NANCY GRACE - Tuesday, 12/23/08

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Don't feel alone ~ it's obvious Casey and her mother didn't remember the last day they saw Caylee until reminded by a videotape and records from the nursing home! :eek:

Yeah, sort of defeats the whole "you always remember the last time you saw someone" theory. :rolleyes:

I know I remember things ONLY if something tramautic or out of the ordinary happens. I remember the last time I saw a friend before they were killed in a car accident two hours later. I remember the last time I saw my grandfather before he passed. Things like that.

So how did GA happen to remember the LAST time he saw Caylee? I don't think he did. And I don't think he saw her that AM anyway (you know, between 9-1, maybe when he was watching that cooking show? :rolleyes: ) If he does remember, IMO something BAD happened to make him remember. Which means he is hiding something.

Ok, back to subject, ITA it was very weird listening to KC's BS when we now know so much. Hearing her spin the lies, messing up here and there, but always spinning, spinning, spinning.
I noticed that too. One of a few little slip ups on her part, imo and I don't think she counted on Caylee ever being found.

I have been pondering this one Panthera...I first she may have panicked and placed Caylee where she did...hoping that she would not be found...

Later, after listening to some of the Lee jail house tapes, and some of the parents...I think she was trying to lead THEM to finding Caylee...of course to blame the babysitter, but then Casey could be the griving mother OUT of jail.
Have any of you noticed in the interviews that Casey never uses contrations? Instead of "I didn't" it is "I did not" or instead "I don't, it is "I do not" the whole way through. I don't know why this sticks out to me but it has all along... Its like it is not a frantic mom but a cool, rehearsed, "I have seen every Law and Order" episode and know how to respond act. Just wonderin.....
Exactly ~ talking in circles around unsuspecting friends and family but LE is no match for her! One thing I just picked up on tonight is the detective saying he wouldn't be able to remember what he did 5 wks. ago on a certain day (when asking her about the day before Caylee supposedly was taken) ~ so how was it her dad remembered in detail what she was wearing on 6/16? I think the detective just confirmed what I've thought all along that you wouldn't remember! MOO

You would remember IF the night before your wife had a fight with
your daughter and your daughter threatened to take your granddaughter
and said “you will never see us again"
... I'm not saying that's what happened but IMO
it would be a reason for George to remember what they were
Yeah, sort of defeats the whole "you always remember the last time you saw someone" theory. :rolleyes:

I know I remember things ONLY if something tramautic or out of the ordinary happens. I remember the last time I saw a friend before they were killed in a car accident two hours later. I remember the last time I saw my grandfather before he passed. Things like that.

So how did GA happen to remember the LAST time he saw Caylee? I don't think he did. And I don't think he saw her that AM anyway (you know, between 9-1, maybe when he was watching that cooking show? :rolleyes: ) If he does remember, IMO something BAD happened to make him remember. Which means he is hiding something.

Ok, back to subject, ITA it was very weird listening to KC's BS when we now know so much. Hearing her spin the lies, messing up here and there, but always spinning, spinning, spinning.

I am leaning towards believing that George never saw Caylee after the 15th...I think his stress, vomiting in the police interview is sheer terror at knowing he has done something he may go to jail for...
I am leaning towards believing that George never saw Caylee after the 15th...I think his stress, vomiting in the police interview is sheer terror at knowing he has done something he may go to jail for...

or at least the sheer terror...of knowing what his own daughter had done to his granddaughter.
or at least the sheer terror...of knowing what his own daughter had done to his granddaughter.

Yes...I think George is the one really openly grieving and AWARE...but watching him for all these months...he just always drew my attention in his eye contact or lack of, body language.

He is nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs...because he knows where this (not telling the truth/covering up) can lead.

Up to now he has semi cooperated with police...I still IMO do not think he has told them all he suspects or knows. I do think if anyone does, George will be the one to tell all he knows.
I am leaning towards believing that George never saw Caylee after the 15th...I think his stress, vomiting in the police interview is sheer terror at knowing he has done something he may go to jail for...

this might be true, although i think he would be more upset about the death of caylee than his going to jail, imo.

also, people who keep thinking george would ONLY remember seeing caylee and what she was wearing if it was during a traumatic event, or that he couldn't have remembered at all and is making it up...

keep in mind, she was missing for weeks. i am quite certain they were wondering where caylee was that whole time and didn't just start questioning and back-peddling their memories to figure out how long it was since they'd seen her when those weeks were up and the car was found.

