NANCY GRACE - Monday, 12/29/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
thanks for answering about the Penneys receipts- so much to this case, sometimes its so hard to go back and think about what was said or what you heard -
I swear, if it turns out that ANYONE other than Casey knew where this child's body was, and let her lay there and rot to nothing, I will blow up the Rant and Rave thread with one long post that will take up so much server space!!!!!:furious:

I'm betting Baez had a pretty good idea....:mad:
That area is so thick, you would have to step on that bag to see it. There is no way the PI has a video of THAT area.

I think LP is way out of the water on this one, and is mad because Caylee wasn't found in the Little Econ where LP said she was.

LP has a screw loose! He isn't thought of very highly here in Sacramento at all. He can't be trusted!
I agree! Why is Leonard Padilla still involved in this. He just complicates everything! I don't even listen to him. He hasn't been right on one thing in this case!

He really should just back away slowly & go back to California & run for Mayor or chase fugitives or whatever he does out there.

He's already told us everything he knows...everything else is just speculation.

He's going to end up getting sued
LA, "Oh mister meter reader, would you mind going in to the woods and finding Caylee's body for me?"

Meter reader: Oh sure LA, no prob, and I won't tell the police you told me...

I have to hand it to you LP, this one is a WHOPPER!!
I don't understand why the PI was videotaping this area? Wasn't he the one out looking for an alive Caylee? Or am I confused? What possessed him to tape thsi particular area? Maybe the PI should be charged with oj also!

I do not, for one minute believe the meter reader had anything to do with this in any way! Nope, never, ever!
I feel so sorry for this poor guy that he's been pulled into the mess! But he isn't involved.

Why why why would this guy be sent out to tape that area if someone didn't know that "LATER" something would turn up?

Why? It's too fishy. Do you not thing the smellier it gets the worse it looks for the defendant?

It all looks like it's set up to make her look not smelly?
re: KC & LA "code talking"...... be nice to know what the dead hampster's NAME was.

On another thread - forget which one - LancelotLink (I think) wondered if the hampster's name was BLACK JACK!!!
Oh good grief!
I swear... there should be about 3 charges of obstruction of justice coming down soon, I think... no 4!!!... one for Jose too!!!:behindbar

JB has acted such a sleaze during this whole mess, I'd love for LE to be able to prove he had knowledge or did something that violates his standing as an officer of the court and gets him disbarred. I have no problem with KC having a proper defense, as I don't want her to win the inevitible appeal, but JB is beyond the pale.

While I don't think the MR had anything to do with this case other than finding sweet Caylee, I'm not so sure about LA....I am very suspicious of the fact that the poor baby was found while CA & GA were out of town, and CA may had had her thumb off LA for that short period of time....just sets off my hinky meter.....JMO
I swear, if it turns out that ANYONE other than Casey knew where this child's body was, and let her lay there and rot to nothing, I will blow up the Rant and Rave thread with one long post that will take up so much server space!!!!!:furious:

And I will be right behind ya:mad::bang:
Maybe he was a black hamster named jack. That could be the missing black jack. How you like my way of thinking?:crazy::crazy::crazy:

LOL....hey, I hated to *involve* the hampster......but he did live in the A house.......:)

but since KC buried him @ the secret place, maybe LA knew this also.
I think it odd when LA, when describing the car in the garage to LE in his interview and says 'that I smelled for the first time'. He is like KC, TMI .and why? LE did not ask him if that was the first time he smelled the car.
It doesn't make any sense to me.

If Casey is sitting in Jail claiming that Caylee is still alive 7 the baby sitter took her what does she have to gain by having Lee tell The Meter Reader where the body is?

I think LP just made the entire story up....Completely pulled it out of thin air

My response to the bolded part...

Especially since evidence found with Caylee links her murder to the Anthony home.

Unless Lee and Casey were trying to frame George and Cindy, THAT doesn't make sense.
His true colours are showing! ;)
His true colors? I wonder what he's been smoking!:crazy:
I couldn't believe my ears! Something is wrong in a major way here!
Leonard Padialla can't possibly believe that the MR has any hand in any of this!
I'm hoping there's a method to his madness tonight!:waitasec:
It's a ridiculous theory. If Lee moved the body, why wouldn't he do a better job of hiding it? Why would he leave items with the bag that led directly to the Anthony home? At this late date, with the remains being skeletal, he could have tossed the whole thing into a dumpster and no one would have ever known.

I guess LP didn't think of that.

Also, The Meter reader called back in early August.

Why would Lee & Casey want the Body found back then?

The medical examiner would have a much better chance at finding a cause of death

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