Nancy Grace Wed Feb. 4, 2009

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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caller asking about who is Caylee's father......again
DNA parentage under seal? Is this JG or someone else?
Odd discussion of possible treatment plan for George Anthony.

yes, I agree....I find it very odd that GA was allowed to go back to the same enviroment that made him so depressed in the first place.

Now NG shows tape that kc says she wants to see GA bcause he is the one kc is the MOST distant from.............
I had never heard of any dealings with Baez before this case. John Morgan of Morgan and Morgan has for many years been known as one of the largest ambulance chasers in Florida. Also, I have a relative who worked for him that agrees. Just rumors of course, guess my fingers got the best of me in my post!!

Mr. Morgan can chase all the ambulances he wants - AFTER he finishes with this case. I am loving every single minute of it. Don't care what other people think of him at this point, just enjoying the heck of how he and his office are running rings around the whole Casey team. I watched the motion hearing and it was vastly amusing.
Kathy.........doesn't know why attendees will be searched.


There are too many rights being accorded the accused and her family while the victim, Caylee lies in a box and cannot even be respectfully laid to rest -- to put KC's defense first.

I know! I can't wait until the Casey Show is finally over. It's going to take awhile, but eventually Casey's special treatment is going to end and end FOR GOOD-- when she's assigned her inmate number at the state prison. I think everyone is very excited for that day. She's so foul.
I know! I can't wait until the Casey Show is finally over. It's going to take awhile, but eventually Casey's special treatment is going to end and end FOR GOOD-- when she's assigned her inmate number at the state prison. I think everyone is very excited for that day. She's so foul.

I agree! Her fingerprints and DNA on the duct tape will seal her fate, like she sealed Caylee's mouth.:furious:
Another call about paternity questions about the father....God...somebody just go ahead and shoot me now.:banghead::banghead:
Great to see you back, LeLe1953!

I wonder what will happen if the Anthony's refuse to be deposed? If it is a valid subpoena, they should have to comply, IMO.

:blowkiss: Thank you. Can you imagine you or I DEMANDING everything be done OUR way or not at all. It is like the Anthony's have engaged everyone in a pizzing contest.

They did say on NG what I have said for a long time & that is that KC controls the remains of Caylee & SHE & she alone refuses to release them for burial. We know the autospy is complete as of Jan 4, I think. JB has given the cover story he might have to retest when the tox results come back. Like Nancy said though, tox is done on TISSUE, not bones & Caylee is laying in a box, all bones. It is only b/c KC is a spiteful b!tch, complete with
a first class ticket to hell, just like she told Lee.

Why on earth any of them would want to do a darn thing for her is beyond me. They should tell her they will pull the switch on old sparkey.


There are too many rights being accorded the accused and her family while the victim, Caylee lies in a box and cannot even be respectfully laid to rest -- to put KC's defense first.

Such is the system at this moment. Since the system was put into place, there have been so many new developments on all fronts. Oh that we could wave a magic wand and make it all perfect. But wait, it was never perfect. For many years it was anti-defendant. Now it seems to be pro-defendant.

How many years before we come close to perfecting the system? How many deaths go unavenged in the meantime? And how many innocent people go to jail in that time span?

Presently the focus is on the accused. It's a sad but true fact of life that nothing will bring back the victim of murder, but new methods might set the apparent guilty free.

It's also a point of fact that while we are in this flux of trying to incorporate the new methods, innocent parties might be found guilty.

It comes back down to the question asked for ages: Is it better to let one guilty go free at the expense of the innocent, or is it better to let one innocent suffer in order to capture the guilty?
Don't you think the A's attitude (especially KC) is just a reflection of the current trend in our society that people seem to have this false sense of "entitlement"? I see this alot here in NJ, especially in younger people ie teens-early 40's. "Its all about me", "I deserve x,y &z". Do the A's think LE and the public following this case are that stupid to blindly say, "Ok, whatever you say"? Do they feel any sense of embarrassment, shame or humiliation for their ridiculous lies? It should be obvious to them, that if they're telling the truth, they would have nothing to hide. You can bet CA is behind this new demand. For the love of Pete, eveyday is some new issue in this case that makes me want to bang my head against the wall and scream!! I wish, when this case is all over, we could have a huge WS Get-Together to just blow off steam; augh, cry, have a few stiff drinks cause this is making me nuts!!
It was stated on NG's program that there's nothing more to learn from Caylee's remains. The defense is holding them. I really think that it's goine way beyond the point where the defense should have concluded their examination and released the remains. The ME released the remains before Christmas. I think the only reason the remains haven't been released is because Casey is refusing to release them.
Lord, that video of Caylee in the nursing home talking and singing, always leaves a pit in my stomach!
I feel sick to my stomach when I watch that! And hubby says NG is exploiting little Caylee everytime she plays it,
Don't you think the A's attitude (especially KC) is just a reflection of the current trend in our society that people seem to have this false sense of "entitlement"? I see this alot here in NJ, especially in younger people ie teens-early 40's. "Its all about me", "I deserve x,y &z". Do the A's think LE and the public following this case are that stupid to blindly say, "Ok, whatever you say"? Do they feel any sense of embarrassment, shame or humiliation for their ridiculous lies? It should be obvious to them, that if they're telling the truth, they would have nothing to hide. You can bet CA is behind this new demand. For the love of Pete, eveyday is some new issue in this case that makes me want to bang my head against the wall and scream!! I wish, when this case is all over, we could have a huge WS Get-Together to just blow off steam; augh, cry, have a few stiff drinks cause this is making me nuts!!

Well said. It is a mix of 'attitude' together with a reinforcement of that attitude because of $$$$$$$'s.
I know! I can't wait until the Casey Show is finally over. It's going to take awhile, but eventually Casey's special treatment is going to end and end FOR GOOD-- when she's assigned her inmate number at the state prison. I think everyone is very excited for that day. She's so foul.
I can't wait to see the day!
oh- boy thanks for the updates everyone, late tonight.

OT/ i see NG brought back the necklace with a vengence

They are talking about the 6yr old little boy that is missing:( i hope they find him safe,
his entire family has already taking poly's and been cleared... see how that works?! he is learning disabled. $35,000 reward. NG was talking about this last week IIRC.
It was stated on NG's program that there's nothing more to learn from Caylee's remains. The defense is holding them. I really think that it's goine way beyond the point where the defense should have concluded their examination and released the remains. The ME released the remains before Christmas. I think the only reason the remains haven't been released is because Casey is refusing to release them.

I honestly believe that KC is not releasing them under JB's advice, he wants ALL of the discovery and to keep them, just in case. To find an error.
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