Nancy Grace Mon Sept 8 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Hi all, I wonder if Casey ever told anyone else that she gave Caylee to that Zanny chick? How weird that this is coming out now.

Thats not new, she has been saying that..she just added the Samantha and 3 kids part a few weeks ago
I believe that was his own Father he threw out of the plate glass window of his
Father's car dealership where George went to work for his Dad after
quitting as a cop.

I know. I was just making a joke. I changed father to sargent because it fit the joke.
Yeah and they think shes in Texas but did they fly there? No they bought security cams and system.
Casey makes no mention of Caylee, acts like nothing is going on.
Cindy treats her with kid gloves, Geurge just walks circles aroind her, and Le just treats her like a kid sister.
per Leonard about how family acted inside the house when he was there.

That is the most sickening part of that statement. :(
OK, what is it about this family dynamic that has caused this whole family to walk on eggshells around Casey? Why does GP ignore her, why does GM kiss her beehind and why is Lee so enthralled with her? Why is she the end all and be all of this family. I have never felt such disdain for anyone in my life and I don't see what this family sees in her. I almost hate her. she turns my stomach when I see her face. Yet she runs this whole family.

She sure does!:furious:
OMG! What a circus at thrit home and CAsey could put a stop to it all!
If she would tell where Caylee is at!
Thats not new, she has been saying that..she just added the Samantha and 3 kids part a few weeks ago

O I knew someone would have that on their avatar.. No offense , but that image is more than Blink can stomach today:blowkiss:
This whole family needs counseling. I have been in Law Enforcement for 17 years and I thought I had seen it all until now. If Caylee is found alive then she should never go back to these unstable people.
Very sickening, KC controls the whole pile of enablers, unbelieveable and that makes them even sicker then she is. You know you are only as sick as your secrets.
You are so right on! Sickest thing I've ever seen!
I just can't believe it!

When will there be an end to this charade???
Did you all just see and hear what the neighbors have to put up with because of those protesters?

I am not blaming anyone but the protesters. My Lord. These people give anyone who logs on the Internet a bad name.
The missing children on the left side of the screen break my heart. Casey knows where Caylee is. So many other children need this focus.
Ladylike or not, what gives someone the right to lay hands on anyone. FYI she wasnt standing on his property and he just walks up to her and shoves her. I personally think its a waste for people to stand in front of their house with signs but that is a protestors right.

Watch it one more time with your eyes open.
OK, what is it about this family dynamic that has caused this whole family to walk on eggshells around Casey? Why does GP ignore her, why does GM kiss her beehind and why is Lee so enthralled with her? Why is she the end all and be all of this family. I have never felt such disdain for anyone in my life and I don't see what this family sees in her. I almost hate her. she turns my stomach when I see her face. Yet she runs this whole family.

DA-DA-DAAAA!!!! The million dollar question! What has caused the family dynamic to be this way?

I think that's why so many folks have question the nature of their relationships, who's Caylee's father, etc, etc.
Rob thinks she put Caylee in the dumpster on the 28th. Where was Caylee from the 15th until then?

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