Nancy Grace Mon Sept 8 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Passive, I see you are a newbie, one of our TOS is to "attack the post" and not the poster.. Just a reminder.

I noticed 100% of your posts since you joined are supportive of the Anthony's and against the protestors, I am wondering if you are perhaps a neighbor and could give us a perspective from that view?

Or are you family or friend of the Anthonys
That would have to be most stressful these days.
Passive, I see you are a newbie, one of our TOS is to "attack the post" and not the poster.. Just a reminder.

I noticed 100% of your posts since you joined are supportive of the Anthony's and against the protestors, I am wondering if you are perhaps a neighbor and could give us a perspective from that view?

Good grief, I seriously don't know how much more of this crap I can take. What gets me, is this family is as cool as a cucumber and the rest of us are losing it. It is just wrong on so many levels.

Something stinks and it aint a freakin pizza. /rant
Excuse me? You being rude wont last here.

I wasn't being rude in the slightest and my sincerest apologies if you think I was.

I watched the video over and over and the woman is VERY antagonistic at best.

She was screaming "where are you from, Ohio?" and then the other point-blank insults as well.

She obviosuley is from some place a little less refinied than the midwest.

So if I don't make a post that is popular do I get booted?
O I knew someone would have that on their avatar.. No offense , but that image is more than Blink can stomach today:blowkiss:

Its just for today..then I go and put my baby back..:)
Ya know, they should revoke her bond (contact with a minor, gun in car whatever) and put her in general population and maybe she will talk! I am mad enough to want to see it! Her sickening smiles and lies wont go far with the Big Girls..!

You know, I was thinking the same thing.
OK, what is it about this family dynamic that has caused this whole family to walk on eggshells around Casey? Why does GP ignore her, why does GM kiss her beehind and why is Lee so enthralled with her? Why is she the end all and be all of this family. I have never felt such disdain for anyone in my life and I don't see what this family sees in her. I almost hate her. she turns my stomach when I see her face. Yet she runs this whole family.

Doesn't it make you wonder what is at the source of this power she holds over her family?
Is it some family secret that is worth covering up a murder to keep hidden? Crazy!!
No high five yet.

Thank you, I thought she would be all over that one. Thank you again for answering me. I agree with Tricia though and wish the protesters would think of something more constructive to do.

I feel so bad for all the neighbors.
OK, what is it about this family dynamic that has caused this whole family to walk on eggshells around Casey? Why does GP ignore her, why does GM kiss her beehind and why is Lee so enthralled with her? Why is she the end all and be all of this family. I have never felt such disdain for anyone in my life and I don't see what this family sees in her. I almost hate her. she turns my stomach when I see her face. Yet she runs this whole family.

I'm guessing it's b/c she's a bully!! jmo
I hope he does for your sake, I dont want you to get jealous. :crazy:

Oh no, no jealousy here. I feel secure. My blue dress is sexier and my boots are real leather.

George threw his father through a plate glass window at the father's car dealership in Ohio.

is that why he got fired as a cop in ohio?

it's been bugging me. being a cop is like being a nurse. you can just about work anywhere. even if you get fired in one place, you could get a job in another place. thats why it is really bugging me that he isnt working as a cop.
That Kobi should not have taken this case. Someone with his reputation didn't need to take this and make himself sound stupid. He should have refused it. It may be the undoing of his career.
Yes, Blink...also alot more similars...

check out website ls1tech website...user name, nitrouspowrdss. read all post by him and from him. familiar names. date disappeared.

he graduated class of 2003 Colonial High School, also

i have done quite a bit of research on him...

what kind of things are similar with chloroform and nitrous oxide...hmmm
fuel used for race cars.

more, but not sure anyone is interested...guy at the parts store

also, something that i distinctly remember from the interview with George and Cindy by Greta...when they were discussing the gas issue and the car being out of gas, and the gauge being broken, Cindy said something about one of Casey's friends fixing it...was that AFTER it was picked up at the tow yard or before? What friend?? AND, I looked at the transcript and can't find where Cindy said that, but I know that I heard her say that. Anyone else hear that, or can anyone find it in writing or a video to confirm that? I think it is important.


Nitrous oxide makes you high. It will suffocate you if you get too much. But, you wouldn't use it to make a child sleep.

Nitorous is a gas and dissapates too rapidly to be detected.

Chloroform comes in liquid form.

No lab would mistake one for the other.

Relatives say Caylee much more attached to her grandmother, than her own mother!
I wish Cindy had gotten legal custody! Then had the fight! and kept the little one.

My mom and I were dicussing this earlier and decided that that's why Cindy is so adament about protecting Casey, cause maybe she's feeling guilty about setting this whole thing in action. Who knows. Just our opinion.
Is this the first time it was confirmed by anyone besides GA that the car was out of gas? Has there been any confirmation from LE?

The car was on E, GA assumed at a glance it was empty and added gas, he never tried starting it though.

I am the queen of driving on "E", I can go pretty far. LOL!

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