i am sure they had conversations such as 'we need to get in touch with caylee, i'm worried, it's been 3 days and we haven't heard anything....are you sure it's 3 days or is it 4, yes it's 3, the last time was that day i was watching that show, she had that backpack you got her' or something to that effect.

so, really, to remember something that way isn't unlikely. maybe they were worried about casey's potential to hurt someone (caylee) and made a note of things like that. who knows? didn't you ever hear a suspicious sound, like maybe a gunshot or something, and you look at the time to remember it just in case something happened and you get asked about it?

i don't know what george does or doesn't know, i'm just saying, it's not impossible. i remember a lot of things, especially if i can look at a calendar and see the date--if i know what i did that day, then i know what i wore...and probably what you wore, too. some people are just like that.
Have any of you noticed in the interviews that Casey never uses contrations? Instead of "I didn't" it is "I did not" or instead "I don't, it is "I do not" the whole way through. I don't know why this sticks out to me but it has all along... Its like it is not a frantic mom but a cool, rehearsed, "I have seen every Law and Order" episode and know how to respond act. Just wonderin.....

I just read an article this morning about 'how to spot a player'. People telling lies generally don't use's always Do not, Cannot etc.

I tried to find the link just now but I couldn't. lol

So your feeling is correct!
this might be true, although i think he would be more upset about the death of caylee than his going to jail, imo.

also, people who keep thinking george would ONLY remember seeing caylee and what she was wearing if it was during a traumatic event, or that he couldn't have remembered at all and is making it up...

keep in mind, she was missing for weeks. i am quite certain they were wondering where caylee was that whole time and didn't just start questioning and back-peddling their memories to figure out how long it was since they'd seen her when those weeks were up and the car was found.

i am sure they had conversations such as 'we need to get in touch with caylee, i'm worried, it's been 3 days and we haven't heard anything....are you sure it's 3 days or is it 4, yes it's 3, the last time was that day i was watching that show, she had that backpack you got her' or something to that effect.

so, really, to remember something that way isn't unlikely. maybe they were worried about casey's potential to hurt someone (caylee) and made a note of things like that. who knows? didn't you ever hear a suspicious sound, like maybe a gunshot or something, and you look at the time to remember it just in case something happened and you get asked about it?

i don't know what george does or doesn't know, i'm just saying, it's not impossible. i remember a lot of things, especially if i can look at a calendar and see the date--if i know what i did that day, then i know what i wore...and probably what you wore, too. some people are just like that.

And yet, they didn't remember that Cindy had taken Caylee to see her father at the rest home on Father's day?

Nope, I don't buy it. Father's day is important and I don't think the prospect of this possibly being the Last Father's Day Cindy was ever going to spend with her dad escaped her. That could be one of the reasons she took little Caylee, and got video of the two of them together.

I don't think that fact escaped her at all, and she had two kids at her own house seeing their own dad George. I think father's day 2008 was a biggy.
And yet, they didn't remember that Cindy had taken Caylee to see her father at the rest home on Father's day?

Nope, I don't buy it. .

not trying to sell it. just bringing up the point that people don't all remember the same things the same way, no matter what the reason, so to say 'he would have' or 'he should' or 'it's impossible' is kind of pointless when we don't know. in all honesty, someone in the midst of a situation of a missing/possibly dead child at the hands of their less-than-stable daughter just might let father's day slip her mind. not just cindy, i mean anyone.

it's like all those people saying that if there was a bathing suit found with the evidence, we 'definitely' know it happened during the day near a pool. uh, no we don't know that, actually, since people can put on a bathing suit any time, any day, and may even leave it on long after swimming...or shortly after, but then pulled from the house with no warning to change. who knows?

i just think sometimes people think in such a cut-and-dried way and i guess i find it frustrating. i think there's a lot of guilt to be shared in this case, that's for sure, but some things are being taken way too far by some who refuse to look beyond the scope of possibility vs. impossibility.
Yes...I think George is the one really openly grieving and AWARE...but watching him for all these months...he just always drew my attention in his eye contact or lack of, body language.

He is nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs...because he knows where this (not telling the truth/covering up) can lead.

Up to now he has semi cooperated with police...I still IMO do not think he has told them all he suspects or knows. I do think if anyone does, George will be the one to tell all he knows.

I agree. George seems to be the only one with his "internals" (character, morals, abilty to see things for what they truly are) in working condition. I just hope he chooses to use them rather than continue to be his families doormat. If he man's up this one time and tells the truth, it'll more than make up for every other mistake he has made in his life, IMO, unless he murdered his grandchild which I do not think is the case.
Yeah, listening again right now...she really ISN'T a good liar. What she is, is a good talker. She's a fast talker. She contradicts herself left and right during the interview at Universal.

