Nancy Grace Wed Feb. 4, 2009

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Didn't read all posts, but did anyone hear about the doc dump supposedly next week?!!!

I'm drooling... my husband rolled his eyes.. LOL
The same could be said for KC side:) I highly doubt they took her case because she was innocent. Just saying:crazy:

Well of course!!!! I thought everyone knew the drill here!! lol
I don't know about Florida, but depositions are not filed into the record here. If they are not filed into the public record, how can they be made available to the public? Is this JM going to release them himself? Sell them? What purpose does he have in the $15K defamation suit filed by Zenaida (NMI) Gonzales to release depositions of people who have nothing to do with naming Zenaida FERNANDEZ-Gonzales as the kidnapping babysitter? What am I missing? Anyone?

Is JM working as an agent of LE, trying to back into information via a civil suit wherein he proposes to video tape the deponants and release it all to the public? Shyster is what we call attorneys who behave this way. There is nothing to gain in his ZG representation by relasing this information and if anything, he loses any benefit of the doubt by insinuating himself and his client into more media coverage. He is adding to the alleged damages sustained by ZG!

Bad, bad lawyer! Sit!
I definitely see why it seems like ZFG's suit should have to wait-- but it's a tricky business. It's not ZFG's fault Casey is standing trial for first degree murder. Should plaintiffs' rights automatically be tabled just because they were wronged by someone who happens to be accused of murder?

It's KC's fault for dragging ZFG into this murder trial in the first place, why should ZFG have to wait to clear her name? Totally unfair. Par for the course, everyone is kowtowing to the As and it's shameful. There is no respect for the innocent people in this mess: Caylee and ZFG.
Didn't read all posts, but did anyone hear about the doc dump supposedly next week?!!!

I'm drooling... my husband rolled his eyes.. LOL

LOL Time to prime the coffee maker and cancel all appointments:dance: Figures it would be a week I have to study for a test though happens every time:crazy:
Well, I like John Morgan! I also do not think ZG should have to wait until after Casey's criminal trial. Furthermore, I think Casey's theft trial should go forward! Just call me :crazy: , but I say let's get this train moving!

I read way back when we first discussed the ZFG suit that perhaps they're not moving on the theft/fraud cases so they can keep them in their back pockets for a 'still gotcha' in the very unlikely case that KC is found not guilty for murder.

Does that seem like a reasonable way to proceed?

(Like you, I'd like to see some train rolling here, but if it's a good idea to sit on those charges... dunno)
It's KC's fault for dragging ZFG into this murder trial in the first place, why should ZFG have to wait to clear her name? Totally unfair. Par for the course, everyone is kowtowing to the As and it's shameful. There is no respect for the innocent people in this mess: Caylee and ZFG.

Because the rights of those who stand to make big bucks, in the millions of $$$$$'s supercede all other rights.
Roblyn, that little boy is more, way more, than just learning disabled. If he was kidnapped by a stranger they probably picked him at random, not knowing anything about him. It would have been apparent pretty quickly he was handicapped. As aweful as this is, my feeling is once they found out, they dumped him in the woods or some other remote area. He could not have survived on his own, most kids that age couldnt. Why they would not just release him at a Walmart parking lot, hospital or somewhere else is sad. He could not have said much to lead police to the suspect. I hate people that hurt little children, just hate them.

I'm so worried for him. It just never seems to stop. This poor child. The community is supporting the family and NG is bringing attention, hopefully someone will see and say something, and they will find him. And catch the B@$%^RDS that took him from his home.
OT-Cara'sMom, Not NG related at all

ITA that it is a HUGE problem as evidenced by my 401k plunging 30% last year. The whole world is it's why so many are unemployeed! Greed! screwed the whole dang thing up. I do also think the younger generations are lazy(not me:)except for the last few months due to ws) because they have been given everything or go for the easy buck. It is something that i work to balance with my son because he is so fortunate, it's why helping others is such a big thing for our family, i want him to understand that you have to study-work hard-help those in need- and laugh at all of it.:) I am hopefull that with the Economy in the tank it will cause a reailty check for many. I know it has me.

I'll bring the veggie tray... now there's a pete involved-gesh...maybe, he know's Kevin Bacon.:)

Now about G&C- Telling the Truth would really help them in begining to heal. Well, they can't even begin until they do...imho They are gonna have to hit ROCK bottom. G may have, i don't think CA has with Bracelet Gate and all...

I agree with you. One of the MANY problems with the A "children", they never learned to hear "NO" when they were little, so they won't accept that they don't get everything they want now. (evidenced by jail video of KC yelling at her parents)
Yes, I am from Florida for many years. He's had many years of experience as a personal injury attorney. God forbid you are ever in one, but I'd wish you all the best in your settlement after the attorney fees.
Yeah, but John has a city-wide barbecue bash every year with a live rock band.
Right, except GA & CA gave statements they have heard of the nanny for a long time.
So did the Rev.Grund. As soon as he said find another babysitter, she came up with a nanny and Zach and blah blah blah. It's in Rev.Grund's interview.
LOL Time to prime the coffee maker and cancel all appointments:dance: Figures it would be a week I have to study for a test though happens every time:crazy:

Soooooooo if you let us know everytime you are gonna have a test then maybe we would have a heads up that a doc. dump is coming,roflmbo:crazy::crazy::):blowkiss:
Mr. Morgan can chase all the ambulances he wants - AFTER he finishes with this case. I am loving every single minute of it. Don't care what other people think of him at this point, just enjoying the heck of how he and his office are running rings around the whole Casey team. I watched the motion hearing and it was vastly amusing.

J. Morgan and K. Mitnik are EXCELLENT attorneys. If you notice when NG introduces K Mitnik.. she always says no stranger to the courtroom. If you have ever seen Mitnik in court you will notice how judges treat him. He is respected. For the other poster who stated Morgan is just an ambulance is a stereotype. If you realy work or know the legal community in central Florida- then you know the cliques, relationships and inner circles within the judicial community. Morgan has hundreds of attorneys... the ones who start at the bottom will typically take on the smaller PI cases. Do a google search and you will see the multi multi million dollar settlements as well as the high profile clients affiliated with that firm. Depositions have been released in the past in other cases (unless sealed)... its a matter of asking the attorneys, clerk of courts. This is not something that is abnormal at least in Florida.

It is a little baffling about having the media at a depo... all I can say is that I think he is doing it on purpose to make everyone sweat. I'm sure he is enjoying it and finds it amusing.
I could be wrong, but I believe most juvenile records are under seal. If the father was not listed on the birth cert. and DNA testing was done, I don't believe that would be public.

Even if it was evidence in a murder trial? Don't know, just asking.
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