with that. We're screwed!!!" :bang:
It's possible she used it to transport the chemicals. :confused:

Yes, that's true. I hadn't thought of that. But she did have some sort of a bin in her car, according to GA. Why not use it instead of the cooler?

Wait a minute. We're trying to use logic where there is none. KC did her stuff and probably didn't use any common sense at all.
I've never seen anything like these dynamics!
They do act as if they're scared to death of her!

You'd be afraid too of someone who kills her own flesh and blood (or anybody else's, for that matter. Why they'd want her out on bail and living with them is a mystery.
Panel of lawyers says JB's shopping for entertainment deal is a conflict of interest.

Not only the legal aspect but there is chance the A's may have other plans of what becomes of this story, imo. Isn't this the oddest case ever , it is every man for himself. $$$$
Does anyone else remember the day in late July or early August, that the media showed George coming out of the garage and loading a fairly large, rectangular shaped cooler in the back of his car? He told a reporter he was making a short trip to Georgia to check out a sighting. He wasn't gone long though..........I don't think he was gone long enough to make a round trip to Georgia.
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