Considering every single other thing she's said is so darned easy to expose...I think she's a horrible liar. Her parents were horrible listeners if they bought any of her BUll S.

Listen to cindy's tapes. She lies just as badly- if not worse than Casey does. IMO
this is exactly why i have always said

"give me a thief over a liar anyday"

some thieves steal to eat

liars are always MAJOR TROUBLE

but in this case... she is BOTH

A liar is a thief, they steal the truth from us. IMO
Nancy isn't the first talk show host to get ratings being rude to her guests-anyone remember Morton Downey Jr.? She is the first female to do it, I believe. As I remember she came to fame as one of GR's talking heads during the OJ trial. But, like her or dislke her-she's kept Caylee's story in the headlines, for that I thank her!:clap:

Bold red is mine. I have to agree with you Essies. I may not agree with NG on how she treats guests and her delivery of her comments to her producers but she is a victim's advocate first and foremost and had dedicated much of her life doing so. NG has worked countless hours on behalf of other people so I give her credit for that as well. NG is a good person, this world could use a lot more NG's.
I agree. George seems to be the only one with his "internals" (character, morals, abilty to see things for what they truly are) in working condition. I just hope he chooses to use them rather than continue to be his families doormat. If he man's up this one time and tells the truth, it'll more than make up for every other mistake he has made in his life, IMO, unless he murdered his grandchild which I do not think is the case.

I think GA is the only one NOT in denial-he's just playing the part. And playing it very badly. His body language, eye contact, blinking, stumbling over his words-he's a mess!! He is also a chameleon-when he's with LE he tries to be one of the guys. But, when he's with CA-he is her puppet. But, in either scenario-he acts nervous, like he's got stagefright or he's going to forget his lines. Guess that's why he needed his notebook-that's his script!:mad:
I have been pondering this one Panthera...I first she may have panicked and placed Caylee where she did...hoping that she would not be found...

Later, after listening to some of the Lee jail house tapes, and some of the parents...I think she was trying to lead THEM to finding Caylee...of course to blame the babysitter, but then Casey could be the griving mother OUT of jail.

Bold by me....Yes, I do think Kc was trying to give clues to CA and LA to where Caylee was. I also believe that KC thought that CA, GA & LA were actually out looking for Caylee.:confused:
I think GA is the only one NOT in denial-he's just playing the part. And playing it very badly. His body language, eye contact, blinking, stumbling over his words-he's a mess!! He is also a chameleon-when he's with LE he tries to be one of the guys. But, when he's with CA-he is her puppet. But, in either scenario-he acts nervous, like he's got stagefright or he's going to forget his lines. Guess that's why he needed his notebook-that's his script!:mad:
Oh, Essies, you are right on the money!
I agree. George seems to be the only one with his "internals" (character, morals, abilty to see things for what they truly are) in working condition. I just hope he chooses to use them rather than continue to be his families doormat. If he man's up this one time and tells the truth, it'll more than make up for every other mistake he has made in his life, IMO, unless he murdered his grandchild which I do not think is the case.

I think George will break under pressure finally...when the courtroom pressure becomes more of his time than time with Cindy. IMO.

I have just watched him in the backround and truely feel he is a mess of emotions. The rest of them are supremely arrogant and have something emotionally missing.

The mere fact that George implies suicide, giving his life to get Caylee's almost like he wants LE and the public to see him as, "hey, I am a good guy, really."

His getting out there every day and facing the public or driving around with the billboard, to me at least, was his begging for salvation in a way. Maybe penance?

Even his temper, he uses it against the protesters, goes after "the little guy"'s a cowardly thing, a bullying thing...but I'd bet he thinks of it as being the "protector" in his family.

Giving an aside to LE from the first...then not quite telling them what he thinks or knows...he is screaming inside in fear.

I think it's highly probable that he has helped in the cover up but did not do anything to harm Caylee. No doubt the cover up & media circus...but it's eating him alive. Fear of jail as I stated before....George would be, however distant, ex LE, high profile inmate.

He knows who is behind bars and he is afraid...he cannot call 911 on "them." He cannot go "after" the little guy...or have a big burly neighbor pull him back...

I know I am playing amatuer shrink WAY too much here :)...but I think this is probably the kind of thing George has been running from his whole life. I think George has run away a lot in his life...and you put it so well Lostgirl... "If he man's up this one time and tells the truth, it'll more than make up for every other mistake he has made in his life,"

I hope for his sake he does.

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